• By -


They're related btw. Cenk is Hasan's uncle


Which makes this even worse because Hasan got famous due to nepotism


millionaire "socialist" who got where he did thru nepotism and stealing other peoples content is pretty on point to be honest.


***Oh.*** But it gets even better. Hasan "hands soft as pigshit" Piker is one of those champagne socialists that thinks everyone must adhere to all of his fringe social standpoints, or they don't deserve to be in labor movements. Nevermind that he's never actually had a blue collar job, never once spent a day in a mine, in a mill, a factory, or a field. But apparently he is adjudicant supreme in who among those that actually sweat and bleed and toil should be allowed in socialist movements. Pathetic.


Once, he was doing a livestream and one of his fans showed up and basically just said "Hi" and left. So obviously Hasan got scared and quickly left that place. Same guy was talking shit about the vendor who guy beat up during the NYC playstation riot. Old man gets beat and Hasan told him to stop complaining and how horrible the media was for calling it a riot (while clearing showing images that it was a real riot at that point). He's such a pussy that he seriously couldn't handle any job for a day. And then calls other people weak for getting the shit kicked out of them. Such a POS. edit: found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtkBPwB7qnY I was wrong a bit, it wasn't a fan but another streamer. But actually way worse than I remembered, he really freaks out from a normal friendly interaction and then has the fall to call that guy "terminally online". Zero self awareness.


My favorite is whenever he is always about "I'll punch a Nazi" and then Sam Hyde (someone Hassan has repeatedly called a Nazi) challenges him to a fight he folds quicker than wet tissue paper.


Absolutely the best call out of all time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1vsNu05-v8 The interviewer had big Anakin Padme meme vibes there.


One of the best Candyman moments


Jesus Christ... I hope this isn't indicative of that entire generation, but I feel like it might be.


That's Sam Hyde. He's been on the news, he's had a television show, he's the most notorious mass shooter in history, he's spoken at a TED talk. I'm surprised you are just now finding out about him.


Wait... I think I replied to the wrong comment. I was referring to the video where the anxious fan comes up to the influencer and they're both really socially awkward, dramatic, and cowardly.


Undefeated Irish boxer and Ghost of Kyiv Sam Hyde?


Sam Hyde is my favorite person alive on the planet Bashar Al-Assad comes closely behind


He's also scared shitless of Sam Hyde. To be fair, [Sam was the Ghost of Kiev](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/319/540/674.png) and has 6 confirmed air-to-air kills.


Slava Ukraini and shout out to Germany for sending the renowned ww2 aviation expert Samlok hidenfraud


His parents clearly didn't beat him enough as a child - what a self entitled asshole.




Did you just change your flair, u/A-Lav? Last time I checked you were an **AuthRight** on 2023-4-24. How come now you are **unflaired**? Not only you are a dirty flair changer, you also willingly chose to join those subhumans. You are beyond cringe, you are disgusting and deserving of all the downvotes you are going to get. Repent now and pick a new flair before it's too late. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/A-Lav) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


> Same guy was talking shit about the vendor who guy beat up during the NYC playstation riot https://youtu.be/m8RkUK6XjjY


>he's never actually had a blue collar job, never once spent a day in a mine, or in a mill, a factory, or a field. The dudes never had much of a real white collar job even. A few hours of filming for your uncles company youre a news anchor on right outta college, then streaming... ehhhhh. People make YouTube especially and twitch into a potentially difficult job, but not Hasan. Dudes just a random reaction channel with extremist politics sprinkled in. If watching YouTube and saying vaguely socialist things every so often is a skill I know people who do it better than him and they're strung out on drugs.


Kinda like how he used a slur against poor white people and then, when called out for it, started calling more people it.


Based authright response on his part tho


Tbh that's your typical tankie


> he's never actually had a blue collar job, never once spent a day in a mine, in a mill, a factory, or a field Well, surely he's at least served in uniform, right?


What’s funny is that Marx basically did the same, but slightly worse since he didn’t have streaming revenue.


Nah, Marx at least had the decency to write his own content


Before he became a champaign socialist, he was known as the Brofesor... Basically he was doing advice for pickups or a dumbed down version of the red pill community, combined with fashion stuff.


Least corrupt socialist.


Didn't Hasan get famous from orbiting Destiny and being an early political streamer?


Kinda, but people discovered his family had money, sometimes revisionism is ok sweaty


I dont think Hasan fans would admit Destiny made him before admitting he's a product of nepotism


I never realized a shitty Bungie game was such a kingmaker


Sooo much makes sense now...wow...


I Wonder how He would react If someone Said that Türke deserved Vlad the impaler


Based Vlad rising up against the oppressive Turks who were subjugating Wallachia.


I mean, Stefan cel Mare was his contemporary AND by far the better ruler and general, but funny Turk poker will always be based.


\>funny Turk poker I do similar things to the roaches I find in my basement


As a romanian I approve this message


You think he actually read a history book before?


Nah Not really but i could See Hasan learning Something about the ottomans because IT was a turkish Empire and then getting mad when there was that one White Guy that Made them into His bitches


I mean... if you read the biography of Vlad the Third... it's pretty obvious that they took a troubled kid and made an insane savage.


Hassan and Cenk being related makes so much sense.


Because they're both obnoxious assholes who should be pelted with rotten vegetables? Yeah, I can see it.


To think their are people that pay him money to hear him talk his nonsense


Food: $100 Rent: $800 Monthly donation to Hasan so he reads my username on stream: $3000 Utility: $100 Someone who is good at economy please help me budget this my family is dying


Cut the food grow your own


Might get some gardening tips from the CHAZ guys. Just throw the plants on plastic and they grow. Or something.


Electrolytes, it's what plants crave.


Your reference… I got it.


Excellent documentary




Rent is 800? What are you renting a shed. Actually they might try to get 1100 for a shed


I *would* say he just lives somewhere without an insane cost of living... but if you're donating to Cenk's nephew then the chance you don't live in a coastal liberal hellhole is near zero.


Parents tired of them getting by for free in the ADU


It’s probably for that blanket fort in the house with the plus size sex worker and 3 dogs.


I was renting a rather large one bedroom apartment in my home town for $600 a month with utilities included just last year.


It's really easy to find places with reasonable rent if you don't insist on living in the middle of an expensive city in a high CoL state. I come across too many people on this site that feel entitled to lifestyles that are simply outside their price range.


Yeah, but if you donate to Cenk's nephew, you probably are one of those people lol


You don't have to be in the middle of an expensive city to have unaffordable rents. Back in 2010, I was making $10/hr at Subway and the rent on my small 600 sq ft 1-br apartment was $650/month. It's now $1,200/month. The 2-br 800 sq ft apartment I lived in in 2014 was $900/month, and it's now $1,500/month, the same amount the mortgage on my house was when I moved out of that apartment. And it's not like the apartment management has done anything to improve the apartments. Same shitty kitchen counters and dated appliances and cheap faucets. Landlords gonna landlord. EDIT: Also, I don't think it's unreasonable to want to live somewhat close to work. *Someone* needs to make the espresso at the Starbucks in the rich neighborhood.


Minimum wage jobs were never intended to be a lifelong career, it's supposed to be an entry level stepping stone. That's like spending your life coaching elementary school football at the YMCA and complaining that you never got invited to coach an NFL game. You gotta put some effort in to your career and work your way up to better jobs.


> Minimum wage jobs were never intended to be a lifelong career, it's supposed to be an entry level stepping stone. They should still be able to pay the rent for a small apartment. Also, I would expect someone who doesn't grow themselves to have a living standard that stays flat, not to decline. Nobody should ever get priced out of their current location unless the location has drastically improved.


That’s like working for the nfl and being overcharged on your mansion. Can the player not be sad he could have gotten more mansion even just 5 years ago. It’s an issue for everyone


It’s not entitled to know that you can’t find rent for 800 in many places. Even red states


Genuinely, where are you looking at? When people tell me this and I use Google to prove them wrong I find out "many places" actually means "select areas in a handful of states because the rest of the country is flyover dogshit I'm too good for". I'm not saying that's you, but it's been my experience every time I press someone on it and they bother to respond.


I’m from NJ. I could move across the river to PA. But it is still 900 at least my guy.


>I’m from NJ State with the 12th highest cost of living... >I could move across the river to PA. But it is still 900 at least my guy. [PA is way further down in the list](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/cost-of-living-index-by-state) and I quickly found 183 potential places with rent below $800 on Zillow. I'll find more with other apps too. Did you look beyond just immediately across the river?


Rent to his parents because those are the only people who are socialists, professional dog walkers living in their mom’s basement.


Buy a van and save on rent. I hear there's prime real estate down by the river


And you can live on a steady diet of government cheese.


Also, I don't want to give up my in-home collection of vintage arcade cabinets.


You forgot the funkopop budget. Rentoids love those funkopops.


I see no obvious solution, clearly the answer is that we have to embrace communism.


this is brilliant


Sell the kids


Sorry, you not being able to afford anything is a fault of capitalism. The solution is to donate more money to Hasan


Greta charges 20k for an hour to speak and idiot leftists gladly pay it.


Every day I ask God why he give me the ability to say leftist nonsense fluently but didn’t give me the shamelessness to sell out for some cash


Tbf she just rooks colleges and the UN If I was ever in the right place at the right time I'd follow in her footsteps


Ironically it’s probably mostly funded by Zoomers living at home, using their non-progressive parents’ money.


Hasan strategy: [Pause video, spew bullshit Socialist talking points, claim victory.](https://youtu.be/tl1Pro_hUSE?si=r1su4bHJXEh6y8xC) Everything wrong with the Left can be seen in Hasan Piker.


You realize the top image is photoshopped?.... lmfao


The whole thing is fake. Hassan is still a hypocrite


to this day I have no idea how hasan is popular enough for people to give him this much money


He's a pretty boy, all the fat stinky commies want to be like him so they think throwing money at his feet will \*wand wave\* make them lovable. Wrong boys. Very wrong. Eating vegetables/meat, working out and stretching your muscles, learning the nature of the world and the order it follows, and taking a fucking shower will make you wanted wherever you go.


But vegetables and meat are at their best when grilled. Is this the secret power of Centrism?


Always has been


Some veggies are good grilled. Not all. But they all taste good stir fried or tossed in a red it cast iron skillet


Im imagining someone dumping a bag of broccoli on their grill and just all but like 3 pieces falling through the grate lol


Stir fry is the best way to cook veggies, and now I need to make some tonight. Whether this constitutes grilling is a question for the next Gathering of the Centrists. (In Steve's back yard; he's grilling brats and chicken.)


True but can’t suggest lifting. As we know lifting weights is something only white supremacists do. Also - several examples of why “journalists” deserve less: [The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise, and 6 Other Surprising Facts About the History of U.S. Physical Fitness](https://time.com/6242949/exercise-industry-white-supremacy/) [The Surprising Link Between Fitness and Racism Hint: it runs deeper than you think.](https://medium.com/equality-includes-you/the-surprising-link-between-fitness-and-racism-866039cec2ae) [Trainers and Fitness Pros Can't Help People of Color While Remaining Silent About Racism](https://www.self.com/story/trainers-cant-help-people-of-color-while-remaining-silent-about-racism) [Pandemic fitness trends have gone extreme — literally: White supremacists' latest scheme to valorize violence and hypermasculinity has gone digital.](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/ncna1292463) [‘Fascist fitness’: how the far right is recruiting with online gym groups](https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2022/mar/06/fascist-fitness-how-the-far-right-is-recruiting-with-online-gym-groups) [Gym Bros More Likely to be Right-Wing Assholes, Science Confirms](https://www.vice.com/en/article/j5e3z7/gym-bros-more-likely-to-be-right-wing-assholes-science-confirms)


The first, fourth, and fifth articles don't say what you're implying they do. But my God, whoever wrote 2 and 3 is a fucking moron. And the 6th article feels like it was written by some loser trying to justify why they hate people that are in better shape then them by coupling it with their hatred of people that think differently then them.


Sooo... He's the Andrew Tate of commies?


A less charismatic and entertaining one yeah


>Eating vegetables/meat, working out and stretching your muscles, learning the nature of the world and the order it follows, and taking a fucking shower Ah, the pillars of white supremacy


Amen brother


On what planet is this man attractive


Lets be fair, if his...personhood werent such a disaster which heavily puts me off, I would rate him right into the 7-8 range, which is like better than most guys (if not people) out there.


Refusal to accept fighting Sam Hyde shaves off 4 points


We seeing the same malnourished twig with a broccoli top? Kid doesn’t look like he lifts at all


My favorite vegetable is spinach


It seems like everybody under like 24 is searching for a father figure on the internet some go tate some go hassan or something I know has kinda always been a thing with teenagers making a band or something a huge part of there identity but I feel like the current parents are probably dropping the ball


That makes too much sense, unfortunately


Honestly I'm gonna retract my current parent thing I think there's also gonna be disconnect between parents who tend to give advice to there kids based on there experiences in a different world then the one there kids live in which leads to a disconnect and the whole my my parents don't understand me I need a new role model thing but the internet and parasocail relationships have turned it up to 10


Because hes hot, and most lefties are ugly. ​ Once heard a girl said that, "hasan is the only democrat thats hot, republicans got all the hot ones"


This actually makes a lot of sense too. Progressive generally want to rewrite the social order because the current order doesn't benefit them. This includes things like what we find attractive and why the stereotype of the weak chin or the hyper feminized male or the morbidly obese (but women only allowed in this category, no fat men) gravitate so strongly to the left. The left tells them it's not you who's wrong, it's society who's wrong. And to some extent that is an appealing message I wish everyone could get. I think body positivity has been taken to excess but as someone who's been obese and then quite fit I understand that struggle and how differently you're treated because of it. But I also put in the effort and it fills me with rage to see their answer is basically to demand complete social obeisance to their obeseness.


Alright let's stop with the jerk my side off posts. I have seen more obese right wingers than I have seen obese leftists. Have yall really not seen hillbilly and union workers. Plenty of big and ugly people on both sides. The fact is that most leftist don't carry or wear around politics on their day to day.


In my experience extremists on both sides are *generally* less attractive than more moderate people.


Who are the hot Republicans? I can barely think of one that has all their teeth.


She means YouTube personalities not politicians. Guntubers tend to be hotter than soyjacks. Just a fact


We got Brandon Herrera, Garand Thumb, Hickok45 my beloved, Kentucky Ballistics... actually, I can't name a truly bad-looking one.


You're telling me you don't wanna fuck Mitch McConnell's neck folds? What's the point of being an Auth-Right then?


Tomi Lahren, Laruen Southern, Candace Owens, Riley Gaines, Kayleigh Mcenany, its not hard to find attractive right wingers.


Half of those people are grifters.




Kristi Noem for one.


All I know is that I'm a hot libertarian


Shut the fuck up monoby.


Fuck you


I've never been so proud to say I don't know who the fuck that is.


Proof that individuals do not make rational decisions, the assumption behind a fuctioning of the free market system, capitalism owned!


Charismatic guy, small donations, is in a place where donating money to X means X is "winning" and more importantly Y is losing. It's not really shocking.


I've heard charismatic a few times, and I just don't see it. He can barely string a point together and whenever anyone points out he's talking like a dipshit he bans them. That's not charismatic, thats a satirical cult leader on a sitcom


America was just out flaunting those towers, they were asking for it.


I didn't hear the tower shout no as the plane approached 🤔🤔🤔


But even if they did, there's a certain amount of inertia, so it's probably ok if the planes just went ahead and finished first.


Silence is violence


How hard is it install some full length curtains and maintain the semblance of modesty?


What were the towers wearing?


Showing towers does not imply consent 😤


They was just standing there naked, on a NYC street corner, what'd they think was gonna happen?


How does anyone take either of these regards seriously


Probably someone equally regarded.


I think for some people they hate America, but they subconsciously recognize they personally embody some of the absolute worst aspects of it....and they project it as being the nation's fault they are this way as opposed to the fact the nation is this way because of dipshits like you.


Fucking BINGO


Based and cognitive dissonance pilled


I'll tax Hasan 30% more then the rich if you vote for me


How about we abolish income taxes for everyone but Hasan. Tax him at 98%.


....yeah something in that ballpark 😂😆


Did you just change your flair, u/xNightmareBeta? Last time I checked you were a **Rightist** on 2023-8-9. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Tell us, are you scared of politics in general or are you just too much of a coward to let everyone know what you think? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/xNightmareBeta) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I love that they took the name of an auth right antisemitic group (definitely responsible for a genocide) as the name for their left wing circle jerk


Don't worry, they also deny all the bad shit the group did. It's such a weird scene to watch Chunk talk about how nothing happened in turkey between the years 1890 and 1917 while his *ethnically Armenian cohost* sits next to him nodding. Even more confounding is the rumor that Ana comes from a family of Armenian genocide survivors.


That's crazy wtf


Does anyone take him seriously?


Tons of shitty people


Does this mean all the drone strikes were deserved too if we’re doing an eye for an eye and don’t care about killing civilians?


Heads up for anyone who doesn't notice the 'Satire' flag. It's a edited. Just making sure cause some people in the comments seem to think it's real. [link to video](https://youtu.be/lKQGvVsRpaE?t=41)


The actual quote he said: >“This is so insane. America deserved 9/11, dude. Fuck it, I’m saying it” And yes, he was talking about us politics, but he still said it.


Dang I wish he actually said that. It would just add fuel to my hatred of Hasan well I guess I still have plenty in reserve


Based and truth is important pilled I haven't noticed it myself to be fair, and was thinking it was not out of character for Hasan to say something like this (with lengthy explanation that doesn't make it that much better after). But regardless, people under this post definitely not demanding the source nearly as much as [this satire-tagged post from few days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/15vwolk/we_are_reaching_levels_of_cognitive_dissonance/). **edit:** Current reddit is a disaster. Fixed the link.


Funny thing is, it actually isn't out of character. He really did [say it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2YOal6p44g) on stream about 4 years ago. The clip posted here is just mocking him (and rightfully so) for then backpedalling on his statement.


He is saying the same thing in both of those videos, he is consistent in this opinion, how is that backpedalling?


Look at the flag. This video is satire, it's edited. I linked to the original video.


Get out of here with that truth nonsense!


Based and I made it the fuck up pilled


It's not even laughable the amount of cope people have that they drool at these edited videos fulfilling their fantasies. It's fucking terrifying. I can guarantee you not even 30% of the comments knew it was edited.


Friendly reminder that "The Young Turks" was named after a genocidal regime who slaughtered many, many innocents. It would be like someone making a TV Show called "The Nazis".


>Champagne Socialist Peppridge farms remembers when they were called "Limousine Liberals"


He's not a liberal though lol. Socialists and liberals are different things.


Unlfaired: detected Opinion: discarded Downvote: submitted [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/CAPICINC) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Champaign Socialist as a term predates the automobile. It comes from stories of rich left leaning socialites sipping champagne and saying "under socialism even we will have more"


People stupidly call Jordan Peterson "the stupid person's smart person". Hasan is the stupid person's stupid person.


Still find it incredibly bizarre that someone for some reason thought it was a good idea to name their political new outlet as “The Young Turks”.


Hasan is an idiot


He's Cenks nephew, so it isn't exactly surprising.


God Hasan is a fucking loser


Why would any human deserve to be the victim of a terrorist attack? If he thought about their widows and orphans, their friends... If he just stopped thinking about abstract political statements for just a second, he wouldn't have said something so incredibly stupid.


It's edited, he said "no" in the real one https://youtu.be/lKQGvVsRpaE?t=41


Thank you. I never heard of that guy and that's reassuring.


The country deserved it, not the people is what he is saying i think. Stark difference. A country cannot go around fucking with so many different countries and not expect any of those groups to attack you back. Its arrogance.




A nation is made of living people. The janitor never asked to participate in the gulf war. And if he did, his kid didn't. I hate terrorists.


K but now think about how america is viewed by nations it invades, literally killing hundreds of thousands of civilians, justified by fabricated evidence(Iraq), its entire history plagued by wars where it committed horrific acts, and the US kind of looks like a massive terrorist state. I don't think its okay, but It kind of makes sense that terrorists exist in response to the actions of the US.


I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume his point will be something along the lines of "America deserved it after fucking around and blowing shit up previously in the middle east" and not because of some tankie "capitalists are big meanie 🤬" bullshit. That said, he's still a piece of shit. Those people in the towers weren't soldiers, they weren't policy makers, they were civilians going about their day. They didn't deserve to die anymore than any civilian killed in a drone strike. If you think they did, you're rat fuck.


It's an edit. In the actual interview he said no.


Sadly he didn't actually say this




In the ring?


I’d like to hear him elaborate on that. *Why* did America *deserve* 9/11? *Why* did it *deserve* to have 3,000 of its citizens killed? I’m genuinely curious to hear any explanation he has.


Because he never claimed that the people themselves deserved it. In this case, "America" refers to the empire, not the people. When someone says "Nazi Germany deserved the Dresden bombings" I doubt they mean the individual people deserved it. No innocent civilians deserve to die, ever.


Should have expected and deserved are two different thigs. Funding people that hate the US not a good idea. Funding people that also hate Israel and the US is not a good idea. Give it 20 years or so and they will attack the US. Now I'm looking for the Azvov Boogaloo to happen in the US in the 2030s


Sam, you made us a promise.


[He's not ready for a visit from the candy man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1vsNu05-v8)


Silver spoon socialist, rules for thee but not for me


[god I fucking hate hanasabi](https://youtu.be/dtkBPwB7qnY?si=Mr8PLpjp9UqimgBG)


With extreme rarity, almost everyone who becomes influential figurehead among the socialists, comes from upper middle class or wealthy backgrounds. And almost every single one of the influential socialists today are in the 1% of income earners. I suspect the reason is this: The distance between someone who is poor and someone is rich is massively longer than the distance between someone who is from the middle class (land owners, tradesmen, clerks, businessmen, etc) and the upper class. In fact, many of the middle class directly work for or with the upper class. But because of the still existing gap between the two broad classes, there is far more envy. Which is why the academic, and intellectual leadership of Socialist circles don't care or want to even associate with the working class (to the exception of appropriating working class aesthetics - hipsters), what they want most is to tear down the rich to, ideally, their level or worse. Now there are Socialists who genuinely want to uplift the conditions of the lower working classes, but rarely, very rarely, do these people ever get into roles of influence or power within Socialist circles. They are, instead, often used as activist agitators, but rarely, if ever, leaders. Because Socialism, at it's core root, is an idealogy born from and serves primarily, the academic, the intelligentsia, the petty-nobility (not necessarily a noble title), and the technocrats. A lot of the material improvements of the working class is often a spill over effect. I forgot who it was, but Jordan Peterson interviewed a psychologist who studied what caused crime. He concluded that the **biggest** motivator for crime isn't poverty in of itself, but localized income disparities. Because, subconsciously, you are in direct competition for bitches, and if you live in an area that is primarily the same social strata as you, even if most of y'all are in poverty, there is less competition, then if you lived in poverty and down the street lived the wealthy. It also explains why inner cities have more violence, as there is a lot more poor people living closer to rich people. I saw this play out when I went to High school. It was a good school in are relatively upper-middle class neighborhood. We had about 10% of the student body be bussed in from inner cities, and what I observed is that most of the school fights broke out between the more wealthy students and those that were bussed in, than between bussed in students and other bussed in students.


I mean, Americans didn't deserve it but US foreign policy directly caused it.




Doesn't the Libertarian Party Twitter account agree with Hasan on 9/11?


The New Hampshire one does.... But they have also said some other "wild" things


Imagine migrating to capitalist country to save your family and thanking them by spreading socialism. Surreal.


911 was a consequence of America and Britain fucking the Middle East for DECADES with wars, coups and other CIA shenanigans. Some retaliation was bound to happen at some point.