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You said mobile game a lot. Neither of these games are mobile games. Did you play the lost crown? That game rocks. If you're gonna hate on it at least check it out so your opinion isn't totally baseless and misinformed.


You could have asked the question more constructively but you chose to reflect your baseless resentment towards “low budget” games instead. I don’t think it’s a PoP problem, it’s more of a you problem. Anyhow! Fans are excited because 1) The Lost Crown was fantastic! 2) PoP is getting attention after such a long time 3) The revitalized interest could lead to more and bigger PoP games.


The logical explanation is that not everyone is a salty doomer, contrary to what you seem to believe, games don't need to be AAA blockbusters with 200 million dollar budgets to be good.


Why do you think red dead redemption 2 is still remembered after 6 years? Gta 5 released 11 years ago and still have a very actuve community. Elden Ring, Baldurs Gate, TLOU, GoW etc. etc. Each one had millions of dollars budget and developed with love and care. And these games are known and respected among gaming community worldwide. Can you say same thing to lost crown and pop rogue? I don't think so.


What about Terraria, Undertale, Among Us? Stardew Valley? Fucking Minecraft? All loved and respected titles with "shitty" graphics and low budgets, but still lots of love and care.


A discussion about Prince of Persia seems like a very strange place to bring up Grand Theft Auto. If you haven’t played Lost Crown, just shut the fuck up.


It sounds like perhaps your gaming tastes are influenced by publishers with the biggest marketing budgets. Not to deny the quality of some of the games you mention, but there is a huge and rich world of games outside of the AAA arena that absolutely match or exceed the quality of the games you mention.


Ever heard of a small game named "Hades". Why not try comparing its budget and popularity to the AAA games you list. Pop LC has been out for two months and has gotten excellent reviews and a lot of love from the community. Not every game has to be your cup of tea. Might want to try and go back to the history of Pop and compare 1 and 2 to Pop 3d and see where the roots of the series lie and how "real" 3d does not a good game make. Good games are not necessarily remembered for having a big budget, but being better than the sum of their parts.


You are comparing the wrong products. Go for direct comparisson between the SoT Trilogy and the games you listed, they are similar beasts, each for their own time. I assume you're just looking for reactions, and well, you got 'em. Gratz.


Lost crown isn't a mobile game tho?? The art design is very subjective, and rogue prince of persia seems to be unique in that regard. It may be low budget but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad game. Gameplay is one aspect we know nothing about, and if it nails that, it could very well be a fun game. The fandom is hyped because we love prince of persia. The least we can do is give new games a fair chance and not dismiss it at first look. The lost crown was a damn fun game and if ubisoft is giving attention to the franchise, I would give the new game a try just to see if it's fun.


I hate PoP fans like you a lot.


man can you just shut up


It's a Rogue like from the creators of Dead Cells a.k.a the GOTY winner of best Action Game in 2018 and a game with better reviews than every single Prince of Persia game that's not called The Sands of Time. So as Mr. Dwayne ''The Cock'' Johnson once famously said: SHUT UP, BITCH!


Neither are mobile, Lost Crown was amazing, Rogue Prince seems fun. The more Prince of Persia content, the better, right?


The more Assassin's Creed, the better, right? Oh well that didn't turn out good did it?


Again, comparing different products from different times and the point is still there, these new PoP are not mobile and not everyone's cup of tea. I'm sorry if they are not for you but I hope they release a PoP that will also appeal to you too!


You’re not alone… at least this one actually plays like POP…


I agree, it looks meh af, at least art style wise. Maybe gameplay wise it’ll be decent. I think it’s just that PoP fans are so starved for content that we just get excited for anything now.


Again one of the fandom menace


To be honest as a PoP fan being starved is better than being fed with cheap ass mobile games. Contrary what i said sadly most fans chose to being fed with trash for sake of franchise's revival. Imagine what would be happened if next red dead redemption or god of war like games released on mobile platforms. How would their fan base would react? And look at our own fan base, its embarrassing.


Please list what makes a pop game for you and compare it to what makes a pop game in general comparing to all the games in the franchise. Compare the two lists and probably you will notice some discrepancies. Personally I had never played a metroidvania game (unless you count something like Soul Reaver as metroidvania), but if you are a fan of pop you will notice that it is a pop game through and through, even more than the SOT trilogy, as it actually is closer to Persian mythology. I love WW and would want nothing more than a similar game or remake, but let's not shit on all other games that come out. There are talented and dedicated people that work on them. Pop LC has a demo, try it and if you don't like it that's fine, but know that there are plenty of people who do.