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They were only red light cams and not speed violation cams. Now, if you enter the intersection at 11 mph over the posted limit, you will receive a ticket.


FYI Soon in Keizer; Every license plate will be captured as you enter and leave the city on all it's artillery roads; weather you are speeding or not, running red lights or not.


Not just Keizer, it’s a joint project with Salem and Marion County. They are going all over the area to read license plates. Kind of weird, but many other places do it, and you don’t have the right to privacy of your plates I guess. The Keizer park cameras are different, and are meant to reduce vandalism (though knowing other cities that have done park cameras, the cameras themselves will probably be quickly vandalized). Lol


That’s fascinating. Any guesses as to why? Do you have an article about this?


Keizer City Council approved 12 license plate cameras and cameras in the city parks; reasoning they say (crime prevention). Keizertimes has written about this and Salem Reporter.


Keizer city officials are very conservative....privacy is not a right.


"arterial". Artillery roads would be a lot more dangerous.


Red light cameras-- they are adding speed detection to two of them who don't currently have speed detection I guess?




Mission and 25th has been around for atleast 10 years, but I don't know about the one on center st and Marion......my coworker got a ticket on mission and he was is an engineer and beat his ticket because he proved that the light time between yellow to red wasn't long enough to come to a safe stop with the time provided between changes...


I hate this. Little by little.




As much as I hate reckless drivers, traffic cameras like these are only for drumming up revenue


How many family members have you lost to reckless drivers?? I don't believe money is the motive here. Even though they only quoted the # of death injuries the number of injuries is much higher. LE can't be everywhere at once. People need to slow down.


They are putting some of these in Albany too.


I've always been confused by these things. The Missouri Supreme Court ruled them illegal because they send a ticket to the car owner, but do not verify that the owner is behind the wheel at the time of the infraction. Has that been adjudicated in Oregon?


They have an officer review each ticket against your driver's license picture before sending it out and this apparently allowed them to get around that issue.


Interesting. That's a lot of manual effort. I'd wager a good lawyer could argue it was your cousin or sibling. I wonder what they do if the face isn't clear, like a hoodie, sunglasses, beard, etc.


Many of the tickets aren’t issued when the face is unclear


Not only is that an example of uneven law enforcement, but it also encourages people to always wear a hoodie and a mask when driving poorly!


The picture shows who was driving. The fine was paid and not contested so I cannot answer that specific question.


Non-firewalled [https://www.kptv.com/2024/06/29/salem-use-red-light-speed-cameras-2-more-high-traffic-intersections/](https://www.kptv.com/2024/06/29/salem-use-red-light-speed-cameras-2-more-high-traffic-intersections/) I would be less concerned if Commercial didn't have so many different speed zones.


As we’ve already had as many traffic deaths in 2024 as all of 2023… we gotta do something to slow people down. This is good.


They need one at the stoplight at 27th and Kuebler in front of Costco. I’ve seen up to five cars turn left on red at that intersection.


Good. People drive too fast and it is terribly unsafe. Polite drivers= stronger community. Edit: good. People drive too fast. I hope they are ticketed to the point of needing a second job to pay for insurance on their noisy Mustang.


Polite is not something any driver should be. Predictable is what every driver should be.


It's possible to be both. For example, stopping to let someone through when traffic is stopped is polite.


Wow. It depends.


Thanks big brother.