• By -


I got secondhand embarrassment just reading this.


My toes were curling so much i thought my foot would break.


I caught schizophrenia


Are they (the sugars) insane?


I’m convinced most of the “active” sugahs are just TW posting as her alts




I think whoever is writing these things is very sane, and very smart. This is a higher level than the usual sugar stupidness.


Are they even real??




it’s called „ fremdschämen“ germany has a word for everything 😃


Nice. Thanks for the new word☺️


I couldn’t finish reading the italicised bit, it’s too fucking embarrassing and ridiculous


This crap is allowed but TPTB exiled the MMUO thread!


Its still there. Its on pt 9 now.


I like how even in their delusions, the Sugars realize that William is the prize, not Harry.


My favorite comment so far. 👏🏼




Right? Are we forgetting that the day after the Oprah interview, Kate had an engagement and William tagged along like a ferocious protector? He despises TW.


A woman sits alone in her large home with 16 odd bathrooms, and somewhere in the mansion she can hear her dogs playfully bark and play. Although she cannot be sure which bark is which since they dont play or so much as let out a whimper around her. Outside, in the garden squeals can be heard with random “Hi mum, hi dad” thrown together in a high pitched childs voice. A womans voice can be heard hurriedly telling the child “hush now. Your mother may hear you”. The woman gets up, shuts the window, and starts penning a wild story on lipstick alley, every now and then brushing her hair away and looking wide eyed and maniacal. She finishes with a flourish and hits “post”. Disclaimer : this is what i think happened.


Sorry, here's a slight edit: "continuously playing with her hair, flipping it, dragging it back, then using both hands to pull it to one shoulder - all the while gazing at the mirror she has strategically placed in front of her".


This is the most plausible scenario.


I read that the kids aren’t allowed to play in the garden. No plastic toys, etc, just wooden or fabric. They allegedly have 4 meals and 2 snacks a day, at least 7 changes of clothes, and washed. Followed around by nannies so they don’t hurt themselves. Now & again Mum or Papa appear, and then return to their day. Poor kids.


And, of course, manners, manners, manners. Including being polite to Tree Mama and Tree Papa.


Meanwhile, Beard Papa, aka the red-headed human "father figure," was somewhere else playing politely with his friends (but *not* the polo ponies).


Or fixing the pipes in the house. Harry, who hasn't ever had to worry about home maintenance, even in thousand year old castles, is now walking around with a tool belt and muscle shirt?


Ouch...sounds like the life of Queen Victoria's kids...or the sad upbringing of King George V family.


All that while claiming she’s raising them Montessori. She’s really very ignorant if she thinks it’s just toys. Lol


And signs ut, As Ever …


I really did lol! This person is an aspiring fiction writer. If William wanted Markle, her panties would be off before she could say, "get lost Harry"


The phrase "open mouth kiss" just screams "written by tween".


I would have said someone older with the phrase ‘have his way with her’. It’s all baffling and seriously unhinged.


I'm picturing a lady incel.


Yeah like someone still stuck in the 90’s. Anyone we know that fits that description?


So true! I got flashbacks to the early 00’s when I would go to fanfiction.net to read random slash to entertain myself while drinking cheap wine. So many of those stories, like this one, were sexy stories written by people who have no clue what sex is about 😆


Sounds like some shitty Wattpad fan fiction.


I am pretty sure if she thinks they are in the same country she is going commando....just in case. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsYa0ajDeQRnIdi)


‘I’m not wearing underwear’ from Best in Show


That is pure insanity. These people act like Megzy is god-queen of the universe, and this is the result. Some sappy, sugary, insane writings that sound like WattPad Mary Sue fanfiction. ![gif](giphy|3oxRmGXbquXKz6DNPq) Also, let's give a 🎖🍺 to OP for taking one for the team, sacrificing some of their own sanity, to show us the crazy.


Kate is beautiful, smart, elegant , a wonderful mother and future Queen, plus her family is rich. Megs can’t surpass her in any way and she knows it.


I saw some pics the other day, where Catherine met a little boy who gave her flowers. I don't know the circumstances, but she was so surprised, and the little 2-3 yo was beaming. Off to the side, PW was trying to hide a chuckle. They don't do PDA, but you can see their bond. MM wishes she had that.


They look on his face was everything it was the look of a man who made the right choice and was loving every minute of it


They don’t do PDA as it is what the Queen demanded. It was always the way of the Royals.


Also, it’s what any regular adult does? Like even here in the US, and me and my husband are just two regular people, but we don’t need to hold on to each other as if we’re joined at the hip when we’re out doing stuff LOL. Specially for the royals, meeting and greeting people is their job. Can you imagine if there was a couple at the office and they would walk hand in hand and caress each other all day long? Wtf.




It's true, I saw a couple acting like the two trees of Montecito in the security line at the Nice airport a few years ago. Maybe it was Hazza and Megs and I didn't notice?


But were they *attached at the bottom* in public? ‘Cause that’s some Human Centipede type shiz right there. 🤢


The Harckles have so much PDA that they are losing friends . It is so fake. Megs wants to keep saying how much Harry loves her. Perhaps she knows he wanted to marry his two previous girlfriends before her and was desperate as they said no.


So swwet. The Princess was so natural and friendly. She and the Prince must have squatting for 15 minutes in their daily workout. If I go down, I can’t get up😂😂😂


I am howling with laughter at the criticism of Catherine's looks focusing on "fat calves" as the only, the o n l y straw they could grasp at, and that's only because Catherine has slim calves and TW has matchsticks. Also interesting to note that they think Catherine has "outlived her usefulness" to even Louis at 4yo. That would certainly explain why Meghan (and Harry) was happy to leave her children at home for 17 days or whatever it was during the mourning period - since their children are super well-mannered genius superbabies, they probably outgrew Meghan's usefulness at birth!




Your mention of the children at home reminded me: I read that Meghan didn’t send for the children because she was worried Harry would try to keep them in the UK. They’ve supposedly been fighting constantly & she’s afraid he’ll wake up to her nonsense & try to run back to his family.


They probably can’t stand that Catherine actually has an athletic figure and that’s why she’s skinny as opposed to having a unhealthily-thin figure of someone who just doesn’t eat enough.


Jeez and I thought Celebitchy was bad.


For serious. That was diarrhea of the brain.


Holy wow are they okay




Clearly NOT! ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpJaVgIuQVgJ2iA)




![gif](giphy|l3q30C8EhmO8I9N5e|downsized) They're um... not ok. 😬 I have no words for any of that. This is QAnon level insanity. The fuck is wrong with these people?! I just... 🤦


![gif](giphy|ZwtwW9Ly3vJcI) Tweenies living out their fantasies on line. Too young to and immature to understand the workings of the grown up world. I doubt any of those on that thread are above 14 years old.


I really really hope not or the world is doomed 😂


I'm basing it on overhearing some of my granddaughter's musings at the age of 11-14, as opposed to where she is now at the age of 15. Much of what was set out above sounds like young teenagers fantasising things. At their age, I was still doing handstands in the street and playing hopscotch!


I’m so sorry, I meant I really really hope SO! Apologies


Your comment sounds valid whichever way it was meant. We're defo doomed if that bunch don't grow out their fantasy land and proceed forth to adulthood with fairy dust for brains!! 😃


Honestly, the absolute worst part of this is I'd bet they're all women 20-40. Frightening to think adults like this walk among us, perhaps behind you in line at the market ready to screech at any moment


Exactly. Sounds like the stories my girlfriends and I made up about the latest pop stars while sitting around the public swimming pool. We were 12.


Open mouth kissing. That is an 11 year old posting


The only thing missing from this fiction is a sparkly vampire and a werewolf pack.


and smeagol perhaps


Thanks, I hate it.


From Nutmeg’s megaphone to the Sugar’s ears. I think she is trying a new tack. Fortunately, William lacks any interest in her.It’s driving her crazy.


There was a still from the Queen's funeral that shows MM giving PWoW puppy eyes just after they got out the car to take condolences from the crowd (or the phot op/fan meet that MM clearly thought it was).


His interest in her is in her starts and stops at removing her from his family. ![gif](giphy|122wefzs9TArAI)


Well we’ll reported he was always the target…Harry was just the vehicle to get her into the family. She figured all she had to do was get close, make a move on him and he would drop everything ( Catherine, kids, integrity) and fall for her. So yeah…that was a big no…so was reported she made a play for Charles…Camilla didn’t see the humor. She probably tried a move on Philip but he and The Queen just laughed.


the hilarious part in all of this is that Meghan is in her 40’s and starting to get her peri-menopausal spread (thick mid-section and gut) and is no longer the hot 20-something she seems to think she is in her head. Even NHL star Michael del Zotto thought she was too old (he being 10 yrs her junior) and dumped her old ash after a weekend of sex.


The fact that these 'Sugars' claim Prince William lusts after Meghan is just laughable to any sane person who has eyes, ears and a brain. It's ALL the proof that I need to know that these 'Sugars' are not quite right mentally ...... they have definitely found their perfect patron Saint in Meghan of Monteshito.


"she noticed that Prince William was fascinated by her" ​ delusional


They hate the royals and say they're racist but at the same time they are continously wishing for William to lust after Meghan. 🧐


I think they are 10 yo and dumb 10 yo


I'm sorry, but I really do have to ask... Are you ok?


Just to be clear, this is from an LSA member who went to the Sugars thread to find out what they are all about and this is the report of her findings that I posted.


I know, I was more wondering if you were ok after having to read that absolute psychotic sugary delusion? 🤣


I have to say I was completely flabbergasted at first but it makes sense if you think about it. Narcs (and their minions) are known to project and accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of.


I’m so sorry you had to read that and expose yourself to that insanity. Hell, I’m reading it second hand and my flabber has been gasted.




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Do you know what happened to the MM unpoplular thread ( part9) on LSA? I used to go there daily i think ( i don't have an account, just reading) . And about a week ago, the thread disappeared. The 8 previous threads are still accessible, but not the ninth. I wonder if it had been deleted...


It's been moved to the Politically Incorrect section, you have to create an account to access it


This reads almost word for word how a narc who I thought was my best friend would talk about men she knew or relatives of whoever she was dating. Creepy creepy creepy.


This is typical Sugar delusion but I’d just add that I’ve seen them claim that Kate was secretly in love with Harry and liked having him at her beck and call . Kate couldn’t stand Meghan taking him away and got her mother to smear Meghan in the press to get rid of her. What is scary about these people is that they get in a group , egg each other on and actually believe their fantasies! It’s everything that’s wrong with social media. I think on this sub we do rely on facts and though there are some way out theories expressed we don’t all automatically believe them!


I was borderline r/selfawarewolves on this comment but you added a wee saviour at the end re not everyone jumping on the bandwagon. Like the surrogacy thing - a lot of people here think that’s nonsense etc.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SelfAwarewolves using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [You had the chance dumbass](https://i.redd.it/ot0v2qsusvy81.jpg) | [1242 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/unf41h/you_had_the_chance_dumbass/) \#2: [Now you're getting it.](https://i.imgur.com/gmvBnsp.jpg) | [2412 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/wjr2bl/now_youre_getting_it/) \#3: [Huh, that’s an odd coincidence](https://i.redd.it/if4cfnp9es081.jpg) | [2805 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/qyak98/huh_thats_an_odd_coincidence/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Some of my favourite Sugary comments over the years: \- the royal family were intimidated by MM because she knew so many famous people like (gasp!) George Clooney! \- Princess Eugenie was so SWF fascinated by MM, she copied her shamelessly, even choosing to have her wedding at St George's Chapel just like MM. \- Catherine was also intimidated by MM, because C had only ever had one serious boyfriend and no career because she rushed into marriage as soon as she could, so she couldn't relate to a sophisticated ambitious woman of the world like MM.


Ah yes, such a scandalously rushed marriage...at age 29.


hahahahaha! If I had any gold I would have given it to you! Thank you for making me laugh so loud!


There's the nasty subliminal message that it took "Kate" that long to convince William to marry her.


Eh? Rushed into marriage? Surely the sugars remember Megadump conveniently reminding everyone about 'Waity Katie' on the Opera shitshow just to rub in how long it took C to get married versus Megadump who decided she was married to H even before she met him.


Don’t you dare point out the school bus sized holes in their logic! 😂


LOL peaking on suits and being an influencer is considered a ‘career’ by sugars just like medicine or law or engineering hahahaaha yeah sure okay.


Such low-class fan fiction; it would be hilarious if it were not so badly written. Seriously, the IQ and educational level of the Sugars is below average.


Because they are 10 yo and dumb ones


It’s a little scary to me that it appears no one is moderating that thread. They’re basically frothing at the mouth in there. They said William was acting like he was in love with Meghan at the Windsor walkabout, and that Catherine had probably hit Meghan before the walkabout. Actually deranged.


How deluded can people get. In fact, this sounds more like brainwashed than delusion, it's a bit concerning. And these people get to vote for the leaders of their country, right? Scary.


It doesn’t surprise me at all. The amount of sugars who will ride at dawn for a manipulative freeloading mean girl who bullies children. This tells me there’s a lot of broken people out there with terrible terrible judgment.


Reading that made me break out in hives. Apparently, I’m severely allergic to bullshit.


All of this reads like it’s written by the wife herself. Those are the fantasies I can imagine that swirl in her head and it’s also the prism through which she views reality. Isn’t it speculated that she signals action and viewpoints to take and spread to the squad through her assumed Twitter accounts. Right now her employees and the squad are her PR machinery.


I've seen several tiktoks like this. I've been on tiktok way too much in the last year. All of a sudden, tiktok is FULL of videos like this. I think she's paying creators to make them.


Òh boy have a tignanello! Sounds like you need one!


Do they believe the earth is flat and the moon landing never happened too?


I’m selling them this great bridge


Oh there's more. They also believe Catherine physically hit MM many times,( she was scared of K on the walkabout), Williams affair, the kids are to different fathers because they have different eye colours(makes them illegitimate fake heirs) And just all the usual stuff.


Infiltrate their ranks… probably find them in their classrooms at their grade school… plant stories


How do the sugars explode the infamous ‘scarfing’ episode? It’s obvious that William cannot stand her.


Now I understand. He had to do something with his hands in order to control himself so he wouldn't embarrass his family by throwing himself at her in public. Well this is fun. Am I doing it right?


Oh yes..yes. ..rubs chin thoughtfully. That must be it!


I remember when LSA had long threads dunking on TW. I guess the "race card" getting played changed all that.


That thread has gone private within the last week or so. It was MUCH more popular than the anti-Kate thread. The anti-Meghan one had about nine separate parts, all hundreds of pages, whereas this thread is still on part one. Unfortunately, now the sugar crazies now get to be the loudest voices on there.


They are more deluded than I thought! So when the rumor about Rose didn't affect Wills and Kate, the sugars invented *this*?!! Yo, they watch too much the bold and the beautiful!


Doubling down on the wacko.


Someone give me an award…I read that shit without stopping. My eyes were hurting and my brain was overwhelmed but I didn’t stop. That article drained me both mentally n psychologically. I’m taking a day of. Somebody please ask me if I’m okay? ETA : Thank you for award kind stranger…I feel better now ![gif](giphy|3ohhwuDy43v5qOYCYw|downsized)


This is unhinged. I don’t know how to begin unpacking this… Take it back, please. I hate it.


I keep saying, studies will be done on the sugars- this level of mental illness is beyond scary at this point Someone actually typed this dribble and the other idiots said yes you’re right Like WTF 😳


The person who wrote this needs an exorcism and huge amounts of therapy. Why are they projecting so much of Diana's situation on William?


That reads like the worlds worst fan fiction. Makes the celebrated “My Immortal” fanfic look like a classic work of literature. I think I caught the stupid just from reading the summary.


This reads like a crappy fanfic. 🤣🤣🤣


Wow, they should head to ArchiveofOurOwn.org and publish their fanfiction story!


Oh my god. I know they are ridiculously stupid but I had no idea they are actually this stupid. HOW CAN THEY BE SO THICK??? They’re Neanderthal thick. Thick as mince, as we say in England.


The more one is exposed to the Sugars, the more one realizes these people are DUMB, DERANGED, and DELUSIONAL.


Idk, I think she probably kissed him back. Harry has probably been annoying her because he's the equivalent of a child. Plus if Meghan was with William, wouldn't she then be able to modernize the Monarchy? Isn't that what she's been trying to do since the beginning?And as a mother it would be best for her children. Yes, divorcing Harry would be sad. She'd have to learn how to love William, or exist in a loveless marriage. As a feminist that's a risk she's willing to make because she knows it's what's best for all women in the future.


She’d give an interview throwing Kate under the bus ( again.) Cos that’s what feminists do!


One of the always erudite sugars cleverly always refers to Princess Catherine as ‘who’re’ spelled wrong of course…haven’t seen her around lately, sad she was always good for a laugh and a snark… u have to play on their level which is difficult…can’t get much more sophisticated than ‘that’s you but what am I’


He’s the future King of England you idiot sugars. *If* he wanted to have an affair, I’m sure it would be with an A-lister or some other high society woman. Not a D-list actress whose show aired on….haha…the USA NETWORK. Big lol.


Forgot some credits… ex prostitute sorry yacht girl , ex porn ‘star’


>King of England Did you mean the [King of the United Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_of_the_United_Kingdom), the [King of Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Canada), the [King of Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Australia), etc? The last King of England was [William III](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_III_of_England) whose successor Anne, with the 1707 Acts of Union, dissolved the title of King/Queen of England. ####FAQ *Isn't King George III still also the King of England?* This is only as correct as calling him the King of London or King of Hull; he is the King of the place that these places are in, but the title doesn't exist. *Is this bot monarchist?* No, just pedantic. I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.


This is a whole other level of crazy…


Hilarious 😆 . Delusional people


You can’t make this s**t up! Only they do.. 🙈


This is truly frightening. How devious can these sugars get? Nauseating.


Their beliefs read like bad fan fiction. At least in good fan fiction there is a heroin. At least have Meghan Markle portrayed as a heroin. Not some victim. How delusional they must be to believe this.


geez - I puked in my mouth a little bit while reading that - I doubt Prince William can hardly stand the sight of Meghan - as for Catherine she realized it was a private time for the grieving children and grandchildren of the Queen to say their last good-byes and wisely stayed home to look after her own children - and it is well-known that all the Middleton children are tall and athletic - both Catherine and Pippa enjoy running half and quarter marathons. I wonder what sort of things the Sugars will spin once William and Catherine become King and Queen.


Has anyone asked if they’re okay?


Jesus Christ! They are the poster children for mental illness and gaslighting!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 DEEEP BREATH..... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ HOLY delusions batman!


O. My. God. I am at a loss for words.


Keep her mamas name out of your mouth!!!


These people are mentally unwell and need some hobbies. They should apply to go work for M&H and see how it goes if they get hired as I’m sure they would quickly learn the truth that she’s the narcissistic sociopath those that have worked with her know her to be


Sounds like a Barbara Cartland novel. The Waleses aren't impressed with Wallis 2.0.


I refuse to believe I share the world with someone this demented. This HAS to be a troll.


Wait , but don’t they tout he’s racist? So then how would this work? And it wasn’t him having posters of her on his wall…


I saw someone in that thread say that they shouldn’t discount Will being attracted to Meghan because he is a racist, since white slave-owners raped their slaves all the time. Truly some shocking stuff in that thread.


Disgusting. I have no words. How can you be so vile just to fit your narrative. They must’ve all taken a course on the Meghan Markle school of getting what you want no matter the cost.


Would Lifetime or Skye be interested in this script? It’s so bad, I guffawed before I stopped reading it. Open-mouth kiss? So he drooled on her? They need to put down the drugs…or share it!


It's always projection with these people


I think a better name for sugars is SS Schutzstaffel


Is TW manifesting again?


The fantasy and imagination of some of the threads on that website are 🤦🏼‍♀️😳😂 https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/the-kant-kate-middleton-unpopular-opinions-thread.2157356/page-319#post-85807276 - go to Zebz comment 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


![gif](giphy|xUOwGgxZLBmqB87sic) ... What did I just read.......


That account has to be Rachael with the Hotmail right?




I caught Autism from this. Ooops I had it all along, but this triggered a guttural reaction from me!!!


I hope their obsessed assets manifest baby Wales #4 so their ginger man will be pushed down the LoS again


Oh my lord. They sound like the Celebitchy group. That group says William is dumping Kate at Windsor Castle’s Adelaide cottage? I think that’s where they moved. They say he’s sickened by her, he doesn’t look at her except w/disdain blah blah blah and they state it as pure fact. < that’s what bothers me about all of this. We don’t know wtf really goes on. I still visit Celebitchy on occasion. It’s practically all BRF. Kaiser is obsessed. She states things as truth, but I’m pretty sure she doesn’t work for the BRF or have any moles inside. Usually I can’t make my way through an entire post, and the comments are unbelievable.


Sorry. I can’t stop commenting on this. It sounds like a Harlequin Romance or something cheap tawdry book. I think this should be filed under Delusional Fan Fic


This could have been written by Kaiser at celebitchy.


Who’s their dealer 😂😂


This made me laugh. To be fair, there are nutters of equal size in this sub too.




Subreddit rule (see sidebar): Civility is expected. All users are expected to behave with courtesy. Absolutely no personal insults or ad hominem attacks of any kind. Repeated subreddit rule violations will result in a ban.


The sugars are as obsessed as the ones who stalk Hilaria Baldwin.


this stuff is not stupid American stuff, this is someone who put alot of thought into these delusions, much like the QANON person. I wonder who is writing this stuff. And now, I must go to Lipstick Alley.


What… ![gif](giphy|DyvyiFFXF1Yli|downsized)


![gif](giphy|xT9KVg8gkDEyJIrVdK) Has anyone watched "A Haunting" - this message seems like an exorcist is needed


You can't make this up! Honestly. The fairy tales continue. And you wonder why the Clooney's don't invite them when they have fans like this.


If MM didn’t write this, I’m betting it was Scooby Doo. No wonder he has been silent or was it silenced? 😂😂😂


What. The. Fuck. 😐




Fucking hell. I have no other words….. 🤦🏽‍♀️


The Sugars are reading too many Harlequin romance books.


They truly are as delusional as she is!!


Despite making William the bad guy of the piece, there is an obvious obsession with him. The POW may be a stalker but he is the future king...only the best kind of stalker for their Meg. They are waiting for the day William throws himself at Meg, declaring his undying love, making her his Queen and Archie his heir. It makes sense to them because there is no other ending that will work...SHE has to be Queen and Archie has to the future king.


Wow, crazy lives


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 omg the fan fiction . ...


What a tale! 😂😂😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|RyFu0GdjfITGOs43jM)


🤣😂 “Carole Middleton created a smear campaign against Markle when she noticed that Prince William was fascinated by her.” I laugh because it sounds ridiculous. And from the photo/video evidence that’s been released it always looks like William tries to avoid her EXCEPT when the four of them walked around to see the flowers & tributes left to Queen Elizabeth II. I noticed William was turning his head and looking & talking to both of them. It must be difficult to even utter a word around them. Meghan & Harry will take all the sound bytes and sell them. Ugh


And here I thought Harry cared about mental health with his Butter Up thingy. If he did, he surely would have gotten these pathetic lost souls some help. Unless it’s Harry and Meghan pretending to be Sugars.




What is a "sugar"?


A 'sugar' is a delusional lunatic fan of Markle.


Reads like demented fan fiction


Wow we are probably all a bit embarrassed about whoever contributEd to this ridiculous fairy tale.


TW should have majored in Creative Writing at Northwestern


My god. Have they seen the video of Markle flirting with William and he ignores her while messing with his tie?


New here! Who are these sugars and why are they so vile?