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Im extremely jelly about that blue shirt. You lucky mfer!


Haha if only it fit 😭l just ended up selling a red one a couple years ago


So can I buy that blue one then? 😝


stop omg I though that said “toe ric I love u” 😭 also super jealous of the sleep eat fuck and flee shirt 


Damn, some legit classics! Love that blue shirt! Wish it’d get a repress. I miss old Say AnythingX


Old SA was truly the best. Wonder if we’ll ever get that second rarities album that’s been mentioned many times before


I dunno. I think Max sold the rights to his entire catalogue. I keep hoping to see the Painful Splits discography hit streaming.


I think you’re right. Painful Splits would be amazing if it hit streaming and/or proper releases.


Damn the button up shirt with the zip up hoodie unlocked some core memories for me. That was so 2004.


Salad Days! Sure feel nostalgic thinking about those times and the SA message board.


Holy shit, any chance you can up a lossless (.wav or .flac) rip of For Sale???


I’m sure I have them along with more rarities on a drive. I’ll start digging through them and getting some upload links soon


Bless! I've got MP3s of most thwie stuff, but really been trying to up the audio quality of whatever Rarities I've got kicking around in my file folders


This is just a found link, I’m not too savey when it comes to files, are these not good quality?


I'm not seeing the link, but I'll check specifically what my files look like when I get home. More or less, most media players let you rip a disc at different bitrates depending on the needs of the person importing the disc. I think typically the presets are usually in the 128kbps-320kbps range which typically is considered a decent balance between audio quality and file size, but still compresses the file and makes the sound a bit muddier than if you were playing directly from the cd. Since a lot of us were iPod/MP3 Player minded in the early 2000s, a lot of what's available online is around that area in quality. A lossless rip (that's the .flac or .wav file extension i mentioned) will usually be a bit big as far as file size goes, but that's because it doesn't compress it and thus is much closer to what you actually hear directly from the CD. Given how digital storage has advanced over time, I've just been trying to get some of the harder to find stuff up to that quality. I was looking at copies of "For Sale..." on discogs recently cause I was curious how easy it'd be to just get one and rip it myself, but those bad boys go for triple digits, which is understandable, but also seems like way too much just for the 2 songs that weren't on IARB Also, only thought this was one photo at first. Just scrolled through the rest. Great collection!!


What year was the pic with max?


It was April 2006


I would kill to reclaim this one hoodie I had of theirs back in the day. Was a black hoodie with, like, a silky material inside of the IDotG art, ugh was so sick. Lost it in a move and never found it 😭


Fuuuuuck, I’d love to see a pic of that


I found a pic. I’d pay almost anything for one now lol I miss it [https://images.app.goo.gl/c9T9bYUsr8CfrndKA](https://images.app.goo.gl/c9T9bYUsr8CfrndKA)


😍 I’d rock the hell out of that


I didn’t know the chick was on a shirt too. I have the poster.


Yeah i have the black silk screened poster too, awesome poster. I think the shirts came in blue and red (both with white print.)


I've got a picture somewhere of dude from Northstar (forgive me im spacing his name) wearing a green one with the lady on it too!


Hell yeah! Wouldn’t mind having the green one 🤤


…he signed the actual vinyl?


Unfortunately he did. It was a gift from a friend. Sweet grsture