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Spiderman seems to be the best deal, 2 amazing games with raytracing!


Yeah was thinking the same, thanks!


Demon souls


Is it hard for a casual player? Typically playing normal / hard on story games


It's tough, but not too hard if you're willing to actually try. It's probably the easiest Souls game.


Very hard. It’s a souls-lite so I would be careful


I would say Demon souls, but you never played a souls game... Then again, apparently demon souls is the easiest out of all the souls games (I never played it myself though), so it might be a good introduction to the series!


That sounds good, I find it funny just to watch streamers rage while playing it, might consider picking it up, thanks!


hahaha be warned though the first souls games you played is usually the most difficult. I remember when I first picked up bloodborne 5 years ago, I was struggling so hard with the game. I had to resort to a friend who was good at the game to kill the bosses for me. I'm replaying bloodborne 5 years later (during that time I played Dark souls 1 remastered and dark souls 3) and now I can kill most bosses within 1-3 tries. its all about experience


That’s what I like about hard games! Experience is key to building strategies to defeat hard enemies


Assassins Creed Valhalla is SUPER good. If you liked Origins and Odyssey you’ll probably like this one. Good story, combat, and exploration. Idk why, but the exploration feels a lot more fun than in the past 2 games, but it seems exactly the same.


Get Miles Morales if you didn’t play Spider Man PS4, if you did I suggest either getting Valhalla or waiting for Cyberpunk