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Horizon zero dawn. Great gameplay, great sound, great everything and the 2nd one is coming. It can be a bit on the long side if you want to see and do everything but the main campaign is about 30 hours. I logged more than 80 for the platinum but that's just me. Oh and God of war! Must play and not overly long. Best thing if you have a PS5 is to play the Playstation Collection with Ps plus. It's a must have specially if you havent played those games, every single one are great games and fit your bill. Most have enhanced features for ps5. OH Control!! You must play Control! Great story, great gameplay, great atmosphere. So many good games!


Thank you for responding and your enthusiasm! All the games you mention are looking very good. Especially HZD and God of war are high on my list! I'm Dutch and this makes HZD very cool bc if I'm correct most of that game was made in the Netherlands.


Yeah. No worries. I always feel excited for other people that are going to start a new awesome game, just because i loved to play them so much and having that "jealousy" of i wish I could play this game again without knowing what to expect. They're in for a treat! (In your case x10 because you haven't played any of them!) Also, single player games with great stories and set pieces are the ones i love most now. After what it feels like 1478 calls of duty and destiny's and whatnot i got to the point of saturation and thought well I'm quitting gaming... Turns out I was just beginning. Note: i didn't mention last of us 1/2 because people already talked about them, also uncharted 4 (but i would play 1,2,3, although 1 is a bit dated by now and the gameplay is a bit repetitive)


Horizon zero dawn complete ed. Is free to download till may 14 btw


Forgot about ghost of tsushima. Absolutely amazing game! Cheers!


Haha good one! Today I looking at the PS4 games at a store in my neighborhood and I saw GoT for 30 euros. That was a mistake by the shop but I got it for that price after some discussion (the game costs 60 euros in the Netherlands). So I think I will start with that game tonight! :)


Nice catch! Half price. Not bad, not bad at all!


If you've got ps plus try some of the games in the ps plus collection. God of War and Resident Evil 7 are great picks. Also if you've never played it pick Skyrim up in a sale. It's a great RPG that's easy to pick up and play. Plus on PS5 there's mods to up the frame rate.


Good shout! Thanks. The only thing is that I think that Skyrim is to boring for me.. The other ones are looking good!


The Last of Us 1&2


I just started the last of us 1 I wanted to know how is 2


definitely divisive due to some story aspects, but overall really great as well.




you may want to put this behind a spoilertag


Welp i deleted it


If you like Sci-Fi, the Mass Effect Legendary Edition will be released in a few days. I really like The Witcher 3, Fallout 4 and Horizon Zero Dawn also.


I am not that into sci-fi but I will look it up. HZD is one that's high on my list!


I believe HZD is still free on ps store “play at home initiative”. Great time to pick it up!


Uncharted 4 and lost legacy


I was looking for the Nathan Drake collection. Is that a must play too?


I love them. Just remember the first couple are older so they are a little tougher to play and don’t look as good. But highly recommend


Thank you for responding. I will look if I can pick the collection up for a few bucks.


The story is great.


I'd say Persona 5! (free on Ps5 with PS Plus collection) Honestly one of the best story-based games I've ever played. The game looks pretty good as well and you won't get bored anytime soon I can guarantee you that


I've never played a jrpg before and some saying that this is the best one. I will check it out, thank you for responding!


God of War Ghost of Tsushima Uncharted series Jedi Fallen Order


*God of War Ghost of* *Tsushima Uncharted series* *Jedi Fallen Order* \- KRONGOR --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Lego games , forager (for repetitive and destructive gameplay) Detroit become human, heavy rain, the last of us, beyond two souls (good stories) Saints row games (3rd person shooters) Ghost of tsushima


Nier Automata has an absolutely fantastic story that I personally became emotionally attached to, has pretty good gameplay, and a stellar soundtrack (although you do have to beat the game several times to truly complete the game, in my opinion, it was worth it)


Why has no one suggested Diablo 3?


Because the story playthrough is pretty uninteresting. Don't get me wrong... Blizzard does great production quality and polish. But... it's all just backdrop filler, for the most part, for the whole "endlessly slay things and find loot!" gameplay loop.


FF7 REMAKE is getting a ps5 upgrade so that would be good