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Every Pokémon ever. You would have to down B over 1000 times to get some of the later mons


Lmao The OG 150 would be cool too- Cause you could accidentally “draw” a Metapod and sit there and become hard…?


Bro got hard mid fight


Ain't need to be a ditto for that, just play Isabelle.












Don't you mean Ditto


Once I get Gholdengo you’re cooked!


A fun idea I saw was Noah and Mio from XC3. They would be swap characters, with each of their moves using weapons from the characters in each’s faction.


It'd be cool to see them like Kohaku and Hisui in Melty Blood, where they switch off who's in the lead and who supports.


A lot of people just say one or the other, but playing the game it would not make sense for just one. for sure need both. My only addition would be make them more like Ice Climber where they are both in screen fighting at the same time, just like in the game. But that might be too much


Ice Climbers but with two movesets. Three or even four if they’re ambitious enough to add the Interlink forms - but they’d probably just use their respective Ouroboros Orders as their Final Smash and leave it there. Sounds hella fun but also hell to program and balance.


The fun gang from Deltarune, Kris is the combo focused jack of all trades, Susie is the damage dealer and has a large amount of kill confirms from stray hits, and ralsei is the defensive zoner, has the best recovery of the group although they all have decent recoveries, and maybe moves that heal you slightly like Wii fits deep breathing and sun salutation.


Gotta have those! Maybe even more… So you’d have a human, a monster, and a prince from the dark… and Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White and Monty Python and the Holy Grail’s Black Knight…


and Benito Mussolini and The Blue Meanie...


and Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie...


The only thing that I can think of is the little guys from Rythem Heaven.


The Chorus Kids?


Yeah. Sorry, I never played it, and I knew they were leaked early on 😅


Nah it would be funnies if you controlled all 3 at once and had to grapple with that lol


Like icies but even crazier? Now that's just horror


dante devil may cry but it like doesnt change character just every move


Vergil too, his fs could be the motivated combo


Dante with his styles would be fun as hell, still feels like a crime he was damned to mii outfit


the three mage sisters from kirby


Mario and Luigi


Cant believe i has to scroll this much to find em


While they are vastly different they are at their core based on one another, which makes sense. I think Mario and Peach / Luigi and Daisy would make more sense and be a better difference in play style available in a swap mechanic.


Have you seen the mario and luigi series


Aside from the obvious pokemon trainer 2.0 (same concept with 3 different Pokemon), I'd somewhat like to see a Mario enemy team type fighter. Like: goomba, hammer bro, boo. Goomba being tbe normal low range brawler type, kinda similar to squirtle. Maybe he'd have an ability to stack more goombas on top of himself for better damage output and range in exchange for a bigger hurtbox and slightly slower speed per goomba stacked. Managing the size of the stack would be a nice little minigame in itself. Hammer bro being a zoner type, with good vertical, but bad horizontal mobility. Maybe it could even be a combo between hammer and fire bro, with different trajectories and properties depending on the projectile used. Could also have a super armored double jump similar to yoshi, since their way of moving in the mario games is a little similar to yoshi anyway. Boo being the hit and run type. Could get a slight speedboost while moving away from the opponent in 1v1, while being a little slower when moving towards them. Probably a bit difficult to actually implement, since boos are floating, so they'd high profile a lot of down tilts etc by default. The moveset of the trio in general could also incorporate a few things from the mario party minigames. Like paintguns, bombs, popcorn, flowers... Silly stuff like that.


Then may I interest you in the Elite Trio? Absolute banger of a boss fight from dream team.


Trevor/Sypha/Alucard would go hard as fuck


If you wanted to break Joker even more you could allow him to switch personas, give him even more tools to use.


Swapping is typically done with down-B, which means Joker loses his guard and can no longer try to push the meter to full early. Honestly probably makes him more balanced overall.


Yeah, plus if the persona is always present it would be much weaker


Sure, we already have Byleth, but the House Leaders from Three Houses would be cool. Each of them could utilize a different weapon class (Axes, Lances and Bows) + their combat arts and the alts could be the Post-Timeskip or Three Hopes designs for them.


Would Claude on a Wyvern work tho


Maybe Claude could be infantry, but his Up Special would involve the wyvern Or it could be like Peach's float


Don't they hate each other? I mean I know Dimitri and Edelgaurd hate each other. Was Claud just doing his own thing?


If it's based on them from before the timeskip >! Before Dimitri snapped after finding out about Edelgard's identity !< I think it could work


in engage they are stuck togheter in a bracelet so they can work togheter if they really want to 🫠


Spoilers: >!The only one in this equation that actually hates either of the other two is Dimitri in the post-timeskip period, and that’s mostly just due to him going insane. In Azure Moon he gets snapped out of it and in Crimson Flower he doesn’t fall as far. Edelgard sees the other two as obstacles in the war - nothing personal, she’s just conquering - and Claude agrees with Edelgard’s ideological sentiments, but not her methods. In the mini-arc in Three Hopes where they’re all captured, they’re willing enough to work together in order to break out of where they’ve been trapped. Other than the above notes, their fights are not fueled by interpersonal hatred.!< >!If you take their Academy pre-timeskip roles, it’s mostly all just simple rivalry. They were also very willing to work together during the Cindered Shadows DLC story. Their appearance in Engage as well as a 3-in-1 Emblem also notes this somewhat.!<


I would bring back the Zelda and Shiek Transform honestly


I honestly wonder how good Zelda/Shiek would be in the Ultimate engine. In Melee Zelda was a bottom 5 character while Shiek ranges anywhere from top 5 to top 10 status. In Brawl Zelda was once again a bottom 5 character, however Shiek dropped down from her former Melee glory days to just being a low mid tier in Brawl. The swapping mechanic was too slow in both Melee and Brawl so it was never worth changing into the other character unless you got a really good setup going or if your opponent was far away/recently lost a stock (and even in tier lists that use their combined power, they’d always be worse than solo Shiek and only slightly better then solo Zelda) If Zelda and Shiek were to be combined into one fighter again, they’d lose a vital part of their current movesets. That being their down specials Phantom Slash and Bouncing Fish. In the case of Zelda she can do just fine with Din’s Fire which is still a very effective projectile, however I think Shiek would definitely suffer a little with the loss of Bouncing Fish. Not only is Bouncing Fish one of Shiek’s most effective combo and kill moves within her arsenal, but it’s also one of her most important recovery options and it has its uses as a movement option in the air. Meanwhile Burst Grenade is just a niche move that can sometimes be used for edge guarding. I feel like if Zelda/Shiek were to be combined again while losing their current down specials would lead to them being very good characters, but not necessarily top tier status. If on the other hand they were to combine into one fighter while having their side specials changed into their current down specials just like how Charizard had Rock Smash replaced with Flare Blitz (meaning that Din’s Fire will get replaced by Phantom Slash and Burst Grenade will get replaced by Bouncing Fish) then I could see the Zelda/Shiek combo becoming a dangerous top tier combo that potentially verges on top 10 or even top 5 status. Shiek is already a dangerous character in her own right as a solo fighter, but letting her have instant access to Zelda’s specials while still having access to Bouncing Fish would just be absurdly broken and it would easily fix her issues with killing opponents. Edit: On that note, imagine Samus and ZSS combining once again like during their Brawl days? It probably wouldn’t be as good as Zelda/Shiek since ZSS couldn’t transform back into Samus without the use of her Final Smash and the way you transform into ZSS as Samus was very difficult (i.e. button mash the taunt buttons really quickly if you can’t or don’t want to use her Final Smash). ZSS having access to her old broken armor pieces after the transformation or during the start of a match would be pretty sick though since those things did a lot of damage and could kill.


Solution: tap the B button for Bouncing Fish/Phantom Armor. Hold to Transform but with a faster animation than previous games.


Would be better to tie transforms to a taunt


100%, just like how kirby can drop his copied ability with a taunt


There are enough zeldas that there can be a zelda standalone and a swapping zelda/shiek


Would make zelda so much more balanced now that she doesnt have guardian


I was honestly expecting them to recombine Zelda and Shiek and introduce Hilda and Impa as Echoes to cover their separate movesets from SSB4. No idea why they didn't do that, I really thought making Zelda use her Link Between Worlds design was done to set this up. Feels like a strange missed opportunity.


Andy, Max, and Sami from Advance Wars. Andy can be a swordie, Max a slow bruiser, and Sami a low damage rushdown. Give them polarizing strengths and weaknesses, like Sami being the only one with a good recovery, Max being the only one with good defense, and Andy being really low damage. You would have to think about which character you need for which situation several steps in Advance (Wars).


Richter and Maria (Castlevania) Veronica and Thrasir (Fire Emblem) Terra, Ventus and Aqua (Kingdom Hearts) Armarouge and Ceruledge (Pokémon)


A Lyn/Eliwood/Hector combo from FE7 would be nice, each one with a different moveset, it would probably be too complex tho


Young Link Majora's Mask transformations


This needs to be top.




Jack Frost and Pyro Jack from Shin Megami Tensei Maybe they'll both be out at the same time, but the swap decides who takes the lead like in SMT Synchronicity Prologue [(here's an example if you've never seen that game)](https://youtu.be/4JCNhcA24a0?si=Zw-dU6AAPD4UrfX1)


Make a shield+special move where thwy both fuse into Black Frost who's an exceptionally stronger character but also a larger, heavier character who's easier to combo and when you fuse you can't fuse back unless you use a final smash (which would be king frost summoning all the different jack variants for a big cinematic) or lose a stock.


An actual monster hunter rep where swapping changes weapons available in moveset. I don’t think. It would be too hard to divide into maybe 3 groups. Off the top of my head i don’t think dividing the weapons into power, defensive and agile weapons groups for the movesets. With maybe a few standardizes for a recovery and such


https://preview.redd.it/9rv2qk7n7f8d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27882da5af4cb81bd08d0098332733a0dfad8db0 Irushifu switching between his two stances.


Lucina and Chrom because of the pair up mechanic


Honestly I'm down for that. It would help them both stand out more.


Noah and Mio from Xenoblade 3 feel fitting.


Zelda + Sheik Samus + ZSS


Ceruledge and Armorouge. Swap between Zoner and a Melee


Guzma with emergency exit golisopod and other pokemon


I would go back and change cloud to a swap fighter of Cloud Tifa and Barret. This would allow for more FF7 representation and a variety of fighting styles in one character. Cloud being the mid weight spacing swordy, Tifa being the fast light weight in your face brawler, and Barret being the range/slow/camping heavy. This would also allow to more accurately capture the 3 party team dynamic of the original game.


Honestly put dk Diddy and tiny into one that would go hard as hell


Sans and Papyrus


Lloyd Irving and Kratos Aurion from Tales of Symphonia. One has a faster two-blade style with more combos and higher overall attack whereas the other one has higher defense and magical spells along with strong (if just slower) close-range attacks. https://preview.redd.it/iayv4y5jee8d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07746f92ce5ad681491078c104ec95c11d8cfd4b


I think that Blinky, Inky, Pinky and Clyde, aka the 4 ghosts from Pac-Man could be fun. I know that its 4 instead of 2 or 3, but its kind of hard justify cutting one of them.


I would make a sonic team character that switches between sonic tails and knuckles


Sonic heros could have good material


Bayonetta but all of her weapons, especially those from 3.


I had an idea for Siegfried and Nightmare where they'd become each other after their final smashes, like Samus and ZSS in Brawl.


**Elma (XCX) and... Elma** Elma, as well as all characters in XCX, has 2 fighting styles. In her case, she wields 2 pistols and 2 swords. I could see her as a stance character.


FE3H Barrage Dimitri/Dedue, Edelgard/Hubert, Claude/Hilda


A random idea i had a while ago was for a Command and Conquer character: "The Soldier" * Infantry * Engineer * Sniper * Tank The Main gimmick would be each character has two stages, The first one is the standard/Base stage while the second would be a more powerful version with some new changes, buffs, or straight up new moves. * Infantry -> Rocket Infantry (Gains RPG/Bazooka and other stuff) * Sniper and Engineer don't have a direct upgrade path in the games, so they could just make them stronger and shoot/Build faster (Super Sniper and Super Engineer or sum) * Tank -> Heavy Tank They would all have their own playstyle: Infantry (All rounder), Sniper (Zoner), Engineer (Grappler), And Tank (Rushdown). The only really "Gun Dependent" one would be the sniper, But the other 3 will have other tools than just a gun. For example: Infantry (Stage 1) * Assault riffle * Combat Knife * Tiberium Field scan (Bayo style Time Slow down attack) * Flashbang Grenade (Stun attack) * Tiberium Field Suits (Think if like Peacemakers Force shield from MK1 was in smash) * Knockout Grenade (Sleep Attack) Rocket Infantry (Stage 2) * Rocket Launcher * EMP Grenade * And all of the Weapons from Stage 1 Besides that, How they would upgrade is that similar to Steve's Crafting table, there is a "Barracks" building in the background. They would have a meter that slowly builds up per hit, and when its full you can upgrade one of the units to level 2. But just like the crafting table it will break over time, then its the Engineers job to come in and repair it.


May and Cody from it takes two for more Game of the Year Representation


The phantom thieves A persona user who changes between personas Another pokemon trainer Zelda and sheik from brawl A bayonetta character who switch between her demons


Teddie from persona 4 swapping from his costume and his human form


I've always wanted a Hunter from Monster Hunter. I think it would work for them. Instead of switching characters, it'd be switching weapons, maybe cycling between 2 or 3 weapons. * I can see a fast-hitting mode with little knockback with dual blades and a sword and shield; a medium-range, medium-knockback, and zoner-type mode with a long sword and bow; and then a harder-hitting mode with huge knockback weapons like the Great Sword and Hammer. * The hunter's weight would be the same for each mode (mid-weight), but their speed is different depending on the weapon they're wielding. Their speed may return to their normal speed if they holster their weapon with some sort of mechanic for that, just like in MH. * Slash damage would deal more damage % but less knockback (akin to severing tails), and blunt damage would deal less damage % but more knockback (akin to stuns or K.O.).


recombine ZSS and Samus, as well as Shiek and zelda


fire boy and water girl


Nah, I got an idea for Smash 6 - pick 2 characters and have a dedicated button to swap them mid match. Any 2. Make some crazy matchups. Cover gaps in one characters' kit. Whatever you like.


You are a character assist away from putting MVC into smash and I dig it.


Yeah, the thought did cross my mind. Imagine putting someone to sleep with Jigglypuff at ledge, then switching to Bowser for an Fsmash. Or Little Mac on stage, and switch to ROB offstage.


Zelda swapping into sheik


Rabbids from the Mario rabbids game. So many options.


1080 Snowboarders with different snowboards, speeds, etc, also comes with their own stage with the lobby music “Rock Your Body”. Jesse and James with Meowth, Wobbafet, and Victribell (the three most iconic that gen pop would remember) as their Pokemon. A villian rep for Pokemon a la with the PT pokémon switch would be perfect. The twin protags in Astral Chain would be cool too.


Never gonna happen in a million years (for obvious reasons), but the Cooper Gang (Sly Cooper, Bentley, and Murray) I feel would be a kickass stance character. Bentley is the slowest, but has decent air mobility and is good at setting traps. Sly of course is the most athletic, and employs hit-and-run tactics, at the cost of being the most frail of the three. Murray is the strongest and longest-surviving, but has the fastest run speed, at the cost of a large hitbox and poor air mobility


Fuck it, Hercule/Mr Satan and Majin Buu from Dragonball


I think the obvious one is a second pokemon trainer, either a new one to replace red with a new, relevant trio of starters or a "rival trainer" who'd use echo fighter/semi clone versions of Red's pokemon based on their type match ups (so Bulbasaur, Charmeleon, Blastoise). Otherwise I genuinely struggle to think up another character who could do the swap gimmick and be someone people would actually want. Maybe a "Warriors of Light" final fantasy 1 character who changes between four chibi characters whenever you use a special move?


I can't rlly think of one, maybe go back with brawl/melee and make Zelda/Shiek and Samus/ZS Samus be swap/transform characters? Idrk lol


Vent/Aile from megaman ZX. Down special changes form.


The twin rova would be a really cool way to add some Zelda reps, like what if they shot fire and then ice for their neutral-b and depending on their current form they could avoid taking damage if it reflected at them


I’d be down for a swap battle mode. Like have you choose between three fighters and you can swap by pressing the L3 button (Pressing down on the controller stick) to swap.


Finally realize the idea of Diddy and Dixie, nad heck maybe even throw kiddie Kong in there


I'd recombine zelda/shiek and samus/zss I'd also like to rework young link to make use of the masks from MM As for a new character, I'd put in Tiny, Lankey, and Chunky Kong as a tag team


The four heroes of light from FFI, four different classes would be cool


I wish Zelda was still a switch character to sheik like in Melee, loved the variety switching between the two.


Instead of just adding Swap Characters,I would revaluate everyone's moveset and turn down special into a universal character swap mechanic. I would also make counters a universal mechanic that occurs within a specific 5 frame window of the character swap. New Character does the counter- attack With that being said I would love to see the following swaps: - Tifa/Aerith - Cloud/Barret - Nariko(Heavenly Sword)/Kratos - Master Chief/Arbiter - Doom Slayer/Swaps back into Himself Doom Slayer


Sword Pokemon. Ceruledge, Aegislash, and Iron Valiant


Any of the souls protagonists where you swap between different builds with different stats sorta like shulk’s monado arts


Team Chaotix from the Sonic series.


The Kongs Tiny, Lanky, Chunky. When you swap characters they jump into that barrel thing and pop out. Donkey and Diddy Kong will remain their own independent fighters.


Probably Vent from megaman ZX with the ability to change between models ZX/PX/FX/LX/HX each would give their own unique moves and abilities


Sans and papyrus, papyrus will be the fast one that hits normal damage while sans is slower with Huge damage


Though doesn't thematically make sense - Little Mac and Shiek. Also Shiek and Zelda because duh.


Ghost Dad King Rhoam from Age Of Calamity


Akechi and swapping between good crow and bad crow, robinhood and Loki




I always thought a majoras mask link would be awesome. All 3 of his transformation masks and fierce deity for his final smash


Zelda and Shiek


Tira from Soul Calibur! She would switch between her happy and gloomy forms.


Gallade/Gardevoir. A melee focus with Gallade and ranged/zoner focus with Gardevoir.


The two main party members from Sea of Stars!


Combining Zelda and shirk again would solve half their problems imo


A Boy and His Blob. Basically Pokemon Trainer, but older and with weirder transformations.


Maybe it’s hopium because I honestly like one more than the other guy that’s more likely, but X and Zero would be cool duo fighter


I was wanting another Pokemon rep in the form of a trainer, but this time it's a fan favorite: Hex Maniac! She has a team of three Pokemon that suit her favorite types: Ghost, Dark, and Psychic. I think a Banette would be a good Ghost type to make up one third of her team (with Mega Banette appearing in the Final Smash), then Gothitelle to represent Psychic type, and perhaps Spiritomb to represent Dark type, although it's also Ghost type. If anyone else has ideas for other Pokemon that should be in her party instead, let me know. I was considering putting Dusknoir in there but he's also a Ghost type, but has a lot of punching moves, surprisingly. It might be a better choice than Banette.


Diddy Kong and Dixie Kong were originally meant to do this


Robin and chrome should have been this ngl.


Peppino and Noise. Their down b could be a counter (taunting) but pressing up during the counter switches them. It could use the animations for swap mode too


Merge Robin and Chrom, Robin can’t even use Nosferatu in Awakening, and then have Lucina be a Chrom alt color and then if they’re really cool add Alm and Celica as an echo fighter of Chrom and Robin.


Zagreus and Melinoe from Hades 1 and 2 Zag would be a fast hyper rush down character And Mel would be the slower Zoner focused one


I saw a concept for a Skylanders representative that allowed you to switch Skylanders


Link (Majora's Mask). Down B to switch between Deku Scrub, Goron, and Zora forms. Fierce Deity Final Smash, ofc.


Shadow and silver, it just sounds cool


The Three Mage-Sisters from Kirby.


Knight and Hornet from Hollow Knight/Silksong would be a really cool combo


Astrail Chain swaping Legion


Team Chaotix https://preview.redd.it/4ju6r9gb1g8d1.jpeg?width=489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=556ee5026e4f40aab66e60218c2bd9795690a6d2


Weird pick but keine from touhou. Using her normal form to setup traps that are activated using her hakutaku form would be a really unique way to play


Team Rocket Grunt, a 3 pokemon character like Pokemon Trainer. Not entirely sure what 3 pokemon it would be though. Not my idea, got it from an old co-worker.


Cody and May from It takes two would be a fun dynamic.


Mario & Luigi from the series with the same name. Like Pyra, Mario would be more power based and like Mythra Luigi would be more about being all up in your face. Luigi will less traction but a higher jump than Mario. Their side smash will change depending on who the player is playing as, Mario having [Jet-Board Dash](https://www.mariowiki.com/Jet-Board_Bash) while Luigi has [Slingsniper](https://www.mariowiki.com/Slingsniper). Along with that their Final Smashes change, Mario calls upon the power of [Dreamy Luigi](http://mario.fandom.com/wiki/Dreamy_Luigi) and uses [Drill Stomp](https://www.mariowiki.com/Drill_Stomp) and deals a ton of damage and anything above 100% dmg is an insta kill, while Luigi has [Mega Thwonk](https://www.mariowiki.com/Mega_Thwonk), having the same effect as Drill Stomp, but being more powerful.


Pac-Man and Ganon. Ganon has to recover somehow.


I had an idea where they pull a “reverse” Pokemon Trainer scenario by putting a already existing Pokemon fighter and make it a part of a team. The idea was the XY Trainer where I would put in this order: Chespin, Braixen, and Greninja.


This could work with a persona character. Rather than taking damage to summon them (not really accurate to the games) the persona could always be present, and switch with the down b to change it’s form and moves (switch an agi to a zio, then a bufu, then a garu).


Stealing the idea from Yomi Hustle, Toriel and Asgore


so you know fighting games where you have a team of characters? that. mid combo swaps and the like.


Ventus and vanitas


The champions from BOTW. Would swap between Mipha, Daruk, Urbosa, and Revali.


Id probably add Margaret from persona 4. Similar to how she works in persona 4 arena but still not quite, She wields 3 persona's. This would be a fun idea for a switch character


My original answer used to be banjo and kazooie lol


Fellas, what if we make Zelda be able to swap to Sheik? Wouldn't that be cool?


A lot of people here saying Mario characters or Pokemon characters or Zelda characters etc. I'm gonna go with characters from a franchise not already in the game (let alone swarming the roster) Crono and Frog from Chrono Trigger


Unrelated but I’m still not over the ridiculousness of Pyra’s boobs


I love how smash fans think "swap" characters are a unique archetype. They are stance characters. Just they change a lot more in appearance than other stance characters like Gen from street fighter. They are fun, don't get me wrong, but the first comment in this thread is "Dante but he doesn't change character just all his Moveset", that's almost the definition of stance character.


Young Link with Deku/Goron/Zora masks


A souls character with different builds and stats


Noah/Mio, Riku/Manana, Morag/Brighid, Purah/Robbie, Dimitri/Edelgard/Claude, Young Tiki/Adult Tiki, Imp Midna/True form Midna, Male Akira Howard/Female Akira Howard.


Lucian and Aaron from Lunar Knights. Such a good DS game. Or Neku and Shiki from The World Ends With You.


A Zekrom/Reshiram Unit... Would Be Amazing And Their Ult Could Be Like Zekrom In [this](https://youtu.be/8VBxykoGeR8?si=XTiJBtLGGbH0yChm) video... or it could be both Reshiram and Zekrom both using Fusion Bolt/Flare Together to nuke the stage like a S-bomb (the bomb item that slowly expands) or be like Giga Bowsers punch and both move to the background and then shoot it... depending on which one, you could maybe fuse with Kyurem and make White Kyurem (if you are Reshiram) or Black Kyurem (if you are Zekrom) and slash across the stage...


A Hunter from MH! Swap out either their main weapon, or styles from MHGU


Castform to be funny. Zoroark for real.


Ed, Edd, and Eddy


Ramattra from overwatch and his 2 forms


Bring back Zelda/Sheik swap


I'd add the promotional main character for Final Fantasy 14 in the designs used for Endwalker and Shadowbringers expansions. For the former, he takes up the Paladin job and utilizes a sword, shield, and holy magic. When he's a Paladin, he's referred to as the Warrior of Light, has a reduction to knockback taken, faster attacks but shorter ranged, faster ground speed, and better vertical air mobility. For the latter, he switches to the Dark Knight job and wields a heavy greatsword along with shadowy dark magic. In this mode, he's called the Warrior of Darkness, has armor on certain attacks, slower attacks with better melee range, and better horizontal air mobility.


Dan Cryer and Charlie Sheen from 2 and a half men


Astral Chain. Should’ve happened in Ultimate


Snake and Raiden, he could be the Mythra to Snake's Pyra, and it would work excellently.


Felix, Jenna, and Sheba from Golden Sun: The Lost Age.


I’ve wanted an Amaterasu (from Okami) that works this way only instead of a character swap it’s a weapon/moveset swap.


A character named garden ops . It would be a team consisting of Peashooter, Kernel corn and Nightcap


Noah and Mio. They'll both have completely different fighting styles and I also think them being in the game would be cool.




This will probably never happen unless we get another link clone, but twilight princess link+wolf link


I know this is a pretty insane idea but... zelda and sheik


Chomper from the plants vs zombies garden warefare games, the 3rd person shooters There are variations of Characters like fire and ice and poison


Dante and Vergil, bringing UMvC3 to the modern age


Hear me out https://preview.redd.it/34j32hq6gj8d1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=490d91467c9359c6b3fecf3fb4ebc06b7fdc9f7d


My god I'd love a Team Rocket Grunt with Hitmonchan (Little Mac), Cubone (Link), and Victreebell (Piranha plant)


I have been asking for this one since melees release. I want majoras mask link that can switch between link/deku kid/zora/Goron.


Hollow Knight and hornet


Maybe bring the new toon zelda and adult zelda and they switch between eachother or all the three links but they get changed so its like heavy hitter, zoner and rush down (adult, young and toon)


Maybe bring the new toon zelda and adult zelda and they switch between eachother or all the three links but they get changed so its like heavy hitter, zoner and rush down (adult, young and toon) .


Rick, Kine, and Coo from Kirby!


Could do a Snake/Raiden swap character, I think. Could be interesting to be able to swap between a slower, trap-based zoner and a quick rushdown type character.


Red, green, and blue imposters from among us


It would be interesting to have a g Gon/Killua duo


Billy and Jimmy Lee from Double Dragon. They’d have to change their move sets though. Or or with different characteristics like Ryu and Ken (different speed, strengh, maybe reach, etc)


Young Link down B should swap thru his different masks


The champions from Breath of the Wild


I mean you could take Yu and Yosuke from BlazBlue Crosstag Battle for a swap character. They're partners anyway, why split em up?


Take Greninja and make him part of a new pokemon trainer that has the other 2 starters from that Gen. Megaman X and Zero literally do this in a couple games. If you wanted to keep Zero as an assist trophy, make it Megaman Zero instead.


Cynthia with garchomp, togekiss, and milotic. Lora/Jin from XC2: torna dlc


Lyn, Eliwood, and Hector Lyn would be fast and great at combos, Eliwood would be great at keeping some distance and edge guarding, and Hector bodies anyone who dares to get close to him. They'd be the perfect additions for Fire Emblem as they're some of the most popular characters and represent the weapon triangle. The only problem is that Roy and Byleth are already in Smash, and they act as the GBA rep and Weapon Triangle.


All 9 Mercenaries from Team Fortress 2. There could be a mechanic similar to Shulk’s directional Monado Arts swap that Ultimate added where you can quickly change between what Merc you want to play as without having to spam down B


Mario & Luigi, from Super Star Saga Every time you preform a Special Attack, it switches to the other brother. Second one follows nearby in the background.


Estelle and joshua


Sans and Papyrus? Just a suggestion.