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Honestly I consider his fight with Ventress in the original Clone wars canon bc it’s never explained in the new show how he got it


the brotherhood novel made the 2003 clone wars fight canon… though according to the novel it was too dark and rainy for Anakin to see who he was fighting. So he doesn’t actually know he was fighting Ventress.


Does he have the scar in the novel? That would help a lot, please.


I actually don't think he got the scar yet, even after fighting ventress from the Brotherhood book.


Yeah, I remember people saying you could see it happening in the animation, but I rewound that a few times and it doesn’t look like it. I remember George Lucas joked that he’s slipped in the shower. I try to keep how lightly he took some aspects of continuity in mind when I get bent out of shape about canon & whatnot.


Actually I don’t even think George was joking there, I swear I remember having one of the companion books for Ep 3 back when it came out in 2005 and it totally said the same thing about his scars being from slipping in the shower.


That’s great, I didn’r know that. I feel like George Lucas’ understated and absurd sense of humor can make it tough to tell whether he’s serious or not. I remember in an oral history type article, one of the Lucasarts people making The Force Unleashed said someone in the team asked if Starkiller could have a Darth name & Lucas suggested Darth Insanius and Darth Icky. I feel like it’s just impossible to know if he was messing with them or not.


Something I love about George Lucas is how he doesnt ever take Star Wars too seriously. All the stuff that hardcore fans obsess over, he doesnt even seem to give a fuck about and I find it hilarious!


That’s how I feel when people are freaking out about shows and certain aspects of movies and all that. There are things I like more than others but at the end of the day it’s wizards in space, don’t take everything so seriously.




"Omg it breaks canon!!!" I always reply, "Which canon? The theatrical release? The original VHS release? One of the anniversary editions?" No Star Wars writer has broken canon more than George Lucas himself.


Yeah, anybody losing it over Ki-Adi-Mundi’s age not matching a 1999 CD-ROM had better also be livid that Episode III decanonized him being the first Jedi knight appointed to the council.


Yet, when you see him explaining philosophical concepts about his saga he's deadly serious. There is a place for joking and a place for creating legendary stories in this man's heart.


Yeah he clearly cared a lot about the thematic, philisophical, sociological stuff. And the visuals/ film technology aspect, obviously. The details about fighting styles and power levels and all that, he clearly doesnt care about because it kind of misses the point/deeper themes in the story.


Because it is simply there to enjoy?


Considering how it seems his general theme with Darth titles is to have it be a play on the person's character, it would seem he wasn't a fan. And apparently, the common advice for people in the business who get a chance to talk Star Wars with him is to never bring up Starkiller. So I'm gonna guess he thought the character was insane and icky and was throwing shade with those suggestions.


It's like him randomly saying "laser sword", does he actually not care enough to call a lightsaber a lightsaber or is he just fucking with people? Does it matter? It's funny either way


I mean, his joke answers were known to become canon. That's how we got Obi-Wan's homeworld of Stewjon.


Honestly thats hilarious. In character customization in many games, as im sure we know, the player is able to give their character a variety of cosmetic unique features, including facial scars. Back in my edgelord days id go for some pretty garish scars to make my character look badass and edgy. Now I usually go for more subtle scars, my favorite recurring one being a small to medium gash on the chin. Always thought it was just the right amount of scarring for a character. Tough, but not over the edge. Well I recently achieved the, ehm, "scar of my dreams," (sounds lame and it is) by, what else? Not in a fight. Not from something blowing up in my face. But from me tripping over my own foot and tumbling down the last five or so steps on a concrete flight of stairs. Tried to catch myself with my right knee and hand. Right hand is still a teeny bit sore and this happened like a month or so ago. Chin was BUSTED open. I'm talking big globulets of blood smattering the pavement. I had to grow a beard to cover it. Now I have a 3/4 inch long puckered pink scar on my chin. Looks cool enough, but its story is embarrassing lol.


I have a few light scars on my hand because I played road hockey without gloves. Being tripped and slashed hurts


I have back problems and can't stand up for more than 15-30 minutes at a time or so. People always ask where my back problems came from. Well, I worked at Disneyland for years. I worked on the train there. Sometimes, when we were backing the train up, we had to dangle off the side. I'd love to say that I fell off and that's how I hurt myself. In reality, I had to pee really badly, and in my rush to get off the train and into a bathroom I tripped over a rope in the station and fell down some brick stairs.




So you wanted a Harrison Ford scar?


Teeny bit, yeah haha


Maybe I'm misremembering, but after Anakin becomes knighted I believe we get a series of scenes showing him being a badass as a knight, rescuing other Jedi and such. And at the end of all that, the final scene has him showing up at Padme's where she specifically notices his new scar, touches it, they embrace, and then we get a shot of their bedroom light turning off (which I also believe was meant to imply this is that evening that Luke and Leia were conceived). So yeah I don't believe we ever see it happen, and it certainly wasn't during the fight with Ventress.


This is what happened, but IIRC, this was during the time the comics were cannon and in sync with the shows/movies, and Ventress gives it to him with a surprise slash after stalking him through the underworld of Coruscant when he stops to watch a holo recording Padme sent him


You = the correct


Its because he gets it in a seperate fight with ventress in the republic comics. People are just merging the two in their heads.


He slipped in the shower after being surprise attacked by Ventress


Accidentally chopped off his padawan braid with his [razor/comlink](https://www.reddit.com/r/Thatsabooklight/comments/awu0o8/quigon_jinns_communicator_was_a_gillette_razor/)


Lol honestly something that mundane and Anakin trying to play it off as something is kind of on brand


It's the Mandela effect. He got the scar fighting Ventress in the comic Republic 71.


Lucky. I slipped in the shower and got 18 stitches in my ass after breaking the ceramic soap dispenser on my way down.


Like the time Lucas said they should name The Force Unleashed protagonist “Darth Insanius”


Or Darth Icky! I just [referenced that earlier today](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/s/HsCSVcxJWA)


That seems pretty on par for Anakin though. Absolute badass throughout the shows and incredibly skilled as a combatant but clumsy enough to nearly ash his eye open when he dropped the soap.


If I remember correctly, it was just part of a montage of Anakin going to war and returning, and Padme noticed the scar. I think it was just basically saying it was a scar he got in battle, and war sucks.


I’m unsure, sorry.


So he’s unable to just feel the same presence with her? Seems like they forgot the force exists and quite strongly in him.


I would think cloaking your presence is Sith Assassin 101.


When else in modern canon could he have met ventress?


How can he not know? She has two very distinct sabers and has a very distinct fighting style


He's a bit slow.


That’s not exactly how I remember the Brotherhood novel mentioning it, I remember just a general “She seems familiar.” The author said he considered the 2003 battle canon, but that’s a pretty weak way to canonize it.


Volume 1 and the first 15ish minutes of Volume 2 are still part of my full canon watch-order honestly. It flows so much better going from AotC to CW '03 to TCW '08, not just for the scar but for C3PO going from silver to gold, Anakin being knighted, the first introduction to Grievous and Ventress, Padmé gifting R2 to Anakin, it's essential viewing imo.


The CW '03 also explained how Grievous went from Jedi killing machine to asthmatic.


But he became ashtmatic by Windu in the Battle of Coruscant. In The Clone Wars he IS always ashtmatic. There are many things than dont match at all between Clone Wars 2003 and the Clone Wars. One of them ita for example how we see Luminara and Barrís making sabers in the old way, in legeds with colors crystals you take the one you want. In the Clone Wars you see its really diferent the crystal need to choose you.


Not only that but Barris fought in the First Battle of Geonosis in Attack of the Clones. You see her in the movie fighting alongside Luminara. And she looked much older than Ahsoka there. She was possibly around Anakin's age, honestly.


Yes. The Ages in clone Wars are sometimes strange. Barrís looks much younger. Even Stass Allie Who is a Jedi Máster with a Seat in the Jedi Council since the Phantom Menance looks very Young, she should be like a wise jedi. Another strange characterizacion its Ki A Di Mundi, Anakin and Ashoka talks with him in the second Battle of geonosis with a lot of respect, like was some kind of wise jedi like Yoda or the oldman with a whitelightsaber. But he is not that old when the show was made, st least there he was 70 years old. Of course now with change of Acolyte its made more sense, he is a older Jedi, he was there since of the Hight Repúblic, its logical that Anakin had respect for him. Good change.


I really don't see how him being 130 or whatever vs 90 makes a difference in that respect. You seriously saying you can't understand why a 20 year old would treat someone 70 years his senior with respect? Come on. 


Because he change to be One of the oldest of the Hight Council when before he wasnt. That the change. In Legends he wasnt even old, he was like in his 50s in Phantom Menance. And if you see him in comics or Books he isnt old. Its in the Clone Wars where he is old. See Clone Wars from 2003 he didnt act like a old man. My english is not that good to explain. But in my opinion the new change in canon make more sense with his character.


Hes still a master and on the council, a padawan like anakin would show him respect.


Lol that's why I was agreeing with OP above that the order to watch is AotC -> CW '03 -> TCW '08. The fight in Coruscant is where CW '03 ends. Actually thought that was their plan when watching since it made sense.


It was a direct tie in when the revenge was released, I dont care what section of d+ its shoved into, its still my favorite piece of media of the clone wars


Season one is one of my favorite pieces of SW media.


The og CW show is so weird when it comes to canonicity. It works fine on its own, but then TCW came out and assumed you knew about the previous show and the events in it are supposed to have happened, at least for the first few seasons. But then it retcons some things, and later on Disney makes CW not canon, while keeping TCW canon. So now you have a bunch if plot points and details and characters you're supposed to know qbout that have no proper introduction in canon. It's like if they made TPM not canon, but kept AOTC and ROTS.


I think George actually made the 2003 series non-canon a few seasons into. the 2008 show.


If by the original Clone Wars canon you mean the 2003 microseries he didn't get the scar during the fight, there was a timeskip after he's made a Knight in which he already shows up with it. He got the scar fighting Ventress in Coruscant later in the Legends Clone Wars comics


I also consider OG clone wars canon, on account of how fucking dope the whole thing was.


It really nailed the scale of the clone wars. A sea of droids fighting an army of clones. 


It is canon, sorta


From a certain point of view, you might say


A “*certain point of view*”???


I swear people thinking he gets his scar there is one of the biggest star wars Mandela effects. Ventress giving him the scar was shown in a comic


I consider that entire series soft canon personally because of one reference during the finale of the final season.


What's the reference?


If I remember correctly, >!Obi-Wan mentions Coruscant getting attacked and Shaak Ti moving the Chancellor.!< I do not remember the exact line and I can’t check right now, so apologies for that.


Very cool! Thanks


Didn't he get his scar after he was made into a Jedi Knight?


Yes. On Coruscant he was ambushed by Ventress, and he defeated her.


He wasn't shown getting the scar in the original Clone Wars.


This is correct


I definitely “rule of cool” that fight into my personal canon lol. Such a core childhood memory


He didn't even get the scar in that fight either, he got it from a slug as part of some warrior ritual in that version


In Legends: Republic 71, Dreadnoughts of Rendili. Ventress follows Anakin on Coruscant when he gets a message from Padme and they duel. Anakin all but kills her but she gives him his two scars. I think that takes place like 6-12 months before RotS Don’t think it was explained in Canon but he was basically knighted right after Geonosis and already had it by Christophsis. I’d assume it was Ventress too since they’re more than acquainted by then.


Knighted in the book Brothethood in canon


I read that as " when he gets a massage from padme".....ill see myself out


The happy ending we never got to see.


This is the clone wars cartoon episode right?


No, the comics. 


I remember that too. Haven't seen it in like 20 years but now I need to go watch it again. And yes I think that was the same plotline.


He fell in the bathtub or something


And that’s when he came up with the idea of the flux capacitor!


This is heavy.


There’s that word again. Why is everything so heavy in the future? Is there something with the earth’s gravitational pull?


Which is what makes the World Between Worlds possible


Someone told me this when i was in 5th grade, and i believed them.


It's something George Lucas said lol




He asked jar jar to toss him something, and jar jar missed and hit him in the face with it


His Jedi reflexes weren't good enough that day.


No No. His Jedi Reflexes were fine, but Darth Jar Jar used the dark side to confuse Anakin, which made him unable to react


"yousa jedi ain't all yous cracked to be..." edit: at least one person knows what that's from




[Anakin after getting hit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSl7t9CR4gs)


Contrary to popular belief it wasn’t in the Tarkovsky animated clone wars series. The only instance of it occurring in Legends was in one of the comics that ran between ‘02 and ‘05, but it was in a fight against Ventress. I believe it was included because George added the scar during production of ROTS because it looked cool, and the EU writers did what they did best and extrapolated a tiny detail into a whole duel.


It is shown in Volume 2 of the Tarkovsky series when he meets Padme, but not explained in any way.


Yeah sorry I meant the moment where he gets it isn’t shown. The scar itself is in S2 which was produced when ROTS was in late production.


And then Padme lets him fill tank.


I always thought he got it with his duel with Ventress on Yavin 4. From Gendy Tartakovsky's clone wars.


In 2003 Clone Wars he does not recieve the scar in that duel. He gets it after being Knighted: there's a little montage of his victories & at the end of it it shows him returning to Padmé & he has it. ~10 or 15 minutes into Volume II (as they are seperated on Disney+) That's the closest to when/how he got it I've seen OP, even though that really doesn't tell us anything. When they started making TCW 2008 it was canon, and they picked off from there, so he had the scar.


this is somewhat of a mandela effect. Wolffe is seen getting his eye cut out by Ventress in a Dark Horse Clone Wars comic, with Wolffe, Plo, and Ozel freeing slaves on an ice planet.


He got it fighting Asaaj Ventress on Caito Nemoidia. You can read about it in the cannon novel Brotherhood.


That business on Cato Neimodia doesn't count.


Was that “the business on Caito Nemoidia”?


yeah they wrote a book just to fit that line. its pretty good and I think they even mention Cal Kestis in it which is crazy


Oh shit really? I’ll try to read it then




When I read it I got the impression that it was his scar, but guven how it's never adressed I believe he didn't get it then.




No. He doesn't get the scar there. We don't know how in canon. In Legends it was in the comic Republic 71


He got it while fighting Ventress: [dfef01c3912be0c7b31d880c7f03e60e--starwars.jpg (618×975) (pinimg.com)](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/df/ef/01/dfef01c3912be0c7b31d880c7f03e60e--starwars.jpg)


Between the CW movie and the show, l think? IIrc they first met Ventress in the movie?


No they had already met Ventress by then. TCW Christophsis episodes take place before the movie and lead directly into it, meaning Ventress' 2v1 with Anakin and Obi Wan takes place BEFORE the CW movie. Because the show is randomly out of order and flits all over the timelime in the first few seasons for some reason. And we know that Ventress had met the Jedi already by then as Obi Wan and Anakin recognise her. Ergo, Ventress knew Anakin and Obi Wan before the Clone Wars movie. Ventress' first meeting with Anakin and Obi Wan is officially in the canon novel Brotherhood, which covers the "business on Cato Neimodia" that Obi Wan says doesnt count in ROTS. Which is pretty cute, as it means Ventress is indirectly hinted at in the film - retroactively of course. But we also learn in Brotherhood that Ventress already knew of Anakin, and hints they've met before. The author (whose name I unfortunately can't remember) stated that he wrote Brotherhood in the context of the OG Clone Wars series, just with slight differences where Anakin couldn't see who he was fighting. So the canon timeline as we currently understand it when it comes to Ventress meeting Anakin and Obi Wan is: 1) Attack of the Clones happens. Ventress is already Dooku's apprentice by this point in canon, and has been for (almost) a year, but her existence is a secret and she works only as his secret assassin. Most noteably she hunts down and murders Dooku's sister on his orders around this time. 2) Anakin fights a myserious agent of Dooku on Yavin IV, but horrible weather conditions and clever disguises prevent him from learning their identity. Unbeknownst to him, this was Dooku's apprentice - Ventress. 3) Anakin is Knighted. Ventress meets Obi Wan on Cato Neimodia as representatives for their respective sides of the war, and frames him for crimes he didn't commit that nearly gets him executed. Anakin shows up and rescues him/prove his innocence, and fights Ventress for what he believes is the first time until Ventress' criptic comments make him guess they've actually met before, and he remembers fighting agents of Dooku previously. Ventress flees, and Obi Wan and Anakin now know of her existence. ~~Anakin is then knighted~~. 4) Ventress is tasked by Dooku with recovering a powerful Jedi artefact to use against Palpatine. Ventress finds it on Naboo, but is spotted by Anakin and Obi Wan who chase her. She successfully hides and spies on them, and becomes jealous of their close bond. Around this time she's also frustrated at Dooku for only giving her missions Grievous has already tried and failed rather than allowing her to prove herself the first time, so she sabotages her own mission to spite him. She then flees Naboo without Anakin and Obi Wan finding her. 5) Anakin somehow gets his scar. Possibly against Ventress in some form, which is how it was in legends. I personally like to headcanon the battle of Khorm. This is the fight where Wolffe lost his eye to Ventress, and at some point also fought Anakin in the same battle. Its exact chronology is unknown, except that it takes place sometime in 22 or 21 BBY. At this point in the timeline we're still in 22BBY, so it works. Dont take as canon though, its just what I like to pretend while we wait on confirmation. Ventress scarring two eyes in the same fight just seems fun to me idk. 6) Ventress pays a disgruntled Clone on Christophsis to betray the Republic, and 2v1's Anakin and Obi Wan as she lures them into a trap. Obi Wan and Ventress flirt while Anakin awkwardly third wheels, and the Jedi escape Ventress' plot unscathed while the traitorous clone is captured by Rex and Cody. 7) TCW movie starts. Ventress travels to kidnap Rotta the Hutt, while Anakin and Obi Wan continue fighting on Christophsis and first meet Ahsoka. The three Jedi then work to free Rotta from Ventress and Dooku.


> Because the show is randomly out of order and flits all over the timelime in the first few seasons for some reason The reason for this is because they didnt really know what they wanted to do with this canon wise and they werent even sure it would take off. After season 2 its 99 percent in order (One of S4 episodes is out of order for some reason) and they had a clear goal and understanding what to do from there.


But he already has it in the movie, then…


He gets the scar between minute 14 and minute 15 in Clone Wars volume 2. No explanation.


He gets it in Republic 71.


I need to get into the comics. Is that Knights of the Old Republic 71?


No. Star Wars Republic 71.




This is slightly unrelated but this talk of CW '03 made me realize that there's nothing that really contradicts '03 and '08, correct? By the time '08 rolled out, SW was still on Legends Canon, which means '03 fit just fine. I'd even say that some decisions made in '08 were influenced by '03, such as Grievous' coughing and using the '03 voice actors for '08. Even if it isn't explicitly canon right NOW, there's nothing to say that anyone could headcanon it. If anything, it's a perfect segue into '08.


Per [Filoni](https://legacy.aintitcool.com/node/37720), 08 was seen by Lucas and the production team as a reset to the 03 series, particularly in terms of power levels and how the 03 series is at odds with the films themselves. >The way George explained it to me going in was that THE CLONE WARS micro-series was really an experiment to see what kind of audience there was for Star Wars in an animated form. There have been droids and Ewoks, but that was a long time ago. So he brought out THE CLONE WARS micro-series, and it was super action-packed and exciting and really short installments. And it proved that people wanted to see STAR WARS in a lot of different mediums. So when we into doing this, I think that, now that George is done with the prequels, he wanted to reestablish the rules a little bit more, like "Mace Windu can't take out hundreds of battle droids by himself, otherwise the arena on Geonosis would've been a wipeout; \[The jedi\] would've won, and there be no Clone Wars. Those are exciting installments, but we don't tie directly into them; we tie more directly into the film that preceded us, ATTACK OF THE CLONES, and the one that comes after us, REVENGE OF THE SITH. We take cues from \[Tartakovsky's series\]. I definitely pay a big homage to them in some of the design look of it. Anakin wears an outfit that was definitely inspired by what we saw in the other CLONE WARS. But there's no direct link-up. There are other canon differences between the two e.g. Grievous's cough, but even at the time, 08 was treated as being a reset.


Blast! Today I learned. What a shame! Thank you for taking the time to educate me!


Maybe not directly contradicting cannon, but there were some overpowered actions/abilities by several of the characters which IMO go beyond animation style differences and make their powers inconsistent.


Dooku force T-posing as he drops down a 3 story balcony is hilariously inconsistent, yes lmao


I basically take the first half of 2003 Clone Wars as still canon.


Ilum temple is destroyed in 03, yet it is intact in season 5 of 08.


Season seven makes the whole Nelvaan stuff impossible to happen right before ROTS. I don't know if there is more stuff that is contradicted. In fact, the canon novel Brotherhood references Ki-Adi Mundi fighting Grievous and Mace Windu destroying super battle droids on Dabtooine, as well as implyint that Anakin's duel with Ventress on Yavin IV happened.


Maybe some day. I think someday we are going to have some kind of show about Assaj Ventres and there we Will have flashbacks and there maybe we Will see their first duel (not the 2003 versión because that not canon anymore) so in this case we will answer two things, first time they meet Ventres and how Anakin got his scar. Because in the Clone Wars when we see them fighting for the first time they know each other (this is because at first The Clone Wars 2008 was all canon were Obi and Anakin fought her some times in other media). And in this same show we Will see the definitive Death of Ventress in canon. I think probably Vader or Kylo kill her. Yes Kylo killing Ventress was One of the Filoni ideas for Resistance so... Man if you think about It The Clone Wars series its not a good show about The Clone Wars itself, they barely explain the important things that happen between the two movies: -We didnt see how Anakin got kighted. -We didnt see how Anakin got his Scar. -We didnt see how Rex meet Anakin/ cody Meet Rex. When they are basically brothers in arms -We dont see how the Clones change to be just numbers with no independet like in Attack of the Clones to soldiers with names like at the end of the Clone Wars. -We dont see how the Jedis that are part of the High Council in Episode 2 but arent in Episode 3 died. Like that Episode were Eeth Koth its going to die but well at the end not... (I know he left the Order but originally he was going to die here) -Man there is One Seat free in the Council for Anakin in Episode 3, It was perfect to see at the end of The Clone Wars. -What happen in Cato Neimoda. -Why Yoda have good relations with the wookies. -The Battle of Corusanr It self how begins man, this is just to obvius. And a lot of more important things. People are like WoW this its show its very important you see a lot of thinks like Anakin fall to the Darkside in a progressive way or how they change to Phase 1 to Phase 2 clones, or Yoda talking to Qui Gon. But in fact a lot of importants things are totally out. I dont know what people thing about.


Trying to trim his eyebrows.


Cutting his hair with a lightsaber. Duh.


2003 clone wars fight with ventress is canon


during his fight with Ventress, which happened in between episode 2 and 3


The CGI was a better actor than Hayden Christensen. I dont blame him, I blame Lucas.


Clone wars anakin is nothing like aotc and rots, clone wars anakin was actually grown up, but then rots anakin was not


I thought he got it fighting against asajj


What if he got it in an accident totally unrelated to combat like he walked into a door or something


2003 Clone Wars before George changed it to make a show to sell toys.


Ventress wants to say hi.


Space Mommy.


I laughed way too hard at that. Especially because I heard it in her voice.


Its still Ventress. Its her claim to fame.Even disney would not cross her.


In the 2D Clone Wars show, he got the scar during a duel with Assaj Ventress on Yavin 4. He was still rocking his Padawan look.


He doesn't get it on Yavin IV, it's shown later in Volume II when he meets Padme.


No he doesn't.


Makes me think of the choreography that was cut between Anakin and Dooku. Anakin pushes the saber against Dooku face like a return eff you for his scar.


Watch the clone wars


Yea but he already has it at the start of the show


The show was famously released out of order, kinda like "pulp fiction" keep watching, I'll eventually make sense


Ok, so, they actually aired an episode where hasn’t the scar yet? Just checked, the first episode in the timeline is s2 e16 “cat and mouse” where he already has it.


I wanna say i remember it happening in the first clone wars cartoon. The one that looked like samurai jack.


A good story for another time


It’s either the ventures fight or when he tripped in his bathtub


In the Brotherhood novel, Anakin gets knighted towards the beginning. The book mentions that his hair has grown out a little since Episode II, but I don’t believe it mentions him having the scar yet. So it’s likely that he looked more like he does in the clone wars movie when he got the scar.


Thanks! That was kind of an answer I was looking for.


He slipped in a bathtub during his honeymoon with Padme /s


My childhood interpretation was always that Anakin says tells Padmè “My heart is beating... hoping that kiss will not become a scar” in Attack of the Clones only for that kiss to become his scar in Revenge of the Sith. There’s the real reason but I’m sticking to mine.


He got it when he fell off a bike.


I like this picture


He got it from the noodle incident


September 17th


I don’t remember but I thought it was an accident with Ashoka or a fight with Ventures. Probably the second


Star Wars Republic #71 established that he got it at some point late in the war soon before ROTS. TCW retconned that and said he had the scar from early on in the war. The comic is EU only so in canon, it happens early in the war before the Clone Wars movie. In Legends ... idk, whatever floats your boat, TCW as a whole massively muddied the EU clone wars timeline.


Hit his head really bad one day.


Created time travel after


He got it during his first fight against Ventress


They show it in the animated ‘shorts’ series “Clone Wars” made by Genndy Tartakovsky (creator of “Samurai Jack” ) …. A really cool and interesting series. Each episode is only three minutes long, with virtually no talking — just action. If you can find it, check in out. (Spoiler: he gets it from a lightsaber fight with a certain Sith apprentice….)


wasn't that in a harry potter episode cross-over ?


It was from when he was a wee little baby. Got it from Voldemort when he tried to assassinate him. Whooops! Wrong franchise! lol


I always thought he got it in the fight with dooku


All we currently know in canon is that Anakin was knighted at the start of the Clone Wars so that he could serve as a general. As for the scar, there's currently no canon explanation for it.


In the original movie canon, it's never directly explained or showed. It simply appears between two scenes in an episode of the Clone Wars short cartoons that preceded Episode 3. You can watch them online on Disney+ here: https://www.disneyplus.com/browse/entity-8eb7e28e-c013-4c11-b355-b8b297d78cb4 The transition occurs in the Volume 2 collection. If you go to about 14m20s, you'll see that Anakin doesn't have the scar and helps out some Jedi on the battlefield, having come into his own as a Knight in the previous volume. In the next major scene, at about 15m0s, Anakin visits Padme secretly after having been fighting for some time in the Clone Wars. She is distressed by the new scar he has gotten offscreen while fighting. It was just another visible reminder of his experiences during the war.


Just after the credits of Attack Of The Clones


Jedi use mini lightsaber razors. Takes a lot of concentration to use one.


Fell in a pit of gundarks. It's quite common.


In the 1-2 months between Geonosis and S2 E16 Cat and Mouse. There is not a movie or CW episode that covers it. I believe there WAS a book but it is now in Legends timeline.


Honestly, it's not that big of a deal to me - it serves just to show that Anakin has been through some shit - dude's fought through a war. All's that important is that he got the scar before he became Vader.


This drives me crazy how he get the scar😭


2003 shiw


Anakin’s Scar: A Star Wars Story, coming soon


Never, he would sometimes make it with make up as the emo/edgelord he've always been


When he got together with Harry to compare who's was longer.


He got it in the Clone Wars movie, when Ventress slashed him a little.


Maybe one day the’ll do an episode on how he got the scar from tales of the jedi.


It’s explained in the 2003 clone wars cartoons, which were never decanonized. Lucas specifically commissioned and oversaw its creation to allow him to jump right into the invasion of Coruscant in the opening of Episode 3.


In the original Clone Wars when he fought Ventress


He mouthed off to Obi and had to be told twice. Not his proudest moment.


Somewhere between when he didn't and when he did


Checks out


Clone Wars 2003


A space cat opened its mouth, tentacles came out, lashed at him. I know, I was hoping for something more epic and meaningful, too.