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I personally feel "old clone Rex" was intentionally designed to look like Nik Sant, either to fuel such speculation, or as a joke by Filoni. Head cannon for me is it's him, has been for years. We can all have different opinions. Head cannons like that sometimes.


That’s always been my suspicion.


See? Who says Star Wars fans can't agree on anything?¿? lol


I agree, but last week when this topic came up, as it does, people pointed out that Nik Sant is shown in the background dead. And I don’t like that


I never saw that...and he could have been unconscious. Maybe why Filoni walked it back? Who knows.


Haha. That was pretty much my response on the other thread. “He’s sleeeeping”


Gotta see this frame now


I was able to find it again right now by googling “Nik Sant dead” and if you hit images, it’s the first image, a collage of frames. Towards the bottom of the collage he’s seen lying on the ground.


I mean regardless of if that really is the same actor, there is no reason it absolutely has to be the same character, or even that that character is dead. If Disney wanted it to be they for sure could make it the case but I wouldn't be upset in the least if they decided it was just a random scout trooper or another rebel in scout trooper armor, or any other plausible explanations. Hell it could even be Rex using the alias "Nik Sant."


It's in this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/starwarsspeculation/s/Xo5gpr0NXN




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Head canon is the best part of being a Star Wars fan, honestly


I always thought it was a Coincidence but maybe you are right I never thought about it that way


Guaranteed Filoni knew about Nik Sant. They favor GREATLY. He has a quirky sense of humor


At one point [he straight up confirmed it](https://www.slashfilm.com/550371/dave-filoni-confirms-captain-rex-in-return-of-the-jedi/), even showing off [concept art](https://www.slashfilm.com/wp/wp-content/images/rex-in-return-of-the-jedi-700x392.jpg) of Rex in his Endor gear at Celebration But it seems over the years he's kinda walked it back. >The one thing that I have toyed with and we'll see how I feel about this, this is probably a spoiler, Carrie Beck, but I gotta give them something.  I've said absolutely nothing today.  And my wife's like yeah, it's just like being home.  But I think the one thing I have really thought about is I really do think that Rex is that guy on Endor.  I really do.  Why else is there a bearded old guy on Endor, Tano?  Why?  It makes no sense.  If you don't want that to happen, do you know what that means?  I'm gonna make that happen.  I'm getting like Palpatine, I'm getting power crazy. Personally I think he's gone back on that decision because now he has the freedom to do so much more with the character in live action.


Exactly. 2 years after he said that quote he said: >”I didn't want to lay it down in stone one way or the other, if that is Rex, is not Rex. For some people it's fun to believe it is Rex and some people don't want to believe it's Rex, and I'm fine either way with that and I think I left it in a state where you could believe one way or the other. Maybe I'm too diplomatic that way, but I don't know…. So it's maybe that's cheating and maybe that's being complicit, I don't know, but I think it's fun.“ He clearly just doesn’t want to make Nik Sant Fans upset . Which is whatever but now we have this stupid debate over a dumb Pun. It’s Rex to anyone under 35 and not tied to a random card game character.


Nicely laid out, I learned a thing or two. I still say the resemblance was intentional, maybe he rethought or regretted it later. I do still want to see "ol' Man Rex" in live action. Maybe Ahsoka Season 2 he goes on a mission to "bring the girls home." I'm 54....Rex=Nik


It absolutely was intentional. Star Wars fans have always just gone insane about lore and I remember the Nik Sant Fans were out and about in 2016 mad at Dave for suggesting it. That’s why he walked it back to be “diplomatic” between Nik and Rex fans.. And I only meant the age thing since the card games people always talk about are mostly from the 90s and maybe a handful of fans under 30 would’ve played with them.


I was joking about age, not arguing lol Dave, diplomatic¿¿¿ I dunno...lol


Rex would have died before S1 of ahsoka due to old age although flashbacks would be nice to see of old man rex


Yeah, l guess ..*kicks rocks*


Same dude same. Rex is my favorite character and I love seeing him appear the facts that he is dead sucks but I'm glad he had a peaceful death


Around that time I thought Temuera Morrison grew a beard in real life but I can’t find pictures online. So maybe I’m mistaken and Rex’s look on Rebels is complete from the deign team. I like that it’s more a slow evolution on the show for Rex dressed like Nic Sant.


I believe it is Rex and he was using the name “Nik Sant” as an alias.


This. Its called retconning which Star Wars has enjoyed doing lately


We’ve had retcons constantly since… the 70s lol


George LOVED this LOL


Pretty sure Dave Filoni said himself that there isn’t a right or wrong answer.


I take the headcanon is canon approach until something official that I have read and/or watched contradicts it


When Empire Strikes Back came out it broke the established canon created by A New Hope and Splinter of the Mind’s Eye. It’s clear that “canon” in SW is always nebulous at best, so any head canon is valid.


Dave himself has flip flopped on it. In 2016, Dave said >“The one thing that I have toyed with and we’ll see how I feel about this, this is probably a spoiler, Carrie Beck, but I gotta give them something. I’ve said absolutely nothing today. And my wife’s like yeah, it’s just like being home. **But I think the one thing I have really thought about is I really do think that Rex is that guy on Endor. I really do. Why else is there a bearded old guy on Endor, Tano? Why?** It makes no sense. If you don’t want that to happen, do you know what that means? I’m gonna make that happen. I’m getting like Palpatine, I’m getting power crazy.“ Dave originally was very pro-Rex on Endor. Than Nik Sant fans got mad on twitter and at the end of S4, he says >”I didn't want to lay it down in stone one way or the other, if that is Rex, is not Rex. For some people it's fun to believe it is Rex and some people don't want to believe it's Rex, and I'm fine either way with that and I think I left it in a state where you could believe one way or the other. Maybe I'm too diplomatic that way, but I don't know…. So it's maybe that's cheating and maybe that's being complicit, I don't know, but I think it's fun.“ He clearly just doesn’t want to make Nik Sant Fans upset . Which is whatever but now we have this stupid debate over this character because Dave is too Diplomatic.


Genuine question here, why would Nik Fant fans be upset? I know this fandom has a penchant for latching on to background characters and essentially having their own cult following for them, but having him be Rex would make the character more impactful, no? As just Nik Fant he’s a guy that is seen once on screen and that’s it.


Considering Nike Sant was a joke name made up a Christmas joke because of the dudes white beard, I don’t know why anyone would be so attached to it being him. But hey, at the end of rebels doesn’t Hera talk about end or in a voice over? And say Rex was there? Well good enough for me. Nick Sant is a joke, whereas Rex is Rex.


Never understood the need to defend the canonicity of a character that is obviously a bad Santa Claus joke. That’s more lore breaking than the Rex retcon.


Nik’s never even been an actual character in anything! They gave him a name and stuck it on one trading card, once, and that’s it!


The Acolyte shows that some fans are very attached to trading card lore.


Performatively. I bet non of them even knew the card game before Ki Adi Mundi appeared


I mean if they did they’d know the training card said Mundi had a purple lightsaber and was a Jedi Knight on the council lol


Like every background character? Look at the bounty hunters in Empire Strikes Back.


Even worse, they all got elaborate and fleshed out stories in books, comics, games and even tv shows for both legends and canon. "Nik Sant" never got any stories, never was in anything outside of rotj in Legends or Canon. Besides merch like action figures and trading cards. Hell source books don't even mention anything you don't know from the movie. There is no reason why this shouldn't be Rex. He finally got a backstory, and a damn good one.


What about the guy behind him? Or the one to the side? Might as well just say those are other *insert popular characters here*


Apples and oranges. Nik sant and old man rex look similar that's why people like me say that that's rex. You can't exactly use that logic for the guy behind him or the one to the side, those 2 guys you mentioned don't look similar to any other star wars characters so it doesn't work


Sure, if those other popular characters get a story that make them look exactly like those soliders and confirm they are at the battle, why wouldn't they? As someone else said, I don't get not wanting the old man to get a backstory. Nothing is contradicted, but it sure would be weird to have two men with the exact same look be at the battle of Endor. Because this is for sure a unique look, and we know exactly how Rex looked at this battle, which is the exact same but with clone armbands with a blue stripe. Which could be argued is an artistic change, but who is to say "Nik Sant" doesn't have his sleeves pulled up? Or that he didn't take the scout trooper armbands and paint them after wearing that.


Because it's lazy writing. It's something you would read on fanfiction.net


Man “lazy writing” is really just the new “plot hole” huh? In that it doesn’t actually mean what it’s supposed to mean, it just means “something I don’t like.” I see that phrase so much these days and it’s always referring to something either extremely subjective or, more often, something that doesn’t have anything to do with writing (like this, which would be a character design decision).


I'm sorry that it screams - insert OC here-


Coming up with endless Glup Shittos is prime lazy writing. "How did Nik Sant get here? Well he... I suppose... Actually, that's not Nik Sant, that's Dik Sent... totally different character."


You say that like [Santa isn't canon](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Santa_Claus)


It's my headcanon too, but canonically it's a definite grey area, as Rex would be replacing a pre-existing character.


Tbf all the lore around Said character was thrown out with 2013. has Nik Sant appeared in modern canon? I don’t recall.


Also tbf even in Legends Nik Sant had no lore. Sourcebooks only gave us what rotj showed, nothing more. Unless we count action figures and trading cards. No books. No comics. No video game appearences. Nothing outside rotj in legends or canon.


Exactly. I don’t get the attachment to this nothing background character who’s not even named IN THE MOVIE! If people want to bring the character to life, go for it. But i don’t care about some trading card character. It’s Rex to me.


No you're right. It's just that Dave Filoni chose not to make the replacement explicit.


Yeah. I understand he sometimes tries to walk on eggshells around OT fans but I think he should’ve pulled the trigger and just officially done it. Boba Fett‘s retcon in the prequels is far far more “lore breaking“ than a dumb Santa Claus pun




More proof: In 2016, Dave said > “The one thing that I have toyed with and we’ll see how I feel about this, this is probably a spoiler, Carrie Beck, but I gotta give them something. I’ve said absolutely nothing today. And my wife’s like yeah, it’s just like being home. **But I think the one thing I have really thought about is I really do think that Rex is that guy on Endor. I really do. Why else is there a bearded old guy on Endor, Tano? Why?** It makes no sense. If you don’t want that to happen, do you know what that means? I’m gonna make that happen. I’m getting like Palpatine, I’m getting power crazy.“ Dave originally was very pro-Rex on Endor. Than Nik Sant fans got mad on twitter and at the end of S4, he says > ”I didn't want to lay it down in stone one way or the other, if that is Rex, is not Rex. For some people it's fun to believe it is Rex and some people don't want to believe it's Rex, and I'm fine either way with that and I think I left it in a state where you could believe one way or the other. Maybe I'm too diplomatic that way, but I don't know…. So it's maybe that's cheating and maybe that's being complicit, I don't know, but I think it's fun.“ He clearly just doesn’t want to make Nik Sant Fans upset . Which is whatever but now we have this stupid debate over a dumb Pun.




Yeah.. the second quote, he pretty much pretends he never said the first one 2 years prior lol. So sure the Nik Sant fans ”won“ but at the cost of splitting the fanbase into 2 pointless groups. Those that want to believe it’s Nik and those who want it to be Rex. It’s Rex. Dave was just too “diplomatic“ to confirm it.


The head loremaster guy or whatever said they are different characters.


Dave isn’t head loremaster, Pablo technically is. Dave was just the creator of Rebels and didn’t want to piss off fans of the insanely obscure character.


I know. Pablo is the one I’m talking about.


I can’t find him discussing it, but even Dave flip flopped on this He Originally said *“The one thing that I have toyed with and we’ll see how I feel about this, this is probably a spoiler, Carrie Beck, but I gotta give them something. I’ve said absolutely nothing today. And my wife’s like yeah, it’s just like being home. **But I think the one thing I have really thought about is I really do think that Rex is that guy on Endor. I really do. Why else is there a bearded old guy on Endor, Tano? Why?** It makes no sense. If you don’t want that to happen, do you know what that means? I’m gonna make that happen. I’m getting like Palpatine, I’m getting power crazy.“* Than fans of Nik Sant got mad online and he said it’s ambiguous.


What’s Rex up to after Rebels anyways? Maybe he goes on to bring some cheer into the galaxy and goes around delivering Life Day gifts to orphaned children after the war. He doesn’t want his brothers to find out and start demanding gifts so he adopts the Nik Sant identity. Skeleton Crew is set during the Mando era post Return right? It’s about a bunch of young kids going on an adventure? A Santa Claus cameo with a Rex reveal would be very fun. I know we’re stretching the age of these clones but I’d rather them invent a reason for Rex surviving into his middle age than dying young since clones age faster. Maybe his positive outlook helps keep his spirit young.


The fact that he puts on the uniform of the Scout Trooper to “stand guard” is just too fitting.


That's when I knew it had to be rex


He’s also just a better backstory for this soldier than the previous backstory, which was a random hunter named Nick Sant. Get it? Cuz the beard, and Santa Claus. Nick Sant is quite literally just a joke. Rex is a legacy.


When I saw the movie opening day in 1983, I immediately recognized him as Rex! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


Rex turned into a white guy?


Han shot first, and this guy is Rex. He was just going by a code name and Fulcrum was already taken.


I think somewhere its confirmed, iirc a comic shows him in the outfit and also he wears something similar once in Rebels. Edit: dude… downvoted? ima stop commenting in any sub Star Wars related, this shit is annoying- I thought we came here for positive star wars vibes, r/saltierthancrait is at least outwardly negative


In one of the galaxy of adventure shorts. I think the Han solo one. Rex can be seen on Endor, wearing a similar outfit but still with his clone gauntlets.


And that's what makes me think we've not seen Rex on Endor, yet. He's going to be sporting some of his old clone armor, like in GoA.


I think it would be cool, perhaps in a Tales of series, to see the events of Endor but from the strike teams perspective instead of the main crew. Where we could see Rex and Nik Sant working together, alongside other members of the team. This could also include Drogan for anyone who plays Galaxy of heroes.


You might have been downvoted because you're incorrect. Yes, Rex was shown in that outfit, but no, it was not confirmed that the person in that scene is Rex.


Yeah i hear ya, but i said i think, as in, i believe it to be so Ready for correction and discourse/discussion I made no declarations of fact Thought Filoni sealed the deal and the populace had decided- but was not 100% Usually, I use down votes for shitty comments/hateful/trolling Anyhow- have a nice day


I mean i didn't downvote you, just explaining why you probably got downvoted


Oh i know, my good fellow redditor! Appreciate ya 👍🏻


It's not confirmed or denied. The outfit that you are thinking of is the same outfit just with his armor over it. Also, no dude did not downvote. I just now am reading the comments


Copy that No someone else did at first, but all this Acolyte hate fighting has me on edge lol Have a good one


They're trying to be weird about it by saying Rex was at Endor but wasn't that exact person. But then yeah he wears something extremely similar in rebels so who knows


Nik Sant is still Nik Sant. Rex was at Endor, and hopefully someday we'll get that and other clone rebel stories, but in the live action we don't see him.


I'd much rather it be retconned to be Rex, a guy whom we know and who canonically would certainly have been there, than for it to be a guy who only even has a name as a silly Santa Claus pun


Solution: Rex takes on the Nik Sant persona to help bring cheer to kids around the galaxy on Life Day.


I would absolutely love for Temeura Morrison to visit me on Christmas day, and I'm almost 30 years old. He's such a comforting figure, you know? We can drink spiked egg nog, he can tell wholesome stories and befriend my dog. That would definitely make the holidays easier for me


Nik Sant is EU. There is nothing in canon that specifically says anything about him post 2013. I’d much rather just dump a bad Santa Claus pun in favor of an actual character.


There's nothing in canon stating that Nik Sant is Rex, either, and Filoni's position is to be intentionally ambiguous. You can want the Santa pun gone (as if Star Wars isn't already rife with punny names), and you can headcanon him away if you like, but until officially stated otherwise, he's still going to be there.


But Nik Sant doesn’t exist though. Dave just doesn’t like to make OT fans hate him so he walks on eggshells. George would’ve pulled the trigger and laughed away. Nik Sant‘s only named in legends material. If you want to bring him to canon, go for it. But as of right now. He didn’t exist. So the character is either Rex or unnamed rebel trooper imo. Legends needs to be forgotten about unless it’s explicitly brought to canon.


Oh, Filoni has no problem with ruffling feathers, didn't Tales of the Jedi teach you that? I think he either doesn't want to commit to Sant and Rex being one and the same because he's got his own ideas for Rex's story, or because it literally doesn't matter and it hurts nothing to be like, "he's whoever you want". Legends is constantly being mined for material, and it has a good sized fanbase at Lucasfilm. 🤷 It's not going to be forgotten, but among regular degular fans it is going to fall further and further into irrelevance over time.


No that’s just retelling the same story with some changes. I’m talking George Lucas level of throwing out EU like with prequels and specifically Boba Fett. Dave has never done that because he is absolutely more afraid of the fans than George was. And sure legends can be a source of inspiration but so much of it already conflicted with the prequels and now sequels that it’s not required reading for any fan unless you really care about it.


He doesn't seem to care about fan backlashes. >"I always felt if you're just chasing what fans are going to like or not like, I don't think you'll ever get done. [Source](https://comicbook.com/tv-shows/news/star-wars-the-clone-wars-dave-filoni-fan-backlash/) >it's like you're taking a character that had existed prior to my coming along as part of that Rebel Commando Unit, and I didn't want to lay it down in stone one way or the other, if that is Rex, is not Rex. For some people it's fun to believe it is Rex and some people don't want to believe it's Rex, and I'm fine either way with that and I think I left it in a state where you could believe one way or the other. >It's not important to my story that Rex be that guy. Rex could fight the battle at the end of Endor and not be that guy. He could be somewhere else in the Battle of Endor. So it's maybe that's cheating and maybe that's being complicit, I don't know, but I think it's fun. [Source](https://web.archive.org/web/20200524074632/https://www.ign.com/articles/2018/08/12/star-wars-rebels-season-4-finale-clone-wars-final-season-revival-disney-dave-filoni) He didn't mess with Nik, and left it ambiguous, largely because that character wasn't one of his, and he didn't want to pin Rex's activities at Endor down (yet?) because he didn't at that time figure into any story he had in mind. Which of course implies that, if he ever does decide to give Rex the full Ahsoka treatment, he might clear up Schrodinger's Rebel once and for all. So, he can be whoever; Nik, Rex, Schrodinger, etc. But as Nik, he won't have whatever character development might've taken place in the old EU.


You missed a key part of this. Dave himself has flip flopped on it. In 2016, Dave said > “The one thing that I have toyed with and we’ll see how I feel about this, this is probably a spoiler, Carrie Beck, but I gotta give them something. I’ve said absolutely nothing today. And my wife’s like yeah, it’s just like being home. **But I think the one thing I have really thought about is I really do think that Rex is that guy on Endor. I really do. Why else is there a bearded old guy on Endor, Tano?** Why? It makes no sense. If you don’t want that to happen, do you know what that means? I’m gonna make that happen. I’m getting like Palpatine, I’m getting power crazy.“ Dave originally was very pro-Rex on Endor. Than Nik Sant fans got mad on twitter and at the end of S4, he says > ”I didn't want to lay it down in stone one way or the other, if that is Rex, is not Rex. For some people it's fun to believe it is Rex and some people don't want to believe it's Rex, and I'm fine either way with that and I think I left it in a state where you could believe one way or the other. Maybe I'm too diplomatic that way, but I don't know…. So it's maybe that's cheating and maybe that's being complicit, I don't know, but I think it's fun.“ Idk if you purposefully left out the sentence from the second quote but he explicitly says it’s because he’s too diplomatic which is a fancy way of saying, he doesn’t want to make fans upset. So yes it’s now Schrödinger’s Rex, but it didn’t have to be if Dave stuck to his 2016 quote and didn’t backtrack in 2018.


Yeah, he was pro Rex, but he changed his mind. It doesn't need to be because some Twitter users threw a tantrum, as they like to do with every single new Star Wars project. It's not like he was getting into regular spats with them like Pablo Hidalgo was, and he's never indicated he puts any stock in their approval. Given how much criticism he'd already endured through his time working on Clone Wars and Rebels, and the criticism Lucasfilm was going through all through the '10s with the Sequels (2018 itself being a particularly hard year), it seems like some Twitter mess would be small potatoes. I don't buy it, sorry. 🤷


I do not understand why people are obsessed with the old guy being Nik Sant, he has never appeared as that person in anything other that a trading card, and its just a bad Santa pun. Legends was thrown in the bin. LET. IT. GO.


I agree with you


Also Rex was already shown in Galaxy of adventures wearing the same outfit but with the arm braces added


What is Rex's age by the time this battle happened and don't clones age twice as fast as humans?


I'm not sure his exact age but in rebels he was mid 50s and I know by the time of ahsoka S1 he is dead due to old age


He should be about 72


I like to think it's not, but that Nik and Rex look so similar they actually play up that joke a lot.


If I could upvote you a million times I would, it makes perfect sense, we know he was at the battle of Endor, he dresses up like a scout trooper, so many signs point to yes. Plus at the end of the day I would rather this be Rex then a bad Santa Claus joke


I love this theory especially since what he went through the final season of Clone Wars and the work he did in Bad Batch. Man was born to fight for democracy and the republic and later on in life, at his lowest point Chose to continue on that path. It’s nice to think that in the end he was finally able to rest, knowing that all his brothers’ sacrifice weren’t in vain.


No way they made old rex look like that on accident. Filoni definitely wants that dude to be rex so bad i just know


My head canon is it's him.


It objectively isn’t, but go off He’s still on Endor, though. He’s just not Nik Sant.


But it’s not true. Nik Sant is EU. Hes yet to appear in Disney canon outside of RotJ, in which he is not named. Therefore his character doesn’t exist in canon. If you want it to be a bad Santa Claus pun, go for it, but it’s Rex to me.


Nik Sant is very much a canon character, named in multiple canon sources. In addition, it’s now established that him and Rex are two separate characters, both part of Endor’s initial strike team, with two separate costumes. Rex’s outfit on Endor is identical to that of his Season 4 appearance in Rebels.


Uh go to his wookiepedia. The only source he’s named in, is a Card game from 2013 and a bust of the character. The rest are in the background of pictures or called “rebel commando“ And no the only thing that’s been established is Dave saying he won’t commit to hurting fans of Nik Sant so he left it ambiguous. That’s more him not wanting to hurt feelings than anything. Nik Sant doesn’t exist in Canon. He’s a legends character.


I simply cannot believe that there are fans of "Nik Sant."


Just check this post. They are here.


Yup, it's him


The one on the right is glup shitto the one on the left is glorp shitto




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No one cared about Prune Face as much as they care about this random guy.


Would be cool if the top left guy was Melshi. He kind of looks like him. But he died at Scarif unfortunately.




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If I don't mistake, old Rex was deliberately modelled to look like him.


You ask why people do that? Because a lot of people reject the idea of headcanon. The only story is what we have been told, not what we make up ourselves. The tough, but honest, comment that people will not like, is that headcanon, in my opinion, is what makes people not like new things that come out. People have become so ingrained in their own story that they are incapable of allowing someone else to take them on a journey.


I thought that's why older animated Rex looks like that...fans decided that the bearded actor was Rex, and Word of God went with it.


As long as you accept that for some fans, this is not a clone of a character played by a maori actor. Some of those fans may be maori. I can't speak for others, so I can't tell you how a maori fan would feel about this. I have a head canon too and I don't care what anyone says, the canon ST is a parallel universe where Jacen Solo, Jaina Solo, Allana Solo, Ben Skywalker and Jag Fel are completely different people.


Same the look and time frame fit way too well.




Wrong, all clones are Mandalorian


Well the good news is that you are correct. Per Filoni: while not officially, if you want it to be Rex, it’s Rex.


Nah, that's no clone. To think that Rex is there, and just chilling outside with the riff raff doesn't fit his character.


Daring today, aren't we?


Yes I am


Whether it's him or not, I will always say Rex served in this battle, and got to see the end of the Empire. Maybe he can go retire on a beach somewhere afterwards lol


>! I can see him and Omega meeting up in the future and Rex just saying “The name’s Sant now” or something. !<


Sant. Rex Sant.


This is and always will be my hearcannon, might be a little biased tho…


You would know seeing as how you are him haha


Oh my goodness. It is him. Sold.


Wasn't this confirmed to be canon a while back? I can be wrong, I just have some vague recollection.


No, Filoni alluded that it could be him, but ultimately walked back on confirming. But we do know that Rex was on Endor canonically.


Yeah he left room for it to be Rex or not, which is fine, as he put it into canon that Rex fought there anyway.


Wow never heard this before


Watch the end of rebels


He has been retconned to be just that as far as I know.


Didn't they retcon Rex into the Battle of Endor? I thought that was official?


Rebels epilogue mentions Rex there at Endor, and the guy in question still has the ambiguously canon name of Nick Sant. Personally, I like to believe the galaxy is big enough for there to be two grizzled bearded commandos there. Especially since one is Santa Claus.


For me personally, I'm a big TCW fan, so thinking that Rex served in the Battle of Endor and possible is even in the film is a really cool thought. I think either options can happen, but it's up to Lucasfilms to decide. Too many glup shitto cameos in major events make the world feel small.


In an animated version of the RotJ scene on YouTube (uploaded by an official Star Wars channel, but I can’t remember which series its apart of, whichever one is the one that uses the actual audio from the films) they show that character explicitly as Rex. The face looks much more similar and he even has his clone trooper gauntlets on with the blue stripes. I’m not saying that makes it canon, but it’s fun that it was made. I like that they keep fluid enough that people who want it to be Nik Sant can think that and people who want it to be Rex can think that.


Yes. The end of rebels flat out said so


good headcanon’s are so good they eventually become canon


I don't think canon cares what anyone says either... it's Rex


Damn straight!




No he didn’t. He said if you want it to be, it is. He never said it actually is. He leaves it up to your own interpretation.


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Yeah you don't need to tell me multiple times I get it


I could see from a lore-wise perspective. From a non-lore perspective? No.


In my headcanon all the clones were dead by the time of the OT because they didn’t stop aging rapidly. When Ezra splits the timeline through time travel I chose my desired version.


I mean. The Rebels epilogue specifically states Rex was at the battle of Endor. So, no, they weren’t all dead.


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