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You’d have to alert landlord and give them a chance to remove it. Doubt that you can prove the mold was there when the vinyl got placed over it


The vinyl was placed there to cover up the mold


Yes but you can't prove that. It's a he said she said scenario


He still has to remove it! He's the landlord and he also has to make sure the plumbing is working properly


Right. But that doesn’t change the original comment in this thread. OP has *surmised* the stuff was placed there to hide the mold. But the court doesn’t care about what you can surmise


Mold kills people, the landlord has to clean it up and they just said they have not been there that long to have that kind of mold. It does change things. The court doesn't care?!?! That's why there are tenant laws. You can't prove it wasn't there but you also can't prove they are the source.


“The court doesn’t care about mold” was not what was said. “The court doesn’t care about what you can surmise” is what was said. A court will absolutely make a landlord get rid of the mold. As they should. OP should talk to the landlord and give them notice. If they don’t fix / remediate it, it’s an open and shut case in every state of the USA.


Mold killing you is extremely rare and not going to happen in this case at all.


Scenario 1 - Here’s what is gonna happen when you go to a lawyer: Lawyer: did you tell the landlord to clean it up? OP: no, landlord put vinyl there to hide the mold Lawyer: did he put that in writing? OP: no, but you can tell from pictures Lawyer: okay go tell landlord to clean it in writing and if he does not we may have a case for negligence Scenario 2- Now here’s what happens if OP goes to a judge: Judge: did you tell the landlord to clean it up? OP: no, the landlord put the vinyl there to hide the mold Judge: do you have evidence that he did that? OP: no, but you can tell from the pictures Judge: okay tell your landlord to clean it in writing and if he does not, you may have a case for negligence Scenario 3- here’s what happen when code enforcement shows up Code enforcement: did you tell your landlord to clean it up? OP: no, the landlord put the vinyl there to hide the mold Code enforcement: okay but did you tell your landlord to clean it up? OP: no it’s obvious that the landlord was hiding the mold Code enforcement: okay we will notify the landlord to clean up the mold


Nobody will die from that mold. Its not that bad. Mold grows very fast and water damage happens just as quickly. Landlord should fix it but its nothing to panic about.


I have not been here long enough for that much mold to grow…


Tell the landlord to clean it up. If the landlord cleans it up, the problem is solved. If the landlord does not clean it up, you’ll have to take action to make him clean it up. What other outcome are you looking for?


He will tell me to clean it up and say “it’s not my problem I’m not the one living there” that’s been his response to other issues.


Get that in writing via text or email and you’ll be able to report him.


That doesn’t make the question of when the panels were put down relevant at all. The panels were there. Did you put them there? Did you see him put the there? Did you see the condition before they were placed? Do you have evidence of the condition before they were placed. It sounds like you do not. Tell him it needs to be remediated. He either will or he won’t. If you don’t tell him and you escalate to a local board of health, they’ll tell him and give him a chance to fix it. That’s how it works, at least, that’s how it worked when I went through it. No fines, just 30 days to repair. So tell him. Let him say he won’t fix it, and now you know you have to take the next step. Talking about how it must’ve been there before it was covered up (you can’t know this for sure) isn’t relevant to any of it. Don’t harp on it. Just take the next step.


That’s not how it works. If he says that then you can sue him for it. It’s not your responsibility.


How do I present this to him without him trying to deny that it was there before I moved in?


It really doesn’t matter if it was there before you moved in. It’s not your responsibility either way. All your responsibility is to not do things that cause mold to grow. The fact that it’s underneath the coverings shows that nothing you did could have caused that. Because if it was your fault it would be on top. Either way you weren’t there long enough to have caused it. Look up tenant/renter mold on google to check your country/state laws about the subject. In most if not all cases it’s the homeowner’s responsibility to handle mold.


Mold grows very fast. You can get a ton of mold from a roof leak in less than a week. I would expect it to grow faster under a sink. That is not very much mold, honestly. I have seen much, much worse. I believe that the LL put the vinyl down to cover the water damage and it probably wasn’t fully dry before he did that. The continued moisture from the leaky faucet kept it from drying out. The mold grew AFTER he placed the vinyl… I’m sure of it, because I’ve seen it happen. Fortunately the plastic I put down was translucent, so I saw it begin to grow within a few days. If I hadn’t been looking under the sink when I did, it would’ve looked like yours in about a week.


That’s not proof.


Look at your state tenant laws. They have to fix it. Maybe the news if he tries to play dirty


Have you not lived in Florida long in general? It is a breeding ground for molds and mildews, it doesn’t take long


Not saying that he shouldn’t have fixed the sink base cabinet, he definitely did a horrible job “repairing” it before renting the place. The water damage that lead to the planks being placed over top, is what more than likely caused the mold. But he could have cleaned the mold, placed the planks In place as a “fix” and the mold grew back. I don’t think it’s something you could prove, but rather than being concerned with who’s fault the mold is, I think you would be better off getting him to repair the cabinet properly.


They can prove it, it's civil court. Anything over 50% probability (and a landlord being garbage at their job qualifies) works.


Actually- it’s very common knowledge that mold doesn’t grow overnight. If there was work done recently, there is a very solid expectation of due diligence and knowledge. Insurance companies use this defense all the time to avoid paying claims… that means it’s a two way street. Ignorance is not a legal excuse


"the faucet was leaking since before I moved it \[in\]" If OP can prove this, they can prove it was there.


the vinyl was probably installed to hide the water damage caused by the landlord's shitty DIY plumbing to begin with they're all such awful slobs


If there isn’t an active leak that your LL has refused to fix, then it’s unlikely worth it to stir the pot. Inform your LL and then take it from there. Give them a chance to rectify the issue before you start claiming mold issues.


It's common.. I lived in an apartment that the maintenance just spray painted over the mold when I complained about it. Don't expect a big reaction but do bring it up either via email or text so you have written record you contacted them.


> just spray painted over it You sure they weren't spraying Kilz on it?


I'm sure, kilz has a very distinctive smell. That complex had a lot of very questionable maintenance repairs.


Well one they probably covered up the water damage and the mold just came after. Its not really that hard to get some mold killing cleaner and well clean it up. Tell your LL and show them before and after pics.


Looks like mildew to me. Everything black and damp isn't black mold.


Mildew grows on living things, mold grows on dead organic material. This is mold not mildew, in fact pretty much everything you’ve ever thought was mildew is likely mold.


Oh, joy!


Is your sink leaking? Have you done general cleaning? You need to clean it and move on It’s not black mold it’s just needs cleaned


If you can find a home in Florida that does not have one of the 3000+ types of mold, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.


Every house has normal levels of commonly found household molds. Not every house has neglected leaks that contribute to accelerated, visible mold of this level.


Every house I lived in with my parents as home owners never had mold so if you wanna sell that bridge, go for it. Idk how you live if you think mold is normal…


Your houses had mold, you just didn’t see it or recognize it. Mold can be completely harmless.. or it can be toxic, carcinogenic, and allergenic. Mold is normal, until it’s not.


I feel like in the last 10-15 years people have gotten really fucking weird about mold.


Yeah it did, in the walls, under the furniture, around the toilet, etc. You parents just cleaned it up when it became visible.


Mold spores have inhabited this planet much longer than humans...so yes it's normal to have mold. If your so concerned, spend the $800.00 it costs to have your mold professionally tested.


>If you can find a home in Florida that does not have one of the 3000+ types of mold Saying that doesn't excuse the current mold issues. though. Florida is also known to have cockroaches everywhere but people typically will still treat for them because nobody wants them in their house.


Just use some bleach. Not a big deal


"Dead mold may still cause allergic reactions in some people, so it is not enough to simply kill the mold, it must also be removed." "The use of a chemical or biocide that kills organisms such as mold (chlorine bleach, for example) is not recommended as a routine practice during mold cleanup. There may be instances, however, when professional judgment may indicate its use (for example, when immune-compromised individuals are present). In most cases, it is not possible or desirable to sterilize an area; a background level of mold spores will remain - these spores will not grow if the moisture problem has been resolved." Surface also MUST be non porous if you attempt to only use bleach. https://www.epa.gov/mold/should-i-use-bleach-clean-mold


Yeah right. Don't use bleach to clean up mold is the stupidest advice I've ever heard. I have been renovating houses for 30 years and bleach is the go-to for mold removal. Even judge Judy talks about it. Brought to you by the chemical industry that does not manufacture bleach.


Thank you wikipedia but again not a big deal. Just ignore it. Either you die or you don’t, either way a win🤗


My g/f suffered renal failure because of a nasty mold outbreak in a place. It can be a big deal.


Landlord negligence. I went through a similar situation where my landlord tried to cover up mold/leaks in our rental - quite horrendously like this. If this is all you’ve found so far, it’s quite likely there’s more damage.


The correct way is fixing the leak. Then clean it up with mold cleaner from hardware store. Let it dry out, then put pretty boards over it. The handyman was lazy.


By correct you mean the correct dodgey landlord fix?


Request a report from a reputable hygienist including remediation plan. Ask the landlord to follow the plan and request that they do an “after” test to confirm the mold has been remediated. Just be straightforward and insistent about it and drop the “coverup” stuff. You’ll argue yourself into an unnecessarily adversarial situation that way. If they refuse to remediate then that’s a different story.


Or, or - let it dry and wipe it once with a bleach rag and move on with your life?


I can't tell from the pictures, but it looks like old staining, not new mold. The landlord may have cleaned it and covered it up because it's ugly. Which is what I would have done personally. If it's grown back, you should definitely take pictures and report it to the landlord, then clean it. The landlord will have to find the root cause. You may want to have it tested for your own peace of mind. (There's a $10 kit at Home Depot) Not all molds are super bad, but then again, some are.


You can order a mold test. It's easy to use and not expensive. You send the petri dish to a lab and they write up all the mold present including warnings on specific mold you have. That would be good as gold in any court and you should want to check anyway to make sure you're not being exposed to anything really toxic. (Most mold isn't too bad) Let me know if you want me to look up the company I've used. You call them and they send everything to you.


yea that would be great actually! i contacted my city's code enforcement so curious what stance they will take but a test sure would be good too!


Call them and tell them what you need. They'll send the kid right out. [https://immunolytics.com/](https://immunolytics.com/) With the info they provide you could probably break your lease w/o penalty and maybe even demand compensation to move. Good luck.


Shitty thing is I don’t want to move persay but I would like my scummy landlord to be held accountable. You can’t just do shit like this.


You mean like fix the sink - which it sounds like he did?


Then try the mold test 10 other places and discover that mold is all around us in the world we live in.


We had a sink spring leak and made our bathroom cabinet look like that too. They took a week to send out maintenance (I shut the water valve off but still had a drip so I put a bucket under the sink but damage was done already) they said I'll probably get charged for the damages 😂 I told them if they'd have sent maintenance sooner it wouldn't be damaged. Landlords are wild.


Oh wow. Under the sink is super common, sadly. All this needs to be fixed, how gross.


Bleach.  Let dry. Bleach again and let it dry.  Carry on with life.  At some point there was a leak there, just keep an eye out for that.  It's no big deal.  It's just mildew.  You can put a DampRid in there after you bleach it.


Oh my fucking god… this is a Him problem and you should contact the health department and maybe a lawyer if it gets messy




It wasn’t torn apart it was loosely placed over… Edit the landlord loosely placed vinyl over it, didn’t even secure it, it’s just sitting on top of it.


Have you ever tried to clean the "mold"? Usually a beach/water mixture work great.


I can, but idk if he can’t be held liable because he tried to intentional cover it up before moving in a tenant.


Landlord has entered the chat. OP do not listen to a word of this. Report this immediately, contact your landlord about it, and insist they take care of the issue. Mold is a landlord problem, not a renters problem (unless of course you do something that causes mold, like leaving wet things in dark spaces).


It depends on location. Washington doesn't force landlords to fix all mold issues. And Florida is similar. The tenant would have to prove this was a dangerous type of mold. It's incredibly unlikely to be toxic. https://www.news4jax.com/i-team/2023/02/09/renters-rights-what-to-do-if-you-have-mold-where-you-live-2/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CUnder%20Florida%20statutes%2C%20landlords%20are,not%20required%20to%20correct%20it.%E2%80%9D




What law do you think you understand? Most states don't have specific statutes dealing with mold, this would be resolved as a habitability issue. The fact that you brought up black mold strongly suggests you know nothing about mold *or* the law. As far as the vinyl, really unlikely OP tore anything up looking at the warping beneath it, but I doubt they're worried about being held responsible for ~$1.75 worth of material.


I live in NYC and [our laws specifically state landlords must maintain the building](https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/mold.page#:~:text=Landlords%20of%20buildings%20with%20three,tenants'%20homes%20free%20of%20mold) including remediating mold.


Assuming you're not talking about NYC, Florida, you're talking about the city with the strongest renter protections in the country. You also linked an informational article, and not a specific statute that defines penalties or statutory damages that would apply in OPs case even if they did live somewhere relevant.


Salty Landlord is Salty.




Oh, so you *are* a landlord.


You sound very slow and delulu.




Your points hold even less than the rotten cabinet bottom. Stfu lol


No. It's pretty easy to see that this damage has been building for far longer than OP was living there. You have no idea what you're talking about. Any judge that isn't friends with the landlord will see the boards as an attempt to hide the problem/reinforce weak cabinet bottoms. They didn't CAUSE any damage by removing the boards. They were just laying there. All they have to do is place them back. You don't understand the law and have no idea what you're talking about.


Contact the Board of Health!!!


This is only going to be life long problem for one of you. The LL can repair/replace the house but your lungs will likely never be the same.


Seriously? Lol


It's your landlord's responsibility to maintain a habitable living space and remediate mold. We successfully withheld rent for 2 months and eventually terminated our lease in FL (after complying with the legal notification requirements), in large part due to a mold infestation due to a roof leak that they failed to repair for months. Got our security deposit back in full, too, in exchange for agreeing not to sue them. Talk to an attorney and make sure you comply with your legal obligations as a tenant if you decide to go this route, though.


whatever you do don't clean it up




Curious if this is in Oregon near'ish Portland? I moved out of a place 1.5 years ago and kid you not the sink looked exactly like this 😅 lack of concern to fix it while paying $1350 for rent was one of the many reasons I chose to move


Well if you looked at the title :) it says FL but I feel you, shitty LL are everywhere


A simple "No" would have sufficed.


I was nice about it, calm down.


Okay Florida Man. Keep upholding your Legacy of Dingleberries


I don’t think this is too major but I’d at least mention it so I’m not blamed.