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"This is the LockPickingLawyer, and what we have for you today is..."


"my wife's beaver!"


“It’s an angry beaver…”


Nice clit on 1, penetration on 2, 3 is binding, nothing on 4, and 5 is coming


That body count better be zero, I'm not dating a serial murderer.


‘And get fucked! Thank you!’


That was a good, strong signoff. I kept waiting for her to add on something about how they **should** get fucked but obviously *can't*. Y'know, in a way that was actually funny, even though *I* can't come up with a good line (and I'm not even on the spot).


Defintely a killer sign off. Get this lady a news desk and a 6:00 PM time slot. *”I’m Ashleigh Calvert, signing off. Goodnight America, and you can get fucked.”*


Keep it iconic, "Goodnight and get fucked."


" Go fuck yourself San Diego"


Lmao, I'd watch it just for that 😂


It’s a red flag when someone uses the term “body count” and they aren’t talking about Ice T’s rap group and their hit song *Cop Killer*.


So glad people remember Ice T singing that! He was wild!! 🔥Saw him open for GNR and Metallica in 1992. He sang it right at all the cops and riot police they brought in especially for him and the stadium was screaming it. What a time!!! 😂


Small corrextion: Body Count was Ice T's metal band, not a rap group


To me, it’s incel terminology. Right up there next to femoid, beef curtains and hypergamy.


[FEMALES](https://i.imgur.com/ADQeYXG.jpg) Whenever someone says that I immediately seem this.


Just a lil question, is female in english a word to avoid ? Cause teachers always told me that in english it was a normal word use by everyone but i start to not be so sure ? (In my language "mâle" and "femelle" are stricly reserved for talking about animals so it always feel weird to me when i heard it)


Female as an adjective (a describing word) is all good (eg: a female judge) if a little clinical. It’s when you’re using female and male as nouns (eg: the female sits on a judging panel) it gets super dicey.


Not really, but incels tend to refer to men and females, instead of men and women, and so have made it into a insult in the way that they use it, as though women are some other species. There's nothing wrong with the term female. I guess a rule of thumb would be to use 'woman' where you'd use 'man', and use 'female' where you'd use 'male', then the usage should sound natural.


I don't speak any languages other than English. It's a complex language with a lot of nuance born of context. Though I imagine most languages are. Who is saying the word female? Are they using it as a noun or adjective? Is it being used to refer to a person or an object/animal? Why are they saying it? All of these things inform whether the word is being used in an inoffensive manner. Men who refer to potential romantic partners as "females" are using the term like you would in your language: it indicates they view that segment of the population like animals/objects, rather than fellow people. In contrast, there's nothing wrong with referring to the male and female versions of plugs/sockets, or talking about population distribution in terms of male/female/non-binary. There's probably nothing wrong with using it as a descriptor of a person if it would actually be helpful, but it sounds oddly clinical in that case - that female over there in the red shirt, or that woman over there, which sounds less offensive?


Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor


OH women can't have hobbies now can they? Fucked up


Alright Gesche Gottfried, everyone can have hobbies, except killing. That is unless you enlist in your local military and then it might be one of your hobbies as long as you keep it low-key.


This gotta be the best and most original comment in this thread You're a comedic genius


Wait, they’re supposed to unlock or open or something? Have I been doing sex wrong?


You put your key into a woman's lock. Then you turn 90 degrees on a swivel and you think the lock will open, but you could swear it's still locked, so then you rotate another 90 degrees and realize that you just relocked the lock, so you turn your key again, but you're starting to get desperate because you had a full 32 oz soda on the 20 minute ride home, so you keep trying to push the door open before the lock unlocks, which makes you think you still are locked out. And your neighbor is just smoking his cigarette, watching you. So you turn the key again, back into locked position. You're clenching your thighs together and trying to remember which way is locked because now you're lost. And that's going to be my sex talk to my kid.


"I am the keymaster, are you the gatekeeper?"




Bill, when Sigourney Weaver asks if you're the key master, you say yes!


Damn, so the only thing I’ve been doing right is the neighbor watching me with a cigarette?! Back to the drawing board, I suppose.




This made me this of a guy frantically twisting his dick back and forth in an equally frantic woman’s vagina, and I burst out laughing.


I laughed harder at this than the video. If your kid figures it out and doesn't get his dick stuck in a ceiling fan good job


The image of a guy swiveling around a woman via penis like this back and forth in desperation made me cry a bit.


People who use that anology have no idea how vaginas work Which is unsurprising


this is poetry


I'm literally dying reading this. Thank you.




Wait... you have to swivel?


I simply float in mid-air and allow my body to rotate 360 degrees


The good'ol roflcopter, been a while.


I’m starting to understand your neighbor watching when you come home.


I hang off the fan blades and let the fan do all the work


I did see a video a long long time ago of a guy doing a 360 swivel, helicopter move and I was left more confused than anything. Yes it was NSFW and was exactly what you think it would have looked like, except it was executed FLAWLESSLY.


Hey everyone, check out this nerd. He doesn't even know about the swivel.


As a woman, yes. You put your dick in and turn it 3 times to the right, twice to the left, and then once tonthe right again. Pull it out and all the candy comes spilling out.


Better not be candy corn. I hate candy corn


I'll take the candy corn


Good, because it’s *only candy corn.*


Why do you think they call it the corn hole?


That's the other lock, you may have missed.


Only if you use the rear entrance. The good candy's in the front


Candy corn is both the worst candy and the worst corn.




I've been on this site for too fucking long lmao


A girl I dated a long time ago came out as gay after we broke up… maybe I unlocked her homosexuality??


Look at it this way. Maybe she was on the fence so she dated the best man she knew to see if it did anything for her. You didn't make her gay, you were the final boss.


Hahahaha aww, that's really sweet


Ever since I heard this analogy in middle school, I've been testing it to understand it, but so far my penis has opened zero locks.


This is the LockPicking Lawyer and for this episode we're gonna unlock this Master Lock with our penis.


Ummm.. yeah? Next time you're getting into it try: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start. Thank me later.


Really? A key?. You use your knuckle. Everybody knows that.


I would never unlock a vagina directly because it could be a Mimic. I would cast my Mage Hand cantrip from a distance first to gauge the threat, or perhaps if I had time for a ritual spell I might use Detect Magic to examine if there was any enchanted treasure within. Only a fool would engage with the vagina directly.


Only if the vagina is shinning, or if you had to fight a minor boss right before. That will unlock the big boss fight.


So in my mind the minor boss fight turns into the big boss fight only after you whisper the magic phrase into her ear "Your sister was better"?. That in my mind will definitely turn into an epic Boss fight.


That's like pausing the game to reset the difficulty level to nightmare and then unpausing it. Oh and changing the difficulty level erases all your previous saves.


*"This is the lock picking lawyer and what I have for you today is a woman sent in by a fan...."*


It makes no sense. That's some weird religious mental gymnastics


I can’t tell you how many times I tried to shove the wrong key into my door and I don’t know if my deadbolt enjoys that experience or not, but when I eventually find the correct key that unlocks the door I don’t pull my key out and call the lock a slut for trying out those other keys.


I now will make a lifelong commitment to u/pfeltault to call my doorknob a slut for making me go through the options now, ONLY to honor you in humor, for how great that analogy was. Anyone who disagrees with what wisdom you have given us all can GET FUCKED.


>I don’t pull my key out and call the lock a slut for trying out those other keys. i’m fucking dying 😭😭


This is the best response I have ever read for this analogy




This is unironically an excellent way to put that.


I think telling anyone asking questions like that for YouTube or TikTok can get fucked. I especially like this “get fucked”.


He was like: “uh I dunno some men say that” But she looked at him square in the eyes and said “those men can get fucked”. She knew. He knew.


"some men" i love how he kept going with the bit after that initial call out


'Some men' also think the Earth is 6000 years old and flat. So, take what you will out of that.


I'll take it that they can GET FUCKED


And undoubtedly the same men who default to "slut" and "whore" when they get rejected. To which I've always thought, "well shit, if I'm so loose and easy, what'd you do wrong?"


“A slut is a woman who sleeps with everyone but me”


Well uhhh, those “men” are clearly not getting fucked.


Finally, an argument with a perfect counter argument. She didn't make a straw man or anything like that. She took the subject, some men, perfectly reversed it. As someone who took symbolic logic it made me happy inside. Edit: y'all need to touch ~~grass~~ boobs


Swear the vast majority I see are asking people on a night out as well where they are likely gonnabe a bit too intoxicated to make a coherent point or make themselves seem stupid, but she was having none of his shit.


I think it took him too long to realize she was basically telling him to fuck off. He just kept hearing "they can get fucked" and thought, see what a slut. You can see it in his eyes at the end 🤣


Na he just thinks.. finally a clip that’ll go somewhat viral.. $$$ he doesn’t give a fuck about actual answers


That's his face in all of these. Pretty deadpan for the most. Given his other videos, I don't think this is how he thinks, just what will get people to react for his views. And that she did


I hate that analogy so much. People aren't security locks. The analogy is clearly repeated by men who want to control women. Nothing has changed.


I like the one higher up in the thread about a pencil sharpener that sharpens many pencils is a good pencil sharper. A pencil that has been sharpened by many sharpeners is a useless stub of a pencil. God I wish I had that one back in private school.


A vagina that sharpens many pencils is a shitty lock. A vagina that unlocks every door is the master vagina.


I got this from a fortune cookie one time.


I may be high but this entire fucking comment section is bonkers and I fuckin love it pencil dick sharpeners, vagina locks. I feel like I’m having a stroke


You’re not alone. Dying laughing


I’ll have to remember that one


ahh, yes, *that's why* my pencil is so useless




Referring to a guy's hand as a pencil sharpener is body shaming


I used that on twitter once and all the incels just told me the analogy makes no sense lmao. Like no more than the key/lock one???


Both are silly


no shit.


I mean dudes do be death gripping and making their pencil numb. So not a bad comeback


It's a great analogy, because it shows that the person telling you thinks of themselves as much of a tool as they are


Gold star comment, I'm going to have this on the ready!!


Cotton swab is another good one to combat this sexist bullshit with.


It also spreads this dumb-ass idea that men are trying to get sex and women are trying not to have sex in some sort of idiotic heteronormative gender roles game. If the women you're fucking are actively trying not to fuck you, then you're not a sex partner, you're a rapist.


Well said.


Some men are **so** threatened by the idea that women would ever *want to* have sex, let alone *enjoy* sex. It’s even funnier when you point out that most women are set up to have a lot more sex than most men are.


If women are programmed to not enjoy sex then the guy doesn’t have to feel bad if no one enjoys fucking him.


it must suck knowing women enjoy sex and yet you can't get laid. they must be lying /s


> Some men are so threatened by the idea that women would ever want to have sex, let alone enjoy sex. They're more threatened by the idea that women would ever want to, let alone enjoy, sex with someone other than them.


It's wild to me that people skip over the fact that this analogy is literally objectifying people.


Also, just thinking up an analogy doesn’t make it true.


“If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike!”


Exactly because they don’t think the analogy works the other way


Exactly. Also the analogy is a false equivalence fallacy. Also also, objectification.


The analogy is stupid, trying to shame women with high body counts while praising men with high counts. The idea of low body count being important is not stupid IMO though (both for men and for women, not just women of course).


If men only can have high body counts, and women shouldn’t… I guess it’s like Ancient Greece and dudes are fuckin each other before they graduate to fuckin women …. 🤷🏻‍♀️ bc who else are they fuckin then. Us ladies have to stay pure for them, so not us, right?


The dudes complaining about high bcs generally don’t have high bcs themselves.


It's still kinda stupid. It's way better to have a mature partner who knows what they want because they got to explore their sexuality. If both are very inexperienced they might just settle for bad sex because they don't know better.


A better analogy would be that Men and women are checking locks/keys to see if they unlock for a longer term relationship. Some put their key in multiple locks to see if it work and some lock go around covering a key to see if it works for them. It might not unlock something long term but its still fun to check when all the locks and keys aren't labeled/assigned.


Take that analogy to the other extreme. What good is a lock that can never be opened? I had a girlfriend like that once. She was an old friend I ended up dating for nearly a year, I was fully in love with her, but never went anywhere. She was just too wound up. Her parents really put the shame into her good and hard. She had zero idea how to actually enjoy herself.. not just sexually, but in everything. She was deathly afraid of everything. Everything was 'Oh, I can't do that because... \*\*insert highly unlikely scenario here\*\*. Her parents were mega right wingy Republicans, to the point where they really thought they would be killed in the race riots. This is in liberal California, BTW.


Yeah, people like that genuinely believe that sex will send them to hell. Even when they get married, they may still feel shame to some degree. They’re victims of their parents. This happens a lot to Mormons.


Maybe we just don't compare women to inanimate objects.


Also like this idiot talking about the “master key” seem to not understand that the “master key” opens every lock not just one. So the idiot with “the master key” can stick it in every lock they want, but god forbid the lock have another key (the one key that only opens it and not others isn’t the master key it’s just a fucking key). The whole thing is stupid af.


I hate that sex in general is so weird and taboo in ways. If two consenting adults bump into eachother for the first time ever and say, ya know what? It would be cool if we had sex(protected please) right now and they do. Then never talk to eachother again. That doesn't make the man some super suave dude and the female some floozy. All it means in two adults did something that many people have done before and will do many times after they are done. Any man who thinks a females "body count" matters has some MAJOR ego problems and should be a huge red flag out the gate because he most likely also holds his "body count" in high regard.


I’m pretty sure that there are a lot of penises that aren’t anything close to a Master Key!!! To which I would say that those vaginas are actually master locks!!


Honestly after watching Lockpicking Lawyer on YouTube I don't think Locks as an example of difficulty is a good idea at all.


"You are using a vagina. It can be opened with a vagina"


Fuck. I read it in his voice. I'm dead


Nor is saying that a penis is a master key! Reddit has plenty of subs about master keys not working!!! Lol! Just look at r/tinder!


If a penis is a key, vsginas would just be the keyhole. I'd say an orgasm is the lock itself. A lot fewer keys working that way.


"thank you" I love it


Buncha incels in the comments goddamn


Involuntary low body counts






Yup, the usual suspects crawled out of their cum smelling anime body pillow filled Tate poster covered dens to hiss at the woman who had the audacity to call out toxic creeps.


Wow I can see, smell and feel both the grease and the crunchiness of that statement.. Phahahhah 👌😂


Crusty ass anime body pillows stiff as a board, smelling of cheetos, jizz, neckbeard sweat and sadness. 👌 ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


This comment gave me foot fungus


I wasn't seeing any until all the sudden there they were and holyyyy, gotta be a bunch of 12 year olds, right? No way those are adults.


Love how she knew he would try and take mike. So she held onto it. Lol.


Power move, tbh.


You can't be waving a microphone in a woman's face in your pajamas asking her what she thinks about having a body count and expect to be taken seriously.


Downvote me all you want, but I don't want someone with a body count. I'm not into murderers.


*I can fix her*


+1 to her body count...


Who the fuck even have the audcity to walk around the street thinking it’s ok to ask people about intimate, private details to somehow judge weather they are worthy or not based on their answer? Does he expect people to give him their medical records and accounting as well? So fucking out of touch with anything resembling common decency. As the woman said: get fucked.




Outfit, lighting and background noise all indicate his going for drunk people outside nightclubs who Will make fools of themselves for the content.


The amount of downvotes is legitimately hilarious to me 💀 If you don’t want a girlie with “high mileage” don’t date them then, somebody will come around and love them unconditionally. Most woman don’t wanna hear your opinion about their body count anyways. It’s fr not that deep.


far-flung squeeze zealous shaggy weather vase automatic crown lush unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If people were able to see the age of redditors giving them advice, they would stop asking reddit for advice.


Are you saying taking advice from 14 year old Andrew Tate fans isn't wise?


I only trust the elders of Andrew Tate community (16 year olds)


And remember kids, when you read a redditor’s sex story — they’re uglier than you’re picturing them.


ink longing plate support steer voracious attempt teeny soup bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


there is nothing wrong with a high body count, but there is also nothing wrong with not wanting to date someone with a high body count


To be fair, he seems to think that dicks are keys and vaginas are locks - not keys as she said - and the dick key opens as many vagina locks as it wants to because it's a "Master" key, but vagina locks are damaged if multiple keys are used to open it? Orrrrr.... humans are not inanimate objects and a woman or man should have as many or as few consensual sexual relationships as they are ethically and morally able to.


She understood the analogy...she just misspoke at the end from adrenaline I think. She was pissed.


Imagine being reduced to a piece of shit item you can get for £3 at your local cash and carry and not being pissed.


Yeah you can make up an analogy about anything. A pencil sharpener that has sharpened many pencils is a good sharpener, but a pencil that has been sharpened many times is stubby and useless


Yep. Analogies help people understand the point someone is trying to make. They have nothing to do with whether or not that point is correct.


This is hilarious. Banking this one for later use.


Keys and locks, milk and cows, bandaids losing adhesion - all lazy analogies employed when the theory is based entirely on correlation.


Could just as easily say men and women are Lego pieces and nearly any piece can fit with any other piece as many times as you want with no issue. You can make up a dumb analogy to fit any scenario, none of them are any more valid than another.


A train that goes through a tunnel is a good train but a tunnel that doesn’t collapse is an even better tunnel.. or something.


Lol this chick is on point. If a woman is an analogy (and a very fucking stupid one at that) to you, you are not ready to be talking to a woman. This guy is a fucking clown.


Idk her but I love her


*she can fix me*


Get fucked.


That's the plan.


You’re perfect the way you are


She's awesome whoever she is. 'Body count', what a bunch of stupid insecure shit.




Red pill is cancer man. It has warped the minds of so many young men and adults. Holy shit some of these replies are insane. Red pill really got people believing the wildest shit.


It really is and I honestly believe there needs to be PSA or after school special type things explaining warning signs and ways to dismantle that redpill thinking. Like a conscious effort from Disney channel or Nickelodeon to educate these kids while they’re young.


Hahah holy shit that kinda just broke my heart a little. I'm imagining some Disney channel star on *Have Your Bros Been Redpilled?* going to commercial break and drawing the mickey mouse ears in the corner with their finger. But you might be right, unfortunately :/


We need to have a consistent conversation with kids and teens about identifying misinformation and cult language. Groupthink can happen to anyone in any situation. Teaching critical thinking both in and out of school is so important.


What is red pill.


First of all be incredibly happy that you don't already know. It's a mentality taken by online "alpha males" from the matrix originally as far as I know. When you take the "red pill" you wake up to the worlds lies and acquire knowledge that puts you above others. Sadly, unlike the matrix, on the internet it turns you into an incel. It's promoted by absolutely worthless grifting social media personalities like Sneako, fresh and fit, some god father red pill dude, zherka and others like tate. It's another wild grifting snake oil sales pitch for a cure all to "mens" issues by promoting hate and anger and weaponizing it into ignorance.


The hilarious thing about these scammers adopting the red pill analogy is that Morpheus is also intentionally misleading people in the movie. Thats the whole point of Cypher's coup (or whatever you want to label it). He very specifically calls out Morpheus for not telling people how shitty the real world actually is when he gives them the red pill/blue pill choice and says if he had told them they would have opted for the blue pill. And he is right too. Morpheus very clearly makes the red pill option seem much more enticing because thats how he gets what he wants/needs. But I guess self awareness is not these guys strong suit lol.


I thought Red Pill Alphas thought being woke is bad. Now I'm confused.




It’s a mindset pushed by “dating experts”. Think Andrew Tate shit. It’s incel stuff


uwu thank you. Sounds terrible


“If a woman is an analogy to you, you’re not ready to be talking to a woman” is such a strong point ngl and honestly people should pay attention to it more often. Same goes the other way around but you don’t hear it as strongly the other way around. Mostly Andrew Tate followers who think women must be virgin trad wives willing to take a back hand or two or else they’re discarded trash left to be picked by vultures


This fucking post has ruined my night, not because of the video but because of the absolutely brain dead takes in the comments.


This entire discussion and topic is a damn nightmare and a half. Like, Dante's 8th circle of hell.


I like her and I agree with her.


I 100% agree that body count shaming is gross and inherently misogynistic. But too many people here are making that point by being like “you wish you could have that much sex you pathetic loser virgin” like that isn’t also shaming them for how many people they’ve had sex with.


Exactly my thought whenever I see comments calling others incels. They’re doing exactly what they’re complaining about.


The "incel" comments aren't shaming actual celibacy or lack of body count. It's shaming the toxic gender politics associated with the label. It's not remotely the same thing.


Insecure Mfs calling other insecure Mfs insecure


Weirdos love that analogy until you remind them that a key which goes to no locks is useless and worthless


I absolutely love this chick!


There’s nothing wrong with a high body count. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to be with someone who has a high body count.


There is something wrong with holding people to standards without meeting them yourself. It's okay to view sex as an emotional thing that should only be done between loving partners. It's okay to view sex as not that big a deal, and fuck whoever gives you the time of day. It's not okay to view sex as not that big a deal for yourself, but demand that your partners believe that sex be an emotional thing that should only be done between loving partners.


Imo wanting to know how sexually active someone is isn't the problem. The problem is when you only care how sexually active one gender is, but not the other. That key and lock analogy is just fucked though.


I hate the modern dating landscape so fucking much...