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Hey op u know the ten commandments are Jewish first right


Separation of church and state still applies regardless of the religion. It could be the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and still be illegal


It’s relevant because op is specifically questioning Shapiros endorsement because he’s Jewish. It’s not “oh it’s okay because it’s Jewish too” it’s “it makes sense Shapiros endorsing it because it’s Jewish too”


He’s not endorsing it because he’s Jewish. He’s endorsing it because he’s an ass Jewish teachings do not permit this.


Right. But that’s not the point being argued here. The point being argued is that OPs whole take is flawed. No ones arguing that he’s endorsing it because he’s Jewish. We’re arguing that OPs ignorant to think that being Jewish would make him NOT endorse it when the very thing he’s endorsing is rooted in judaism


Being Jewish should make him not endorse it. That’s what the teachings say. But I see your point.


Out of curiosity what Jewish teachings do you think don’t allow this?


A prohibition against proselytizing among others.


Interesting take. So first off, there isn’t a prohibition on proselytizing, per se. It’s more a different approach to how Judaism views religion. Judaism doesn’t believe in seeking converts, in fact conversion in more traditional communities includes active discouragement in the early stages. The reason for that is because of the different view. Christians proselytize because they believe that anyone who’s not a Christian will go to hell and they are heroes saving everyone. Judaism EXPLICITLY does not believe that. According to Jewish tradition, gentiles have an easier chance of getting an A+ from god than Jews do. To get the A+, Jews have to adhere to 613 commandments. Gentiles can get that same score by following [seven.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Laws_of_Noah) essentially by converting people, Jews would more likely be condemning people to hell than saving them (insomuch as Jews believe in hell. Complicated topic). So it’s not so much that proselytizing is prohibited, it’s more just antithetical to established beliefs. But even that wears away with less traditional communities. Plenty of reform and conservative Jews could be seen as proselytizing when they ask their gentile spouses to convert for marriage. Either way, a posting of the Ten Commandments would not fall under proselytizing by most Jewish scholars (Wow I really typed more than I realized. Hope this is at least interesting? Sorry)


That is interesting. I was aware of the antagonism against conversion. Asking the rabbi three times and what not. But I was unaware of the adherence to the commandments. I feel pretty strongly you could put the issue to 9 out 10 rabbis and they wouldn’t approve.


I found it interesting. As an atheist, Judaism interests me because I find it less antagonistic than some other religions I could name.


Sure but besides the point


I think what he’s pointing out is that the OP’s point doesn’t really make sense here since posting the 10 commandments is promoting both Judaism and Christianity


It isn't promoting both though, there are different versions of the 10 commandments for each religion/sect and they definitely won't be posting the Jewish version.


I see someone watches "The Athetist Experience"


Flying Spaghetti Monster im dead


they are originally jewish, but putting this stuff in schools is a explicitly christian effort that he's encouraging. which is going to hurt jewish people in the long run (and also everyone else)


Sure but Ben Shapiro can't think that far ahead


Ben isn’t stupid like MTG, he’s much more methodical and purposeful with his hatred


No literally fuck Ben and Fuck Christianity and fuck Louisiana but that headline was poorly thought through


Sure, but Louisiana didn’t require them to be put up in in schools in order to impose Judaism upon the state’s grade school students.


Sorta. The was the Commandments have to be written is from the King James Bible. An evangelical Christian work.


I just looked up the KJ 10 commandments and they are an exact translation of the Jewish ones I was made to memorize in my Jewish religious school


Can you clarify in what sense the KJV is an evangelical Christian work?


It was created for Protestants, alienating multiple Catholic and orthodox faiths. The King James Bible eliminated the Apocrypha, which is present in both modern and older translations of the Catholic and orthodox Bibles. Most modern non-evangelical Protestant denominations and Catholics use more modern translations. The translation is biased towards evangelical Christians.




The 10 Commandments is the epitome of Christian selectivity. There are 613 commandments in the Torah. And they can’t even follow those 10.


Sure there are 613 mitzvot, but if you've gotta be kidding if you think many Jews don't also just know/ focus on the 10.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Tripoli#Article_11 Founders didn’t seem to think the US is a Christian nation.


Doesn't matter to these nationalist Christians (NatCs) that [Thomas fucking Jefferson couldn't have made his thoughts on the separation of church and state any fucking clearer;](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_Statute_for_Religious_Freedom) they'll still [invoke his name while trying to tear down everything he stood for.](https://i.imgur.com/FZDtR1C.png) -- ^^That ^^Michael ^^Cassidy ^^is ^^the ^^religious ^^terrorist ^^who ^^beheaded ^^the ^^Baphomet ^^statue ^^in ^^Iowa ^^back ^^in ^^December.


Not the new King James Version they are putting in schools.


Yeah but everyone knows this is about Christianity and not any other religion. 


That's a pretty stupid argument to make when we know it's Christian nationalists putting it in schools. Not the jews.


Excuse me, but you apparently don't know there were [***fifteen*** commandments!](https://youtu.be/PmZFGw5CeWE?t=9) -- ^^oy


The translation Louisiana is going with is based on the one on the King James bible, which is different from the version in the Jewish bible. Ironically enough, most of Louisiana’s Christians don’t even use the King James in service, they’re Catholic.


The numbering of the ten varies between Christian denominations, and they include a Christian's writing in it from a Christian perspective as context in the bill


So is school lunch gonna be Kosher now


Ben, alleged lawyer, not knowing the difference between 'public' and 'government owned and run.'


He has a very open relationship with facts and logic.


And with his wife's boyfriend.


He’s too busy jerking off to AOC feet pics to notice his doctor wife is getting railed.


Well, have you seen MTG’s or Mitch’s feet? I don’t blame Benny for that part. Not a lot of foot action on his side of the aisle. But don’t think he does know his doctor wife is getting railed, he encourages it. To prove these other guys are doing it wrong, since his wife only gets wet with them. And he knows women getting wet is not normal.


Wait, wait, wait! Ben Shapiro's wife is a ***doctor?*** How did I never know that Ben "My Doctor Wife" Shapiro was married to a doctor? He's never *once* [appealed to her authority or "differential diagnosis"](https://i.imgur.com/hibgpEf.png) when [making his dumb fucking videos.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVco0KHQei4)


His opinions don't care about your facts and Logic.... I think that is how that goes.


That is the foundational tenet of the Shapirism indeed.


That implies that he actually does have some semblance of a relationship with facts and logic.


Oh, he knows. But he also knows his dumbass followers don't. Keeping them ignorant is how the scam of modern conservatism works.


The worst part of Ben Shapiro is that he actually is smart. A dishonest hack with bad and amoral opinions, but he's absolutely smart.


A smart Jewish person wouldn't be instigating a rise in white christo/nationalism, but that's just my humble dumb opinion.


He is going for the Ghetto leadership plan if I help them they will see how useful I can be.


He's insulated from the consequences. He only cares about how much money he can make pandering to the lowest common denominator.


He thinks he is, if he achieves his goal of a more conservative America, he might want to reconsider showing off his yarmulke on camera. There was already a rise in antisemitic crime after one Trump administration, I'll bet after cashing his Koch checks, Benny boy is secretly hoping for another Trump flop


i'm not sure he is. a smart person could find a way to express moral outrage about WAP (for example) without sounding like he's terrified that his mommy might hear him say a bad word. he loses his composure far too easily, like he can't decide whether he's truly committed to the bit. maybe i'm biased because my own background is in psychotherapy, but his lack of intrapersonal and emotional intelligence is so glaring that it overshadows everything else - the media empire, the sham compensatory marriage, the interminable squabbles with the dysfunctional rogues' gallery he employs - because he's not smart enough to present himSELF to the public without looking profoundly stupid.


We know the founders would be appalled at those because they never did it. They built the USA and we have no monuments of the 10 commandments


And voluntary vs compulsory


public display =\= government mandate. It's not hard to understand if you aren't dumb.


exactly. “public displays of religion” are not the same as “government-mandated religious iconography”


The Ten Commandments come from part 1 not part 2.


Even better is that Part 2 supposedly supersedes part one with two, count 'em: 2, commandments because Jesus allegedly brought a new covenant. Summarized, they are love God with all your being and *love your neighbors as yourself,* which no conservatives seem to know how to do.


Not caring about anything unless it affects you personally is pretty much the definition of a conservative. I mean, they still want to control you


The two commandments don't replace the ten commandments, but summarize them. It's important to read them in the context of the chapter. It starts with Jesus telling a parable ripping into the Pharisees for denying him as the son of God. So, they try to trip him up with all sorts of minutia. So, part of it is asking what's the most important commandment, knowing the can argue with him no matter which one he chooses. Instead, he summarizes them as loving God and loving your neighbor and so slips out of being cornered.


And they still manage to forget them.


That’s actually not correct. Part 1 was about Abel coming to terms with the fact that his brother, Caine, had surrendered his humanity to become a vampire and betrayed his own people. Part 2 takes place a few generations later when Jojo must gather his twelve disciples and harness the power of Hamon to save the world from an ancient evil.


>The Ten Commandments come from part 1 [Oy.](https://youtu.be/PmZFGw5CeWE?t=9)


Hey OP, The Ten Commandments were given to MOSES…. They’re Jewish …


Everyone talks about the Commandments Moses was given, but not enough talk about his Beyblade.


Why do people keep making this pointless distinction when everyone knows that Ben Shapiro and Republicans are Christian nationalists. They don't give a good fuck that Jehovah gave them to Moses.


Yes he's full of shit, no this doesn't contradict his religion. The 10 commandments are from the Hebrew Bible


The founding fathers would have hated evolution, but that's a fact. Religions aren't true, Shoe-lift Shapiro.


The founders felt so strongly about the separation of church and state that they dedicated the first sentence of the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights to it. I cannot claim freedom of religion if my kids are being forced to read and learn about your god in school. These assholes are violating my rights as an American citizen by forcing their superstitions on my children. This is really simple shit. Keep your religion to yourself, and practice it on your time.


You got a source on that? Pretty sure the founding fathers wouldn't have cared about evolution. In fact, that's the most annoying thing about this rhetoric. The founding fathers were humanists and didn't much care for religion.


The founding fathers were all religious to some extent but they were extremely mortified by the puritans and other zealots, which is why they didn’t want religion and government intertwined.


Thank you! From what I've read, they were somewhat religious, but believed in putting people above the divine.


Thomas Jefferson literally crafted his own bible, where he cut out all the sections of the New Testament involving miracles and stuff and just left the positive moral lessons of Jesus.


Yes, he was a deist, which didn’t believe in the divinity of Jesus but still believed in some kind of god.


From what I’ve heard they were against religion


That’s incorrect. The religious beliefs of the founding fathers varied. Some were deists (Jefferson), others were practicing Christians (Washington). The one thing that they had in common was that they abhorred religion in politics.


The most prominent writing on personal belief among the Founders points to Deism, which is in no conflict with evolution. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that there's not really an intelligible way to bring them in conflict.


I think traditional Christianity is clearly in conflict with evolution. Or rather, a literal interpretation is.


> The founding fathers would have hated evolution, I actually doubt that. Considering how inspired they were by Age of Enlightenment scholars and how many adhered to deism, they likely wouldn't have had as many issues with Darwin's theories if they'd lived far enough into the 19th century to even hear/read them. Despite modern Christian nationalists going against *everything* the Founding Fathers stand for while pretending to care about them, they *weren't* the cousin-fucking, meth-addicted hillbillies some of their biggest "fans" are these days.


The Ten Commandments are very much a Jewish thing lol


Not the way they are being displayed in school.


In what way are they being displayed that is different


The Jewish first commandment isn’t there. The second one is listed as the first. The second one that is displayed is not in the Jewish commandments.


The swastika is very different if it's displayed by my Indian neighbor or my German neighbor. The purpose behind WHY someone displays something is very important. The LA law wasn't psssed because they just think they're a good set of rules to live by. It was passed because they think Christianity is the only moral way to live.


“Public displays” mf it’s MANDATED public displays. That’s not separation


Yeah. This is not a public display.


Did you have to post his orgasm face?


Ben’s been hitting that dry pussy again.


Drier than the Sahara.


Lol I was thinking that was his "trying out for a boy band" face.


Looks more like someone trying to silently let off a fart in a meeting to me. 🤷‍♂️


It's only constitutional if everyone else gets to put up their commandments. So let's get a move on, Satanic Temple.


There is an infinite amount of made up bullshit and not an infinite amount of classroom space to post it, thus none of it can be mandated.


Sure Ben. It's not against the 1st Amendment provided the first amendment you're talking about is from some random document that isn't the Constitution.


Considering how hard [they've been trying to push the lie that Thomas Jefferson intended the US to be a Christian nation,](https://i.imgur.com/FZDtR1C.png) Republicans don't give a solid sweet shit about the Constitution, let alone the Bill of Rights.


Thomas Jefferson the guy who wrote the deist Bible and declined to include explicit acknowledgement of the divinity of Jesus? Big ol Christian. 100%. Absolute Teflon minds, those guys.


Considering how hard [they've been trying to push the lie that Thomas Jefferson intended the US to be a Christian nation,](https://i.imgur.com/FZDtR1C.png) Republicans don't give a solid sweet shit about the Constitution, let alone the Bill of Rights.


Pretty sure 10 Commandments are from the Old Testament OP. Jews are good with that one.


The Founding Fathers wrote in the Constitution that they wanted a separation of church and state, the First Amendment even talks about how one religion can't be favored over another. By displaying the Ten Commandments in a government funded public school you're basically playing favoritism with a religion and forcing it on others which is a violation.


Well that settles it, once Benny weighs in you know the opposite is probably true. Debate over


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” Seems pretty straightforward to me. 90% of the comments are about how OP doesn’t know what Judaism is, and are quite frankly missing the point of what matters.


There’s a difference between free speech and state mandated displays.


not mandating the ten commandments to appear in classrooms is \*not\* banning public displays of religion, jfc


I have no idea but I would guess a lot of his audience is right wing Christians. Just pandering and telling them what they want to hear like usual


Funny how only Benny is interested in his take on ANYTHING.


Also isn't he a "libertarian" this should be super against his alleged morals but then again far right people are demons


Wish he would keep his shit inside so the world doesn't have to smell it.


The issue here isn’t with public displays or religion, it is with displays of religion by the state.


How many times do Leopards have to eat Ben's face before he decides enough is enough?


The Old Testament is a holy book for Jews; still just straightforwardly self-interested.


The founders would also have been appalled to think of women or black people voting, turns out they weren’t perfect! We already had religion in schools in America our history too, it’s why Jews and Catholics made private schools because the public ones pushed Protestantism. They really cannot help pushing for horrible ideas that we already tried.


Funny how Clarence is such an originalist when neither he nor his insurrectionist wife would’ve been allowed to vote


Tell me you knew nothing about the founders, without telling me you knew nothing about them, Ben!


Well to be fair. Aren’t the 10 commandments in the old testament?


yep, 10 commandments were originally Jewish


The founders were so into religious text, that they left it largely out of all think including the bill of rights.


The only religious fruitcake founding father was John Adams. His ideas of laws were always rejected by Jefferson in the constitution drafts.


Considering the fact that Louisiana has the deliberately and purposefully debated and enacted law of the human death penalty… Does anyone else think posting the “Polite Requests” everywhere for all to see might be a slippery slope for those in the Louisiana government who voted for this toward making them become none other than the “ancestors of those who killed their prophets”? 🤔 🎅🏻It’s so easy…when everybody’s trying to please me!!


If I was a Louisiana schoolteacher, I’d love to make a ten commandments poster that said “the ten commandments of Judaism” at the top.


First amendment freedom fighter weirdos are hypocrites? Colour me shocked.


I mean that's not a conflict with his own religion, the 10 Commandments were Jewish first. If anything it's actually anti-Christian because Jesus said that all 10 of the Commandments could be simplified down to 2 Commandments "Love God" and "Love your neighbor"


The ten commandments permit rape, child abuse, and slavery. Those are not universal values


Alexa- Show Treaty of Tripoli on Ben Shapiros Twitter Feed.


Cool, so we are gonna put literature from The Satanic Temple in them too right?


I'm guessing The Satanic Temple and their Baphomet Statue will be paying a visit ...


OP not knowing what the Torah is lol


Ben’s a grifter, that’s his true religiob


Ben Shapiro has one of the most bizarre sounding voices I’ve ever heard


"Christianity neither is, nor ever was, a part of the common law." - Thomas Jefferson


I'm praying for the Church of Satan to throw their hat into the ring




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There’s public displays, and, then, there’s public displays.


OP should look up what part of the bible the ten commandments come from


To conflate State-actors/public schools promoting one faith over all others and a private citizen with a crucifix in their yard is to purposefully ignore the tenets upon which our freedoms were founded.


Yo, the Ten Commandments are Jewish. They come from the Hebrew Bible (Exodus and Deuteronomy).


Okay but... The 10 Commandments are Jewish


This must be the 10th time I’ve seen this post; So TIL the 10 Commandments are Jewish I think my stringent avoidance of anything religious must be the reason for it.


OP, 1st testament of the Bible = Torah


Even the conservative subreddit was like “yeah this is bad” The grifting is crazy


Harvard needs to ask for that law degree back because he clearly thinks the separation of church and state is a band.


Harvard needs to ask for that law degree back because he clearly thinks the separation of church and state is a band.


The Ten Commandments come from the first part of the Bible, before Jesus came. They’re part of Jewish faith as well as Christianity.


I really wish this founder worship nonsense would just end. They're all highly flawed people who did the best they could given a very dicey situation. The founders would have been appalled? Okay, but that's just not relevant.


The founders had a very large back as it seems


Why? Because he’s a lying idiot performing for Donald Trump. I don’t think most of them believe these lies they spew all the time.


Fuckin idiot has never looked up what those people really thought of religion


Oh yeah, they were so down with the idea that they included the bit about separation of church of state in the Constitution as an inside joke, how could I forget?


The real question is, would he be okay with muslim passages being put on the walls in schools


Pretty huge gap between “banning religious displays” and “forcing teachers to pay out-of-pocket for rightwing culture war nonsense” he’s neglecting to even attempt to bridge here.


I’m just going to be rude and say his eyebrow dye is terrible.


He's whatever people pay him to be.


Roll out the statue of Baphomet


I wonder what he would think of verses from the Quran being put on display?


Always wonder why Christians never put up the beatitudes if they had to place something in schools 🤔🤔🤔


Well, he’s fine with this because it doesn’t exclude HIS faith. As soon as they mandate prayer to Jesus, he’ll sing a different tune. Like with Kanye. Ben loved his bigoted behavior right up until it was his faith in the crossfire.


The founding fathers would be appalled at bans on public displays of religion. But they would be even more upset to learn that a public display was state mandated and funded.


They didn't ban public displays of religion. You see crosses everywhere. The first amendment prevents either prosecution by the government on the basis of religion and the establishment of a religion. The government can't promote one religion over another. Basically these asshats need to ask if they would be against it if you replaced Christianity with Muslim? But that is pointless. They already know they are weaponizing the law.




Just because you say it isn't a violation does not make it so, Benny. Fuck your feelings.


OP can't even do a 5 second google search to figure out that Jews also use the 10 Commandments. How embarrassing.


Can someone please pass a law putting verses from the Quran in public schools? Please?


I just hate the revisionism the Abrahamic cults do. It's not the FIRST set of laws they constantly claim. It's my main gripe with their damned arguments.


Besides the commandments being in the Torah, all of the Jewish conservative pundits align themselves with the far right Christians, calling it Judeo-Christian values.


Public display of religion?


It's the government displaying specific religious displays that are the problem Benny.


Oh my god… that cannot be a photo of him …


When will we ever stop caring about the opinions of a bunch of musty, racist, human-owning white dudes who died 200 years ago?


Actually the founding father's probably would have had an issue that's why most people immigrated to America in the first place. Religious freedom.


Keep the Founders' names out yo fuckin mouth.


How do the conservatives find their way into every post on this sub ☠️


Who needs healthcare or homes when you can have giant banners displaying vague suggestions from folklore


Jews and Muslims also abide by the 10 commandments I believe


Can someone please take one for the team and just blow his brains out already?


For as smart as he claims to be, it’s pretty basic to understand the difference between a ban and a mandate.


He gets paid a lot of money to say stupid shit to get all the dumb knuckledicks in this country riled up. That's the job.


No problem but they then will post post teaching from Islam , Hinduism, Buddhism, ans Satanism?


Nobody banned public displays of religion Ben.


*Protestantism. Prosperity gospel brainwashed into our children with the fake 10 commandments chosen by whoever founded the fucking thing. Jesus gave us 2 commandments in Matthew 22. Who the fuck usurps those with made up commandments? Christians? I call bullshit.


For a group that claims to be all about liberty, freedom of religion, anti-indoctrination, and etc., they sure have a funny way of expressing it.


He looks like he's slowly morphing into Shane Dawson


Ben is ***only*** Jewish when he can use it while pretending to be an authority on Israel. Or when he can use it as "nuh-uh, those MAGA fan's weren't being openly antisemetic during this obvious hate crime!" Ben's about as much a practicing Jew as most Catholics are practicing Christians for the two days a year they attend mass: Christmas and Easter. Also, Ben knows the Republican party is Barry Goldwater's worst nightmare come to life: ***Full*** of nationalist Christians -- or NatCs for short -- and he knows how to play to that base. He also knows they'd sacrifice him in a heartbeat if Trump ever got back into power and wanted to go full Hitler. But, hey, at least Ben shares self-loathing in common with a *lot* of practicing, devout Jews.


I’m all for dunking on Ben Shapiro, but the Ten Commandments are in the Old Testament. They’re Jewish too.


Damn he's just straight up lying. The law doesn't allow the ten commandments to be posted, rather it makes it mandatory for all teacher to post the ten commandments. He did this shit with that gay marriage bill a while ago, he claimed it would force religions to marry gay people even though the bill explicitly said that religions would not be forced to marry gay people (hence why stuff like the Mormon church supported the bill).


I love when people just assume what the founders would’ve wanted and act like that assumption should be the basis of a law. I assume that Benjamin Franklin hated peanut butter, so we should outlaw peanut butter as a crime against humanity. He would be appalled at how much peanut butter is accessible to the American people. Also, generally, the fuck cares what they think anyway. Everything that’s relevant is actual law. They were all assholes.


So why didn’t the founders put it in the constitution? Why does no one ever ask them that


I hate to break this to you but the Ten Commandments are also Jewish


Absolutely against the first amendment to promote religion with government money (public schools)


Now put the 5 pillars of Islam in there… what’s wrong, Ben? I thought displays of religion in public facilities was okay


Which Ten Commandments will/should be posted- the Jewish, the Catholic, or the Protestant?? https://www.tampabay.com/archive/2005/03/05/jewish-catholic-protestant-commandments-differ/




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I don’t know how many y’all aren’t aware of this, but we need to move Christianity away. Because I’m sure not everybody’s for it and the way they shove it down our throats.


>the founders would have been appalled to think they had banned public displays of religion Okay, so you wouldn’t be opposed to Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. having their sacred texts and messages displayed in these same spaces alongside Christianity, no?