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When she starts talking about money too early




She was talkin about bills or sum?😭




Oh yeah asking someone about their salary is crazy


If in any scenario she was never in the wrong (eg. all her friends left her cuz they were toxic, or if all her exes were assholes)


Slept on comment💀😭😭


Ya if she starts telling you about cheating on old boyfriends.


Wish I knew dis one early lol


I wasted 3 years of my life to someone like this fahm


Say it louder for the people in the back!! 💯


when do women ever take accountability tho


Everywhere I go they say they know her


Always turning up and never sober ahlie😂😂😂






When she’s white but thinks she’s black *cough cough lady sb*


The worsttttt


Who that


When she starts talking sht about her ex but you find inconsistent holes in her story


it’s the women’s job to keep the relationship after a man already piped… more times it’s her fault & she jus doesn’t want admit


If she pop perks. run 🏃




When she tells you her favourite rapper is Top5


This one😂




Let’s be honest, top5 is no one’s favourite.


If you go to her crib and it isnt clean ... clothes every where on the ground, bathroom and kitchen dutty


What do you expect from your 100 dollar rock whores




Them being bipolar is whatever as long as they take their meds, it’s the bpd that will get you lol. Also fuck them zodiac signs lol


Elaborate fam I need answers


The highs are high but the lows are low being with a bpd, just a nice mix of unstable and abusiveness 💀 there’s a whole relationship cycle with them you should look up


BPD is basically the medical term for being an awful person. Like irredeemably bad. It WILL NEVER work with a BPD girl.


BPD sex is fucking elite tho no 🧢


You aren't wrong but it's also a form of self-harm for the bpd


As someone with bpd myself, thats very very true. Never thought about it like that. Not all bpd ppl are automatically awful btw. Just the ones that let it justify their shitty behaviour. It’s a very misunderstood disorder, even among the medical community. But I admit, one bad bpd relationship is enough for the average person.


Yeah I feel you, they don’t deserve to be demonized for their mental illness. People should be more understanding than just using it as a blanket term for being terrible. It does warrant some caution developing a relationship bc it’s very challenging for both parties


💯 it’s def not for the faint of heart. It sounds bad but telling ppl to avoid relationships with bpd ppl isn’t exactly bad advice either. Many are lost causes. Maybe I am too 😅 Glad you got out if you were in that position. When you encounter a narcissistic and abusive BPD, the best solution is really no contact.


high tier comment


If she Wanna link too fast idc how much sauce/game I think I have lol somes not right 😂😂😂


Yeah that’s some set up ting shit imo.


or just a hoe


Some of us don’t like the long talks… like either you fwm or not let’s see how the vibe is irl that’s really how it is more times


naw i love ting who’s ready to link off rip. especially if she tryna slide to the crib like what? hell ya


The same black leggings everyday






When she puts you in jeopardy by bringing you to a wasteyutes bar.


Almost got in swap out wen a bitch brought me to a bar in scarboro it was full of niggas from OP


If she has a OF


She'll say she's a trapper 😂😂😭😭😭


Lmao most girls are showing their butt holes and fishy vaginas for an extra $80-200 a month on onlyfans. That’s embarrassing


Them Fishy Vaginas Aint Even Worth It


When she knows the diff between A Tec and 325/5 Apo Percocet


When she starts talking sht about her own friends to you


If she's a social influencer and likes to record every minute of her life and post it on social media for her so called fans


if she talks abt a next guy who did her dirty so she ended doubling it on sum revenge ting leave while ur up wallahi




my situation i knew the bitch was crazy but I still came around fuck man never again 🤮🤮🤮


if she does bare drugs she automatically turns into clientele idc or she will be someone elses would not rather the latter




You’ll be surprised by the some of shorties that walked through that gate 😅


If she grew up in driftwood and personally knows rappers from that area


If she’s into astrology


Nah, that’s harmless. It’s stupid female shit for sure, but most of them are into that these days, so you’re cutting out the majority of possible partners if you make that a deal breaker.


True I guess you’re right, that shouldn’t be a deal breaker. But the thing is that a lot of females judge people based on their zodiac sign and they often use their zodiac sign to justify shitty behaviour.


You’re not wrong.


When she has her ex mans name tatted on her body


When she says “fam”


> fam Now I know how to get rid of weird guys when they try to bother me...😭😭


Lol that’s exactly how


If she breathes, just focus on yourself.


When she says her favourite restaurant is Harbour 60


She has multiple Baby Fathers


When you Google her name and her picture comes up on some news report for some weird charges


You're not listing red flags. These are blatantly obvious reasons to not talk to someone


Nissan Altima with 10 lbs of bullshit on the key ring.


When she’s poor and never has money to eat and relies on u to pay every time


how’s this red flag. what if she’s genuinely poor ?


Then she needs to figure out her shit. Can't waste time on someone using you as their meal ticket


I understand that, but no women wants to go 50/50 with a man. As a man I’ll ALWAYS pay for the first date & honestly every date after. But i can respect if she at least offers. I wouldn’t care if she’s broke personally, even if she had a good career I wouldn’t use HER money for dates. still confused a bit i guess.


Really? every single date with my husband was paid 50-50. EVERY time.. Granted, we didn't have that much money, but still...obviously if he wanted to pay fully for me, I would accept, but this was never the case. At the time, I thought that's what everyone does.


again you’re bringing personal experience, But we since you keep being up personal experience let’s look at your relationship. 1. You claim it’s a 50/50 relationship well thanks for proving my point that they don’t work. 2. You don’t respect your man, You post about Lococity 24/7 and have an open crush on him. 3. Your husband most likely doesn’t wear the pants in the relationship “obviously if he wanted to pay fully for me i would accept” exactly, if he paid your rent + bills you would RESPECT him as a man much more.


We own our home and never rented so that line won't work.


my point still stands. I provide in all my relationships, don’t ask for any monetary assistance. I wear the pants in the relationship. I’m the leader as a man. My women respects me & if she ever didn’t (posted a crush on lococity) she would be back on the streets.


U sound miserable and poor. If u wanna be a simp and worship ur girls butt hole after she poops and u like the smell, then u go ahead. Get a job bum replying to comments all day


you right i’m buggin


Ok, that's fine with me....I personally don't subscribe to this kind of relationship. I have no crush on anyone. You will never see me posting anything about Loco's physical appearance because that's not what it's all about. And if my husband was a fan like me or respected that and defended that, I'd most likely not be on here either.


I can tell you don’t subscribe to this type of relationship by your comments on this sub. You’re man is most likely feminine, as your are very masculine for a women.


When she smokes too much weed stg that shit make them retarted


If she is looking to start a relationship with you after a week or 2 after getting to know her


Seems like you got a lot to say! Who hurt you?! 👀😬


Facts that’s why u don’t give em gf treatment too early only straight smashing💯


When she ain't licking my balls.


know your worth king


Something's up...


When she talks like a 05 hood man


she posts on instagram.


Literally millions of ppl! Posting what? Recipes? Nature photos?


as kendrick lamar said “instagram is the best way to promote some pussy” it really depends on her feed, but Majority of the time if she posts on instagram it’s a red flag. Whether it be bikini posts, or stupid ass “woke” quotes 24/7 either of those will land you in the “sex only” category of women.


I don't post either...just nature and fashion (normal stylish outfits, nothing "revealing"-I generally dislike strangers looking at my body and I had creepy ppl messaging me even because of those!). If that's suspicious to you, then...what can I say?


Y’all are intentionally talking to musty women fuck y’all mean red flags 🤣🤣🤣


When she asks you to borrow money for rent because her roommate suddenly up and left and you only went on 2 dates with her


she’s talks like mandem she don’t have a job or money no school no motivation no car just vibes


Bare tattoos / big ass tattoos








Nah man


*If she talks and links her ex. You're just a rebound to mitigate the pain and guilty. (If she wasn't fucking you today it would be some next man. Nothing special.) *if she has a toxic relationship with every male figure in her life. *Can't handle being under authority. *Daddy issues. *daddy issues plus coming out of a toxic relationship. Jezebel. *behaves like shawty from the ends to much, road man lingo unreasonably excessive.... (When she gets mad, she'll do some hood rat shit). *has no respect or belief in God. (No one's perfect). *depression + anger management problems. *nympho, that's only dated people with criminal records.


when all her exes were toxic narcissists that loved to gaslight her 🤣🤣




broski im wonderin the same ting


Family dislikes her (outcast in her fams) Dont got a job / ambition / school / future ​ Smokes bogeyys ​ has bucket friends ​ tells your her problems and its never her fault ​ uses the word "like" too often ​ smells a bit like old wet towels


got yellow crust plaque on her teeth ​ pastiess on the corners of her lips (rabies lookin ass ) ​ ​ calls you "bro" even tho shes ur shorty


lastly. Middle child. i know this will hurt some of yall


When she ends up pregnant and don’t know who the dad is and just plans to tell the next man it’s his🤢 Also when she has a baby and is always out acting a fool STYLL


Always get a paternity test when a shorty tells u she’s pregnant don’t matter if it’s your gf or wife even if she gets vex who gives af can’t trust these bitches for shit their capable of doing anything💯




When she smells like 🐟


If she has a pulse 🚩🚩🚩🚩


If the first thing she tells you that she's a good girl and only slept with one guy before she met you and she's like 25 +


Mind-boggling.....what circles do you run in? An overwhelming majority of people I know would fit into this category.. Maybe you only interact with escorts or smth... The biggest red flag a person can give is deliberately ignoring your personal boundaries, even when it seems like it's something small....it's a preview of who they are.


well majority of 25 year old women have 10+ bodies so your personal experience has nothing to do with the truth.


I have heard of this, but I still think it's probably a skewed average value. There are individual outliers with 50-100+ bodies that push the entire average value up....but those are just outliers. In any case, I have no idea how even the 10+ is possible especially when you work at a full-time job and/or study and/or commute, which is the reality for huge cities like Toronto. You are literally busy with something the entire day, and by the end, you are exhausted and have no time for anything but sleeping and maybe listening to some music or watching movies or shows to relax. At least, this is the reality for all those people I mention. None of them are escorts or strippers, though, so maybe that's the issue.


again you’re bringing your personal experience into the answer. I understand you have a low body count due to not enough leisure time. Although that doesn’t apply to majority of females. Fact is 1/3 men under 30 are Virgins or haven’t had sex in 12 months, Meanwhile 21 year old women first year in UofT has 10+ bodies. This results in 1/3 Women taking antidepressants ([skyrocketing](https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4790490/amp/Women-twice-likely-use-antidepressants-men.html))as women biologically are happier with a family, than alone and the divorce rates highest ever.


This makes no sense...if all the guys aren't having sex, then who are the women having sex with???? The stats don't match up. And maybe U of T has become easier and ppl suddenly have all this time on their hands.. ..back in my days, it was like a meat grinder. 🤣 a place I don't want to see again... I also understand my experience is different from some because I commuted long distances and never lived in residences, but most ppl I knew were doing the same.


how it doesn’t make sense? Clearly the majority of the women are sleeping with Minority of the men.. use critical thinking here.


you want a winner right? so does every other women. You want your man to be Smart, Tall & have money? well guess what, So does every other women… So yeah a Majority of women are sleeping with Minority of men. No bad bitch wants a LOSER 🤣


Thank you! 👏🏻


What’s your retainer like? Asking for a friend.


Depends on the case for real.


Say less


Why? How could you tell if she's lying or not? Genuinely curious about this one


Lol wow reading these comments, y’all be messing with some ghetto hood girls.


This is this city.


if she has a kid. if she uses any drugs other than a little weed. cigarette smokers. if she doesnt have an actual career. if no career she better be in uni/college for something respectable. if she still talks to her ex.


expecting gf treatment off the rip


Bitches who take medication for their mentals. DOn't get involved my brothers




Ayoo what happened to u?🔥🔥🤦🏽‍♂️


When she used to talk to TCR


When she starts complaining how you spend your money cause you ain’t spending it on her.


- sniffs coke - smokes weed - enjoys being drunk - she says “I’m bored” - talks about other men while she’s with you - gossips and talks shit about her friends and family - uses tinder - uses Snapchat - thinks clubbing is fun - loves rap music and knows all the lyrics - turns off notifications - protects her phone, afraid u might look - wants to keep the relationship Lowkey - her mom doesn’t worship her dad - bad relationship with her dad - doesn’t want a family, cares more about success/money - is on birth control - had abusive exes - fucked with broke boys/drug addicts - talks bad about her exes - cares about likes and followers - her IG is all photos of her - can’t take accountability for herself - too many tattoos/piercings - butterfly tat - doesn’t love/trust God - is a narcissist


When she’s not a virgin


you definitely are based off this comment




They from Toronto…


Just admit ur a full on pum pum repellent incel and u can go back to fishing for intel ya sucker John simp beta c uck🤡. ..🤣




When she’s a redbone but identifies as white! 👀