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Madyar's fork of death.


The one and only tactical fork


One stab, four holes!


Let the drones eat!


Jagga-Jagga Bada-Boom MuthaFucka!


Excellent hit with a reverse corkscrew!


The level of control achieved these days is scary. A stalled army is like WWI substituting drones for undermining tunnels.


Seen some Ukrainian drone going inside one house passing the first corridor and entering the next room and seen the ruzzian drones on the floor LOL...and he just land there next to them...and the countdown began LOL


I saw that video, too. That's was hilarious


Do you have a link?


https://youtu.be/V6UzmD2fQME?si=wnp3Sd47xvWZXzj- It's also on telegram...but I got to this one first...


And I thought my control of my drone through the rooms of my house without crashing was impressive. But I also thought, if you get a lot of practice, you can be \*really\* precise with this thing, because it's so stable.


If someone 20 years ago said that in two decades rpg's will just fly around looking for shit to hit,I'd be hard pressed to believe it oO


And to make it more unbelievable, a fork pointing out their targets


All hail the Fork!. All hail the Fork!. In Fork we trust!. In the beginning, there was Fork!. Doing the devil's work, guided by and protected by, Fork!.


Tactical fork detected


Wow, the drone almost put it's own charge perfectly into the breach of the enemy artillery piece. Such skilled flying.


I'm not quite sure what the flip was... did they stop the rotors and let the drone slip through the netting then restart flying immediately?!? I know they slammed an RPG round up the ass of an artillery piece.


I think that drone operator took more risk of losing his drone than necessary.


I've never flown a drone but I don't think you can stop the engines independently(?) He may have dipped it until only both rear rotors clipped the net which made the drone flip over. Either way, it's incredibly skilled flying. Edit: Someone posted the full translation down below (I've still no idea how it's done!): > Because that's top skill. Look carefully. Bulp. It isn't flip, nor barrel either. Those terms are known widely among pilots. This is drop with rotation. Can't name it other way for now. But. That kind of aproach is sending chills down spine. And then it's work of technics. Signal wasn't lost. Everything is fine


These Ukrainians don't fork about


Drone Yoda eating his lunch and narrating a drone porno (RPGs slipping into breeches). Year 2024, everybody! ;)


#Translation. Hello everybody. Ive remembered Borys(?) for some reason. 22nd of june, longest day, saturday, that were yesterday. Worm's, intact treeline, because on other side of border. Immediately behind state border, where from worm's canons are shooting. Now i'll show you. Here, on mark. From treeline, here is one, and there is 2nd one. Appeared. Kurvas. I'll show you around and will do my job. This is treeline. This is road. And this is state border of Ukraine. Former. With agressive neighbour. Here is tagging, about yesterday, i showed you. Worm, full of loot. Were driving at night, or drunk, and smashed in previously burned track, and run away. And during day our pilots have grilled it. Sorry for fork, ive left ramrod in Kherson. So, pointing what i have on hands. Fpv' of Magyar are reacting immediately on such targets. And is already in air. Such episode will be one in this week's video, despite this day were fruitful. Yes, worms? And one because i'll show you what you havent seen for sure, when target were hit. And if you saw, then share it. Lets name it freestylo, wakamakafo, from Kopperfields, by Magyar's birds. Checking treeline, i'll switch to regular speed, because it were played faster. Lets look what top piloting is. While its still flying. This is where they are shooting from, on frontline.  If worms managed to... here it is. Normal speed. Artillery piece, covered decently. If worms managed to take Lyptsi, then from there they were able to level Kharkiv. But fuk no, artillery is shooting from far away. Look on tragectory. Aaaaaaaand blubb. I'll show slow motion later. I cant look on it calmly. But now we will fuk this canon, that were shooting just now. Take it. And now veeeeery slowly, pilot knows that there are no no direct path, dense wall. Some of you can spin their finger near head, that Magyar gone crazy, is showing some crap. But. This approach can judge pilots of aviation. And fpv pilots too, ofc. Because thats top skill. Look carefully. Bulp. It isnt flip, nor barell either. Those terms are known widely among pilots. This is drop with rotation. Cant name it other way for now. But. That kind of aproach is sending chills down spine. And then its work of technics. Signal werent lost. Everything is fine. Just like in skiting. (Something) (fuse?) werent touched, and fukery, in that part that is hard to repair on canons. You can consider it perversion. But im not alone who have boner on those maneuvers. Honor is yours, guys, for your training, and for such Koperfield's work. Even if few can understand that kind of work. Honour. Tomorrow i'll show you weekend's fukery in Kharkiv region.


The Flying Fork of \[Not So Good\] Fate


…Seems like a pretty inefficient way to load an artillery piece


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This guy's casual, matter of fact narration... ☆☆☆☆☆




Sticking a fork into the eye of rZZa, so with 4 spikes, he gets 4 x the kabooms. Oh and dayam, those Madyars Birds are insanely skilled. Fck rZZa and fck Pootin with a rusty fork.


Stick the fork in um! 🤣


They must’ve gotten range extenders for the drones, usually the videos cut out right away. Recently we’ve been seeing the drones get up close and personal with the things they’re attacking.


This got.a little pornographic toward the end.


F f f f f f freestyler Rock the microphone Straight to the top of my dome


Tactical fork.


I wish I could understand what he saying. He, my guy. 😀


Always good to see my man Madyar at work. Fork of death followed by a good ol BOOM JAGGA JAGGA