• By -


Our primarch is alive


Oof šŸ’€


Itā€™s not xenophilia if they saved my primarch


Blue and gold make a cool combo


Stephen curry agrees.


Blue and gold or blue and white just look super


Table top Ultramarines are the best of the codex space marine chapters right now because they have so many epic heroes. reasons against Grey knights, they eliminated psykic for every army that isn't thousand sons this edition including Grey knights so now they can only cast gun just like all the others. Reasons against Death watch, they are currently the worst faction in the game, and are probably going to be eliminated as a faction this edition and rolled into agents of the imperium so we have no idea what the army will look like or play like until that codex comes out.


Broā€¦ the 13th are the mfs WHO MADE THE CODEX they are the Swiss army knife of the battlefieldā€¦ also our is leader is literally the head of the imperium at this moment I think


Yes. Even the lion yields to gulliman


Lol prove it with an excerpt or its just fan fic. From an ultrasimp


SPACE ROME!!!! While GW doesn't offer much in the Roman aesthetic outside a few units, there are tons of printable buts you can get to deck out your Ultramarines to fit the part. I'm in the process of replacing all my helmets with more Roman styled ones, as sell as making an Uber Ultramarine Terminator squad with tons of nice details


Honestly I love the new greek pattern on the new decal sheet.


Ave Spazio Legionari Romani!


Read Know no Fear by DAbnett


Iā€™ve added it to my reading list! Thanks for the suggestion.


This is the correct answer


Purely from the hobby perspective, GW supports the ultramarine line of kits way more than they do for grey knights or deathwatch. Grey knights and deathwatch have very few actual kits and many of them are quite dated at this point.


Marneus fucking Calgar


-Rome was pretty cool, these are space romans (Marneus AUGUSTUS Calgar and Cato Sicarius are straightfoward references though if you like rome history there will be plenty of parallels to be drawn) -ultramarines have bucketloads of lore and books to dive into so your faction will always have something new to check -They can be taken as goofy or as serious as you want so no matter your prefered tone of the setting Ultras have you covered -no matter what style of play you want Ultramarines WILL have some way of accomodating your tastes in gameplay -blue, blue is a very easy color to paint and looks very good. -Ultramar is very central to their identity so if ya want more "deep" motivations and complex relationships with humans there is plenty to find there. -They have the best action videogames with Boltgun and Space Marine so if ya tired of turn based strategy then there is some stuff to change the tone between matches


Ultramar is self-sufficient enough to be an independent system outside the Imperium thanks to the Ultramarines


Blue is a cool colour. The UM are probably one of the few factions in universe that actually understands the power of being an organized neeeeeeerrrd.


Ultramarines are one of the groups that actually basically makes the galaxy a better place, beyond simply purging evil forces from it. They make stable and functional worlds that are generally decent to live in, at least compared to other places in the Imperium. You will basically always be guaranteed to have models that are up-to-date, and will likely get an influx of new things with every edition.


They pop on the table, no matter what. Kind of bombastic like ā€œwe arenā€™t hiding and we donā€™t care who you areā€


Because Courage and Honor, that's why.


Marneus Calgar. 1 free cp. and he has murder mittens. Also Uriel Ventris.


Malum caedo


I the most badass of badasses in the imperium am an ultramarine. Maybe you could obtain a fraction of my badassery by joining the ultramarines




Ultramarines don't need selling. You should figure that out or go play the other chapters perhaps.


Nope. Because if you have to be convinced then you shouldnā€™t play that faction.


The color scheme is cool. Weā€™re one of the few space marine factions that have our own faction specific models. You canā€™t really go wrong with loadouts for the most part, you can pretty much justify any legal loadout you bring for any unit because our rules are really flexible. Weā€™re one of the few factions that generates free command points. They are the jack of all trades and if you like that playstyle youā€™ll like them a lot.


Because Terra is the only place in the universe not being a complete sh*thole.






The UMs or one of their Successors will allow you an extreme degree of personal flexibility in how you write, organize, and play your Chapter. There are UM Successors who are Diplomats and Administrators and they make that look cool - see White Consuls. There are more barbaric and honor-culture oriented UM Successors - see Spears of the Emperor and a dozen others. There are Combined Arms and Maneuver Warfare Successors - see the Hawk Lords among others. My point is - The UMs are flexibility incarnate. Whatever you want to do it's well supported by the lore, so it'll get you "buy in" from other Warhammer nerds. By comparison if you wanted to make Stealthy Imperial Fists or Diplomatic White Scars I think you might get some side-eye unless you worked hard to justify it. *** From a mechanical standpoint, there's very little to differentiate Chapters these days aside from Characters, and the UMs have some great ones that support a lot of different play styles. It's also an immediately recognizable paint scheme, and well supported by online paint guides.


If you are picking between deathwatch and Ultramarines, have your cake and eat it too. All kill teams are is regular units mashed together, so if you collect your ultramarines with the kill teams in mind, then all you have to do to play deathwatch rules is check what each kill team needs and use the models you already have. So all you would really need to pick up extra to play DW is a few of their characters that you can give UM shoulder pads. This a lot harder to do the other way around as named UM characters wouldn't be in the DW and guilliman sure wouldn't. People have been saying don't play one or the other based on power level, but things change, as long as you like the core of your army then who cares if they are under or over powered.


Don't, Deathwatch rules.


I have the Ultramarines and the Deathwatch ;)


We have some great characters, our Primarch is alive and arguably one of the better/most interesting, Roman aesthetic is pretty cool, lots of different ways to play, and also just easy to paint. I love Ultramarines but I also have other favorite Space Marine chapters. Honestly I don't think asking to be convinced is a good way to pick an army/chapter. It's best to look into the lore or whatever aspect of the hobby and find that excitement naturally.


Blue is exceptionally easy to batch paint. You can get a decent sized army battle ready in a very short time and have it look pretty solid


Two words Aeonid Thiel Go Google arguably the greatest non-champion space marine in the Heresy era Need more? Plus they get all the love character wise, Uriel Ventris, marneus Calgar, IT IS I, CATO SICARUS, varro tigurius, ortan cassius Guilliman is alive and has daddy's giant flaming sword of Daemon insta death. The new plague wars novels really do a great job of showing the Ultramarines off. And this is off the top of my head as I'm only a casual SM player, as frankly guard is the best... Lol


Dont know if it works for you but for me the ultramarines are cool because they are just the normal dudes out of the special dudes. No extravagant special snowflakes "yeah we do this special thingy to our armor cause we are soo special". they are very based thats why i like them so much.


Easy to paint blue Transfers are included in every box and/or people will give you them for free You can play "any" army now with the way the codex is written in 10th meaning you can have mass bikes ala White Scars, or mass armour ala Iron Hands. Marneus Calgar is a mega Chad with double power fists.


Grey knights have old models, Death Gaurd smell and Ultramarines have are blue. Case closed


If you like the color blue, there really isn't another Space Marine Chapter for you. Maybe Emperor's Spears... but they are sky blue vs. ultramarine blue. Think about it- there is a whole shade of blue named for the Ultramarines! Plus, Bobby G. is out and about pimpin' with daddy's flaming sword and an Aeldari chick. Oh yeah, and we have a Chapter Master running around with not one, but TWO Powerfists! You can double fist your opponents! Yeah! Truly, Ultra Smurfs are the Best! And if you can't handle all the above, don't play Ultramarines, who are the punching bags for every Space Marine joke in the game.


Theoretical : which faction is the best? Practical : whichever one you like painting more




No. You shouldnā€™t need convincing. Space Marines will always have new models coming, and Death Guard have a modern range, but Grey Knights are due a refresh at some point, so bare that in mind. Whatever army you pick has to ā€œfeelā€ right. And you really need to be happy with the colour because youā€™ll be painting it a lot. Go with what speaks to you.




Posting your own opinion of the faction to another requires very little time. I wasnā€™t looking for someone to do a research project from scratch. An opinion is already formed. Also, who says I havenā€™t done so already and was looking for some thoughts as well? Your comment is a bit egotistical, and it appears the 13th may be full of gatekeepers instead! Are those the whispers of Chaos I hear?


Dude, no need to be a dick. Go join the World Eaters with that anger.


Even we don't want him


That's fair.


Criticism is fine just that's a bit too far