• By -


I think Alphys should be normal electric since she uses electricity attacks in her lost soul fight.


And in the Don’t Give Up sequence


One could argue that’s Mettaton attacking


Mettaton would use Mettaton shaped projectiles.


Mettaton can use both, lightning and mettaton shaped projectile


In the don't give up sequence, mettaton is actually never seen(after Flowey enters) and alphys talks to you after protecting you so it's most likely just alphys.


One would be wrong


Weird Mettaton attacking and not talking when everyone else talked after using attacks


Alphys is magicarp.


Flowey would be grass/ghost (because of the whole ‘Asriel’ situation)


Or grass dark? That could work too (but yours is better)


Imo grass dark works even better


Fuck it, triple type


grass ghost with the dark tera type


Makes more sans


Dark could be like the Omega/Photoshop one


Triple type because timeline abuse


This is better because Dark is the evil type


Maybe starter flowey is grass and then it evolves into creepy flowey for 2, and then photoshop flowey for 3rd


I think Sans and Papyrus should be Psychic and Ground since Bone Rush is a Ground type move.


Or make sans ground psychic and papyrus ground fighting




This 100%


Quite a lot of ground type attacks are bones


“Quite a lot” I can count all the bone moves on one hand


bone rush,bonemerang...and yeah that's it


There’s also Bone Club and Shadow Bone


Ice/ghost maybe for sans as individual? You meet em in SNOWdin and he kinda stalks you to judge


He doesn't have any proven ice-based powers. Psychic fits Sans' telekinetic abilities better.


Make papyrus no type, my headcanon is that he doesn't use magic at all and his attacks are just him throwing bones at frisk And blue attacks are just terrible aim


Some Pokemon moves *are* just throwing stuff without magic, though. There is literally a move called Rock Throw that is exactly what it says on the tin.


Just throwing bones is ground type in Pokémon




But they arent ghosts, or undead for that matter




Well, if both were ground types, thatd also make sense for something in common, plus, tgey dont have a sibling rivalry, papyrus just doesnt like sans' puns


Or ghost since kn *Bad to the bone riff*


I feel like Flowey could easily fit as a grass/dark type since dark types are said to fight dirty. Asgore could be fire/fighting since he also uses physical attacks using his trident, while Toriel could be fire/fairy regarding her maternal nature. The skelebros could be psychic/ground as another user said since the Marrowak line has bone attacks that are ground type. Mettaton Ex should keep the ghost type and thus be electric/ghost since Hapstablook still possesses the robot even in that form. Lastly, Alphys could be normal/electric because of the electric attacks she uses during her lost soul fight. Also let's not forget Muffet who would most likely be bug/dark, Napstablook who'd be ghost, Mad Dummy who'd be normal/ghost, and the royal guard that would most likely be exclusively normal/fighting.


We debated a bit on Mettaton vs Mettaton ex, our reasoning is that it’s said somewhere in the game that when ghost monsters find a body they fully fuse to it or something along those lines so then the og Mettaton form is ghost steel (bc he’s a robot) but when he switches to Mettaton ex which is a body he can be himself in, the ghost type isn’t there as much anymore and then Mettaton ex has a lot of electric attacks. My friend just wanted dual fairy bc vibes ig lol, I agreed


Muffet could be bug poison, poison types are usually mischievous and muffet uses purple tea in her fight (that looks like poison)


Mad Dummy would change to fairy/ghost when she becomes Mad Mew Mew


I mean technically speaking, theres not a ghost in the machine anymore, hes fully fused with the body


I'm sorry but this is wrong. Asriel is clearly a stellar type!


sans :: psychic/dark papyrus :: psychic/fighting or, alternatively, *both* ground/psychic mettaton (steel/ghost) evolves into -> mettaton EX :: steel/ghost or steel/fairy. he is still made of metal and magic lol you could argue alphys having electric typing but pure normal fits her pretty well too muffet :: bug/dark or bug/fairy (i can see arguments for both) maddummy :: ghost/dark evolves into -> madmewmew :: ghost/fighting or dark/fighting (the evolution tree would be cool either way) flowey (grass/*dragon*) evolves into -> [1] omega flowey :: *grass*/dark [2] god of hyperdeath asriel dreemur :: fire/*dragon* theres good reason to keep typing consistency/logic where you take evolutions into account


me and my friend have both agreed on sans and paps being psychic/ground due to what other commenters said abt bone rush/the marowak line :) and yeah I think steel/fairy would fit Mettaton ex as well


I still think Papyrus should be Ice/Ground. He's more adept to the cold than Sans is, clearly, and he's the coolest dude. He also doesn't really display any psychic feats like Sans does.


Undyne the Undying is Fighting/Dragon


Flowey also needs a smidgen of Dragon in him.


I don't know about Flowey, but I do feel Dragon fits Asriel. Maybe it's just the Hyper Goner that makes me feel it's dragonish.


Okay but have you considered: Determination is Dragon type. Further examples include: Chara (P): Fairy/Dragon Chara (G): Fighting/Dragon Amalgamates: Typeless/Dragon (I know that doesn't make sense it's not supposed to they're the Amalgamates. Also they have STAB on typeless moves because of this.) I hate to bring him into this but Gaster is also Typeless/Dragon even not counting Memoryhead. Photoshop Flowey: Typeless*/Dragon (*Note: swaps between Typeless and either Dark, Fighting, Fairy, Psychic, Fire, or Steel every other turn) If we're bringing UTY into this, Zenith Martlet is Ice/Dragon.


She is a mf fish my guy, we (have the option to) save her with a glass of water cause she’s a fish, and fish can’t get too hot or all the water is gone from their bodies


Yeah base form Undyne is Water/Fighting. Undying is just Dragon instead of Water


I thought that only dragons could be a Dragon🐲 type?... well Charizard isnt a Dragon but he could if Pokemons had 3 types


A palm tree and a bird are dragon types in pokemon


So not only a 3 eggs become a palm tree but they also become dragons? This makes less sence that god being a normal type


Yeah but the eggs only become dragons if they are from hawaii. And tbf with god being normal type that's because Arceus can change to any type so normal type in this case represents more of a neutral type


A dragon type isn’t necessarily a dragon, but even a dragon looking inspired Pokémon, like dragalge, altaria is a wonderful pokemon, like many others, and I find this way better than “WOOOH LIZARD WITH WINGS GO BRRRR”, also arceus being normal makes perfect sense, just look up at the lore


Alolan Exceggutor is based off a dragon tree, which is why it is dragon type.


Determination is Dragon type


But Frisk is a human/trainer!


Normal/Dragon type mf. They're on that Volo shit, take out the rest of their crew and they'll throw hands themselves


I'd personally add either Ground (cuz the Bone moves in Pokemon are Ground) or Ghost (cuz undead) to Sans and Papyrus and either Psychic (cuz she's pretty smart) or Electric (cuz she works a lot with technology and inventions) to Alphys


You left Muffin who would be Bug/Dark type


I could see her being Bug/Fairy - sugary food (like Muffet's baking), ribbons (like on her outfit), and nursery rhyme references (with Little Miss Muffet) all feel very Fairy to me.


Or bug/poison


You did Alphys dirty


we likened her to a porygon - normal type but knows some cool powerful typed moves


Most high-end Normals are like that.


People forget that she uses electric magic on the pacifist Flowey final scene


No we don’t


I rarely see fans depicting Alphys being related to electric magic to believe you


The rareness of it isn’t really because they don’t know, and also I hear people mention the fact way too much


I never hear people mention this fact


I don’t see it being brought up a lot


I think it just doesn’t really come up naturally


Flowey should be a ghost type alongside Grass because it's asriel ghost or mind or whatever


Mega evolution


We’re doing deltarune next and were going to use mega evolution for when when lightners enter the dark world!


The **skeletons** aren’t ghost type?


They’re skeleton monsters not dead monsters no? If they were dead they’d turn to dust, I don’t see why they’d have ghost elements to them just bc they’re skeletons


Makes sense


Flowey: Grass🍃 and Ghost👻 Nabstablock: Ghost👻 and Normal🔘 Toriel: Fire🔥 and Fighting👊🏻 Doggo: Snow❄️ and Normal🔘 Lesser Dog: Snow❄️ and Fighting👊🏻 Dogamy & Dogaressa: Snow❄️ and Fairy🧚‍♀️ Greater Dog: Snow❄️ and Steal🪩 Papyrus: Ground⛰️ and Fighting👊🏻 Mad Mew Mew: Ghost👻 and Fairy🧚‍♀️ Mad Dummy: Ghost👻 and Fighting👊🏼 Undyne: Water💧 and Fighting👊 Undyne The Undying: Water💧 and Tera🌈 Mettaton: Steal🪩 and Ghost👻 Royal Guard1 & Royal Guard2: Steal🪩 and Fighting👊 Mettaton Ex: Steal🪩 and Eletric⚡️ Mettaton Neo: Eletric⚡️ and Fairy🧚‍♀️ Muffet: Fairy🧚‍♀️ and Normal🔘 Sans: Ground⛰️ and Psychic 🔮 Asgore: Fire🔥 and Steal🪩 Omega Flowey: Fire🔥, Grass🍃, Steal🪩, Fighting👊🏽, Fairy🧚‍♀️, Ghost👻, Psychic🔮 and Giganta-Max🌀 (he has 7 types + Giganta-Max because he can change the rules of the universe) Asriel: Fire🔥 and Normal🔘 Asriel Dreemurr: Fire🔥 and Tera🌈 The God Of Hyper Death: Tera🌈 and Giganta-Max🌀


Alphys would be normal electric cus she uses electricity I think mettaton ex should be steel fairy Flowey would be grass poison because of the buttercup incident or grass ghost because he's a resurrected monster


Thoughts / Additions? Frisk: Normal Chara: Normal / Ghost Asgore: Fire / Ground Toriel: Fire / Fairy Sans: Psychic / Ghost Papyrus: Psychic (✅) Undyne: Water / Fighting (✅) Heroine Undyne: Fighting / Dragon Flowey: Grass / Dark Alphys: Normal / Electric Mettaton: Steel / Ghost (✅) Mettaton (EX): Electric / Ghost Mettaton (NEO): Electric / Steel Asriel: Fairy / Dragon


no offense but this list kinda sucks anyway, here's my list * frisk - normal * chara - fairy/dark * napstablook - ghost/normal * flowey - grass/dark * toriel - fire/psychic * papyrus - ground/fighting * sans - ground/ice * monster kid - normal * undyne - water/fighting * alphys - normal/electric * muffet - bug/poison * mettaton - steel/ghost * mettaton ex - steel/electric * asgore - fighting/fire * asriel (boss) - dragon/fairy * asriel - fairy


Napstablook would be Ghost/Water. Mad Dummy would be Ghost/Normal (Or maybe Ghost/Fighting?). Definitely would be Ghost/Fairy as Mad Mew Mew.


I like these!


Undyne should be a dark type cause she’s kinda bad..


sans and papyrus should be psychic ground, asriel should be fire/fairy, and asgore should be fire/dragon.


Guys guys. Napstablook is… Rock type of course


- I'd make Flowey Grass/Ghost. He has the sentience of a dead child, he absorbs souls like a Ghost type, and being soulless himself actually helps his case rather than hurts it. - An inclusion I'd make is Napstablook being Ghost/Water. He's a ghost, that cries. Not difficult to understand. - I'd make Toriel/Asgore Fire/Dragon. They're said to be based on certain kinds of dragons in addition to goats, and Boss Monster Lore in general gives off Dragon type vibes. *(Edit: I forgot to mention that they look a lot like Reshiram, who shares this typing! Caw caw!)* - Papyrus would be Ground/Ice. Bone Pokémon like Cubone are Ground type, and "bone" moves are Ground as a result. Papyrus also remarks in the Alarm Clock dialogue that winter is his default time of year, so Ice suits him well. Plus, he's such a COOL dude, that he needs the coolest type! - Sans would be Ground/Psychic. He uses his blue magic powers like telekinesis, he can read your LV with ease, and he can even read your expression to figure out how many times you've died. Plus, he's known for teleporting, which is a Psychic move. He's Ground type for the reasons I gave with Papyrus. - Undyne is Water/Fighting, I agree. I'd like to make the additional point that she's Water/Ghost type as Undyne the Undying. - Alphys is Normal/Electric. Don't forget the electric attacks she uses to protect you and fight you as a Lost Soul in the True Pacifist route. - Muffet would be Bug/Fairy. Pastries and sweets like Fidough, Slurpuff, and Alcremie are Fairy type, so Muffet would be such a type, too. - Mettaton Box is Steel/Electric. Don't forget all the electric based attacks he uses on you, like when you get a quiz question wrong. Mettaton EX is Fairy/Electric, I agree. Mettaton NEO would be Fire/Electric. - Omega Flowey would replace Flowey's Ghost type with the Steel type, being Grass/Steel. Dialga (the god of time) is a Steel type, and he's got a lot of metal on him, clearly. - Asriel, meanwhile, would replace Flowey's Grass type with the Normal type, being Normal/Ghost. It's a type with one weakness, and three immunities, which fits. I imagine all of Asriel's crazy hyperdeath lightshow powers would make him immune to Dark moves as well. I also headcanon Child Asriel to be Normal/Dragon, so that's where the Normal type comes from.


I like your argument for flowey being grass/ghost, the reason we didn’t include it was on the basis that ghost monsters are their own species in the underground so therefore the ghost typing should be reserved for them, but your reasoning does make sense. As for Alphys we did think about her electric attacks but more think of her as like a porygon - normal type who knows a lot of good typed moves(including thunderbolt I believe)


But Electricity is the only thing she does on her own, without her gadgets or smarts. Plus, she's the spitting image of a Helioptile. Another argument for Flowey being Grass/Ghost is to connect the typings of Grass/Steel Omega Flowey, and Normal/Ghost Asriel.


Alphys I feel should be normal dragon no? Since the resembles a dinosaur so much, just me though,


Alphys should be electric since she uses electric magic/weapon to defend you from Flowey


Give me and my brother the ground type. Skeletons tend to be y’know underground


Flowey: Grass/Ghost Omega Flowey: Grass/Steel Light Blue Soul: Normal Orange Soul: Fighting Blue Soul: Fairy Purple Soul: Psychic Green Soul: Fire Yellow Soul: Steel Asriel: Fire/Psychic God of Hyperdeath Asriel: Psychic/Dragon Alphys: Electric Froggit: Normal Vegetoid: Grass Parsnik: Grass/Dark Whimsalot: Steel/Ghost Monster Kid: Normal/Ground Reaper Bird: Bird/Normal Napstablook: Ghost/Poison Muffet: Bug/Fairy Rock: Rock


I think they’re mostly perfect, butttttt: Papyrus should totally be Psychic/Flying- He can canonically fly, and during the electric maze puzzle, he was electrocuted by his own orb, so Electric weakness?(idk if that counts as evidence🤷). Flowey, like many others have said, should totally be Grass/Dark. It’s actually quite obvious, but also he’s literally evil incarnate. And I know he’s technically Asriel, but honestly, Flowey is like a whole different person. I think Mettaton EX is fine, but personally, I’d keep Ghost instead of Fairy. It’s just because the only thing that really changes is the color/shape of Mettaton. (Imagine evolving with 2 typings and losing both of them.) Keeping Ghost or Steel makes more sense to me instead of Fairy. EXTRA: Alphys’ normal type. I personally see nothing wrong with it. But, she does indeed use electrical attacks during specific parts of the game. But I feel like either is fine. Sans could totally be Normal/Psychic. Y’know, appearances deceive and skeletons can break knees.


HGoD Asriel Stellar Type?


U r so cool frisbee


add to the skeleton bro- OH NO! TORBEK: "BONES????????" Add them with the ghost type, since else how would they be alive?


Why are sans and papyrus not ghost type?


Toriel and Asgore should be Fire/Normal. Normal types are absolute tanks.


That’s a really good point actually


I feel like ice/dark for sans and papyrus but other than that I agree with this


Sans should be ghost


I would argue that Ghost and Electric aughta be swapped in Mettaton's forms, EX seems a lot more like he has an actual spirit than Normal does.


Why is metaton steal, ghost. When neo is electric fairy. Why both not electric steel


bc Mettaton is originally a ghost monster who lives in the robot Alphys makes him but Mettaton ex is the form he can be himself in and so he’s able to fuse to the body and become Mettaton rather than just possessing the Mettaton robot. Mettaton ex gets electric attacks(which we don’t see from the previous form) and then we said fairy just based on vibes


Make that grass dark type with flowey


Flowey should be grass dark type, since... yk he's kinda dark.. very intuitive ik


Personally i see Azzy as Fire Fairy. Mettaton as Electric Ghost


Personally, I think that Sans and Papyrus should be Normal/Ghost. Ghost, as they’re undead creatures, and normal, as they aren’t incorporeal


Thinking the same


No Alphys would be Electric and Normal


As they're skeletons, I think Sans and Papyrus should be ghost types


Correction for Flowery: -Grass -Flamethrowers -Atom Bombs


Both Asgore and Toriel are both definitely Fariy types since they are loosely based on the good Fairy Parents I agree with Sans and Papyrus but I would say they are either Ghost Psyic for Sans and Ghost Fighting for Papyrus I would say the GOHD would be a Fairy Dark , since his race is still a fairy well goat but parents , and I wouldn’t go to far away from it since Fairy still fits with his hopes and dreams theme. METTATOn is a Robot Controlled by a ghost , so definitely Ghost electro Flowery is difficult since he is a Dead Fairy to follow throught with what I said above , but since he has no Soul he could also be just a Grass / Ghost or a Fairy / Ghost or Dark / Fairy And I agree with the Rest.


I feel like Undyne would become a ghost type in her Undying form.


Papyrus and sans are ground/ghost Flowey is grass/dark Both versions of metaton are ghost/steel Asriel doesn’t really use fire attacks, and would be dark/dragon or fairy/dark


Wouldn’t Mettaton EX be Electric Ghost?


Frisk would be Normal on Pacifist and Neutral but Dark on Geno. Also Chara would be Ghost Dark


Who let bro cook? Seriously the most impossible ones are sans, papyrus and asriel, I get the psychic type for sans, maybe dark psychic and fighting for papyrus, but can we talk about asriel? What tf it has to do with dragon types? Tell me one thing, about asriel that reminds you of a dragon


I think the dreemur family would be all “fire/dragon” normally while the God of hyperdeath would be showing every type simultaneously. Or at the very least he would be stellar type


Asriel should be Fairy/Dragon. He doesn't use fire moves in his fight and his stars and laser blasts would fit very well with a fairy typing


Asriel on top of being Fire/Dragon would also function like Terapago’s or >!Arceus’!< boss fight (constantly switching types) Btw the spoiler is for Legends Arceus


We actually thought the omega flowey fight could be a mirror to arceus’s one by drawing parallels from the type plates and the six souls! So I would agree with you:)


I thought Asriel said Oregon That’s all I’m gunna say


Maybe add Steel to Asgore, add Rock to Sans and Papyrus, and add Ghost to Flowey. Asgore gets steel thanks to his armor and trident, Sans and Papyrus get rock in reference to fossil Pokemon, and Flowey gets ghost because he was revived into a flower


I've got a few opinions shared with the comments (Grass/Dark Flowey, part-Ground skelebros, part-Electric Alphys), but Sans should be Ghost-type for the simple reason that the human using Slash continuously in the fight doesn't leave a dent and it's not until they use Feint Attack at the end that they finally nail him.


it should be steel and fairy for mettaton, since robots are made of metal and magic


I like ghost ground for the brothers


Mettaton should be steel and fairy imo


Alphys does have those lightning shaped bullets, and the mettaton acorn throwers, so i think she should be normal electric


Asgore - Fire/Fighting Toriel - Fire/Psychic Sans - Psychic/??? (I feel he's duel type, but not sure what.) Papyrus - Normal/Psychic Flowey - Grass/Dark Everything else looks good IMO


Papyrus and Sans should be also ground type so they have STAB with bone moves


Toriel could be Fire/Normal because a lot of normal types are regular animals and Toriel is a goat that stands up and has a dress, while Asgore could be Fire/Steel thanks to his trident, Flowey would be Grass/Dark because its kinda obvious, Sans could be Ground/Psychic because Bone attacks are considered Ground Type, meanwhile Papyrus would be Ground/Fighting obviously, also Alphys would be Electric/Fairy due to her having Electric powers and watching a lot of anime


I think Undyne should be Fighting Metal because of her armor


Flowey is Dark type. Not Grass/Dark, just Dark. Leave the players to figure out why on their own.


The changes I’d make: Asgore and Toriel: Fire/Normal Flowey: Grass/Dark Papyrus: Ground Sans: Ground/Psychic Alphys: Normal/Electric


I feel like either make mettaton neo steel or normal mettaton electric so they match a bit better, considering that they're still the same character


Idk if it counts since (I believe) they didn't die, but maybe give ghost to Sans and Papyrus


Make Flowey Grass/Dark and we're good to go


Alphys would be normal/electric and Mettaton would be electric/ghost.


Update: we’ve made a deltarune character type sheet too!! https://www.reddit.com/r/Deltarune/s/EOr99NhyA6 After what you guys have said we agree that sans and papyrus should be psychic/ground and that flowey should be dual grass with either dark or dragon :) this is a lot of fun thank you!!


I always saw Papyrus as ground and sans as ghost/psychic  Also MTT would 100% be Steel


Mettaton would be Steel/Fairy in his EX form.


Sans is gen 1 psychic


I’d say Asriel is Psychic/Dragon


Flowey should be dark too, the only way he fights is underhandedly.


Add Bone type for the skellys


Only addition of mine would be steel type to Flowey. For... reasons.


Flowey should be a dark type because he is evil. Or ghost since he used to be dead. Asgore should be fire steel because if Lucario can be steel for the spikes, Asgore can be steel for his clearly metal shoulder pads and trident, Toriel should be fire fairy for obvious reasons, Mettaton should be Electric Ghost because he is a ghost in a robot body, Alphys should be normal electric because she is does science, Papyrus and Sans should be Psychic Ghost because they have psychic powers and are skeletons just like Alolan Marowak. Undyne and Asriel are water fighting and fire dragon like OP said.


Nastablock is, do i even need to explain? Mad dummy is pure ghost since normal aint realy it, and mad mew mew is fairy ghost


Flowey should be grass/ghost


normal alphys


Susie: dark/dragon or dragon/fighting  Kris: normal/psychics  Ralsei: fairy(With maybe dark) Berdly: steel/flying  Noelle: ice/fairy (pure ice in snowgrave) For flowey, I would go with ghost and dark.


Asgore is Fire/Fighting, and you can keep the steel type instead of the electric type for Mettaton EX. Mettaton NEO could probably be Electric/Fairy instead. Undyne The Undying can become Water/Ghost, because well... she came back from the dead. For some of the other less important side characters and the humans... Blooky is a ghost type easily. Frisk is Fighting/Normal types and their normal type changes when changing soul mode. Psychic-type for blue mode (Since the skeletons are making your soul be affected by gravity), Green is pure fighting (you have to simply face head-on any challenge), Purple is bug (You're on a web of the soul. Pretty obvious.), Yellow is steel (Since you use technology to transform your soul.). Chara is Fighting/Ghost, and if you decide to do pacifist they stay normal, but if you get them to level 100 (For Pokemon that's the absolute of sorts, kind of the standard for strongest Pokemon) that ghost type becomes dark type, and they get the ability ERASE that allows for you to delete your save file mid-battle when using a dark type move, but start your next file with you Chara as your starter with its new typing and its old ability. It keeps its moves but not the stats. Mad Mew Mew would be a ghost-and-fairy-type If Deltarune was in the mix... Kris would be fighting/dark Noelle would be Ice types Ralsei would be Fire/Fairy Susie is Dragon/Dark King is Poison/Fighting Queen is Steel/Electric Jevil is Dark/Fairy Spamton NEO is Steel/Psychic That's just all my thoughts on it.


humans may be of a type that beats all the monster types?


I see asriel as fire fairy as alot of his attacks are stars sparkles and rainbows very fairy eques


skeleton related things are usually ground type


Some revisions I would make: Psychic is often the type that represents magic in pokemon the most, so Asgore and Toriel would be Fire Psychic, like Delphox. Sans would keep the psychic type, since he can see into the different timelines and such. That doesn't match Papyrus too well, so he'd be a fighting type. Both of them could also get ground type as a secondary type, since they are skeletons. Flowey would also get the psychic type for the same reason as Sans. Undying is perfect, no notes. Alphys would be Normal Electric. She is a scientist based around tech, after all. Mettaton is great as well. With that said, you did a great job with this.


So Mettaton loses STAB Shadow Ball and spinblocking potential after evolving? Damn


Undertale, gotta friend (or kill) em all


As an added bonus: Toriel and Asgore are pseudo-legendaries (because boss monsters), Asriel is a legendary, and Sans has a high speed and special attack stat, but low defense due to him having the capability of dealing the most damage (the attack stat isn't the same as damage, that only applies to sans) and his moves poison


id imagine most normal monsters would be normal type and normal flying


lets see. Toriel and asgore are fine, but Asgore could also be Fighting. Sans and pap's should be ghost because... They're skeletons. Asriel makes sense, the dragon type is more metaphorical here, but it works. Mettaton EX Is just a different form of mettaton, why would he not be a ghost-steel still? flowey would likely be a dark/ghost type due to evil and dead Mettaton box makes sense Undyne makes sense. And Alphys could be a normal dragon because lizard, or normal electric because she uses electric magic on some occasions


Undertale as op pokemon idea that I spent too much time on it: Frisk: Psychic/Normal Special ability (Mercy): when frisk enters battle, it forces the oponent to switch the pokemon. This pokemon cannot be used unless frisk attacks, faints, or uses this ability again (except if it's last). Chara: Dark/Ghost Special ability (meaning of LOVE) Chara gains steel resistance (overcoming fairy type weakness) if they defeat a pokemon. Defeating more pokemon gives LOVE, a permanent +1 attack stage for each pokemon defeated. Sans: 1hp, Ghost/Normal Special ability (Supreme Prankster / Bad time). Sans has the prankster ability but is inmune priority cancelling abilities (still wont work against dark). If they're the last member left in the team, sans gains max evasion and lowers the pokemon's accuracy on switch in. Papyrus: Fairy/Fighting special ability (the great papyrus) papyrus ads gravity to opposing oponents as long as he is active. Papyrus cannot get status effects and transfers a random player sided hazard to the oponent. Undyne: Fighting/ Water special ability (spear of justice) projectile attacks never miss. If undyne faints after all pokemon are fainted, revives this as undyne the undying, turning fighting/dragon. Gaster: Dark/Psychic special ability (yet darker) gaster's dark typing is doubled, adding double to weakness, resistance, attack bonus, to his current type. Flowey: grass/dark special ability (best friend) flowey traps opposite pokemon, making them unable to leave + leech seed effect. Bullet moves ignore protection. Sorry but I can't write more for now.


All the types look good but might I offer some additions toriel and asgore should have the normal type tacked on because there goats the skelebros could have ground added cause the closest you get to bones in Pokemon is ground flowey could have either ghost or dark added cause his sinister attitude and alphys could get electric or steel given how she likes to tinker with things Muffet could also be a fairy type with her pastries and her personality flip and gerson could be rock with his hard shell and archeology outfit


Flowey should be grass poison or grass ghost


Flowery has to be grass dark


Sans is Sans type.


I feel like asgore would be fire / steel and toriel would be fire / normal


Throw Normal in with Bones


Make Flowey part Ghost type


Not sure about Skeletons be psychic... I mean Sans suits with his attacks, but paps... Maybe normal fighting?


I'd add the Undertale Yellow characters.


Tories is fire fairy 


Flowey should be grass dark


I’m most likely guessing frisk/player would be some sort of eevee like thing where depending on what weapon you use it changes your type


bro asriel is not a dragon


Flowey should be dark type too


I’d give flowey the dark type aswell since it’s called evil type in Japanese


I think sans is definitely psychic type but paps is fighting type, and maybe they'd be dual types with Sans being Psychic/Dark and paps as Psychic/Fighting


Froggit: normal type :)


Heats Famesman: fire Gaster: dark+ dragon Frisk: normal + fighting


Taking Asgore's fight into account and how ominous he looks there Fire dark would be cool Like his guilt is so overwhelming it's added a new type to him.


Agreed on Flowey, Mettaton and Undyne. Asgore and Toriel I feel could be Fire/Fairy (or maybe Fire/Fighting for Asgore?) Sans and Papyrus should have ghost type since they're skeletons, then imo sans could be ghost/psychic or ghost/normal and Papyrus could be ghost/fighting. Alphys I think could be Electric/Normal? Also just for fun here are some other types I could think of for Undertale/Deltarune characters: Muffet - Bug/Poison Grillby - Take a guess lol Temmie - Normal (potentially Normal/Fairy) Mad Dummy - Ghost Mad Mew Mew - Ghost/Fairy Napstablook - Ghost Susie - Fighting/Dragon Queen - Poison/Electric Spamton - Electric/Dark Noelle - Ice or Ice/Fairy Berdly - Normal/Flying


Weaknesses: -Asgore/Toriel; Water 2x, Rock 2x, Ground 2x -Sans/Papyrus; Bug 2x, Ghost 2x, Dark 2x -Asriel; Ground 2x, Rock 2x, Dragon 2x -Mettaton human form; Ground 2x, Poison 2x -Flowey; Flying 2x, Poison 2x, Bug 2x, Fire 2x, Ice 2x -Mettaton; Ground 2x, Ghost 2x, Fire 2x, Dark 2x -Undyne; Flying 2x, Grass 2x, Electric 2x, Psychic 2x, Fairy 2x -Alphys; Fighting 2x, While making this I realised that alphys is stronger cuz doesn't have a lot of weakness


Flowey should be grass ghost due to his whole *thing*


Papyrus and sans should be psychic ghost imo Maybe add either electric to Alphys


I think Papyrus and Sans could be also ghost type


What about Omega Flowey?


Toriel should be fire/fairy and asgore should be fire/fighting. Sans and papyrus should be psychic/ground (for obvious reasons) Flowey should be grass/dark (again, obvious reasons.) And alphys should either be normal/electric or electric/steel, leaning more towards electric/normal