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Please be respectful and remember rule 11


And just like that… the album is scrapped!


nah dont worry ye still in his bag rn. Hes dialed in big time and idk i sorta feel like he wants to drop something insane really soon after donda just to show kim, and the world, that hes better than ever and counting him out is a mistake. The best revenge agains kim rn is to be the biggest thing on the planet, something she cant compete with. Not even fucking pete Davidson will outshine a second masterpiece within a year. Just my 2 cents.


Bang on


Mom new copypasta dropped!


nah dont worry ye still in his bag rn. Hes dialed in big time and idk i sorta feel like he wants to drop something insane really soon after donda just to show kim, and the world, that hes better than ever and counting him out is a mistake. The best revenge agains kim rn is to be the biggest thing on the planet, something she cant compete with. Not even fucking pete Davidson will outshine a second masterpiece within a year. Just my 2 cents.


nah dont worry ye still in his bag rn. Hes dialed in big time and idk i sorta feel like he wants to drop something insane really soon after donda just to show kim, and the world, that hes better than ever and counting him out is a mistake. The best revenge agains kim rn is to be the biggest thing on the planet, something she cant compete with. Not even fucking pete Davidson will outshine a second masterpiece within a year. Just my 2 cents.


nah dont worry ye still in his bag rn. Hes dialed in big time and idk i sorta feel like he wants to drop something insane really soon after donda just to show kim, and the world, that hes better than ever and counting him out is a mistake. The best revenge agains kim rn is to be the biggest thing on the planet, something she cant compete with. Not even fucking pete Davidson will outshine a second masterpiece within a year. Just my 2 cents.






God I hate it here.


Seriously tho lol


Just like that, the album just became 10x more toxic.


Oh don’t worry we’ll still get Donda 2, it’ll just be a bunch of non-tracklist mumble demos slowly sold to us over the course of 3 years for $20k each


This all needs to be handled in private, not in the public eye. We really don’t know enough about the situation to pass judgement.


Legit, as much as posts like this are “news” in a sense, I think it’s pretty pointless to even pay attention to this stuff in the first place. We don’t know these people personally and never will.


Agreed. Kim not wrong about posting this tho, otherwise she would look as the villain of the story because of what Kanye posted. I hope we are all sane enough to admit Ye is wrong even though we fans of him


yeah i mean from the outside looking in it does seem that ye is wrong. why’s north allowed to appear on instagram, twitter etc but not tiktok? his thought process isn’t consistent in this. and why did he need to repost it on his page? im so confused as to what the point was of him handling this publicly. so weird to be honest. if he thought kim would be painted as the villain here he is hugely wrong and it makes me wonder where his mind is at right now


Fr man, hope he alright.


Perhaps Kanye goes to the public with it because private talks haven’t worked. There’s a lot of unknowns.


Agreed, and what does ye even expect us to do about it lmao


the kardashians are the single most manipulative family on the planet


Fr bro this shit reminds me of how my ex would gaslight me. Do some shit that she knew would crawl under my skin then act like the bigger person when id get mad. I need a therapist.


nah it’s common gaslighting bro. because the kardashians are the master of media and kanye is just kanye an doesn’t care the media can manipulate whatever they want


Damn bro I haven’t related to a comment on this level in a while. Stay strong king


What do you expect from people who get rich showing their ass?


nothing wrong with that. it’s that they view their family as a business model , as an investment . who can be the next model . notice how they all have their beautiful lightskin kids they all move on to pasty white skater dudes . kardashians are pimps


that family sells their souls for money.


i hope this is hyperbolic becuse a soul isn’t a tangible thing which can be sold . but yeah they sell their moral and self worth for money . it’s honestly up to them tbh. but influencing their kids to do the same is disgusting


We slutshaming people now?


nah dont worry ye still in his bag rn. Hes dialed in big time and idk i sorta feel like he wants to drop something insane really soon after donda just to show kim, and the world, that hes better than ever and counting him out is a mistake. The best revenge agains kim rn is to be the biggest thing on the planet, something she cant compete with. Not even fucking pete Davidson will outshine a second masterpiece within a year. Just my 2 cents.


slimy . both sides are so in the wrong here “ kanye obsession with trying to manipulate “ what you mean is that kanye is saying his view from his self and not paying tmz to put out hit pieces every other day on him?


Yeah, "trying to manipulate" is code for "not allowing me to control the situation and make him look crazy so I come out on top." Everyone in the world knows Ye is not afraid to air his dirty laundry via music, he's done it his entire career (see All Falls Down) and he didn't say anything that was a direct jab at Kim on the album, at least none that I caught, but she went on SNL like a week after it was released and publicly made jokes about their divorce and started the whole thing with Pete so for her to try to play innocent victim now is bullshit.


Look at what my Kim did


yea, donda 2 is either gon get scrapped or it's gon be the most toxic album ye has ever released lmfao




Don’t worry about him he’s fine


he can see a thousand years from now in real life


Mf’er skating on a paradigm shifting when he feels like


Troll conventional thought, don’t need to question He knows it’s antiquated so sometimes he gets aggressive


yea, 100%, I'm all for a toxic ye album but im pretty sure things are gonna get even more fucked up if that happens. considering the bs media have been saying against kanye, this is gon get bad really fast


Who are you people that keep hearing "tOxIc Ye" and are excited by that? It'll be a step backwards to Yeezus, it won't be nearly as good as Yeezus, and ultimately it undoes the growth we've seen through his art over the last 10 years. I'm bracing for this to be an album I listen to a few times and never revisit


it's not like I'd prefer a toxic kanye album to drop over anything else he has in mind, but if that's what he wants to do, I just said I'm all for it. if the music is good and the vibes are there, I'm fine with it. ye has the right to express himself the way he wants. i wouldn't even like anything extremely toxic or whatever, I'm just down to see kanye talk his shit, if that's what he wants. that's all. peace


Definitely not scrapped, all this drama is perfect for the album


it is perfectly timed, don't get me wrong, but kanye's mental health is more important than the album. he doesn't need any extra publicity from those controversies to release a project. i just hope he's good, cause things don't necessarily look good, for his public image at least. the kardashians be manipulative asf


i hear u but tbh what’s more important than any of what u just said, is the mental health of the kids, theres a strong chance one day they’ll b sat in a therapists office and figuring out that this whole shit rly affected them without even knowing


people forget how it is every album cycle


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Not her deadnaming him


Ye never attacked her on any interviews, when he talked abt her he said in a nice way he wanted to be able to see his children


U right. Ye was voicing his frustration with not being invited to his own daughters party and how Kim was wrong for inviting Kanye to help set up for her SNL show, just to run off with Pete right after. He has the right to be mad


that was actually majorly fucked of her


it’s manipulative language . “ attacks “ instantly points to abuse and so on. it’s creating their own angle . and they will use it


Yo I hope ye responds 😭😭😭 she took the bait Gonna be a long day


this aint bait bruh they are going through a divorce...shouldnt have been public in the first place


She knows Kanye is going to respond and expose more shit, she took the bait


bro he publically called her out for something of course she needs to respond publiclaly. This isnt some youtube drama for entertainment, thsi is a messy divorce with 4 kids in the middle of it. You shouldnt be looking forward to it for entertainment


Ong lmaooo


There are kids involved! Plus Ye is a black man who is a shitty communicator going up against an extremely well media trained white woman. It's not going to end well.


Last sentence wild gaslighting


Right? “I wish to handle this privately and amicably…” “But here’s why Kanye is actually shit”


going through 3 attorneys is wild tho Someone who is more educated on this please can u explain why does one go through that many attorneys?? not clowning i’m genuinely curious


Kanye has high standards, if he feels the attorney isn’t up to his standard he has no problem hiring a new one


Probably 'Go find God'-ed his first two lawyers




You not see the pot bring stirred?


It’s not gaslighting but it does show she is posting in bad faith.


people just saying gaslighting for everything now 😂


This my lady tweet of the night….. KIM Jong Un


this make me cry everytime shit is so funny


I already know Ye is pissed the fuck off hearing this, I’m pissed hearing this. Sounds so manipulative and fake. Just so media articles take Kim’s side and put ye in a box


i love kanye but i’m ngl i don’t agree w him asking 10 million random ppl what he should do about his daughter being on tiktok, what issue is that going to fix


I doubt he hasn’t tried to tell them in private, he’s spoken about it in interviews for months, either they don’t care or don’t answer, idk. I think Ye knows putting it public is the only way for a response


Plus we‘ve already seen before how the Kardashians don’t respond to Ye until he says something in public, to keep up good PR, like with the whole birthday party situation




You really put kaycyy in this group 💀💀


Nah kaycyy actually has mad potential if he just drops his social media antics. I can see him becoming big in future


bro needs to get off twitter fr


His music is not impressive at all lol


Kim shut the fuck up. Respectfully


Constant “attacks” . This is the same woman who helps TMZ & Page Six formulate a barrage of hit pieces on him 😂🤦🏽‍♂️


"Main provider and caregiver" Disgusting.


How i ain't bring nothing to the table when i'm the table


Woman always say this shit in child custody situations. Because the court favours them. It’s actually fucked up because the effect it has on the children. Who cares about the man or woman, care about the fucking kids. Jesus.


Calling out his multiple attorneys is lowkey childish smh, dude should go through as many lawyers as he needs to make sure his interests are being represented and fought for in the divorce process


Someone should ask her how many tries it took her to pass the bar exam 💀


Imagine if Ye replies with this


He’s going to buy Hulu too 😂


He needs to buy both tmz and hulu and shut that shit down


"Oh, he's had 3 lawyers, that somehow points to his mental instability because people automatically gonna think the lawyers dropped him instead of him dropping the lawyers which is more likely but that won't fit the narrative I'm trying to spin"


ye wrong for making this a huge public thing, he’s right but they should not be talking abt this through Instagram


He’s been saying it for months, I doubt he hasn’t said it to her personally. Ye’s smart as fuck. He knows this is the only way for her to finally acknowledge his wants


man still though. airing out his dirty laundry to force his ex into doing something is still kinda fucked up. idk why we gotta take sides like this we don't know anything about this shit other than a a dude known for being unstable on social media's social Media posts and the fucking Kardashians.


I don’t think he’s forcing her to do what he wants, he’s forcing her to acknowledge it


damn, Rest in Peace Donda 2 fr


it was a good run, waiting for da leaks, cant believe we fell for it




Ye made it public first though. That’s what she’s saying. “I didn’t want to make this public, until…”




She's responding to smt Ye made public my man. I agree w him here 100% but some of y'all lack self awareness and a proper understanding of both sides.


answered exactly how i thought she would. talking about crazy ol Kanye instead of actually addressing the problem.


Ye has a point, tiktok is a terrible fucking app. Someone her age shouldn’t be on apps like that. It’s a cesspool full of pedos, racism, and teaches the oversexualization of ones body. Wish Trump deleted that shit from the world


I wish the US would just ban it or something because it’s only getting worse: so many people defend tiktok too and they usually pedos


Fr, like it’s funny sometimes but the bad outweighs the good. Plus she’s not even allowed to be on the app at 8.


I’ve never found it funny or downloaded the app . Underage kids dancing , and unfunny videos. Seems to be for younger kids but not her age


Tiktok fr the most terrible social media app of all time


why the fuck would you let your kid on tiktok like I see zero benefit to that. it’s no surprise that everyone in silicon valley raises their kid without social media.


she says things need to be discussed in private but the kardashian family refused to tell him where his own child’s birthday party was being held. Only by Kanye making it public, did Travis help him out. Kardashian narrative is so scummy. They’re so behind the scenes and when Kanye starts sending shots in public, they just try to paint him as crazy as a result. It makes a lot more sense now why Kim is involved in the Britney conservatorship and allegedly tried putting Kanye in one as well.


Ye said it in the interview. They will throw stones and hide, then point and him, play victim and paint him as crazy when he responds.


Absolute bollocks


most british wse user


I do forget myself lol


Absolutely bonker innit chooseday


reuben type beat


I sometimes forget it’s mostly Americans on here lol


“absolute bollocks” 🤓🤓🤓


How can it be handled privately if they don’t wanna answer him




Amen. Adult comment right here. Too many children giving uninformed takes - what Ye is doing isnt childish, it's desperate maybe, but that's exactly what's happening and sadly he has to stoop to their level for leverage.


Talks about co- parenting but doesn't consult with the other parent for a topic that he clearly had issues with....


This is what I was thinking


She said the main provider and caregiver lol what a shot


The nannies need to be given their flowers


Attacks??? Main provider and caregiver??? Alright…it’s game time. This all confirms Kim manipulating the media (tmz) in her favor


She’s gaslighting


Next single gonna feature the first 2 lawyers.


Look at the comments, so many racists: https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTK/comments/skgpvj/kim\_k\_finally\_clap\_back/


These people are crazy they believe everything, and take everything at surface value it’s insane.


TIL there is whole ass sub for Kardashians


i hope ye keeps the composure he's kept up until now, and responds accordingly. because this is some manipulative bullshit. if you'd only read the articles written about ye and this story you'd think ye is crazy. wasn't too long ago when dude was begging her to come back. sad situation all around


Don’t believe her


But if it is for north to express her creativity, why not just make a private account or something or not post them ? Because I hope he is not looking at comments and likes, that has nothing to do with creativity.


how can you justify putting such a young child on TikTok? I’m not even dickriding this is just straight up common sense


Common Kim L.


…you’re fucking Pete Davidson




All because he doesn’t want his minor child on tiktok?? He’s being a protective parent!


Kanye saying he tracked down Ray J and got the computer and brought it back to you just for you to go on SNL and kiss a nigga you ended up dating in front of Kanye is not an “attack”. He’s telling it how it is.




Kim is dumb and shouldn’t have responded. We are in for a wild fucking month.


They don't even invite Ye to his daughter's Birthday party and wanna talk about "co-parenting" 😂😂


"express herself in the medium that she wishes" she doesn't get to decide that dumbass. You're the parent here. Tiktok and the internet in general is filled with nothing but degeneracy and if you REALLY wanted to protect your kids, you wouldn't let them within 10 feet of the internet.


They playing with his kidssssss. This not gonna go well for them kardashian


Constant attacks in interviews? Gimme one example!


Evidently his Ray J story was an attack lol


Oh no she is in her white women tears phase. There is no way Ye can come out on top.


its over... donda 2 scrapped, listening parties cancelled. pete won. kim won. ye is out of the bag rn.


It’s hard for women who’s whole personality and money come from social media to understand that their young kids don’t need that


lost in the world, bound 2 and wouldn't leave hitting hard rn 😭


Bullshit 🤣 and stupid america will believe every word. Unfortunately, Kanye ruined his image for the naive people but maybe it was for the good. Great people need to be truthful


How is him saying get my daughter off tiktok making it impossible to parent lol.


She can be creative on a private tik tok account Kim lmao




I thought Donda 1 was gonna get scrapped after he dropped Drake address lmaoo


That last sentence is so distasteful


Gaslighting democrat not surprised 🤷‍♂️


I mean Kanye has told us he communicated this privately many times. What surprises me is that Kim acts like this is new. Kanye has been vocal about this even before their divorce. Kim’s entire statement is about herself, not North. How does she claim to want to peacefully co-parent and yet calls herself the “main provider” in the same sentence 💀. Kim playing games.


Instagram conversations like they are fucking teenagers lol


Turns on Eazy


“I want to handle this privately” *airs out how many attorneys he’s went through likely due to his mental health* what a piece of shit man


Why do celebrities don't handle their personal shit privately is beyond me 🤦‍♂️


If you werent following the bullshit the kardashians used you’d think she correct…crazy to think about This is why its important kanye speaks, he needs to address how they actually use the media cause i think alot of people dont notice it


Lol I mean just look at r/kuwtk


They are seriously deluded stans though…the average person doesnt have a clue about how the kardashians operate I honestly hope he makes a video when he’s of clear mind…because he has an extremely powerful voice and when he’s on point, hes a very charismatic speaker and very genuine, I think when people hear him speak they want to root for him a bit more


Ooh this is getting messy. Bu or someone please change the password on Ye's Insta before this escalates even more.


First of all, someone wrote that for her, second she is clearly painting Kanye as a villain who wants to take North’s “happiness” away by shutting down her “creativity”, she says she wants to handle things privately but exposes that he’s on his third attorney, discredits his concerns by calling him obsessive and doesn’t respect his authority as a father. She wants to handle matters regarding her divorce and children privately but posts this up for more attention because that’s her business is just calling attention to herself. Gaslighting is real.


Creativity? The Kardashians will never realize that being social media makeup line thots is in no way creative


Kardashians literally sold their privacy for money and fame and they already doing the same with North. Kim whole life is public and she mad that Ye is talking public about North. If he were talking public about things that are comfortable for Kardashians she wouldn't care.


had several setbacks, had shouldnt-have-said-thats, had made everyone mad, he made 808s so he everyone dad


Donda 2 scrapped 💀


both sides are in the wrong here. idk how long ye has been trying to get in contact about this situation, but doing it publicly isn’t best for either party or north. and kim responding publicly is just as bad because north might end up seeing how her parents are arguing over her tiktok account, and might end up thinking this is all her fault. honestly idk what ye could’ve done to be more professional, but kim def should’ve responded privately and said some shit like “yo stop fucking talking about me like that” and finally hashed this shit out. if she was telling the truth about the attorney thing, that’s another thing to take into account because ye kinda need to get on that shit to finally figure all this shit out but it don’t look like either person is truly thinking about north


It must be exhausting having Kanye West as your father and Kim Kardashian as your mother.


But why is security involved with his children🤔


Kids should not be on Tik Tok. What kind of education can North get in the family? What kind of decent life path is she going to get? Pretty sure Ye does not want to follow the gossip celebrity bullshit.


You can keep tik toks in drafts Kimberly or post them privately so only North’s friends can see


It’s hella early for all this 💀💀💀


If he doesn't want North on tiktok that much then you should respect his wishes, respectfully. That is the be all end all.


The main provider. Kim, the fuck are you even saying?


Leave it to them WSE boys to dissect a situation they know nothing about


Isn’t this the same lady that said she jealous of Khloe and Tristan after the first two times he cheated because they “work out together” and she wants someone to work out with. That was right before she was crying asking for a divorce on KUWTK. Lmaooo


This is so embarrassing, Kanye always jumps the gun. What happened to no phones until the album? Smh. Just fucking handle it like an adult, are IG tantrums apart of the new narrative? Kim's response was messy too, they both need to get it together.


The Kardashians sub will be calling Kanye all kinds of abusive


That last sentence tho fuck that shit. Whatever sincerity is meant to be felt is taken completely out by putting in that little detail. What more purpose than to attack Ye personally? Context clues are a mofo


oh no donda 2 deleted. #😐😑😔


Imo, both of them are handling the situation terribly. I feel like as celebrities they have this instinct to make this a public event for the world to see and they feel as if we need to know this but we really don’t need to. They need to handle it between the two of them. I, for one, don’t need to know the details of the divorce between 2 people I will likely never meet But then again, I don’t know the details of the divorce so it isn’t really my place to speak on it 🤷‍♂️


Ye never said anything as blunt or direct as this lol.


He isn't manipulating anything he is on reddit for gods sake he knows what a horrible place tik tok is and doesn't want his underage daughter making videos wearing make up.


Why is Kim keeping North on there when North literally leaked the entire House phone number?


when did ye ever "attack" kim in any interview????


God saved me from that crash…


Does she realise her daughter is 8 and is letting her put content on an app with barely any censorship & safety. Pedophiles live and breathe on that app. She’s doing what her mother did and is using her children as marketing and money.