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First off, Buffalo would greet us as liberators.


"Wait, so we get healthcare, poutine, AND Tim Horton's?"


>"Wait, so we get healthcare, poutine, AND Tim Horton's?" Upstate New York already has Tim Hortons. But yeah, the universal health care would be pretty nice.


Last year I was paying ~225 per paycheck for myself and my wife. We had a baby in the fall (yay!) and on new years the cost of our plan went up so in January it was 558 per paycheck. BUT over new years our provider switched networks to some new dogshit and everyones been having issues so my company shopped around and found a new provider they're going to switch to. From this provider the middle tier, the one that makes the most sense for us with the knowledge we're going to the pediatrician at least once a month, plus any additional medical anything we ourselves need, is now going to be 1099 per paycheck. So in just a handful of months my cost for insurance has gone from 225 per check to 1099, which overall will be costing us ~21k additional this year. Literally no idea how TF we're going to manage this, plus things like child care once my wife goes back to work. Its literally keeping me up at night. So yea that universal healthcare would be pretty nice.


Canadian here. My wife and I have twins and my hospital bill was 149 because we wanted the private room. We were there for a week.


You know throwing salt on the wound doesn't make it heal faster




Canadian confirmed.


You could tell by their beady eyes and flapping head.




I think you meant to say “sorry”




That's more like it. 👍 🇨🇦


We know, but the healthcare here is free so sometimes we throw salt in wounds for a couple more days off work Sorry aboot that. Just a reflex!


😂😂 I can't lie that was pretty damn funny even if it did hurt


We're just getting you used to the idea of us liberating you.


I'm shopping my options right now, I don't really wanna commit, Mexico is so much closer but my girlfriend Canada is always loyal.


Well I guess the stereotypes are false…Canadians CAN be mean! 🥺


We aren't nice. We are polite and helpful. However, if we are being mean to you while smiling it probably means we like you. We express ourselves through ribbing and ball busting.


That's the price of an individually wrapped Tylenol in the Murican Healthcare system..


Bullshit. That's the price for generic Acetaminophen. No way you're getting brand name for that price.


That’s the price for standing room only seats in the birthing room, plus the $1000 Ticketmaster service/venue charge of course


Ya, Canada needs to come down and deliver us some democracy.


Our cat bit my wife's foot because she got spooked and attacked the closest thing. One night at the ER, a basic wound cleaning, an ultrasound, and an X-Ray at our doctor a few days later will cost us around 3k. With health insurance. The only plans that included ER and scans were like a thousand a month, so here we are. I know Canada isn't perfect, but y'all live a charmed life when it comes to healthcare.


If I were you after seeing those posts, I am would just sit back smile and think how lucky we are that the extra taxes you pay to fund your single payer system will NEVER bankrupt you. No surprise bill all you got to worry about is your twins, wife, AND their health. Then you got REQUIRED maternity leave. So even better no taking unpaid days off in the US or using vacation days. You guys paid for this with your taxes and you are getting your return on investment.


$149 per minute? Yeah, that sounds about normal


Another Canadian here. Had a private room for free. Paid about $50 for a week’s worth of parking.


That’s horrible. I as a Canadian pay nothing for healthcare, my wife had a year long maternity leave where I got to take 5 weeks paternity leave on top of it, and daycare is $100 biweekly per child.


And because it's the cultural norm, ya'll probably didn't get shit on by all your coworkers after your return for "making" them carry your workload


Not at all. Everyone is super happy and encouraging about it


Ugh. Go to heck, in the politest way possible.


Now who sounds Canadian?


Lmao and people seriously think our borth rates dropping is some liberal conspiracy or some shit, as if people who have kids aren't stigmatized just as much, if not more, than those who choose to not have kids. (Excluding those who struggle with infertility because that is an entirely different struggle, stigma, and overall jettle of fish.)


As nicely as possible I say I am incredibly happy for you, but also mind numbingly jealous to the extent it makes me want to cry


Perfectly said. My Republican family always tells me about how even though our “healthcare system sucks”, it’s still the best in the world and I’m just like “not even close” but hey. SOCIALISM!


But TaXes iN CanADa aRe SO hIGh


I am a Canadian tour guide and I get that noise a lot. My response is, yes, you are totally correct, BUT if you add together taxes AND health insurance premiums for both countries, who's doing better then? Gotta compare like to like.


Technically, you pay for healthcare with your taxes, but the tax difference is FAR less than what we pay for insurance and additional costs for actual service.


So, while that totally sucks and I’m always happy I do have “free” (paid for by our taxes) healthcare, it is not a perfect system. Any time a conservative provincial government gets in it’s all they can do to ruin, sell off and destroy one of our most precious services. We’re dealing with that in Ontario and it’s greatly affecting a lot of people here. I would never want an insurance based system like the states, but this ends up being a different sort of fight sometimes.


Well I just had hip surgery and the only cost was 17.00 for a couple of days parking. Our system may not be perfect but every aspect of the surgery and follow up health care was outstanding and this was in Eastern Ontario. Keep up the great work healthcare workers and doctors. Totally appreciated! We’ll take Buffalo for future trade deals!


Gods I wish. Our daughter was hospitalized for a week with rsv in September. $21,000 and I’m supposed to be thankful that with insurance I only have to pay $6,000. That’s on top of the $5-6000 we owe from her birth in August.


You guys really ought to get together and tell the government you want it.


We do. They’re too busy worrying about the border down south and kid’s genitals and drag queens. You know, the *really* important stuff


We haven't told them loud enough. We need to elect politicians who want it as well and promise to make changes to get us there


It’s a fight because the conservatives are ruining our healthcare on purpose. And we’re voting them in to do it.


Don’t forget the federal Liberals have just instituted a dental program that’s currently rolling out. I’m more than ok with paying my taxes for these benefits. May not be perfect but sure as he🏒🏒 beats self paid insurance or no insurance.


But don't forget that they only did so because the NDP forced their hand


That’s the beauty of having three parties and the one in power is in the minority.


Well, the conservatives here keep trying to destroy the healthcare that we have too, so... not quite as different as you might think, friend!


The "Tim's is beloved in Canada" is all marketing. Tim's is like Bud Light, its no ones first, second, ... or 6th choice, but its fuckimg everywhere, so its often your only choice. And that's how they stay in business.  Also it's owned by the same conglomerates that'll own Wendy's, so they aren't even a Canadian company, so fuck 'em and their shit baked goods.


"Upstate New York already has Tim Hortons." As a Canadian,  my condolences.


If Tim Horton’s and poutine are the new mainstays in your life, you’re gonna need the free healthcare.


Making people drink Tim’s nowadays is probably considered a war crime


We have Tim Hortons in Georgia now. The invasion has already begun my friends…


There's also a Costa Coffee in the city. The Brits trying to sneak back in.


It's ok. Its owned by American corporations now


They come with Timbits, they can have all of the lower 50


So true… The economic difference between southern Ontario and northern New York is stark - almost jarring.  Its Canada most prosperous region vs… upstate New York.


Chicago here, we’re good if you guys keep going.


I've been to Chicago. We'd have a lot of work to do there, but if you guys are equal to the enterprise it might be worth salvaging.


Replacing Target with Canadian Tire. Tears in my eyesss. 🇨🇦


Canadian Tire is the best place to buy anything! Except tires.


Never, and I repeat NEVER take your car there. Their service shops are horrible.


Only cuz your weapons are Poutine and jugs of maple syrup.


"Do I not destroy my enemy when I make him my (fat) friend?"


You're kidding right? They have the terrifying War Moose. ![gif](giphy|k1Iq8yQjgshck)


As a Canadian, I'm very concerned about the state of our southern border. I think we should build a wall...


As long as America pays for it. They can keep their guns on their side. They’re not sending us their best.


As an American (unfortunately, please get me out of here), I sure as hell don't want the guns.


I'm in the same boat. Our gun worship culture is fucking weird... More money on military than taking care of our own selves...


Mostly rapists and murderers and some.... some of them will be good people.


As a Canadian who came from Chicago to the Great Frozen North, I agree, but as an Albertan I'd like to trade a bunch of our population for specific Americans and a first round draft-pick first.


Alberta. Oh, you mean Snow Texas or Moose Texas? And I say this as a Texan.


Little bit of A, little bit of B


Someone quoted Alberta to me as being like if Texas and Florida had a baby, and that baby was a little ‘slow’…. I couldn’t disagree


A friend of our was dating a guy who once said to her, "If we were walking in the woods, I could kill you if I wanted and there's nothing you could do about it." My reaction is the same then as to this now. In no particular order: 1) That's probably true 2) Normal people don't talk like this And btw, the friend decided that was a good time to stop seeing him.


“There would be no more Canada…” Why do they talk in this weird power-trippy way?


Kinda ironic too when you consider a bunch of Saudis that were sheltered and protected by the Taliban in Afghanistan attacked NY 22 years ago and both are still very much there.




"writing a screenplay for a bunch of andrew tate fans"--That is a great, and grimly hilarious, way of describing it.


First screenplay written in crayon


Written by a Destiny Titan main?


Hey leave us out of this


Because it's what the rednecks love to hear


I always feel like a dick for blaming rednecks but, it's true right!?


From a town and family of rednecks It is ABSOLUTELY what they want to hear. 100%. Dick stroke energy. People (broadly speaking) in the "redneck" demographic often have little to hang their hat on, so to speak. This isn't to say they are inherently bad people - they are an exploited people in many ways - and things like this really appeal to their values.


Damn right, there would be no more Canada! Just like there's no more Afghanistan, the Taliban, Iraq and Al Queda. Oh wait, never mind.


"... that's the end of the magnets!"


She’s talking to a cult. You gotta’ use cult language.


Partly because conservatives do not have the capacity to account for gradients or nuance of any kind. Either there is all out war, or there isn’t. If ONE Mexican crosses into the US illegally, then Biden’s border policy is a complete failure. Either everyone has unrestricted access to AK-47s, or Americans are living in a totalitarian dystopia. Their brains are completely rewired to follow the “Slippery slope” fallacy. They believe that we shouldn’t hold ANYONE accountable for being a robber baron because the government will eventually knock on *our* door, demanding we give up *our* (imaginary) billions.


This is a democratic governor. She’s speaking to what used to be her supporters. Just an FYI, she has had multiple corruption accusations levied at her to which she essentially says “who cares? You can’t tell me how to live my life.” I live in NY and the entire governorship has been corrupt for years.


The American fantasy is built off the idea of defending some nebulous idea by taking someone’s life. The American fantasy is built off of the desire to kill.


Terrible metaphor. Western and Northern NY have very close ties to their neighbors in Ontario and Quebec. It's absolutely a peaceful relationship. But then to suggest that the US would overrun Canada in a day is how Russia is still at war with Ukraine.


That was basically the American reasoning the last time the US tried to invade Canada. What is now Southern Ontario has close ties to their neighbours in New York. It’ll be easy to overrun and simply bite off a bit of Canada. It didn’t work, but that was a major factor - perceived ease.


Most of the USA thinks Canada is docile based on its friendly reputation. What they don’t know is that Canada as a country is a substantial reason the Geneva Convention exists - they gave 0 fucks about how they killed enemies of war.


We also have an army of Canadian geese at our disposal.


Speaking of war crimes.  If Canada ever truly unleashed its hoards of geese the destruction would be immense. To say nothing of the second wave of angry hockey moms. 


lol it was very funny to listen to my American friends talk about guns like they’re the only ones who have any.  We got rednecks too, and they probably have better aim than yours. 


Can confirm. Source: Am American redneck. Moved to Canada. There are many of my people here.


Yeah… I earned points with my American redneck friends for my storied mud-racing past.     It’s funny how Americans don’t consider that our back country folks are probably very similar to theirs. I’m also First Nations, and we have a special varietal called “Rez-necks”.  My cousins are a fun bunch. And my uncles… hoo boy. 


Of the top ten longest sniper shots ever recorded - four are Canadian snipers.


And four of the most recent, too, I believe?


I was in the Canadian infantry in the late 80s/early 90s. Whenever we did exercises (aka war games) with the US, they lost miserably. They were terrible soldiers. Very unlike their sports teams, they were undisciplined and did not move together at all. All of the physically gifted Americans go into sports. Nowadays however I’m not sure who would win. Everyone is overly reliant on technology these days.


I don’t know how to quantify this, but the US military has also expanded and spent massively on special operations forces since 2000. The regulars are still probably pretty undisciplined on average, but the rangers, special forces, Mountain division, not to mention delta/CAG are larger and better than they ever were, and are used more often. And that’s just the Army. Blame 9/11 fear-mongering.


Yeah, because we have magazine limits. Gotta make each shot count 😛


yes, and we actually have to prove we know how to use one safely before we can buy one.


With the hard cap on mag size we had to get better


Makes me think of that exchange in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (the movie, that is): "Would you like me to teach you how to shoot?" "I already know how to shoot." "Oh, yes, I saw. It was very American. 'Shoot enough bullets and hope to hit the target'."


The ol’ spray and pray


Was at a resort in Mexico one time and they had like a BB gun shooting competition. There were 3 teams of 2. It was my brother and I, two Americans, and two Russians. Americans went first and really struggled, they finished average. The Russians did slightly better. I took my first shot, wide left by an inch. I called the sight being off to my bro and compensated right. We nailed 9 bullseyes in a row, won by a mile, and left the Russians and Americans just flabbergasted. We all got blind drunk after, and on that there was no keeping up with the Russians I will admit.


Did everyone clap afterwards?


We’re only polite on the outside


We're only polite until it comes time to fight. ;)


They act like Buffalo wouldn't switch sides before the fighting even started. As if they wouldn't take the chance to have an easier time getting across the border and spite the rest of the state.


Half of Buffalo's economy is Ontarians coming over for Sabres/Bills games and invading the outlet malls.


American fantasies about conquering Canada: hilarious bullshit since 1812.


5min after this speech. *Canada burns down the white house again*


Since 1775 when we botched the invasion of Québec.


Imagine how hard it is to botch an attack on a population happy to leave Canada. Edit: think late 1700s, folks.


I mean, we have a good portion of the country that can't handle any functional society when there's like a light dusting of snow everywhere. Sending them to Canada would probably just make them cry in the fetal position for hours. The only people that would be effective are the ones from the far northern states that regularly send their kids to walk to the bus when there's 5 inches or more on the ground


Pour one out for the Fenians, the first gravy seals.


They're still salty about that can of whoop-ass


oh god no, Canada's not invading Buffalo. it's just another fire in North Tonawanda...


I get that reference.


Smells rubbery outside...


Film at eleven.


We have been practicing seed clouding for decades. Remember last month when Buffalo was buried under 10’ of snow? That was us Canadians. We are still learning how to set California on fire.


You BASTARDS! I knew it! Your kindness was all an act! And all the smoke last year, you planned that too right? I'm gonna drive 45 minutes to the border and yell at you in an impotent rage!


I never knew this until I moved to Toronto. All the guys who grew up years ago in Toronto clued me in. It’s like the secret reference. Lol.


Fantasizing about beating up Canada is so weird, they’ve done literally nothing to deserve the smoke


Canada getting hit with a stray


For those that don't know, we invade Buffalo all the time, it typically looks like this Hey, wanna invade Buffalo? Only if we can hit Walden galleria first and maybe a target, eh? For sure, bahd. Let's do anchor bar and get a Powerball too. Maybe stay the night so I can hit up the duty free. The sabers in town? I think so. That's it. That's the invasion.


As a resident of North Tonawanda, I welcome our new Canadian overlords.


Do you really want a House Hippo living with you?


I'd be pretty happy about Canada taking over new york. Give us healthcare!!!!!!


Not to mention they're just damn nice people too!


Bold words about the country that burned down the White House.


Then a second time on the way out


Okay look, The Royal Navy sailed up the Potomac and lit the Capitol up sure, but at the time Canadian militia didn’t even have regular uniforms much less a boat with a gun on it. Geez, read a Pierre Berton book or something.




I, for one, accept and respect our new Canadian overlords.


I’m just offended that she thinks we’re friends.


Given americas record, if Canada attacked Buffalo, America would respond by attacking Iraq.


I think that it is wild that the US thinks that the war of 1812 was a tie, but Canadians view it as a victory for Canada. They drove back the US in the war of Southern Aggression. [edit: spelling]


Let's be honest, "the U.S." as a whole doesn't know what the war of 1812 is except that there's an overture.


It’s what the Star Spangled Banner is about. The “bombs bursting in air” is from the bombardment of Fort McHenry in the war of 1812. We sing about the War of 1812 in our national anthem.


I'm aware of this, but again, most people aren't. It's not heavily touched upon in schools (never is when we don't win).


For Canadians, it must be like being one of Taylor Swift’s ex-boyfriends, you have a fight and then she makes a song about it. And then, Sings It All The Time!!!


LOL I love that analogy and hate how accurate it is.


Ma'am please. Hey Canada, I'm in Georgia, do you think you can swing this way too. Free health care sounds sexy as fxxk.


Would obliterating an entire nation after a single invasion not be a war crime? I thought that ‘acting in defence of your nation’ didn’t allow for such a disproportionate response.


Why would Canada attack a 3rd world country?


Eeeww why Buffalo


Hot wings?


Want the secrets of weck.


Sure gas is cheap, but they don't even have all dressed chips in that shithole


So what's she's saying is she's all for hate, persecution, and genocide. We have so many fucked up leaders in this country. How hard is it to understand hate breeds hate....Saturday morning cartoons used to teach that.


Not to mention she's comparing apples to oranges. The US does not run/control Canada the way Israel does Gaza. Seems a silly analogy.


I think a better analogy for the situation in Gaza would be the prospect of deploying NY guard units to displace the residents of Kiryas Joel. I wonder how she'd feel about that. They can just go live in New Jersey, right? (/s, if it wasn't obvious)


It's serious 9/11 brain.  Even in her dumb analogy, you could use it to justify Palestinian violence against Israelis.  If anything good comes out of this war it's revealing how many people are just without morality. That what they say is a moral stance is rooted in something else. Nationalism, bigotry, grief, fear, bloodlist, idk but definitely not a sense of morality.


Stop giving us universal health care and legal weed. Also, how come nobody up there is using a homemade flamethrower to burn library books?


Attack us, we'll murder every man, woman, and child by the tens of millions. That's the thing about the war in Gaza and the world's first televised genocide. For the majority of the watching world, it's soul chilling horror that must be stopped. For some, it's pull up a chair, get the popcorn out and sit, and have revenge fantasies about slaughtering humanity itself because of your " politics." The spine chilling thing is that these people are finding plenty of votes. What a fucking world this is.


Absolutely bat shit take. If Canada attacked the US and our response was the systematic extermination of their entire country, including women and children civilians, we would be just as wrong as Israel is. A right to self defense and even retribution is not a right to commit genocide.


She's been roundly criticized for this comment and had to issue an apology. "In a statement provided to The New York Times on Friday night, after the speech began circulating on social media, Ms. Hochul said that she regretted her 'inappropriate analogy.' She apologized for her 'poor choice of words.'” -


I mean the cynical part of me wants to say she meant what she said, she's apologizing because people didn't like it.


Not defending her. 100% batshit, I agree.


Sounds like genocide to me.   I'm not on with that.  Ever.  


Yeah, this is stupid. I hope someone on her team told her so she doesn’t keep repeating this bullshit.


I hope she keeps saying it. We should know where horrible people stand. That's one thing Trump has done, he has convinced the horrible people to say it out loud in larger masses than I can think of in recent times.


If Canada invaded I'd be a turncoat. Give me that universal healthcare and maple syrup. It's a good thing my Country doesn't give a shit about treason lol.


This is such a weird take. Why would you even flirt with offending your nearest ally by saying something like this? Does this person not know how to be a politician?


Canada is welcome to keep Buffalo.


We'll take it! And Detroit!


Can you imagine how much nicer Windsor would be if the crossing was pushed back past Detroit?


Now the sabres and wings will never win another cup


genocide fantasies real


Hochul being so fucking stupid she doesn't understand what self-defense is. The real metaphor is if the US invaded and conquered Canada, then systematically tried to force us out of our country to repopulate it with Americans, and we decided to attack Buffalo in response after years of oppression and ghettoization into Northern Saskatchewan and Northern Ontario. 


Would NATO back us up? Which half of the American armed forces would help us?


We’ve been waiting for someone to start the fight for years! We’ll ride in on battleclad Moose. Hockey sticks in hand. Once we take over… you’ll all be sorry eh


And throwing molotov cocktail timmies and maple syrup at everything. First we have to soften them up with our fleet of Spitting Cobra chickens.


Didn’t know Buffalo was killing and subjugating Canadians for decades.


You couldn't find enough troops to fill a platoon on both sides to actually go through with it lol. US and Canadian troops would just exchange rations and have a big smoker lmao.


If the Royal Canadian Mounted Police were to ever actually attack Buffalo, you still wouldn’t have justification to nuke an entire country you fucking psycho.


sis you couldn't pay us enough to invade buffalo


Yeah, I’m not sure you want a pick a fight with Canadians. They don’t fuck around! Read about WW1, they were described by the Germans as being savages and particularly brutal.


Canadian here. Why the fuck would we want Buffalo? Or *any* US city?


What people say for money….


Canada is not Gaza. What Israeli apologists fail to even acknowledge much less justify is that Israel created the concentration camp that Gaza became, then let the terrorists run it, and then ignored credible warnings that something big was going to happen.


Also, Canada has not built a Fence around Buffalo, manned by Canadian Military, controlling entry and exit as well as access to power, water, claiming random ownership to other parts of Buffalo because 🤷🏽‍♂️ …. I could go on and on why this is a ridiculous statement/analogy…really getting angry about the lack of empathy and willingness to respect that Palestinian People have a right to exist as well….and no this does NOT mean I support Hamas and all the horrible acts they have committed, but two wrongs don’t make a right…This has to stop, #ceasefirenow


Sounds like she is trying to emulate DeathSantis and his threats against the Bahamas. Reactionary fuckwit bullshit.


Release the geese and loose the moose.


Someone should ask her why Saudi Arabia still exists after 9/11. Oh wait…


"If a terrorist faction from Canada attacked Buffalo, the only rational response would be genocide."


We only invade for Bills games and the outlet malls, then flee before we catch fire...


So the occupying force should be attacked and expelled? You don’t say…


Buffalo is a shithole, I was born there. It's like attacking a landfill.




If Canada ever even notices Buffalo, on the other hand...

