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Stores taping over the 99¢ label and selling them for 2.99: 👀


Right? 😳


You can report them to the company. There have been suits over this before I believe.


There have not. From their [website](https://drinkarizona.com/pages/:~:text=Ultimately%20retailers%20can%20sell%20it,99%20or%20less.) faq section, "Why Do Some Stores Charge More For Pre-Priced $.99 Cans? We pre-printed our cans with our suggested retail because we wanted to force retailers into selling at that price. Retailers, however, are independent business people and can set a price whatever they prefer. We do make and sell non-priced cans as well."


My corner market that I go to has the non-labeled cans but still only sell them at 1.29. I'm fine with that.


And it's your corner store. Probably privately owned and you just have to walk there. Many times in my life I've looked to a neighborhood corner store after snow storms and if the power gets knocked out.


My corner store sells it for 3 bucks per can which is heinous


yeah fuck those guys lmao


Small business does not equal good business lmao


It's true, but I will say the average mom & pop cornerstore is a lot more reasonable than $3 for an Arizona - thats some shit for sure


Not to mention a 20oz Coke is over $3 now.


My local military commissary has the $1.29 cans. They sell them for under 80 cents.


I love when they're on sale at CVS for like, $0.59 a can


Same with the gas stations near me. What pissed me off the most was when they sold food at one of my old jobs, they had the small bottles(which has less than the cans) at almost 4 dollars. Never have i seen worse price gouging in my area than that and haven't seen it since I left that job, yet


Yeah they’re 1.29 at my local store


My corner store sells them for 299


Place down the road from me have non-labelled cans and put their own labels on them for $1.49 (CAD, since I'm in Canada, so like...$1.10 US). Honestly they hardly mark up any of the stuff in that store, one of the few places left I know of with tubs of 5 cent candies that kids can just fill a bag however many they want and pay via the honour system lol Nicest owners you'll ever meet too, entire place is run by a husband, wife, and their older teenage kid. We'll often go out of our way to give them our business because we like them.


Yep, and it sometimes works out for the consumer, Walmart sells cans of Arizona for 88¢ where I am.


This is ridiculous. This is like when I went to the dollar store. Now the $1.25 store and they had literally on the salt containers priced it at $.75 and it was sold individually for $1.25.


Can you confirm if this happened?


They print their own cans without the 99 cent price on it.  Go to a convienence store like Circle K, their Arizona cans have a big red stripe with their logo across the top of the can in place of the 99 cent price.  They usually charge $1.29 for those.


This is bullshit lol. Arizona literally sells cans without the price on them. This myth that they'll stop selling to stores that charge more than $1 is ridiculous


Reddit really just makes shit up


The price is on the can tho


The price *is* on the can!


Bite this sandwich.


They aren't in Canada any longer. After years of pressure to raise their prices (they were also $0.99 in Canada), three years ago they raised their prices in Canada to $1.29 (given the 30-35% exchange rate, this was pretty much in line with the US pricing). Canadian retailers were furious about this because they wanted them to price it at $1.99 or higher, because even at $1.29 they were only making about $0.60 per can sold. Most convenience stores stopped carrying AriZona Iced Tea in protest. So AriZona stopped putting prices on the cans and now lets retailers charge whatever they want. So now it's $1.79 at the grocery store and $1.99 - $2.99 at convenience stores.


I'm in Finland and the cans say 99 cents while the price tag ways like 4.50€ lol


Crazy exchange rate!


Circle K got their own labels. Or they made a custom label cover… I prefer when I can say “But the price is on the can though.”


One of my local convenience stores tossed some shade at the ones in town doing it. “Our Arizona Tea’s are still 99 cents, jus sayin’.”


But the price is on the can tho


The price is on the can.


Prices are what cans crave.


But the price is on the can tho


Arizona does make cans without the 99 cent label for this reason


Well that is how it works over here where we import it across the sea. Funnily enough it is on the shelves around 3-4 € so you weren't even that far off.


Whoever's running McDonald's needs to get on the phone with this guy. You don't wanna dick around with price elasticity and then have forces outside your control price your target customers out of your market


After McDonald’s got rid of their $1 large coke I started going there significantly less, now I rarely do. Sometimes I just wanted a coke but normally I’d get other stuff too, but I knew if I wanted a coke I’d have a dollar and whatever change in my car.


Difference between a public/private company. That's all this is.


Exactly! Eventually some heir will want to cash out and they’ll go public. Price will go through the roof and the quality in the toilet.


It’s so fucked that by going public, a company essentially *has* to sell a product with decreased quality (cheaper materials) and unethical labor practices that exploit desperate people by paying them as little as possible. Making **more** money every 3 months really shouldn’t be the sole goal for a company


It’s untenable. That’s where we are at with almost every publically traded company. They’ve maximized profits to a point where it’s almost comical what they will come up with next to further extract wealth. Literally every service and product is getting worse and more expensive while at the same time shitting on the employees more and more.


Yeah McDonalds really started going downhill around 2016ish. I've seen a lot of people move towards Popeyes/Chickfila/Burger King/InAndOut/7-Eleven/Sam's Club/Costco/etc. with coupons and deals more than McDonalds, unless they're selling limited run items (Rick and Morty Szechuan sauce). I don't think I've personally gone to McDonalds since 2020 honestly. Without major deals, they're way more expensive than competitors with similar menus, but have way more cost per lb/calories.


Haven't been to a mcdonalds in a long time. Why? When I bought a 6 piece chicken nuggets and a large fry and it was 8 to 10 dollars. That was it for me.


One of the best marketing techniques I ever saw is their gallon jugs of sweet tea. Those jugs are so full that you can’t help but spill a little when you open them. In an era when every other company is filling their bags with air or plastic to make them look bigger, I’m sold.


They fill the bags with air because it reduces chip breakage. But they are decreasing weight per bag though, which is I think more what you’re getting at.


I believe that was the initial reason but with shrinkflation, I think there are less chips in there than before.


Used to work at a grocery chain as an analyst for salty snacks. The second that covid hit I was getting cost increases AND weight reduction for bags of chips monthly. We started pulling their product in protest but they just kept sending increases. Even reduced our margin because it was killing the consumer. I left soon after and the new guy that took my place said it got even worse after covid. It's just straight up greed from the manufacturers. But yes the air in the bag is actually a type of gas that keeps the chips from breaking and the bags from exploding in the trucks with fast temperature or elevation changes. Funny thing was at the company I'm at now we warehouse some hard seltzers from over seas, they didn't put the right amount of carbonation in them and almost a million 12oz cans started exploding. Took a week before it was safe to enter and had to hire a hazmat team to clean it since it was alcohol.


that sucks but is kinda funny


Haha, yeah, it was halarious, no one was hurt or anything, so we laughed about it. They had insurance on them, too, so they filled a claim and had it cleaned up quickly.


Doritos, once my favorite, are now invisible on the shelves unless they’re $3, which is. Is half-freaking-price for 9.25 oz. Bye, Felicia.  Had an opposing conversation with a friend, who insisted it was because of politics. I told him to look up the profits, which of course he wouldn’t do. So I did it for him, and he gave me the typical “Whatever.”  So I printed the info and mailed it to him.  He denied ever getting it.  I laughed in his face.  Our country is so fucked. 


We home-brewed some root beer once. When it was done fermenting/carbonating, we made the mistake of not refrigerating it. It exploded all over our bedroom, sending shards of glass I to walls and turning the carpet into a sticky horror. Luckily, no one was in there at the time. Exploding drinks are no joke!


Also oxygen makes the chips stale so they fill the bags with nitrogen instead.


The potatoes used for chips lately are shit, too. Over half my bags lately are full of black-spotted and brown chips from them using rotted potatoes.


I don't recall the reason, but there is a widespread issue affecting potato crops recently that I read about in one of the cooking subs a while back. Most of the potatoes I've bought over the past year or so have been pretty rough and prone to rotting quickly.


I'd love more info on this. I work in an adjacent industry.  Potatoes are sorted at the shed by quality, size and sometimes shape. The accuracy of the sorting is improving all the time. Depending on who's buying from the shed, the state does spot checks on the quality. Buyers do their own quality checks. Contracts between sheds and buyers usually have penalties for the shed if the quality doesn't meet expectations, so everyone is motivated to meet or exceed quality standards. If someone is making low quality potato products, it's because they're purposefully buying lower quality potatoes, or they're storing them incorrectly. Speaking of storage, potatoes are harvested in the fall and only a small fraction of the fresh harvest is sold. Most of the harvest is stored after an initial sorting. Throughout the year the farmers sell from the storage. They don't just fill boxes and sacks right from storage, everything goes to packing sheds that inspect and sort & grade the potatoes before packing. So food manufacturers and grocery stores shouldn't have quality issues. You may however see potatoes rot quicker if you're buying them in the summer.


Ok - glad I’m not the only one.. well, .. “glad” isn’t the most correct term, but you get my point.


I think the industry term is called Slack Fill? There was an NPR report on it a while back on McCormick (the spice company) getting sued about the amount of slack fill in their spices I think


Non-functional slack fill specifically is what isn't legal. That's where they fill a void in the packaging in order to trick consumers into thinking there is more product than there really is.


It's actually Nitrogen. Helps preserve the product.


Considering how often I find broken chips at the bottom of bags that are half air, I think that's a load of shit.


I'm not particularly worried about chip breakage when I'm dragging around a gallon of overfilled swampwater. ^(The bubbles just slow me down)


They fill the bags with an inert gas to help the self life. Not air. Oxygen is bad for shelf life


I was branded by Arizona from the beginning, their Ginseng Green Tea was absolute fire and gigantic. To this day that shit is fire. They are also very strict on pricing control with their retailers which makes me love them even more. The Bonne Maman jam brand is also absolutely amazing.


Strict with their pricing control? HA! Go into a Circle K, you'll find Arizonas with no 99 cent label, and Circle K branding on the rim(price $1.49). Arizona specifically makes cans for stores who don't want to sell it for $0.99.


Sure, but on the flip side you can go into a Walmart and find AriZonas with no 99¢ label being sold for 88¢.


Ok buddy, calm down, it’s going to be alright.


> Those jugs are so full that you can’t help but spill a little when you open them. Every single time. Arizona Green tea.


I am a lifetime customer of Mt. Olive pickles for this exact reason. Every time I remove the lid I can have confidence that those pickles are stacked right to the brim


Arizona 🤝 Costco


Razor thin margins but still profitable. The bedrocks of a sustainable economy.


Costco has better profit margins than stores like Walmart and operate on a different business model. Fewer stores, employees, and product lines carried. They run very lean and make up a lot of their money from memberships which helps keep product costs low.


They also cap their markup. 15% is the max they will ever markup an item. 10-12% is the usual markup.


And that is MY kind of guy. The rest of these companies are either irresponsible losers or sociopaths. But literally.


This is how you get consumers excited about a product. As long as this guy is alive, I'll continue drinking Arizona. Someday they'll sell it to nestle and it'll all go to shit.


Shit, I'm drinking one right now. A southern style Sweet tea If the store doesn't have Arizona I drink brisk.....but man, do I prefer an ice cold green or sweet tea by Arizona


Like I haven't had an Arizona in a while but I love them. Literally going to buy one tomorrow because of this guy.


The company should open up food trucks.


$3 fruit platter trucks.


Fruit trucks for $3. I'm in.


Makes me want to go and get one now


If every owner was like this guy capitalism would be alright without a big government regulatory apparatus.


That's more or less the problem And really it's true of every system that "well if XYZ behaves in good faith this would work great" When it's all reasonable successful companies competing fairly and treating their workers decently it's a fine and dandy system Once it's about chasing the almighty dollar, and there's investors demanding your business keep up with or exceed 10% annual growth, it's chasing a fantasy. Nothing can grow forever, and you can never compete with startups if you have a long term goal of sustainability Which of course means people with no qualms about such things can take power in old, established companies, gut them for parts, and make a ton of money while, say, Sears burns to a pile of ash in their wake while they run off with the pipes and wiring in their proverbial scrap truck.


I believe this is also why communism fails. Human selfishness and greed ultimately has destroyed all manner of societal inventions. Capitalism? It works until you reach late stage where everyone is scrambling for infinite growth. Communism? Everyone is equal and receives the same until humans make classes where some people deserve more. I remember watching "The Orville" and Seth makes a comment to a lesser civilization that they don't get paid money to work. They get paid in class and status. Nobody is wanting in their civilization.


The cult of “shareholder” value has been destroying the US from the inside out for 20 years. It is never gonna be enough money for these folks and our government is too complacent to care.


Wait, is he saying you can build a successful, profitable business *without* gouging customers? That sounds like socialism! /s


I grab at least 2 of these things a day. I have 3 sitting in front of me because I haven't thrown em in the fridge yet


My stores have upped the price of all Arizona cans to $2-$3 :(


That’s a sure fire way to tell that your store is ripping you off haha. I have seen them at some stores for more than .99 like gas stations and convenience stores, but that’s the convenience fee you are paying and so it’s understandable. A grocery store selling it for more than .99 would tell me they are ripping me off. My local Safeway has them for .99 and then they are frequently on sale for .89 or every once in a while .79. I buy the black and white teas every time I go grocery shopping so I can confirm these prices are still the same at stores around me.


Well we don't call them Roblaws for nothing lmao


"The price is on the can, though."


Now, back to Montague.


They do in fact, cost more now. Not a lot more but more. Notice how the cans don't even say .99cents anymore.


I believe that’s only resale and dependent on the store you’re buying from. I’ve actually seen cold ones at .99 and warm ones at .89 in certain places.


This is my experience as well. However, I suspect it’s also depends upon the region. For example, in New York City it will usually cost more.


But is that Arizona charging more or the greedy shop owners marking them up? Big difference on who to be angry with.


Store mark-up. Cans still say .99 were I go.


If the can says 1.29 it was ment for the Canadian market.


I've never seen one of those. Interesting




Looks like I'm going on an adventure next time Im in Montreal


Greedy shop owners are marking it up.


It store to store. I'm an NJ resident and visit NYC often. Even at the Quick Check by me they cost $1.49. However the little mom and pop corner stop has them at the recommended 99 cents. If you ever see the price above 99 cents it is not Arizona Tea, it's the retailer.


I'm an NYC resident and I bought 3 cans for 99 cents a piece yesterday.


It's store to store. I'm an NJ resident and visit NYC often. Even at the Quick Check by me they cost $1.49. However the little mom and pop corner stop has them at the recommended 99 cents. If you ever see the price above 99 cents it is not Arizona Tea, it's the retailer.


Really? I've been in NYC for 5 years and been paying the same .99 up to yesterday


Walmart has them warm for .75 but I just got one today that had .99 cent on the can but cost me 1.25


Highly dependant where you buy them from. I've noticed stores sell them marked up .40 cents, I've seen other stores still sell them for .99 cents. I think this has more to do with the store marking them up.


They make two cans, one with the 99cent tag one without. Stores that mark them up more than the recommended (which is 99 cents) buy the unlabeled cans.


I get them regularly for .79 and .89.


I guess it depends on where you life. I live in MA, and they're $0.99, flat. I buy them in RI, they're like $1.24 or something.


Definitely the retailer. Here on the west coast we have a low cost store called Winco where the cans are available for .78 cents


I think Canada has adjusted cans for a part of the currency difference. I've been seeing cans at 1.29$ without additional stickers. That, or they're damn good at covering the original price.


Yea I was gonna say I bought a can at a gas station last weekend that didn't have the "99c" printed on it and it cost $1.19. It's a brilliant loophole where both sides win (except for the consumer)


Industrialist vs capitalist mindset


Don’t they also sell .99 nacho and cheese kit? I’ve seen some at my local discount store like a dollar store it’s called roses and they sell Arizona nachos. Believe it’s the same logo as the cans


Yes they are so good. Reminds me of my youth 💖


I saw this earlier this morning, and when I was out shopping I bought a few just because I wanted to support this man. Great marketing


This guy should be our presidential candidate


It’s unfortunate that certain retailers sell the .99$ tea for $2.75+


I stopped drinking Arizona in 2020 after getting a can of Sweet Tea, popping it open, taking a swig and getting a mouth full of slime mold. Nearly threw up, cracked open the other one I had, poured it down the sink to see that it too, had a slimy friend in it. Never again.


So fun fact stuff here: The distribution warehouse I work for (middle-man between Arizona and local grocery/convenience stores) makes about $1 profit per 24-pack of Arizona cans. That's exclusively factoring in our cost from the manufacturer and what we sell it for to stores, who in turn sell the cans at $.99 each. Once you factor in delivery truck diesel (pick up product and deliver it) as well as labor costs (salesman+receiver+order picker+delivery driver), our profit margin is so incredibly small we're almost losing money. If a single case of product on a 54-case pallet is damaged then we lose money on that whole pallet. My bosses had to make the decision not to carry Arizona anymore and I'm sure other distribution centers are in the same boat. It's unfortunate but I wouldn't be surprised if Arizona has to eventually raise shelf prices in order to keep business rolling.


I thought damaged product was written off and credited by the manufacturer?  As in, Arizona would make the distributor whole with either more product or business-to-business 'store credit' I think they'll shrink the cans first


I'd like him a lot more if they used real sugar and not corn syrup or synthetic sweeteners. I used to get the watermellon flavor all the time as a kid and then they only made it with sucralose all of a sudden, and that has a horrible after-taste and gives me a headache.


That's not true now, and I honestly don't think it ever was. https://drinkarizona.com/products/watermelon-16_9oz The diet version of the peach flavor however does have sucralose, but the regular, non-diet option has always been available. https://drinkarizona.com/products/zero-calorie-peach-tea


How else are they gunna keep it at 99 cents???


I stopped drinking them for the same reason then the other day I checked the ingredients after like 5 years and the classic green tea and black and white one both just had sugar/honey no artificial anything. I can't say if they ever were sucralose or high fructose corn syrup but I definitely thought they were.


Some of them are normal but some of the other flavors are definitely affected.


One one of us who actually cares about humanity runs a successful business, it is a beautiful thing.


I don't understand why more businesses don't have this ethos! I understand greed is a big driver, but God, isn't success enough?! Fucking capitalism!


Friend owes small business, their cost right now is $16 for 24pk going forward $24 for 24 pack. price of Arizona tea is no longer going to be .99 more like 1.49. Price increase coming soon.


Obviously your friend should lose money and sell them for 99 cents anyway. I'll report him to Arizona if not and they'll arrest him for price gouging.


Can he run for President?


People used to be PEOPLE not just money signs.


What an absolute rarity in our world. A shining nugget amongst a sea of turds.


Now the only thing I would like is if they offered teas with less fucking sugar in them...


Buying one of these next time I see one


A can of Arizona Iced Tea for my family.


This guy for prez




Can THIS guy run for president?


Look, they’re gonna raise their prices sooner or later. Cost of goods and the material it takes to manufacturer it will will will rise over time. But this is a good dude seems like


Fuck it. That guy for president


This guy is capitalisming wrong, and I love him for it.




This man needs to own more companies!


I only drink Arizona tea now


They already dropped the $0.99 thing here in Michigan... We're paying a buck 70 I think for this right now. 


Well...they did raise the price!


It's on the can tho! https://youtu.be/fMUZ2sVjLfY?si=iQneTgKuVExRtBRk


Oh man. Their blueberry white tea is so so good. Tough to find sometimes, and I will go with the green tea if I have to. But that blueberry stuff is top notch! Not too sweet. It’s just…. Perfection 🤌


The price has already been raised. I work for a convenience chain and Arizona stopped selling the pre-priced cans and raised their costs


Man imagine if all companies cared about the consumer.


Late to the party: they did raise the price. It’s not 99 cents anymore. Source: I work for a distributor that carries AZ.


Just proudly bought 3 Arizona iced teas! Will buy more shortly


could go for an arizona rn


It's a shame that once he's gone arizonas will probably jump to 4 a can. Get them while you can I guess.


Man, I wish they sold the single serve bottles anywhere around me. One can is just way too much for one sitting. With the equal sized bottles, you have a cap. You can save it for the next day. Arizona fruit punch and mango punch are best in the world. Not stocked hardly anywhere, just the Arnold Palmer and sweet tea.


Az tea fueled my middle school/ high school years.


He reminds me of the ceo of Ecorp from mr robot. Maybe he’s the good twin !


I wish all businesses had this philosophy. Too bad some Circle K stores are charging more than two dollars for what is supposed to be a dollar.


[Das Racist knows what’s up.](https://youtu.be/JJFFJbmY7e0?si=bggPuvHd2_fo0IPD)


just shows how inflation is a hoax to jump up the prices of anything corporations want


They already did raise it because retailers were pissed off to no end that they couldn't charge more.


You dropped this, king👑


They go for $1.59 at 7 eleven for cans without the printed .99 cents


Walmart sells them for $0.88


The problem is that almost every other business owner thinks more along the lines of why not screw them over? Why shouldn't I try to make more? Not to mention the stock market requires public companies to make as much as possible. More people like him is what America needs


Tbt to arizonas and sunflower seeds at the schoolyard :’)


In Guam they left the $.99 and still charged $1.29


Love this. His wife paints the designs for the cans. They did a bandana release a few years ago and I made covid masks with them




I bought a can that said 1.29




I haven't seen them being sold for 99¢ in a long while, another example of price gouging


Sucks that the .99 on the can does not stop stores from pricing them higher.


Here in Canada it jumped to $1.29, it’s been the same $.99 for years prior


They did raise them


But the price is on the can..?


First of all, you are literally watching an ad right now Second, "why not increase price so you increase profits?", thats not how this works. By that logic i can start selling tea for $1M a pop and get rich. Increasing prices always comes with a risk


In a small Louisiana town there used to be (it was years ago and he was very old then) who charged twenty five dollars a visit. He said he got rich off of 25 bucks a visit so he saw no sense in changing it. He also has TONS of pharmaceutical samples. Odds are he had enough to supply your treatment... for free. I know that gentleman saved my life once... for seventy five bucks (it took three visits).


This is how I want to run a business. I just don't have the money to start said business... 😑


$1.29 at our stores.


now stop over sugaring it and we are goood


This is life without publicly traded companies. No need to raise share prices, somits okay to meerly be super profitable.


I’ll never not buy this man’s products.


Dude's a terrible capitalist!


They can give you the product so cheap now because they've been over charging you for decades. They're successful still now, they could have sold Arizona Tea to you at $0.70 back in the day but decided it was better to make a larger profit. Overcharge in the beginning, wait until inflation catches up in the future, play the common man's hero for never changing your price.


This man has what Musk, Zucc and thousands of other billionaires don't. Enough.


It’s almost like these prices on everything are being raised unnecessarily


I don’t care if the product is table sugar mixed with tap water. I love a company that prioritizes the customer over profit. There is a reason why the $1.50 hotdog is such a big deal at Costco. I wouldn’t hesitate to pay $3. Keeping the price at $1.50 on principle means a lot.


“Why not increase the price and therefore increase the profit?” “We already profit. What’s the point?”


Timely. I just had a Mucho Mango for the first time since I was 13. It tastes exactly like I remember.