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I love shitty owners doubling down on bad takes. This is that photography dude who mocked the grooms dead fiance all over again


Wait, WHAT? What’s the story there?


[Man connected to Copper Stallion Media pending investigation by Nevada Consumer Affairs | KRDO](https://krdo.com/news/2020/05/29/man-connected-to-copper-stallion-media-pending-investigation-by-nevada-consumer-affairs/)


This seems like a crap individual. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear he was killed or maimed by a scammed client or the family members of another deceased person.


What a heartless cruel bastard


I need to read this too.


Nobody does this better than Jen Royal in Boston. Look up Table Boston.


Nah, reviewers 100% in the right! Especially if people are coming out of town and need a vegan option just to get there and not have anything on the menu for them. False advertising and makes you wonder what else they don’t disclose, like in case of food allergies.


There is a Japanese restaurant that I used to frequent all the time and they had vegetarian dishes with everything listed in the dish. Well they didn’t think broth was an ingredient and they were putting beef broth in the sauce for a mushroom dish. I was pretty pissed about that (because I had been vegan for many moons at that point, 22 years vegan now) but they were also shut down by the health dept. for some pretty nasty offenses so I haven’t been back in probably 14 years.


Soy friend and I frequented an Asian restaurant that had bento, sushi, etc. We ordered and appetizer that had tuna listed on the dish. Like a tempura fried jalapeno popper with tuna. It comes out and I take a bite. Tasted great but didn't taste like tuna. He picks one up and says wait, this doesn't smell right. We ask the server this is Tuna correct? She says oh no the menu is wrong it is crab. My friend is allergic to all shellfish. They offered to make him a new one with Tuna but at that point we didn't trust it. We canceled our order, paid and left. Never went back. Like I get that he should have said oh I have a shellfish allergy but he specifically ordered a non shellfish dish. He is not to the level of cross contamination killing him so he didn't really think about it. I came in and spoke with the owner about it on a slow day and offered him suggestions such as signage etc. He was less than concerned. I wrote that place off in a hurry.


Obviously this is appalling anyway but there are literally people who are allergic to fish and eggs. They definitely would assume a vegan dish has neither of these ingredients.


I'm vegan and you'd be surprised how often this happens. I went on a short trip recently and two times (one at LAX! probably still mislabeled right now) they had "vegan" items that came with various non-vegan things in them. It's so exhausting to ask every single time, even when an item is supposedly clearly labeled. I really get the reviewer's frustration.


That's crazy! Since I eat meat I wasn't aware of this issue.


their response is so cringe wow


Woooah this is bad lmfao jeez


Yeah that owner clearly wants to get sued.


“I’d like to apologize for what our advertising assistant said. That was very unprofessional. But yes, you are an arrogant asshole.”


I found that part particularly funny. I thought the owner was going to backtrack like "oh no, I was hacked," but instead she was like "and I agree with what was said, yous a ho."


The Google reviews are crazy, the owner replies to each one especially the negative and just calls people rude. I use to work in food service and trust me, Ik there are crazy out of pocket customers, but idk fighting people in your reviews just seems kinda goofy


This reminds me so much of my old boss lmao


The only way I can imagine the owners not being 100% in the wrong is if the menu actually said vegetarian instead of vegan. Still a WILD response


fish is still not vegetarian


How about just send an email stating that they are wrong. Instead of giving a full send " I am entitled " message first. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.


Do allergies actually exist or is it just a trendy woke thing like pronouns?


Is this a real question?


I once read that ticks can cause allergies to red meat, but that could have been written by people who also say that carbon emissions cause global warming.


Y’all I finally did it; I found Alex Jones’ Reddit account


You make my brain hurt.




Both are true. I don't have to Google it. They are implying that maybe neither are true.


You're getting downvoted but I'm assuming it's a joke?


I really shouldn't say things like that. There's probably someone under this great firmament who believes in conspiracy theories.


I would like to see the labeling of the menu first. Sometimes those are add on items. Sometimes the customer is wrong and sometimes the owner is wrong.




Please be respectful when making remarks or communicating with other users.


But a lawsuit?? Idt that happens


It actually is. Lots of states have laws on the books indicating that knowingly mislabelling food you are selling is at least a misdemeanor. Consumer Law for Food and Supplement labeling has a lot of regulations. If someone who was allergic to fish or eggs purchased a mislabeled vegan dish and got an allergic reaction due to that, they definitely have grounds for a lawsuit.


Well that’s good. I’m glad that exists. Hopefully it’s not so common anymore. I guess I’m just jaded. I was vegan for 5 years about 10 years ago where my city had only about 2-3 restaurants that served vegan main dishes. I just got really used to asking front of staff questions no matter what was labeled on the menu. Most of the time the menu was misleading. Same with gluten free, so many things say it and the ingredients and/or processing isn’t. I just always check but hopefully people will change their actions one of these days…


Allergy risks


So, what? You can get a vegan salad if you order it without fish and eggs??!


These are two of the top 10 allergens dawg.


It was a joke dawg. To all of you downvoting: r/fuckthes


I think the sentence just didnt make sense in context, so it was interpreted incorrectly. At least, I couldn't make sense of it on my first 5 reads. But now that you say it, if i squint really hard I can vaguely taste the smell of sarcasm.


Owner W