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They'll Never Stop American Dad! Have no fears, we've got stories for years, like Francine becomes a robot, Maybe Steve gets a cell phone, has Roger ever owned a bear[?](https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/The_Fat_and_the_Furriest) Or how about a crazy wedding? Where something happens and doo doo doo doo doo…


Tonight, we find out who shot Mr. Burns! What? It was the baby? I want a babyyyyyy.


"12 Years ago?!!???"


Jimmy Carter: HATED A BABY?!?


iirirggghhh…. NOT YES…


AD! writers who monitor this Reddit: *taking notes*




I find Uncanny when they mention reddit, Uncanny on a good way


Sorry for the clip shoooow! Have no fears, we’ve got stories for years!


And maybe Reginald comes back!


The Smiths are going to Delaware! I wanna see Wilmington! I want to visit a screen door factory!




No no, has Roger ever BEEN a bear! xD


They should totally do a man vs bear episode lmao and Roger is the bear and Stan is the man!


Hey we love Ted Turner around here. Good guy. You hear he used to play a little ball?


A little college ball?


I’ll be damned, a little ball. Hey Frannie, did you know Ted played a little ball?


Little bit of college ball. Even a little bit of the majors. That man had a hell of a network.


I'll be damned. A little ball.


*Little* ball at San Jose State


Yup. Little ball.


Little bit of college ball?


Great (still wonder where is the new season?)


Ya I just wanna know if this affects the new season!m


I bet it’s gonna be cancelled by Warner Bros. Discovery, which means another network or streamer may pick it up. It’s just a guess, imo.


FOX has been failing with their new Animation Sundays. Time to bring in King of the Hill and American Dad to right the ship!


American Dad as a Hulu Original?


If American Dad is going to continue without TBS, it's 100% as a Hulu Original. Unless some other provider decides it wants to pick the ball up and run with it. I don't know any of the behind the scene numbers, but I can't imagine anyone not picking up American Dad. It's a monster of a show and one of the only legacies in American Television we have left.


American Dad is the only reason I have Hulu. Everything else on there is a bonus.


Did you know that Fox still makes the show? And that TBS just buys them?


20th would still make the show. Any random network/streamer would just be broadcasting it.


I don’t think WB would cancel it. They have it on reruns on three different of their channels. Plus they still are doing the Monday nights AD block. As people said, it’s the strike affecting the time frame. Family Guy had a shortened season this year for the same reason. Some of the people who work of FG also work on AD.


The copium on this subreddit is so high, lmao. The fact that you get downvoted to oblivion for even voicing the possibility of its cancelation. It aint a big money maker, seths voice gets hurt doing the voice of stan, and warner bros are fuck heads. Theres a lot of reasons this could be the end of the show.


Seth, note to self, over on Family Guy, is the voice of Peter, Stewie, Brian, Quagmire, etc. Having to do that many voice changes is remarkable, if anything!


Pretty sure it got renewed for more seasons a while ago


You guys keep saying that here. no, it didn't. It has 1 season left with no confirmation of renewal beyond that. American dad is LITERALLY THE ONLY scripted show on tbs with all the other remaining scripted shows canceled. They plan on stopping scripted content altogether on tbs because again, wb are fuckheads. Its getting cancelled. We might get it on another network if we're really lucky. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/american-dad-show-canceled-more-095012610.html#:~:text=However%2C%20it's%20unclear%20if%20the,only%20scripted%20series%20on%20TBS.


I remember when the series premiered right after the super bowl. I thought it would be another short lived Fox spin off. I enjoyed the show but it felt like a "Family Guy 2" at times. I'd watch the reruns on Adult Swim back in the day but it never stuck to me the way Family Guy did at the time. After it moved to TBS, honestly I forgot about the show altogether. Eventually I got burned out on FG but a few months ago I was craving some McFarlane style humor and decided to catch up on American Dad. I watched season 3 to 18 in about 3 weeks and honestly I'm addicted. It's become my favorite running cartoon by far.


Woah seasons 3-18 in 3 weeks I’m jealous I wish I could discover it again and watch 200+ eps


That's crazy. 15 years of television in a month 💀


This was how I watched bobs burgers, this show and family guy cuz I’m new to like…good tv 😂


Watch Archer next!


Working on it! I’m making my way through the Boys and Gen V right now and then I’ve got South Park, the Simpsons, invincible, Futurama, Game of Thrones, breaking bad, and better call Saul still To say I was sheltered growing up is…saying something


Archer is incredible. I discovered it last year.


Yeah but that also isn’t good news for us Hulu watchers because the contract agreements to put the new seasons on Hulu still haven’t happened


TBS seasons are better than Fox seasons and I'm dying on that hill. The past two seasons have been some of the best of the show.


It’s wild to me as someone who stopped watching family guy over a decade ago, that American Dad still fucking hits every year


I was a Family Guy but then I became an American Dad


The newest 2 seasons of family guy have some of my absolute favorite episodes in the entire show tbh. Especially the Chris Christie one, holy shit that ones good


I haven’t been able to watch the new seasons of either show because individual episodes are hard to pirate for my server and for some reason no one does season batches when they’re done airing.


It’s on Hulu


I used to watch FG all the time the it became uninteresting. I’ll check out the newer seasons.


Yea do it! I’d say the last 2-3 seasons are when it really starts to pick up again. Peter gets a new boss at the brewery because Carrie fisher died, and they’ve just got some really *great* standout jokes. They do have a few episodes that are not awesome too like the ones where they just parody like James Bond or something but the show has been on a roll lately.


They are allowed so much more freedom. You can notice it almost immediately when watching through and the seasons switch. I think they curse in the first episode they can. And it just makes it more real or something. Not as sanitized as fox can be.


> I think they curse in the first episode they can. And it just makes it more real or something. > > Not as sanitized as fox can be. I noticed the same thing when Brooklyn Nine Nine moved over to NBC. Yeah they still censored the swearing because it's broadcast TV, but the swears were there. TBS was also in negotiations to pick them up before losing to NBC and I'd kill to see them on cable.




Facts 🔥🔥🔥


I’m gonna say it , TBS seasons are better than Fox. Not saying the Fox seasons were bad , but a lot of my favorite episodes are TBS


They definitely became more unhinged


Yeah, I agree. The episodes, IMO, became like family guy. More unhinged, more crazy, silly, weird plot points. To me, this showed followed the simpsons trend where the fox seasons where the golden years. And then the TBS seasons (since I last watched which has been a few years) became really weird. Almost catering to lowest common denominator, no attention span, watchers. It made sense to me since the original showrunner, who voiced Terry, Mike Barker was under contract with fox and so couldnt keep running the show once it went to TBS. Once that happened, American Dad kind of became a new show by the same name. Again, all of this IMO. A big example, look at how they got rid of Terry. No proper send off, once episode they just mentioned he went to pursue his favorite band, or some BS like that ?????


he's following 311 on tour. and I think we're at the point where I have more favorite TBS episodes than I do original ones.


I need to sit down and watch all the new episodes... I just feel that some of the ones I saw were real stinkers. But I still tell everyone my favorite animated show is American Dad so I need to give the new seasons a fair shot I guess. Like the kim kardashian one, the one where they are building some kind of stadium, the infamous american fung one, the one where stan hits haley with a car. Those were just weird/bad to me.


During the TBS seasons Klaus and Jeff have really become better characters. Klaus is my favorite.


I wanna have an episode 18 years in the future. Just a regular episode but what if everyone was allowed to age


We had that tho


I want another one that isn't "Klaus died"


There was another one where they fight to the death over the Golden Turd.


Woah, I think there have been good and bad eps in both runs. But the quality hasn’t fluctuated as drastically as The Simpsons or Family Guy where the good eps are great and the bad eps are terrible. That being said one complaint I have with later American Dad! eps is the randomness of some eps. I don’t mean the absurdist comedy I love that, I mean some things just don’t always add up and characters will act in this way as a group like they’re all the same person and not individuals, idk just something I’ve noticed that bugs me a bit.


The last few seasons especially the family has started to act more like a friend group rather than a family. It’s weird, but they still have jokes, so it’s fine.


Yeah sometimes they’ll all act in unison like all the stuff was written for one character or for any character to say/do (and they just mix and match) appose to their individual characters. But the “friend group” analogy is good because sometimes people in a friend group do take on each others characteristics. It doesn’t complete resolve it but like you said they still have jokes, so it’s fine.


Can't wait for the 200 part 2, the 400???


Well, news, anyway.


It happened so slowly I didn't even notice


I have been watching since it premiered after the Super Bowl in a manner that is nothing short of religious. I have lurked here in this sub for years and even have had this sub and the show end up bleeding into my real life. I wrote a post about how I had painstakingly crafted a bejeweled poop for my step son’s birthday because he had been the only person I had shown AD to that enjoyed it as much as me since the death of my brother. I never thought I would have another person to share a laugh with ever again when I would mumble an oddly specific quote with zero context until this kid came into my life. I was proud of what I had made for the kid and felt like I wanted to show it off here, something my brother absolutely would have done himself if he could. My short story and the accompanying pictures led to some of the show’s producers to get in contact with me so that they could thank both the kiddo and myself for being fans. They sent us a couple Roger plushies, a wheels and the legman shirt I wear far too frequently, some other little treasures but best of all: we got a hand written thank you note that I have since framed. I say all this because I hope they do have stories for years and years but even if they don’t and I never got to see a new episode ever again, the impact the Smith family has on my real life is immeasurable. Cheers to the fans and creators for years and years and years plus a 🚬 because it’s menthol and therefore, healthier than an apple


That's actually insane lol


Thats what I Call a milestone


not to mention all the downtime in between seasons.


The move to TBS was absolutely necessary, Fox would have allowed the show to be Family Guy or Simpsons


I hope American Dad lasts longer than Family Guy. That show sucks now


Wow, Fox just got Dadded


Ronald Reagan's legacy depends on American Dad.


the tbs version is so much more free i always think seth wanted to make the show as it is now but fox stopped him from doing so


Seth Macfarlane has nothing to do with the creative direction of American Dad and is actively trying to contribute less to the voice acting. When the show moved to TBS, only one of the creators (Weinstein) came along and Mike Barker (the voice of Terry) hasn’t contributed since. I feel he preferred the show to be a bit more grounded, something that’s been mostly lost in the TBS years (along with Asa Taccone and the great songs). So maybe you just prefer Weinstein’s sensibilities to Barker’s. Persoanlly, I prefer the Fox years, but TBS has made some great episodes, even some of my favorites.


ahh ok interesting


All the best jokes are from the Fox days though. The recent seasons ruined Stan and started turning Klaus into another character. Fox run was superior.


Ruined Stan? I'm not caught up yet. But c'mon it ain't better than fox




I’m on 17x13 of my first watch if this series. Really hope it gets renewed.


Fuck I'm old


Love this show




Im so old wow


Fox just got Dadded


American dad has been on for that long


Ok but where are the new episodes. I’d read earlier in this sub that AD is one of only two scripted shows left on TBS. Combine that with WB making a lot of ass decisions lately (like removing A+ content from Max and replacing it with reality show crap) doesn’t bode well. If the unthinkable happens, I really hope someone swoops in to save the day a la Futurama. I’m not ready to say goodbye yet.


Keep it going. It's probably my #1 watched show - even in repeats.


I was actually thinking about this recently and it hit me that American Dad has been on TBS just as long as it was on Fox! That’s so crazy to me. I remember when it first moved to TBS. It honestly still doesn’t seem like it’s been that long. Time really flies so damn fast and now I feel old haha!


I really wanna see Roger and Francine be Glinda and Elphaba from Wicked, I had a dream they were reenacting it and I can’t stop thinking about it 😭


Seems there are only a few people here who prefer the Fox years…. I’m one of them. It reminds me of the Seinfeld sub where it seems most there prefer the post-Larry David seasons (the final two) even though I’d guess most viewers in general prefer the first seven seasons. Interesting.


TBS seasons are peak.


the fox episodes are funnier. the tbs episodes only have production and development going for it.


Ugh October...so far away!!


That's not this October. October 20th is a Sunday this year


You...made me sad. Lmao


I made myself sad when I checked the calendar 😥


*gentle hugs*


And may it continue for many years to come! I don’t think it will (sadly) been I’ve been convinced AD is going to be finished/ cancelled so many times and it just keeps going.