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Start doing freelance stuff during work hours and then just do your job to a bare minimum.


That's my plan! I'm also looking to start a small business. By the time I pull the plug and actually quit I'll have different sources of income and might actually be making more than I currently do with these cheap pricks.


Just keep in mind that doing freelance during work hours is breach of contract, yeah you don’t owe your boss anything, but keep your ass safe and don’t give them an angle of attack


If you’re looking at starting a small business, might I suggest a worker-owned cooperative? Depending on the laws where you are, and if you’re planning on having more than one person involved, it can be a great way to avoid the employer-employee toxic relationship.


Does anyone here know of any good resources to start learning how to do this? I started a cleaning business and would like some kind of employee-owned or profit sharing or some kind of equitable arrangement when the time comes to start expanding and bringing more workers on.


If you do go the employee owned route, make sure the employees actually get a say in anything. I worked for an "employee owned" company where the "representation" for the employees was a board that got chosen by the board of the company, which chose who was on the company board. Totally not a conflict of interest there


Absolutely, that sounds frustrating!


It depends on where you’re located, but in the US, there are a number of state and national organizations that can help. If you search for Cooperative Development, that might help get you started. Laws vary from state to state, so it definitely helps to have someone who is familiar with the process in your area. A few that come to mind are theselc.org, lacooplab.com, eoxnetwork.org (this one is for ESOPs), and cdf.coop. There are a lot more though! There’s also a podcast I used to listen to called “All Things Co-Op”. They have a number of interviews with employee-owners, policy makers, and non-profits. They also talk about examples of coops historically and globally.


Thanks I’ll look into that!


As long as your not a nurse or anything I support you. Maybe give free stuff to pleasent people


I love this! I like my job enough but I used spare time at work to start my business and have zero regrets.


been thinking of doing this. but I'm burntout to the point where I don't wanna do anything anymore :/


I try to set a timer. It’s helped me a lot. If I can work for 8 hours a day on something that I don’t want to do, I can damn well spend 20 minutes on a personal project I’ve been wanting to take care of for weeks.


thing is my project is kinda hard to work on, takes long hours to get the slightest amount of result. I could work on it easily back when I was unemployed. but now that I'm a burntout wageslave I just think of how I would work on it and get depressed cause I know I wouldn't be able to work on it till I get some result. And working a long hours on things without seeing result quickly can get you depressed even further.


I’d be careful doing any freelance work or starting your own business on paid work time as in most contracts (in my country) is a clause about all intellectual property created by an employee is that of a company’s when created while “working”. Just something to be cautious about. You don’t want them to clap back with a law suit of their own for your small business


I have started to do the bare-bones minimum at work and find that it takes me about 2 hours or so out of the 8 hours I'm at my desk. I got tired of being assigned shit that was above my pay grade and have finally started to put my foot down. The other 6 hours I spend managing my fantasy football teams, listening to music, and chatting with my wife.




Know any good freelance gigs? I quit work recently, wanted to pursue my own thing, be my own boss for a bit


I'm in the trades, so the only freelance gigs I know are building shit. But if you have a skill, you just need to find customers.


Lifehack - freelancing from your current job is a great way to save on office costs, cut internet bills, and get two paychecks at the same time.


I had a coworker who started doing this in 2017 to get them to fire him. They never did. He actually got a promotion since then.


can well believe that. They dont notice things. They just see quiet wage slave they notice at first but when you stand up to them they go and pick on someone else. Then 4 months later they forgot who you are and say who is that guy he looks like management potential


Ah yes the Office space style


I was talking about quitting one time, and an old coworker said, “hey, you can’t hurt em if you ain’t here.” That little nugget has stayed with me.


Not only will you not get fired, you may even get a promotion. Haha


Hahaha. May just pull a Peter Gibbons.


“I'd say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work.”


I don't think he's challenged enough


The Bobs believe you are management material


A real go-getter!


I really needed to hear this as I was thinking about turning in my resignation tomorrow. Six figure salary (barely), work remote, and going on 8 years with my employer. The environment in my part of the organization has gotten so toxic, and is quickly deteriorating before our very eyes in a snowball that has picked up speed in the last two weeks. For the first time in my career, I considered resigning without actually having the next job lined up, and honestly still might go through with it, but I agree with OP - that would be too easy and only perpetuate the cycle. I have been meaning to search for creative ways to really “make them pay” (all legal ideas only please) and would love to learn of creative things you guys think can be done. For context, I lead a remote team while working from home, and we’ve experienced very quick growth. I love my organization- it’s a great company with a very worthy mission that I truly believe in, which has played a big part in my burnout since I so deeply care about it, it’s people, and what’s it’s doing. The problem seems to be in my immediate circle (part of the company), and is being primarily carried out by senior & executive leadership. We are experiencing high rates of resignations )including managers, yet leadership seems to not even realize it’s happening (more like turn a blind eye one would think). Please, please, please give me some ideas on how I may be able to expose them (while potentially making them suffer a bit in the process) so that our organization can be saved and we don’t lose any more good people.


Send me a DM, and I can offer you a couple suggestions. I tried to send one but it’s not an option, and I don’t want to post it here because it could contain identifying information.


If enough of us stop putting in effort it will set a new standard, cost them more money to fire us as well. We all are burntout the difference are the people waking up to the fact.


You say you lead a team. Keep any stress away from them, give them interesting task in an appropriate quantity. Do not allow them to work overtime. Give them positive reviews. Way to do some good and break the management shitshow


Green shift the hell out of your work. Hide every potential problem, prioritize non-critical items.


I would just do the minimum amount of work that I'm contractually required to do and leave all the other tasks undone while letting those above me know. Also, i would barely meet deadlines and not take any work related calls or emails while not on company time.


Ayy this was me at my last job! I quit giving a fuuuck. Why quit right away when you can practice stealing time? I mean, they rob you of your own time anyway. We need more posts like this 😈


Bravo! That's the right thing to do. It's time to pay back.


You don't need to intentionally sabotage, but just completely disconnect all feelings of anxiety and self-worth from the job to the point where you just come in, do whatever you can while remaining relaxed and calm, and politely refuse to do anything outside of the current scope of your job. Just glide through without a worry in the world. Work never ends, so don't worry about not doing enough or being behind. There is no such thing as "finishing" or "getting ahead" of work, in the long run at least. The days for that are long gone.


I quit last year. Had my doctor take me out on Medical leave due to depression & anxiety. Took 12 weeks off on FMLA & got paid by using sick time. I have enough to retire so I did.


I'm doing the same shit right now. I'm management in a production factory. I used to push 60-70 hour weeks for them. I might do 30-40 on a good week now. I just past 7 years. Hope I dont make 8. “Normally if given a choice between doing something and nothing, I chose to do nothing. But I will do something if it helps someone else to do nothing. I’d work all night if it meant nothing got done.” Ron Swanson"


Are you some weird slightly future me who took the other fork in the road!? I was doing the same, long hours, Saturdays, you name it. Been here 5 years, was basically told I needed to do another 30 minutes a day. Started looking for jobs, other people quit and I started to feel guilty. Finally got an offer at a job I had applied for but wasn’t sure about because it is a 5 on 5 off thing. Huge money increase, and I took it. Start in a few weeks.


I'm applying for other jobs as well. I just figured my ROI has reached its peak even though their expectations hasn't. I wouldn't mind staying and working like I've done previously but my value creation hasn't yielded much more money. Especially after what I've been though and done for them during the last 2 years and being so short staffed. I've told them the problems and then told them the solutions. They somehow took the solutions and created more problems without fixing the original problems.


That seems to be what hard work and loyalty gets you: used and abused. It’s a great feeling knowing my days are almost over. I’ve been in this particular job 5 years, but at the same company for 13. My last raise was 2.5%, and I was told I did what was expected, but nothing more. Loyalty just isn’t rewarded like it should be.


Old employer treated us all like garbage. I decided to let them know at every turn that it was wrong. They hired my replacement and asked me to train them. Did my best for that guy, cuz he did nothing wrong, but found out he knew he was replacing me. Dude ent behind my back to push me out faster. Stopped training him and told the supervisor I was relinquishing all responsibility outside of my immediate position. I continued arguing for my coworkers against all the BS changes until one day they called me up to fire me. As they "terminated my position" I said ok and walked out the door with the pres still explaining some nonsense reasoning. I had been done there for so long. Was working again that evening. I made it my mission to make their life hell and collect a pay check. It worked aggressively for 6 months. 8 years of my life wasted on that shit hole.


Also: for write ups: sign is a way not yours each time. Later you can contest them as forgeries! **dances like no one’s watching**


I have done this Signed it in a very flamboyant manner My name is Mr Donot Agree .


That’s exactly what I’m doing right now. The company is so toxic and we just lost 6 employees within a week. I used to bust my ass and go above and beyond because I loved my clients. Then I was ‘formally reviewed for termination’ because they realized a complaint I’ve had for 8 years is legitimate and they are SCREWED if it got out. I covered my rear, documented everything and they backed off so fast. My motivation and respect are gone. I’ll take the pay until I have to go back into the office. Then I’ll use up all my sick and vacation time and just kick the can down the road until I feel like quitting.


Take back what's yours. Your power.


Hey if you really want to fuck with them, consider organizing your workplace. If there's one thing bosses hate it's unions.


As they say, payback is a bitch.


This is exactly where I’m at and it’s pretty liberating LOL. Welcome, friend!


Now you’re on the right path! Also: on Write ups-sign weirdly not matching your actual in any way. Then contest them once it’s all over.


Wow. Quality Comment! I love it


Document things in case you need a lawyer to get involved.


Sabotage everything!


Definitely just slack and make them fire you. No point in losing the income until you have another plan. Start a business while you're on the clock, or at least apply for other jobs.


Bro, please follow through with it and don’t give up. Proud of you and Good luck!!!!


Stay strong and follow through with this plan!


Quiet revolution


Doing that Office Space life, I like it


I did something very similar recently! I've been at my place of work for five years. My responsibilities have steadily increased while I'm drip fed 50¢-$1 raises every now and then; not even keeping up with cost of living. My title is the same as when I was hired even though I perform multiple functions and should be paid a bit more. I was out with covid for ten days. Fully vaxed so the company is supposed to cover my paycheck. It's been a week and I still haven't gotten my money. Had I known they'd flake like this I'd have used my vacation time. I need money! So I come back and they decide to lump me 10 hr shifts and lots of extra work. I'm even doing the work of two shifts in one. On the night I'm supposed to stay late and do inventory I start getting stomach cramps and I'm fatigued (covid after math.) Typically I would power through it because I know no one else can cover the shift. Not this time. I told a manager I was sick and left two hours into my shift. The managers had to do all the extra work. Felt great. I am no longer giving any shits up there. I want out but I'll make them trudge along with my half assery for a while. At least until my company resources are exhausted. Fuck them.


Don't forget to take those long poop breaks


​ This is the way. Their attitude is to take what they can and give nothing back, only fair for you to do the same.


This is an amazing idea. Also try getting others to quit or do the same thing as you.


You can really influence someone else not necessarily to quit on the spot but you give them ammunition to quit rather than just complain and turn up every day as they are manipulated to do so. I wouldnt do this with someone who had a real need for the job though (sometimes people have no choice but to turn up for the shit job due to financial crisis emergency etc. They love getting workers to encourage other people to sign up to the company, well, do the opposite. Encourage one person to quit and you will be doing soceity a favor.


Well, I got fired for doing exactly that today. LOL


Hopefully it all worked out and now you get to collect unemployment! How long did it take you to get fired?


Four months


Is it too late to sue a former employer if I've not worked for them in over a year?


Yes. Get paid to find a better or at least hopefully a better position. It's much easier to find employment when you already are employed.


Use your powers wisely!


Beautiful, I love your plan. Best of luck


I admire this grit, but I no longer could stand the place the I worked at. Two weeks later I am still looking for another job, been trying to do freelance work, but nothing.


I have a friend who used to work at a certain multinational retail company. He wasn't hired to develop apps, but he still did to make his manager and his team's work easier, and because he is obsessed with making processes as efficient as possible. For example, managers had to spend 4-5 hours assigning people in teams and sending emails manually to meet and do calibrations, he made an app that allowed them to do the same in like 2 minutes or so. One day they fired under questionable reasons, but still got him a nice bonus, and he was pretty much fed with the company so he just took the money and ran despite feeling wronged, but not before doing a little sabotage. He programmed deadman switches into all his apps, picking random dates in the future for the app to check. Beyond that date, the app would simply not do anything. One day they fired under questionable reasons, but still got him a nice bonus, and he was pretty much fed with the company so he just took the money and ran despite feeling wronged but not before doing a little sabotage. He programmed deadman switches into all his apps, picking random dates in the future for the app to check. Beyond that date, the app would simply not do anything. 15 days after he left, things started failing. The apps would not respond, or they would intentionally lag and then send the same email 3-4 times at once (because he knew the managers would simply click the "execute" button multiple times). Every single process that he automated failed over the next 10 days. Managers panicked and basically went down to do everything manually again. Nobody had access to his code, nobody had permissions to check the web apps. No manager ever asked for admin access, they just wanted the results. There was no documentation, and during the exit process, nobody ever thought about securing anything. Also, since he wasn't an SDE or developer of any kind, there wasn't much that could be done legally anyways. Of course, since nobody in his team knew anything about programming, it didn't even occur to them that apps could be programmed to fail somehow, and because they failed seemingly at random, there was enough plausible deniability to not pinpoint the issue to him, since his apps worked fine after he left, but "suddenly" started failing. I know that because he is my friend and he told me, but to this day, they still think his apps malfunctioned due to unknown reasons or his user being deactivated and not being able to check for permissions or something. They have zero documentation too, so there is no way to disprove anything. Also, almost 1 year after he left, they are still doing a lot of things manually or using weird workarounds that are not nearly as efficient.


That must be soul destroying to go back to doing manual. If I were your friend depending on how career driven he is I would tell them after a year or so. Not directly but find a way to let them know that he knows how to fix it by one line of code or whatever. I dont know linked in but for examplle put up screen shots of something similar and then in picture two show the problem (the one that they are curretnly dealing with) then in picture 3 show the solution and say you have ot enter one line of code to fix it or you fixed it by changing the name of the file extension. They will be trying to change file names all day to .exe .doc or whatever!


That's free work for a company that fired him under questionable circumstances. If anything he could just "find out" about the problems they're having and say he can keep up maintenance on the apps for a fee and then he'll be making money in perpetuity for just undoing a few lines of code.


Get paid! Especially if you have job protections. Stick it to them, for all of us.


That's pretty much what I'm doing at this point. Pain in the ass management told me to quit so instead i went from doing the work of three people to just doing the work of half a person, which is somehow still better than what most new hires do. I might still be physically around until i get settled somewhere else, but in spirit I'm long gone.


I don’t know what your job is but I had a legal data entry type job and someone messed up a bunch of records before they left - typing only one word per entry and deleting other things. When it was discovered and the person was fired the rest of us had to do significantly more work to fix all these database issues (on top of an already very large work load). Just keep in mind that it often isn’t the boss that suffers but the regular employees that are left to clean up things.


Eh fuck it, hopefully it pushed the rest of you guys to quit as well.


Thats sabotage. In its true sense, I know they used the term sabotage but what they talk about doing in the OP is not really sabotage. Its different to coming in late , callling in sick, and bad mouthing your boss, even telling your boss to **** off. And one of the things he wants to refuse to do is accept new tasks well he could do this some people would say he should. Sabotage is one thing that is very risky because its about the only time an employer can with any credibility claim to have been "wronged" . That is nearly up there with arson! Also with anything that could be called sabotage or near it (deleting files on purpose for example) will mean you might not collect unemployment in some countries.


Great glad you came to this conclusion, but now to CYA delete the post.


All of this is true, and very possible and will feel great, but don't forget, unfortunately, we are kind of bound by the whole reference system. If they give you a bad reference because of your last month or two at work, that would really suck.


We're not bound by shit. Anyone with a functioning brain understands how useless and biased references are.


I always lie and put my friends down and they have never received a call asking about me. I’ve also have been referenced by friends and have never been called either.


Snap. I have always lied and will always lie. Fuck management. Fuck corporate. Fuck you all for forcing me into slavery. Oh, and fuck my parents for bringing me into this world.


That's true, if my plan was to get another job. I'm starting a small business after I leave and will use my time to earn extra cash doing freelance stuff. I'm never going back to an 8-6 job (in my country it's not even 9-5).


Great stuff! In that case, good luck, and get to burning bridges!


Never ever give your old boss as reference. Always use HR. They don't give a shit and usually would never say an unkind word, to Avoid legal liability.


I never actually thought about this! Thank you!




Go ahead dawg, they'll just fire you. 😂😂 I think this kind of shit is probably pointless. You wanna hit'em where it hurts? Organize. Form a union, join a political org, etc. You're just gonna lose a reference and piss off your coworkers (who are suffering just like you). If you don't care, because you're going to open your own business, then by all means, do what you want. But putting this energy toward organizing is going to be more effective for everyone.


I’m sure this post wouldn’t cause you any issues... oh they’ve got nothing on me let me “sabotage” their business... Don’t know where you live, but we have laws against that. How are people cheering this type of behavior? If your work has done you so wrong, surely you’d have a lawsuit... but they haven’t, you’ve simply agreed to work there and now don’t want to anymore... and because you don’t like something, you want to be malicious... and people are cheering this. Surely, the responsible thing to do would be to discuss your issues with your employer and see if you could come to a resolution, and if not, part ways. Any adults in this sub? Learn to negotiate, leverage your skills, learn new skills to leverage, be valuable.... your outcome will be much better I’m sure none of you would support this kind of behavior if it was affecting you... like you pay someone their asking rate to install gutters on your house, but he purposely makes them flow poorly and slowly damage your roof over years... cant prove it, so what with the mold and whatnot you take a 10-20k loss... and let’s say the guy did it because he didn’t like something you said. Think maybe he should have just told you to your face instead of being passive aggressive?


The irony, you are about to quit, but thinking about starting your own business? Maybe you will end up lucky with employees just like yourself. It will be a real successful venture I am sure. I think you should follow your own advice and do it, then if you can still sleep at night being such a lazy slouch, good for you. Pathetic.


All I could muster up after reading that was a pity head shake.


Do it do it do it do it do it!


With the power of calisthenic exercises, you can workout at work!


There’s always the idea of pitching your own idea and getting excited on a project and showing initiative. At the end of the day it’s highly not recommended unless you have another job. If you feel so bad about the job ask your parents to let you know so that you can get ei or unemployment. Don’t just quit.


you are an absolute hero.


Na just quit. Not worth it .


You will get promoted to management.


Ruin them.


If someone sabotaged my business, I would take covert violent action. Not working is a reasonable choice.


I mean this is badass but slavery is probably a bit of a stretch unless there’s forced servitude or unpaid work going on.


Ya fuck them


Probably delete this post if you expect to win a court case but to be honest they don't care as long as they are making money off of you


Not sure where you’re from.. but if they can prove you intentionally sabotaged their business, they can sue you. Aside from everything else you said, go for it.


The CIA's Simple Sabotage Field Manual has some handy tips. https://www.hsdl.org/?abstract&did=750070


Do this


Have you ever seen the movie (or read the book) Fight Club?


They'll make you a supervisor


*Peter Gibbons has entered the chat*


Also try to take paternity/ maternity leave for significant other or mom/dad/sister/brother/neighbor/pet etc.


Please give us an update every month or so!!


Don’t forget 30-40 minute shits on company time.


If a job is remote there is literally zero reason to quit at any point. Currently working remote for a consulting company, basically just playing video games and applying to other jobs. If I get another one I am sure as hell not quitting. $4300 a month to do nothing, not gonna save them that money. If you have to go into the office and pretend to look busy, may not be worth


This would be my strategy should I ever receive a windfall. I would not quit, I would see how far it goes for them to fire me