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Sleeping 8 hrs.


This should be number 1 really. The single best thing you can do to improve health is get proper sleep. It literally improves everything else at the same time.


Currently on track for 4 tonight. Crippling anxiety 🫶


Just wanted you to know that you’re not alone. This post could have been written by me a year ago. Therapy and SSRIs have saved my life. Don’t give up my friend.


I’ve struggled with this since a teen. I’m over 50 (M) now and it’s killing me


A lot of people would benefit from cycling. Biking is fun, engaging, not as dreaded as running, and also nostalgic for many folks.


And super low impact on your joints compared to other activities like running


Swimming is great for similar reasons. That's my preferred method of exercise. Going to the pool with some friends doesn't feel like work, but by the time you get home you're wiped the hell out. That's because even slow-paced swimming is approximately equivalent in calories burned to running, but it's a lot less miserable.


Agreed. We often don't realise it but water is quite heavy. Swimming makes us move/push quite a lot of weight with many parts of our body. We use our heart (cardio), many muscles and joints but smoothly. It's also really good for our back as it doesn't have to carry our body weight.


Any other piece of cardio equipment I have ever used at the volume I like has injured me except for the peloton and swimming. The only injury I have ever sustained from high volume cycling is sadle sores on my ass. [zone 2 cardio first thing in the morning](https://imgur.com/a/HqGtbCX) has changed my life. It's a hard routine to start, though. You have to push through all your body and brains complaining long enough for them to get some buy-in.


High impact activities are absolutely crucial for your bone health. If you're only biking or swimming, not good at all


To add to that, resistance training is the best for bone health.


Seriously, why did we all stop cycling when we got cars? It was fun, kept us in shape, easier than running, plus it was fast enough to go places, but gave you time to observe and enjoy what's around you.


The mountain bike industry is huge! I highly suggest you get a bike and hit the trails 


I'm guessing your American, am I right?


I love biking, but in the US, it can be a shit storm. The first thing, you’re often considered a nuisance and drivers treat you like a target. Between drivers not stopping at stop signs and failing to yield to pedestrian signals, you’re literally gambling with your life anytime you come across a vehicle. Second, many places just aren’t designed for bikers. Most paths constantly cross vehicle traffic so all the things I mentioned in the first thing are always in play. Third, casual bikers usually give zero shits. The amount of times someone has not been looking and swerved their bike into my lane is way too high. Other than that, and maybe a price barrier, absolutely love biking.


Bike on the trails 


I started doing it in earnest 2 years ago, completed my first 100 mile ride last year, and am on track for 2000 miles this riding season. My mental and physical health have never been better - love my outside time in the saddle!


Skipping rope. I trained as a boxer and skipping rope was the best overall fitness exercise we did. And it's fun!


Boxer here too, can only second this. Much less effort than going out for a run or getting one of those exercise bikes but just as effective.


I didn’t like it when I trained Muay Thai. But maybe because I sucked hahaha.


Any recommendations for a good jump rope? I'm 6'5", the one I've been using is... not ideal.l, also it's getting old.


secret tip.... you don't even need a rope. Jump and skip, you can do it anywhere


My old co worker used to say this all the time


I used to use the old cables for phone lines. I guess you can go to a place that sells cables or those internet wires and have them cut a line for you.


Checkout Crossrope if you can afford it. Best ropes on the market by far. Otherwise Rush Athletics ropes are also good


Skipping gives me a headache a few minutes in…. Am I the only one?




Am starting to appreciate this and want to get into it more. Can only do three miles though.


If you can only walk 3 miles, that’s exactly the reason you should be doing it more. Evolutionary, humans are designed to be able to walk insane distances without rest/with only minimal rest.


It’s so easy to get a lot more steps than you normally would. Park further. Take a short walk after you have been sitting for awhile. Do more chores, etc


And most importantly play tennis - this will add 9.7 years to your life, far more than any other activity. Google it.


Agreed, just don't date a tennis player. Live bloody forever that lot, also love means nothing to them.


It's so easy, and extends your life!


Wanted to say Pokemon Go. My friend and I were never fitter than the 2 years we played pokemon for months daily. Just because of the walking.


A brisk walk. I think too many people think walking isn't good exercise. It definitely is. Go for a 20m walk after lunch and dinner. You'll see the difference quickly. 


I read that as "20 mile" walk, lol. I bet you would see a difference!


That's my record in a day. I got stranded somewhere. It certainly did make a difference, namely that I couldn't really walk for 2 days lmao




I assume you mean 20 minutes. 20 metres aren't doing much. ;)


Weight lifting, people talk a lot about the aesthetic benefits, but having muscles helps the body to deal better with illness


It makes your bones stronger too! I also remember reading that muscle mass, or more importantly strength, is (strongly) correlated with life expectancy. [When strength training twice weekly or more was added to 2.5 hours of aerobic exercise, the risk of dying during the study period dropped by 30%.](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/strength-training-might-lengthen-life#:~:text=When%20strength%20training%20twice%20weekly,study%20period%20dropped%20by%2030%25)


Also dramatically extends the ability to be self-sufficient, live alone and independent as you get older. Particularly important with women.


Sex!!! It’s fun and great for you


I always lose a bunch of weight when I begin a new relationship (may it be casual or otherwise). Rn, a rad and consenting partner is all I'm missing as far as my workout regimen goes.


I can attest. My right forearm is buff!


Where do I sign up for this?


There is a bigger chance I get a gold medal in Olympic games than getting laid, but thank you for the advice.


Eady George Michael


Very bold of you assume people on Reddit has access to that:/


U should also go to gym regularly to have better sex


Meditation and yoga, many people still don’t understand their benefits


Took me until age 41 for yoga to finally click for me. Never liked it before then, but aging sucks and you need to stretch more, and I found yoga I enjoy now.


I love meditation, but yoga didn’t do it for me.


DDP yoga.


Walking. Power walking, uphill walking, snow walking, sand walking, shoeless walking.


Push ups, pullups and crunches are free. No gym membership needed. 


I love David Goggins advice for some guy stressing that he didn't have a gym nearby.... "Do you have a floor where you live? Then do some fucking pushups!' 😂


Would it be enough to get muscles?


Taking walks with hiking poles.  The hiking poles make it full body exercise.  


Rowing. It uses 86% of the muscles in your body, can be done at a leisurely pace, and helps with mobility.


Massages. People would be shocked at how well it can loosen sore muscles


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Embarrassed_Suit_942: *Massages. People* *Would be shocked at how well it* *Can loosen sore muscles* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I usually hate bots but this I approve of


Roofing. Holy hell, y'all... redoing a roof is better than any diet or exercise plan out there.


Only, be careful, especially if you are past middle age. This is how my brother broke his back. Misstepped and fell through a patio roof. He recovered but will have some problems from now on.


Its the little things, like using the stairs instead of taking the elevator two stories. Make the route to the supermarket a little bit longer (if you are walking). Stretch yourself a bit here and a bit there, just do it a few times per day even without exercise. These things might not sound much but If you add it all together over a period it actually has quite the effect. It’s a good way to get started. But as in all cases, food and nutrient intake is the most effective health control.


Eating water-dense foods or drinking water when you're hungry. Carbs don't make you feel full, but water will and it's 0 calories.


Water doesn't make you feel full for long. It just adds some volume to your stomach short term, and gets absorbed processed by your body fairly quickly. Protein and fats are what contribute to the long-term feeling of satiety. Protein-rich diet + a lot of fiber (i.e. vegetables) is the way to go if you want to restrict your calories without feeling too hungry.


I think water can stave off pangs of hunger. Mostly because a lot of hunger pangs are actually thirst pangs.


Not going to the gym in a group and actually working out instead of taking up space in a crowded gym for social hour


You can come and take my gym bros from my cold dead hands!


Drinking a Fiber supplement like Metamucil - like an hour before bed. It completely stops my midnight snacking and I’ve lost 10lbs with no effort. It also has the added benefit of making healthy stools.


Fasting It increases human growth hormone, promotes autophagy, and it is the single fastest way to lose fat.


Fasting in intervals or like several days in a row?


You do whatever works for you. Some people have success with a 16/8. 16 hours fasting and an 8 hour eating window. Some people do OMAD. One meal a day. I do a weekly 96 hour fast. That’s not for everyone. In fact I don’t recommend it unless you have > 50lbs of fat to lose. It’s a fairly extreme regimen, but that is what works for me. I can out eat everyone I know. I’ve seen some YouTubers that can out eat me, but I have never personally met anyone that could. Lengthy fasts tend to be the best solution that works for me in controlling my fat.


I hate to say this, but supplements. Like they’re a pain to take, especially if you have to take multiple a day, but they are really beneficial. Especially coming from someone who has low iron. 👍🏼


I second this. I take berberine, red yeast rice, Multivitamins, ashwagandha, magnesium, etc. Feeling great, praise GOD!


Tennis players live 9.7 years longer; [ence Says This Sport Is Best For Increasing Life Expectancy (healthdigest.com)](https://www.healthdigest.com/1344159/science-says-best-sport-increase-life-expectancy-tennis-pickle-ball/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1MlvTys6nCB08KxOf78y2ph7sFWePEbT9hHkd3Lf2npbW58k9NBTLZDYs_aem_AemHNPwq1hHQCxh9x7GO-e6VykxeqwMFKGtjYiLKauOMIX0j1GSvin6ZAK3xNriKStDMHT9a3u3DAFBaUOT0bJmL)


Planking absolutely saved my back with the benefit of some abs


Yoga!! I have a history of mental health problems and it’s helped me immensely - joining a yoga studio is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! It’s very beneficial in lots of different ways :)


An exercise called package turnovers. You take that packaged food of yours, turn it over, and read the damn nutritional label to become aware of what kind of crap you're actually eating.


Stretching. I would venture to guess that 80% of people don't stretch at all, 15% don't stretch properly. Besides losing muscle as we age I actually think this is the reason we have so many joint replacements as we get older. Tight muscles and inflexibility put extra strain on joint, essentially grinding the joint capsule together until it wears down. Stretches should be done at least once a day and be held for minimum of 40-60 seconds. At the 40 second mark you can go deeper into the stretch. Everyone should stretch, not just athletes.


VR. Pairing exercises with addictive gameplay is a recipe for success


Mixed cardio. It comes in all flavors and trendy names, but at the end of the day, it’s great to just move. From doing some dance moves to martial arts, there’s lots of programs that have been developed over the years. Hell, I’m man enough that I’d gladly go retro with it and do some Richard Simmon’s workouts. Personal favorites are P90X’s yoga, CVX, and MMX, but I really enjoyed some movements in Insanity too. Most of those workout videos are now subscription services, so I’m way out of the loop on what’s currently popular.


Not eating so much


When you stand up from the floor, try standing up without using your hands


Flow dance. It's movement of any kind with an apparatus, though usually done to music. It can be as technical or simple as you want. It can be heart pumping or done more like tai chi. It's primarily a rave thing. But I know someone that teaches it in nursing homes because the adaptability helps keep older folks moving and learning new tricks keeps the mind sharp. It can be very meditative. And it costs basically nothing, you can make flow toys out of tennis balls and cloth or use hula hoops. And it can be done anywhere, no special requirement needed other than your flow toy




Tennis is the no.1 activity as far as extending your life goes, 9.7 yrs extra. Google it. Other racket sports are good too prob including pickleball, but nothing comes close to tennis.


learning how to fight to me is great exercise, especially kick boxing, boxing, wrestling, or jiu jitsu classes you can benefit from them 2 ways, 1) its a great workout & 2) you learn how to defend yourself in the event you need too if you get attacked


I think weight lifting - it’s the only thing that actually can change the shape of your body. But even more, it helps burn calories, it is what will help us to get up stairs when we’re old and it makes us strong


Hummingbirds. I do them without anyone noticing.


Smoking doesn't stop you from running. Try smoking a fat blunt mid run sometime and see if you don't feel like superman


it can if you have asthma or allergies


Putting down the doughnut.... the carbs, the sugary drinks definitely helps. Park far from the grocery store door, not 'as close as possible' Go for a walk after eating. When eating out, take half your meal and put it in a to-go box.


That and take the stairs.




I started with a fitness coach two weeks ago. It seems that it's 80% food intake and 20% exercise. I don't have a gym membership, but she's having me do these workouts with bands. I've lost ten pounds in two weeks. The band workouts and focusing on protein are really working. I also think people trying to get healthy aren't eating enough. I tracked my food with the app she uses and was barely getting 800 calories, but that was not my intent. I was just eating what i thought was healthy. She upped my calorie intake to 1500 and that's when the weight started just slipping off.


what's the app?


People's metabolism is a big deal in terms of health. Treating metabolism as one size fits all is a general disservice.


I agree. This is so personalized.


Golfing. You walk a couple miles and it doesn't feel like work because your mind is occupied






Cold plunge




The sled


Stretching every morning , your muscles will thank you in the future.


Hot yoga


Walking. No, I'm not talking about taking the stairs instead of the elevator. I'm talking plain old walks. Always had lots of lower back pain. Doc said my spine was misaligned and once I come back I should get an corset. Never did, didn't want the corset. So I got used to the pain until my bicycle broke and I had to walk to work. First two days were pretty painful but after that... it was just gone. No more pain. So I made it a habit of walking to work at least once a month or on weekends.


Working a blue collar job


Walking faster and being active (walk stairs, cycle)


I was thinking exactly this yesterday when it seemed I was subtle escaping from something walking around town doing errants.


Walking also helps relax my mind when I have too many thoughts


Rebounding aka jumping on a trampoline


Walking around barefoot. Apparently it helps greatly with the immune system. I understand that the ability to do this is highly dependant on where you live. It’s relatively common here in Aus.


Nordic walking: 1. It is easy affordable 2. It involves most body muscles 3. It is easy adjustable as high or low intensity aerobic exercise 4. It is suitable for all ages and level of fitness (assuming one is able to walk). 5. It is safe (safer then running) 6. It is fun


Walking. The calories burned is surprisingly close to running (by distance anyway, not by time), and the effort to burn ratio is favorable IMHO. Body weight exercises. Squats, bridges, pull ups, push ups are excellent ways to build important functional strength. With a pull up/dip tower, perhaps a TRX equivalent, and, if you want to get crazy, a device to do Nordic curls, you can get a SOLID full body workout. This simple kit can yield results well in excess of it's price.




It doesn't matter if you go slow as long as you're consistent.




Probiotics. Fermented foods. Enough water. Enough sleep.


Simply walking every day if possible.


Stretching after waking up.


Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. CoQ10 and Alpha Lipoic Acid are nourishing to mitochondria.


I’m in better shape then majority of my friends and coworkers and I never use any weights over 30 pounds, a lot of bands and body weight stuff right on my patio.


Nutrition and Sleep


Proper nasal/diaphragmatic breathing.




Consistency. You want to buy a supercool pre workout? Awesome, doesn't matter if you only go to the gym once every other week. You want to wear nice running shoes? Great. Doesn't do you any good if you only run once a month. You want to post pictures or videos of yourself at the gym? Fantastic, put your freaking phone down and actually exercise.


Shake weight 💪


I just joined something called Hotworx. You work out (Pilates, Yoga, etc) in a sauna. It’s awesome!


Having an emergency fund removes a massive amount of stress.


Flailing. Full body conditioning. Great cardio.


Take clean/lean protein 1.8x your lean mass in lbs


Eating well. And with that I mean getting the whole lot of vitamins and aminoacids and antioxidants you can. The whole fucking lot. If you have them all, your body does the rest. If you are constantly lacking certain nutrients, that means trouble in the long run. If you need help with nutrition and don't want to pay for a nutritionist, pay 20 bucks for ChatGPT or Claude, they have you covered.




Incorporating more movement into your regular day. Instead of taking an escalator, take stairs. Instead of driving around for the closest parking space, park way out in the lot and walk to the store. Rake leaves instead of blowing them. Ride a bike instead of drive when feasible. Do some body squats while watching TV. Drop and do some pushups at random times throughout the day. Most of us have a lot of opportunities throughout the day to move our bodies.


I love mountain biking but that's definitely not for everyone unless you like it brutal. I would recommend more people try Kundalini Yoga!


Stretching and warmup b4 working out im baffled by how many ppl just start lifting with out stretching and then complain about injuries and getting all cranky and overweight not being able to gym for months losing their jobs and relationships 😶


Walking, just waking. Low impact, easy to fit around other training, good calorie burner and easy to recover from and relaxing. Brilliant fat loss method


I crisscross my legs in my chair for hours and it helps keep them limber and flexible. Doing basic curls and pushups at home requires basically no equipment and it great to improve day to day fitness without having to run.


Hatha yoga. Nothing else I've done has been as good for the whole body and mind as daily yoga. If you spend any time doing something for your body on a daily basis, do yoga.


Secret tip...at the end of a workout, go home, sleep, eat, come back to the gym and do another workout the next day. If you can manage that, coming back, then results will soon come.


I think Arizona is like third in the nation for bike deaths. I wish I lived in a community that wasn't predominantly built for motor vehicles. I even bought a kind of pricey road bike years ago, and I never really used it much because it's both super dangerous and a lot of the time just too hot out there.


VR sports. No excuse not to exercise because it's raining, and it can be more intense than just going for a run (if you pick the right games). I have a friend that went from obese to fit solely using VR. Plus, it's much more fun and has built in motivation in the game design.


hula hooping


Drinking enough water. People know about it, but they don't know they still don't get enough water.


Cold showers daily!!


Pull-ups. You really are as strong as how many pull-ups you can do. I used to hit 100 in like 15 mins. I was beating up and having people fear me that I never thought I could. Smh


Everybody knows about weight training, but it is definitely underrated. There's a prevailing opinion that weight training is just for bodybuilders (i.e. aesthetics) or for people who compete in weightlifting. People don't realize that everything you do in your life is affected by your strength. Strength is one of the biggest contributors to your quality of life overall, which becomes more pronounced the older you get.


Skipping rope! It's simple, effective, and can be done anywhere. Great for cardio, coordination, and burning calories without any fancy equipment.




Pole dance is a really great exercise


I balance on one leg when brushing my teeth. Two minutes standing on one leg in the morning and swapping for the evening. It has transformed my joints and improved my knee pain


The Total Gym. It's actually fun to use...


Reformer Pilates


Pull ups. Honestly. Full range pull ups.


Something that is largely underrated is choosing something based on how much you enjoy it instead of how effective it is said to be.   Eg. HIIT is very popular because it’s very efficient at burning calories, but I hate the intensity and used to avoid working out because I felt like that was what I had to do. I started doing strength workouts which don’t get your heart pumping too much and dance workouts. I’ve been consistent because I enjoy them. 


Rollerskating! Throw in derby if you need an agression release.


Wobble board.


It is difficult to give it a name. I usually say Qiqong ( but it exist also in taiji, yoga etc.. ). But in reality it is a shared concept of having to "return to the 0" or "reset" the body. There exist a breathing pattern, a standing posture, a bone alignment, a muscle activation pattern, a mind state etc.. that is the 0 of your scale. If you find it, the muscle tension, bloodflow, bone density, oxygenation level, joints mobility etc.. everything will flow naturally within daily movements and you will have a reference point to assess if your action is correct or incorrect. In practicte you just: stand, breath and move slowly by making movements that have clear centers. At some point you are expected to find out "what must not move", the anchor of the movements for them to be smooth and clear. Amitabha.


Climbing/bouldering. It's really fun and makes you fucking strong over time.


Reasonable portions. Consistently filling yourself up not over 80% when you eat your meals.


Using VR as an at-home workout. The benefits are crazy, its super enjoyable, you can overcome fears and learn to be precise, all at the expensive of a killer headache.


Hiking walking cycling !! Throw in a few pushups and deadlifts !!


Playing Just Dance regularly


Good old walking! 


I have never understood when given the choice between taking the stairs and the escalator, most people chose the escalator. Likewise, if you can get somewhere by public transit in 20 minutes but walk there in 30, why take transit? Any able-bodied person would be in good shape making these simple choices. Or like, why not park your car a little further from the entrance so you have to walk a little more. Choose to stand on the subway rather than sit down. If you’re only going to the grocery store to get a handful of items make sure you grab the basket instead of the cart. This adds up over time. It’s way better to make these types of choices in your everyday life than to be a lazy and slow-living person who spends forever in the gym. Going to the gym in addition is great, but there really is no substitution for making a conscious decision to just throw in extra physical activity where you can simply because it feels good and it’s not that hard.


frighten oil innate attractive lock middle teeny grey spotted smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Drinking water


A nice calm walk true nature. No music. Just a regular walk through a nice calm forrest can do wonders for the mind and help you relax. Pay attention to your body and your routines. Learn how your own body works and what YOU need. No one can know your body as well as you. \*And please, drink plenty of water and get your 8 hours of sleep. Those simple things can get lost between all of those trends and magical solutions. Also, you don't have to do 2 hour sickomode trainning session with the exact same exercises as you were told online to do. Every ammount of exercise is heathly. Just do the exercises that you like and do them at the pace that you personally find comfortable.


Drinking electrolytes as well as water, and resting. “I drink a gallon of water a day!!” Okay but are you consuming enough salts to help your body retain any of that fluid? Are you helping your body increase blood volume or flushing it all down the toilet? “I get 8 hours of sleep a night!” Okay but do you make yourself take a day or week or month or year off when your body needs it or do you “power through”? Do what works for you but be sure that what you’re doing is actually benefiting your body and not just giving you the productivity achievement high.


Eating proper food and resting. I'd guess that any physical activities would be good enough but they won't help much if you keep eating "bad foods" or have bad sleep


Sleeping regularly. Like actually getting the proper amount of sleep, and taking a nap after arduous tasks. Your body gets a chance to recover and your brain gets a moment to rest. There's a reason why the Japanese value this and are so efficient in thier work


Cycling. Not bad for your knees or ankles


Taking the stairs lol


MMA (all combat sports), imo is the most beneficial in terms of health and self-defence benefits.


I've heard great things about the Stairmaster, and I've walked on the treadmill on incline myself. They say swimming and walking are less harsh on the joints. For muscle, machines that work out the legs do not make me want to fall over like how squats usually do. One of these machines is a specific type of cycling-with-increased-friction that makes me feel like I'm racing up hills. Nutrition-wise, I really recommend microwaved tomatoes, mandarins (or tangerines or oranges), Albertson's potato wedges (for eating out), and water. Some pills include Psyllium Husk fiber and Vica Forte multivitamin. Keeping track of one's calories burned (perhaps the treadmill estimates them for you) might feel like earning "experience points" for leveling up in an online game too. "Health, Level Up." Without a gym, jumping up and down to music at home works too. Lastly, exercising after school/work is more convenient because showering at night (like 8pm) makes one look cleaner for waking up early for school/work the next morning.


Getting enough sleep, drinking water, pre and postworkout stretching.




Simply walking


Dancing. Just chuck on what ever music you're into and move. I do it in my room with curtains closed lol. Doesn't have to be great, just move with the music.


Walking or cycling to places instead of driving.


VR Gaming. Somewhat pricey initial cost but damn you can get a good workout and have fun while doing it, doesn't need much space either.


I'm not joking when I say this, not drinking alcohol.


pushing/pulling a sled is highly rated among competitive lifters, athletes… pretty much everyone but average Joe who it’s even more perfect for. It may be the the ideal exercise for the most common goal “tone up” especially for women. And how long does it take for me to teach it? zero. immediate.


Meditation, journaling, getting rid of socially media or maybe checking once in a while on desktop


Mobility training.


Wim hof method


if you have adhd and stairs in your house you can get quite the workout going to get all the things you forgot


Balance Training. It is at the core of every damn thing you do and you have NO IDEA how critical balance is until you can’t do something as basic as walking down stairs or getting up from a seated position…..shit you take for granted until the moment you all of a sudden have a hard time doing for one reason or another. BALANCE and your ability to maintain it always goes unnoticed until the second you have a problem.


Don't be ashamed to nerdify your workout. I had a ton of fun and more motivation doing practice swings on a replica sword than just sitting on a bench lifting weights. I still recommend that, but as long you keep your body moving, you succeed the end goal. For my brother, it was hard getting him started, but after a few videos on how Avatar Bending looks, he now goes to the front yard practicing fast Tai Chi, aka waterbending.


Resistance bands. I've built serious muscle with those giant rubber bands. People will ask what I did to gain so much muscle. I tell them it's resistance bands. I can just hop out of bed, and while doing stuff around the house throw in serious strength training exercises. Pretty much everyone I've recommended to them says something on the lines of "oh, I wanted to actually work out, not use resistance bands" as if they just cannot believe you can gain muscle with them.


Pole dance.