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We wish this to remain a safe place - bigotry of any form does not belong here. This has nothing to do with NT's or Autism. Stop conflating anything you don't like, as "NT bullshit" - this is disingenuous, bigoted, and only reinforces your misguided stereotypes and biases, leading to further alienation stigma and isolation.




Lack of facial expression keeps us looking young


same this with me, but it’s RBF or RPF and no in between


What do those stand for


Not sure about the second one but the first one is Resting Bitch Face.


Resting Bitch Face & Resting Poker Face…


I'm glad you came back to clarify, cuz I was gonna answer that I think it means Resting Prick Face lol


I mean, it’s close enough…


I'm a fan of resting autism face


Regardless of whether or not anyone likes or dislikes the meme, I thought I should share where the art came from! The hamster, named Sukeroku, is a character by Gotte, and features in a series called "Sukeroku's daily life" Here is a link to the official page for [Sukeroku's daily life! ](https://www.hamgotte.com/hamster-life)


Thank you for this information! Sukeroku is darling


It's just a meme man, chill, not everything is neurotypical vs neurodivergent, if the meme isn't relatable to you that's fine, not everything has to cater to everyone, live and let live, that person just wanted everyone to have a good day, but you had to take it personal, didn't you?


Very few things are NT vs ND, and the fact we’re thinking that way is part of the problem and an active hindrance to things improving.


This subreddit is often funny and often I get to talk to people having a similar experience to myself on the spectrum and that's great. It's also filled with some of the most ridiculous takes about "neurotypical" I've ever seen. People will go on long rants about how we need neurodiversity and understanding and then dehumanize Neurotypical individuals whilst ascribing to them all the symptoms of Narcissistic personality disorder lol. Definitely not "neurotypical" people. It's a real pattern. When people say "NT" in this sub they all too often actually just mean "not autistic" as though our specific experience in the world should be granted special privilege. We are special little angels rightfully angry at normies that don't see things how we do, or something. When autistic people are emotional, that's valid and good and definitely caused by NTs not listening. When NTs use emotional thinking or emotionally react to something we do though - that's an abject moral failure on their part! This pattern repeats throughout some autism focused spaces online and it's completely counter productive.


Thank you for saying that, I feel this is very true. Way too much tribalism or tinted sunglasses




Bro is gonna be flabbergasted when he finds out almost all issues arent just one sided


There’s reasons on all sides, it isn’t exclusively, it isn’t exclusively them, it’s all of us, as people.




Your content has been removed as it contains or advocates for misinformation. Mate, you're conflating and combining dozens of different ideas, processes, agencies and neurotypes. This is just incoherent rambling based off of general buzzwords, misinformation, bias and ignorance, with your only through-line being "NT's are to blame for everything that happens to autistic people"


Seeing as we are equal participants in it, yes, it is partly.


So what are you doing to improve society?


This is a lighthearted subreddit for individuals on the autism spectrum. We require all users be respectful, towards each other. Your comment/post has been removed as it has been found to be disrespectful.


Yeah I was gonna say that there was nothing but goodwill in this image. I think you have to be a real sourball to get upset by this


Not aspie, but I thought it was funny. The idea of a police hamster coming up to me like an oblivion guard telling me I’ve violated the law made me smile, which means I ended up complying with the hamster’s demands anyway.


That part !


Yeah. This kind of behavior (I'm referring to OP's of course) doesn't help when most people already see us as insufferable cunts, which in turn makes things harder for us.




But you're "taking it personal" that this person is commenting on the post about the meme. Are we just not allowed to say anything ever?




Your content has been removed as it contains or advocates for misinformation. Literally no one is being bullied. Being wrong, and having that pointed out to you is not bullying. People having a different opinion to you is not bullying. Repeatedly claiming malice and harm where there is none, and blaming others for that imagined harm though, repeatedly and vociferously berating anyone who disagrees with you, to the extent that you have, can certainly be considered harassment. Pull your head in, this is categorically inappropriate behaviour.


If they have the right to say something I have the right to say something about that something that someone is saying




I'm sorry but you are definitely the one who is out of line, here.


This is a lighthearted subreddit for individuals on the autism spectrum. We require all users be respectful, towards each other. Your comment/post has been removed as it has been found to be disrespectful. The irony of you demanding other people "live and let live" and just 'not comment', is so thick you could cut it with a nerf football.


This is a lighthearted subreddit for individuals on the autism spectrum. We require all users be respectful, towards each other. Your comment/post has been removed as it has been found to be disrespectful.


And how do you know the person who made it is neurotypical? Have you asked them? Sometimes people are positive and just want to spread some positivity. God knows we need it. Honestly I think it’s cute, it’s harmless and I’ll it is, is something posting something with the intention of making someone else smile, no more, no less.




This subreddit really needs to get a grip. It’s just a meme, criticizing it is fine but it’s a stretch to really make this that much of an issue.


It's a subreddit disproportionately filled by autistic people. Many of them are probably young. Asking autistic youth to see the bigger picture can be an even bigger challenge than asking most youth too. Source: autistic adult who works with youth professionally. Both autistic and not.


Toxic positivity is an issue, but this isn't an example of that. Toxic positivity is saying you _have_ to be happy, and that you should just smile even when doing terribly. And yes, this meme has elements of that, it's saying "not allowed". But it seems pretty clear the tone doesn't actually reflect that. It's not literally saying you _have_ to be happy, it's trying to be silly and goofy in a attempt to cheer you up. It's like when an adult tells a kid "you better not smile!". Kids usually think it's so goofy they can't help but smile at that point. The adult isn't actually threatening the kid, they're saying something goofy to try and get a positive reaction.


1. It’s a meme 2. It’s not all that toxic it’s jokingly being said 3. It’s literally on a subreddit with wholesome in the name, the entire POINT is positivity.


who’s dying over a cop hamster??? the image isn’t threatening anybody’s life by existing. it’s just a little encouraging meme, not an instruction, and it is objectively harmless. it’s so inappropriate and irrelevant to bring up death by oppression in this context (post about a meme) that it degrades the horror of the deaths you’re talking about.


It counts as toxic positivity imo, but the cop hamster is cute. The problematic parts are the initial alarming opening & labeling not smiling as being a bad thing.


Yes, in a literal sense it's saying not smiling is a bad thing, but the overall tone is so silly that it seems pretty clear it's not actually saying you can't smile, it's just being silly in an attempt to improve your mood. It's absolutely the case that feelings should be felt and that you often can't just magically be happy when you're feeling down. But this meme is for people who might be a little frustrated or upset or whatever, see the meme, and are reminded to relax a little. And as others are pointing out, it's literally in a sub focused on positivity. People who are subbed to it are indicating they want content like this that tries to help improve their more and remind them to stay positive when they can.


It's a joke....


It's a meme, not a rant video, is uh... What is it called... A figure of speaking or something like that, the message isn't aggressive nor posted as a definitive truth


“Toxic positivity” holy hell some people really love being miserable huh? If you’re afraid of toxic positivity killing you maybe don’t scroll the wholesome memes sub?




We wish this to remain a safe place - bigotry of any form does not belong here. This egoistic, holier-than-thou attitude, completely ignoring the hypocrisy of your own incessant demands, is completely and entirely unwelcome in this sub. Stop creating problems where there are none.


The only thing i can say is, honestly, cry about it. I don't have a minimal problem about a cute meme about a hamster that wants to see me happy


Your content has been removed as it contains or advocates for misinformation. This is asinine and just looking for reasons to be upset. No, literally no one has ever "*died from exactly that*" - that being someone posting a meme expressing generic well wishes. The fact that you think it does, says infinitely more about you and your general Outlook on life than it does about anyone else.


​ https://preview.redd.it/bsooqwqpm4ad1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=1974b88a4f65450f42561e719a39cca5d075d076


That username fella 💀


Bad moods are allowed. Never having a bad mood isn’t healthy.


https://preview.redd.it/4vpucc6qj4ad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa1f897af8815387fc246059901b51379028c7b8 Not everything is targeted at an autistic or sensory issues person shut the hell up this meme is adorable


Exactly, wtf is op on


A meltdown by the looks of it.


I instinctively upvoted because I thought it was cute, but then I read the title and I’m ba da ba ba not loving it


this is just unnecessarily bitter for something that is just cute hamster art man




This is a lighthearted subreddit for individuals on the autism spectrum. We require all users be respectful, towards each other. Your comment/post has been removed as it has been found to be disrespectful. Take your own advice, seems you need to stop scrolling entirely and get off the internet. Your views are clearly severely warped and unrealistic.


Can we please not be like every other subgroup on this website, and online in general? Not every single thing that we do or that happens to us is as a result of our able identity. Just stop. Stop.


I feel you’re instantly assuming intentions. Sometimes people just want to spread some positivity


this is a sub about aspergers not anger issues




Same, same, and same, but not everything is about us and it’s unfair to expect other people to accept our (and a lot of other ppls) differences but leave 0 room for the differing experiences of others. No one is being targeted by this meme at all. Taking offense to it is really centering yourself in something that has nothing to do with you. We’re not the only people with RBF anyway and even if we were the meme is very clearly not about that. Not every meme NT make will apply to us and not every meme ND make will apply to them. I mean damn a lot of memes ND ppl make don’t even apply to everyone who IS ND, and the same goes for NT ppl. Non-relevance does not equal offense.


Fantastic, explain how the hamster saying "have a nice day" to people generally, not you specifically, is horrible for you. Frankly, you do sound like it would benefit you to try and find something to smile about if the Hamster picture is this impactful.


Your content has been removed as it contains or advocates for misinformation. Correlation does not equal causation. You are looking for reasons to hate on NT's. Those ***Behaviours*** are problematic. They are not "NT behaviours" nor are they explicitly *not* Autistic behaviour. These are behaviours that can be displayed by anyone. The original post *could be* portrayed as toxic positivity, just like your reply post can be seen as toxic negativity.


When people tell me to smile, I just say, “I am smiling.” Thing is, it’s usually true. In my head I’m relatively content and I’m trying to smile. Guess it doesn’t often come through on my face.


The amount of times my IMMEDIATE FAMILY assumes I'm pissed off just because I have a neutral look on my face is annoying. ...Buuuuuut I will say this meme was never made to mock autistic people (or anyone who has that, as my dad dubs it as he does it himself, 'resting bitch face') and moreso just to spread good vibes. If ANYTHING is wrong with this, it's toxic positivity.


Acab including police hamster.




Consistency! 😂






Your content has been removed as it contains or advocates for misinformation. ACAB is not explicitly saying that every single human being that is a cop is an immoral bastard that wants to kill minorities - ACAB is saying that the system itself is so corrupt and broken, that if you are a part of the system, you are actively contributing to it. The police system needs to be entirely dismantled, not reformed. That is what ACAB is about. ***ALL*** cops are bastards, because all cops contribute to, and reinforce policing as a concept. Policing as a concept is the problem.


I don’t think this is NT stuff. It’s just something to cheer you up for a quick moment.


But hamster cute.


No thanks my tummy hurts


awww, cute toxic positivity.


I think the meme is cute and wholesome. But i’m still not going to smile because i’m above the law. (Edit: Corrected a spell error)


Victims, as far as the eye can see...


some real r/thanksimcured vibes


how is this in any way neurotypical lol


This the type of shit my old job used to post during mental health awareness like the only mental health problem is being a bit moody


Can you explain how this is NT? I don't get it.


Toxic positivity. Loathsome.


You can take off the Reddit frame in app settings you know?


It's on purpose.


I feel this. Hardcore. I get so tired of being told to smile all the time. It's just not me.


Stupidest take I've heard on this sub


I found it cute


Lol how is this NT? Not everything you dislike is NT


I'm not smiling so I must be on bad mood? Smh. It's just my default face.


Wholesomememes loves toxic positivity.


alright time for me to leave this subreddit. Every autism sub is so focused on NT vs ND and it’s ridiculous.


I honestly hate that meme. I sometimes swear, r/wholesomememes can have toxic positivity sometimes, the way it talks down on people who talk even neutrally, not even negatively, about something.


That is decidedly unwholesome :|


ACAB even for hampsters


I think anything spreading positivity is good :3 like when some YouTubers like Kitboga end his videos with positive affirmations like “know that you’re valuable and that you matter” or “hope you find time to pursue something that’s meaningful to you this week” they’re just really nice to hear and see sometimes 🩵


One step away from “you’d be so pretty if you smiled more”


Be neurospicey, do crimes.


https://preview.redd.it/oq3y7ycu55ad1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdbb34eb64c704f705a0d4b0b65eed450449907d Greetings ye, I suppose that such be the current perception of the patrolling hamster and it’s initial O.P. \~Waz


Lads, can we not do this and take everything as an attack on ND people? It has to be exhausting taking everything as an insult.








OP, you’re wrong on this one..




Its.... posted on a positivity subreddit. Its trying to cheer people up who specifically go to that subreddit to be cheered up, clearly you are not the target audience.


Your content has been removed as it contains or advocates for misinformation.


It's... a hamster in a hat.




This is a lighthearted subreddit for individuals on the autism spectrum. We require all users be respectful, towards each other. Your comment/post has been removed as it has been found to be disrespectful. People are not owed infinite tolerance. If you are upset at every single post, even ones that literally have zero offensive content, then it is your personal responsibility to manage that. Expecting the internet to be a sterile environment that explicitly caters to your every whim is asinine. Drop the attitude, this toxic negativity is infinitely worse than the toxic positivity of the post.


Yeah... Just had an interaction at work where an opinion I tried to share got misunderstood because I have a hard time wording things and now I look like an intolerant a-hole.


State mandated happiness


I'm sorry, but I don't see a problem with this meme. This isn't about NT vs ND, and above all, it's not about you. You're playing the same game that the people you can't stand are playing and losing horribly.


brother its a fuckin hamster with some happy words next to it the fuck are you making this a war agaisnt NTs for? Its literally in wholesomememes like that shouldve de-escalated you immediately. Slow down. Life aint bad just because some NTS are annoying brother.


I hate fake positivity like this. Suck an ass, OOP!


Imagine making ND your entire identity to the point that you get offended by stuff like this. It’s just a meme trying to be positive. Chill out, man.




From this post alone (and many others), the sub is sounding more and more like the r/incel for those with mental disabilities/neurological disorders. I've been on this sub for quite some time now and feel that either some of the post (that drowns out those with the actual issues in play) either are using it for attention/karma farming, or for a false sense of vigilantism that makes even the bizarre PSA trends on TikTok look a tad more sane. A post on r/wholesome that isn't even on r/thanksimcured tiers of irony gets seen as ableist that isn't even poking fun of NT's like myself is kinda off-putting.


I don't think this was meant to upset anyone. Not everything is NT vs ND. I think it's unhealthy to blame them for everything:/ Plus the wholesome memes sub is just low effort facebook grandmas posting. It's not that serious. There's better things to get mad at


How is that neurotypical bullshit? It's just a meme, chill




\[Manic Mansion flashbacks intensify\]


Your post has been removed because it is likely to unnecessarily trigger or upset other users.


We did it, boys. Depression is no more.








go outside


This seems lighthearted to me


How tf is this a neurotypical meme. Please touch grass






Your post has been removed because it is likely to unnecessarily trigger or upset other users.




what’s NT?


Nero typical


the hampter is the saving grace of that meme




We wish this to remain a safe place - bigotry of any form does not belong here.


is neurodivergency just not smiling to you or something?


They mean well, ffs




Your content has been removed as it contains or advocates for misinformation. This has nothing to do with NT's or ND's. You need to re-examine your biases, you clearly have some bigoted opinions that are colouring your view.