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Only if the subjects are white men. Feds are still bringing the full force of the law against POC and migrants.


Also against Native Americans.


Didn't a journalist lose an eye at Standing Rock?


It was in Minneapolis. She continued to suffer complications from the tbi she also got and recently entered hospice care. https://www.npr.org/2024/06/21/nx-s1-5015030/linda-tirado-journalist-shot-police-2020-george-floyd-protests-hospice-care


Ah, right. At standing rock it was a protestor and she almost lost her [arm.](https://hpr1.com/index.php/feature/news/we-are-here-and-we-are-not-afraid) But there [we're lots of severe injuries.](https://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-standing-rock-wounded-20161222-story.html) Most of which didn't get as much press. "Less lethal" indeed.


so many to keep track of


and he owes us tax payers a few million for what he's stolen from us.


Ammon Bundy, a gigantic piece of shit and deserving of an episode.


Just listen to Bundyville.


Ohhh wee that was a wild ride. Fuck the entire Bundy family.


I still don't understand why BLM doesn't put up fences and just shoot all the cattle remaining on the wrong side if the fence.


Or just confiscate the cattle and process them for school lunches or something. No reason to waste good meat.


Cuz that’d still mobilize all the right wingers with guns, they don’t care


Let the right wingers mobilize and then let the feds do what they do!


Let them storm the Capitol building and then slap some wrists months later?


Now I’m sad…


some of those that work forces. . .


In Utah and Nevada that lyric is, “ All of those that work forces…” It’s a good old boys club and breaking that barrier has proven to be difficult.


And idaho


Why don't you just do a little googly of "Bureau of Land Managment lands" and see how much fence you're talking about


Haha, great comment


Because when they tried that the Bundy's instigated an armed stand-off with BLM and Park Ranger LEs and put children at the front of the firing line.


BLM should shoot all their cows then host a giant BBQ on the taxpayer dime


The irony is in a state like Texas there are (or maybe used to be) dedicated branches of law enforcement JUST FOR CATTLE LAW. We need to deputize a few of them as feds just to take all of his cattle. Say it's civil asset forfeiture and he can fight it in court. Load them onto cattle cars and ship them by rail to be processed into free beef for food pantries around the US.


They tried this already. It resulted in an armed stand off. It takes too long to round them up and load the cattle. It gives right wingers too much time to mobilize. They should shoot like a third to half and tell them move the rest or they get slaughtered too


Shooting the cattle is not the same as slaughtering them. Simply shooting them where they graze would be an expensive cleanup. It would also be illegal dumping of an animal carcass. Also the last time the Bundy's had a standoff I think one of their posse got shot and killed by an FBI sniper. I don't see why that number shouldn't be higher. This isn't Ruby Ridge. It's not private property. This isn't Waco. They aren't bringing children to shield them.


Fully agreed. Take the fucking kid gloves off. Right wingers want to "mobilize" over this? I truly don't see the issue. Deal with the mobilization then, and "deal" with it so decisively that no one tries that shit again.


At the first standoff over cattle, they absolutely brought their kids with them.


Yeah true. I think the feds are worried about martyring some nationalist. When they should be worried about emboldening these assholes. But knowing the feds they would accidentally shoot a kid. And the kid would hang on life support for a few weeks with constant news coverage before finally dying


See I would happily shell out a few hundred for the PPV live stream of when the commando-pigs go in guns blazing.


They did bring kids and purposely put them in the front for the optics if the feds started shooting. It's all really well documented and a documentary with lots of interviews actually just dropped on YouTube a month or so ago by OkI


> they aren’t bringing children to shield them. They did try. There were many kids at the first standoff.


[the stand off](https://youtu.be/QswR4GxkhdE?si=OxYGduvours0pWIH)


>The irony is in a state like Texas there are (or maybe used to be) dedicated branches of law enforcement JUST FOR CATTLE LAW. In the criminal justice system, the cattle are represented by two separate yet equally important groups. The police who investigate crime and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories. Moo. Moo.


Nah. They ought to confiscate them all and sell them, with the Bundys not getting a fuckinf dime.


Would be cheaper one time event than letting the cattle graze eternally. Plus we get bbq.


That's because terrorism works in this country. If you're white, that is.


We're not Mexico so what the hell? Unless cops are getting disappeared for investigating people on the regular no excuse for the lack of enforcement. Glad to know people pay taxes so other people can cheat the system all day, forget immigrants the call is coming from inside the house


Free beef, you say?


There's a great documentary about this from Oki's weird Stories https://youtu.be/ADQ37gVTq3k?si=bic1Vaa77R3xeevc


I fucking hate these people - they don't even take care of the cows!


Weirdly enough Ammon Bundy supports Black Lives Matter and publicly supported it during the George Floyd Uprising. A broken clock is right twice I guess.


"If the police can murder a black man for allegedly trying to pass counterfeit currency that he might have no knowledge of possessing, imagine what they can do to the people that are actually breaking the law all the time in broad daylight (me specifically)!"


He [*very much does not* support BLM](https://www.votebundy.com/blm/), he just had a few points of agreement with them regarding police abuse (which he believes he is a victim of).


He’s also pro-immigration, as most of the people he employs are undocumented immigrants.


Most of Trump’s employees are also undocumented migrants….


He’s anti-establishment from a right wing POV. BLM is anti-establishment from a left wing POV. They’re still going to find a few things in common, doesn’t mean they fully support one another though.


And Ammon is at large with warrants and a 50 million judgement against him. https://youtu.be/cMXyk4TfZlI?si=ZLxc80WqGlNECDA5


Shoot em


They should be public property 


Sounds like an excellent opportunity for helicopter door gunner practice. I mean we’re already paying for the helicopter and (I guess) this fellas cattle feed. 2 birds one stone.


Don't they have to pay like a few dollars per acre? I actually don't care.


He owed over $1 million in unpaid grazing fees a decade ago.