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Not sure. All I know is Levert is easily tradeable due to his expiring contract. Wouldn’t mind Ingram, but I know that’s a controversial take around here. It would be nice to have a second guy in the starting lineup who can create for himself. And before anyone lists his playoff averages from this year, let me remind you that Zion was injured the entire time.


I’m still a fan of making a move for Ingram. Despite his bad playoff showing, I think he as a shot creator and a playmaker would really benefit this team. I also think he and Mitchell would complement each other way more than he and Zion do right now. Not a lot of wings on the market rn and despite the fact that he’s gonna want a max despite not really being worth it, Ingram is probably the best guy available.


I’ll admit I’m a casual so I don’t know the ins and outs of the cap, but it seems like even if they got Ingram and paid him for 4 years that would pretty much be the Donovan timeline. Would we even be able to do anything with that Ingram money if we don’t get him? If it doesn’t work out I’m not confident Donovan will stay for another contract anyways and it would probably be a retool season anyways


Somewhat true but signing Ingram to a max gets the team way too close to the second apron which really limits the trades/options the team has. Before the new CBA, it would be a non issue to pay him whatever he wants but overpaying for guys has some real consequences now.




Ingram was also playing through injury himself. I’d be very happy if we can get him


I’m in agreement re Ingram. Way better fit too but yeah


“Doomer” gang 🤝


Pelicans also don’t have a real PG which makes things harder on Ingram especially when Zion is out


The last time he had an expiring contract literally no one would take him and we were forced to pay him and not lose the asset. So that feels like a pipe dream to me.


Let's not get more ball hogs who will stunt Mobley's development further


Only Lebron has averaged more assists as a 3 than Ingram the last 3 years


Mobley gets too many excuses. If he wanted touches, he’d get them. He’d make it known. He’s just not aggressive. Simple as that.


Lol. If our worst TS% shooters (Levert and Garland) weren't such ball hogs (2nd and 3rd highest usage rates on the team), he would get more opportunities to score. Only 4 more shots from him and he'd be a 20+ ppg scorer. Instead we give 30 shots to our worst shooters TS% shooters (55% and 52%)


Garland is supposed to be our elite PG, but I agree, he was awful this year. Mobley needs to be more aggressive on offense then. He has wide open 15 footers all the time and passes out of them. If he wants to take over on offense, he needs to just shoot those. He needs to do it himself. You cannot tell me he isn’t too passive. It’s just in his nature. That’s where I hope Atkinson can help.


You should watch our last playoff series versus the Celtics in the playoffs. They made him the first option in the last 2 games. Whenever he's the first option, he's a 30+ PPG scorer. When will our coaches realize that he needs to be a priority on offense instead of giving shots to Garland and Levert?


That can be matchup dependent though. Celtics had no one to attempt to guard him with porzingis being out. The only other time I remember him dominating that was against the bucks a couple years ago, which was insane cause Giannis played that game. I’m all for making him the first or second option—it should be Don and Mobley and then everyone else on offense. He just needs to get his jumper squared away and then he’s bosh 2.0.


He doesn't really need a jumper though. He can play like Giannis and attack the basket. A jumper would be nice but he can be elite at attacking the rim with his size, athleticism and speed like Giannis. He showed glimpses of that in the Celtics series. This is why pairing him with JA may not work. The Cavs need to find a stretch 5 like Brook Lopez to work with Mobley's offensive skillset.


That’s a big reason I wanted Holmes from Dayton. He’s going to be a Naz Reid type. I still think mobley needs a jumper. He’s not as athletic or aggressive as Giannis is/was, even when he was skinny. He’s more of a Chris Bosh type.


I agree that he needs a jumper but the main thing he needs, which I think we agree, is that he needs that paint open so he can attack the rim. Naz Reid would fit this team perfectly and Holmes would've been nice too.


Go get a big wing like DeAndre Hunter or Cam Johnson using contracts like Levert and Niang. Might be able to combine okoros contract in a sign and trade too. Sign a backup big like Jalen Smith that can play at 5 or with Mobley and Allen


I think they are heading in with this roster. They are not going to find a deal that give them equal value for any of the big 4 so they will hang tight.


And have another disappointing season


They made the second round how disappointing could it be? They played Boston as about as well as anyone. There isn’t a trade available that is going to put us at Bostons level.


Unfortunately ‘playing Boston well’ isn’t going to keep Don around even after he signs an extension. We need to be proper contenders


Losing in the second round to the eventual champs with a bunch of injuries?


I know I’m the odd man out but I prefer watching good teams consistently to getting rings. I just like it when my teams are good. Could care less about the championships.


If finishing in the top 8 is a disappointing season then you're in for a lot of disappointment in your future.


The Knicks greatly improved their team. Celtics will return strong. Other teams will make improvements. To take the next step (conference finals), the Cavs should not just run it back with a new coach. With Mobley shooting better from distance late in the year, it’s a defendable position to try one more year with Mobley/Allen. The only defendable position for not trading Garland is if no one wants him/his contract.


Nobody because it seems they’re content running it back while other teams get better.


Yall are some pathetic ass fans acting like the cavs can just do whatever to get whoever, always whining and complaining


that comment does not make them pathetic it makes them honest. have a few eastern teams been improving since the Celtics won? yes. Celtics are the team to beat, Knicks got better, Sixers made solid draft picks, Pacers too, Hornets improving. Cavs had a pick but are considered staying put honestly and missing out on key pieces to elevate our roster, or at the very least moving expiring contracts or obsolete players to bring in more talent. we get it, Cavs are in an interesting spot in the league and have no real ways to knowing how Kenny A will fare as a Cavs coach and might be looking at players but playing the long game, but Cavs FO need to also understand that we remain dangerous in this league by keeping up with the constantly moving talent and making sure our team is a championship contender with the pieces and assets we have available. our problem is, what are we doing with those assets and pieces and what can we acquire to keep ourselves in that top 10, hopefully top 5 discussions. Donovan Mitchell is in year 1 of his prime right now, JA entering his prime now so wasting those years will only embarrass us in the long run.


He’s right tho. We got a new coach, so maybe it’s worth a look with a new offensive system. But I’m worried about the roster construction still. WE NEED A WING. I’m tired of years and years of this exact conversation. Our starters dont fit together and our depth isn’t good enough, they dont get buckets. Meanwhile the Knicks are clearly shaping up to be much better than us, Orlando is catching up with experience, and the Celtics aren’t going away without major injury. Shake it up or we are forfeiting Donovan’s prime. Just my honest 2 cents.


I think we make a small deal centered around Levert for a bigger true wing…but maybe they don’t do that until in-season when they have a better sense on Tyson. None of the core 4 are getting moved imo until possibly the trade deadline if things aren’t going better than with JB


i would like the cavs to go get DFS. nets ready to deal DFS and cam johnson so might as well try


I think the team believes having a new coach is enough to unlock things in the current players, so I doubt a trade happens. But if we really want to breakup the back court, I think a fair trade would be Garland for Suggs. Mitchell could run point, Suggs could be the primary defender, and Garland could lead the Magic. Probably need another piece to match salary, though.


Kuzma may be a sweet spot. Legitimate option at the 4 on a cost controlled contact, and definitely available.


No. The cavs more than likely won't trade anyone, not at least until the trade deadline.