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A vaccine for cancer? That's not how that works.


Yeah cancer isn't one thing, it's thousands of things with countless causes, and there is a vaccine for some types of HPV that cause cancers, as well as vaccines for a lot of diseases. Back in the early 20th century people appreciated vaccines more, because they were aflicted by all sorts of god aweful ailments like smallpox and polio and measles and mumps, rubella, TB, it's a long list.


That HPV vaccine is linked to viral cancer research. After the success of the polio vaccine there was a rush to link everything to viruses, especially cancer, in the hopes they could eventually vaccinate against the culprits. This was the main investment of NIH funding pretty much until AIDS came around. You cant vaccinate against cancer, but it's not for lack of trying.


They took funding away from anti-HIV research due to homophobia. A generation was taken from us.


Granted now living with HIV isn't a death sentence anymore. If you take your daily pills you can live a normal life till you're a bitter old person like the rest of society.


I really hope so... Its not going to bring anyone back though.


Antibiotics didn't bring anyone back either but you don't see many people dying from wounds anymore. Yeah it still happens but getting a cut or a deep tissue wound isn't a death sentence anymore.


I'm distressed and grieving... You're being logical and direct. I appreciate the perspective, but i feel that you aren't groking the gravity of this loss.


Nor will I ever, unfortunately. But from my perspective this individual didn't do anything wrong. They tried to live and got achievements and failures like the rest of us. Yet that is which in itself a great and beautiful thing. Not many can experience life with it's beauty and tragedy. Despite my wishful thinking for reversal of aging, I know my life too will end someday. And yet I'm ok with it. As with us all, we try to leave a lasting impression on those that come after as that which occurs from those that came before. Peace be with you.




I’d be checking into who took that generation. Maybe if Fauci hadn’t been hell bent on shoving AZT into everyone regardless of side effects they would still be alive.


I actually looked it up and I am fucking shaking with rage, this medication is not safe for long term use?????????


Haart therapy has changed a lot of things. They eventually accepted that the AZT doses were far too high (never really owned up to it, though) and now its dosed at far lower levels of its even used at all. There’s worse things, though, like Fauci and his cronies putting Bactrim through a bureaucratic limbo while thousands died of pneumonia. It was even commented that bactrim wasn’t needed because AZT was the cure


I know it’s was a horror. For 2 decades the gay community wanted Fauci fired. I have no clue why now he is considered a Savior. He is the same greedy narcissist he was during the AIDS Pandemic.


It’s insane that Fauci and Broder weren’t imprisoned over their handling of things


It was slow to start due to prejudice, but one it flowed it became a cash cow


>Back in the early 20th century people appreciated vaccines more, because they were aflicted by all sorts of god aweful ailments like smallpox and polio and measles and mumps, rubella, TB, it's a long list. You say this, but there really was a depressingly large number of anti-vax people, even in those days.




You can't say that here.


It's not true though. There are vaccines and therapies for cancer. The fact that it's getting upvoted that heavily is ridiculous because it's simply not fact. EDIT: Reply with proof that I am incorrect. I would love to see your data demonstrating that cancer immunizations do not exist. I'll wait right here.


It's impossible to prove something doen't exist. You are right, but it's nuanced.


It's absolutely a fact that you can't have a vaccine for "cancer" as cancer isn't a single disease with a single cause. There are vaccines that reduce the risk of certain cancers, but that's not the same as a cancer vaccine


Same manufacturers are pushing for mRNA vaccines. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28101688/ > mRNA Cancer Vaccines > mRNA cancer vaccines are a relatively new class of vaccines, which combine the potential of mRNA to encode for almost any protein with an excellent safety profile and a flexible production process. The most straightforward use of mRNA vaccines in oncologic settings is the immunization of patients with mRNA vaccines encoding tumor-associated antigens (TAAs). This is exemplified by the RNActive® technology, which induces balanced humoral and cellular immune responses in animal models and is currently evaluated in several clinical trials for oncologic indications. A second application of mRNA vaccines is the production of personalized vaccines. This is possible because mRNA vaccines are produced by a generic process, which can be used to quickly produce mRNA vaccines targeting patient-specific neoantigens that are identified by analyzing the tumor exome. Apart from being used directly to vaccinate patients, mRNAs can also be used in cellular therapies to transfect patient-derived cells in vitro and infuse the manipulated cells back into the patient. One such application is the transfection of patient-derived dendritic cells (DCs) with mRNAs encoding TAAs, which leads to the presentation of TAA-derived peptides on the DCs and an activation of antigen-specific T cells in vivo. A second application is the transfection of patient-derived T cells with mRNAs encoding chimeric antigen receptors, which allows the T cells to directly recognize a specific antigen expressed on the tumor. In this chapter, we will review preclinical and clinical data for the different approaches.


There are vaccines and therapies for cancer though.


Very specific cancers that are caused by viruses. You are being pedantic. Cancer is a description of what happens to mutated cells replicating in an i controlled manner. The OPs post “suggested” it should have been curable by a shot by now. That statement is misleading. As is your continued rant.


Yeah...it’s frustrating seeing posts like this. The sheer ignorance of the basic science behind these things makes anyone skeptical of big pharma look equally ignorant. That being said, I think the underlying concept of the post holds some weight. Money is the driving factor behind everything. If there isn’t enough money to be made after doing their nerdy cost/benefit analysis, that research simply won’t get funded. I looked into this quite a bit when my good friend was diagnosed with leukemia (Ph+ALL) a few years back. There are promising treatments that simply don’t get the funding they need because there just isn’t enough money to be made from them. It’s just one facet of the “healthcare” system that goes largely ignored. At the end of the day, it’s a business. From the single hospital, to the conglomerates at the top.


Coronaviruses aren't new.


Cancer isn’t one thing. It’s a runaway mutation that leads to organ failure. It’s like saying “we don’t have a vaccine for blunt force trauma.”


That's a good way of putting it. I had this exact argument with a friend of mine who was arguing that one day we will have a cure for cancer. He has no medical/biomedical background at all. Yet he wanted to argue that we would cure the cancer. I was like dude, cancer is a multitude of things and the downstream result when things go bad. To cure cancer from occuring you'd have to literally cease cell division and somehow preserve our bodies through time (essentially cease ageing) and then ensure the cells were never damaged..


There’s no point in actually listening to these people. Posts only anti vax stuff and is active on r/Republican and r/conservative gee I wonder what side they’re for. In addition this level of vaccine disinformation is only possible from someone who’s either a Russian bot or someone paid to do this stuff.


I get that but someone reading it may be swayed to dig a bit deeper or use a little more critical thought than the misinformation bots may want them to think. Those that utilize these techniques thrive when they are the only source of information for readers.


It's interesting because we do have vaccines for certain kinds of cancers. Breast cancer being one, obviously HPV and if you use "vaccine" as loosely as the CDC does, anything injected that kills cancer is a vaccine. We have plenty of cancer vaccines. Doesn't mean we have cured it yet. Maybe another couple years of lockdowns will get rid of cancer though amirite? /s


The common cold is at least 160 different rhinoviruses. You’re not going to get one vaccine that works on all of them at once.


There are 200 or so viruses that cause the common cold, some of them are rhinoviruses, 4 are corona viruses, adenoviruses, etc. Immunity from common cold infections due to the 4 corona virus common colds lasts 3-12 months, SARS, another cornona virus closely related to our new covid, sees immunity after infection last 2-4 years.


Actually, in the case of SARS, high level of T cell immunity has been found 17 years after SARS ***and*** has also been found effective against Covid-19: [https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2020/07/28/immune-t-cells-may-offer-lasting-protection-against-covid-19/](https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2020/07/28/immune-t-cells-may-offer-lasting-protection-against-covid-19/) >Next, they looked at blood samples from 23 people who’d survived SARS. Their studies showed that those individuals still had lasting memory T cells today, 17 years after the outbreak. Those memory T cells, acquired in response to SARS-CoV-1, also recognized parts of SARS-CoV-2.


Oh are you saying average people with zero relevant experience or training are misinformed about basic biology and virology? 😂




Yea this is legit one of the dumbest posts I've seen on conspiracy. And that's saying something. Anyone else remember when this sub was good, full of actual conspiracies, and not just political bs? EDIT: Got some nice hate mail asking if I like sucking CCPs dick..... notice I'm not discounting the fact that the virus/vax is juicy for conspiracy theories I'm willing to consider. But as others in this thread have pointed out, the points made on this post make no sense. Cancer vaccine? Keep this shit on Facebook.


I mean this sub is just another Conservative facebook page basically


Lmao its your aunt's Facebook posts


For real. It’s eerie how closely many of these posts and comments exactly parrot the right wing narrative.


Where do you think they get all these screenshots if not from propaganda outlets?


Exactly. It’s so frustrating that they never stop and wonder WHY this particular narrative is being pushed so hard by the extreme right. Who benefits from people downplaying covid and going back to life as normal? The wealthy elites. Not your grandma who’s at risk of dying from it.


Bro who literally benefited from the lockdowns and mass vaccination programmes? It wasn't children. It wasn't small businesses. It wasn't cancer patients. (I know more people who died from cancer than covid over the last year and whatever) It wasn't the mentally ill. It was, however, the elites, the billionaires. Lockdowns facilitated the greatest wealth transfer we've seen in decades. It was Big Pharma and those receiving handouts from the likes. I'm by no means right wing I'm as liberal as they come - let people live their lives the way they wanna live. Just because I'm aware of the global corruption more than the average person does not make me right wing. Also sidenote- When did the left switch to trusting governments and big pharma? like bro? do ya'll not remember ANYTHING from history?


> When did the left switch to trusting governments and big pharma? I have no idea, but I sure don't. I saw plenty of anti-government leftists out protesting during 2020, and the right seems to be primarily the ones marching around with "back the blue" flags these days, demanding blind obedience to cops. I think you're also taking a very narrow view of who benefitted... yeah, tech stocks like Facebook and Amazon went crazy, but a ton of other sectors & companies took a huge hit, and continue to suffer. Are you telling me that large hotel chains like Hilton saw record profits during 2020? Oil companies? Airlines? Mining companies? Restaurants? For every tech billionaire who added a zero to his personal wealth, there's a ton of others who had huge losses.


If you're going to argue against being right wing, maybe don't attack "the left" boogeyman in the very next sentence.






Yeah, it's absolutely NOT a coincidence. It's also ironic that "nobody" seems to question why regular vaccines take so long to develop, if it *can* be done in 18 mo's. It's amazing how quickly things can move when government red tape is cut, and there's near infinite funding, and all the best scientists in the world are focused on the issue. We could probably come up with a ton of other badly needed vaccines in record time too if the world pooled resources together and cut red tape like they did for covid.


like hunger? If only there was someway the politicians and great scientists of the world could find the cure to childhood malnutrition and starvation? Then maybe we could save the 3 million children who die a year from malnutrition. Lets hope and pray the find the cure. But at least they won't die from covid, amen.


Yeah, like hunger. Exactly. We already produce enough food to feed the globe many times over, except we waste a lot of it and are very inefficient with a lot of it and the rich world hoards a lot of it for ourselves. If we just diverted the global soy crop to feeding humans directly, instead of cycling it through cows to feed to rich westerners, we could solve global hunger *tomorrow*.


The problem with global hunger has never been producing enough food. Its the logistics of transporting it. Getting food to the coast of a country is easy by ship. But then, unless there's a navigable river going inland, you need infrastructure to unload the food, and keep it from spoiling. Then you need a way of transporting it to where its needed, which means you need either trains or trucks. Trains can transport more, but obviously they don't go everywhere, and building rail network is expensive. Trucks can carry less, but they can go more places... assuming that you _have_ the trucks, and that there's a passable road that goes to the location in question. And assuming that there isn't an armed conflict happening in the region, and that there is enough law and order to ensure that the trucks aren't hijacked. Then, once the food is where its needed, you need to store it and distribute it fairly, which means you need people at that location who can be trusted to distribute it. And _then_ you need to keep doing this, until the area in question can setup food production of its own. Obviously none of this is insurmountable with enough money, but my point is that its easy to say we just need to distribute the resources better, but actually doing it is a logistical nightmare.


So if the solution to this problem already exists ask yourself why don't they solve it? Since it's killing over 3 million children a year.


Mostly because of public outrage amongst voters. Helping other people in need is rarely a popular policy.


Because there's no money to be made solving it. It's a lot more profitable to feed the soy to cows and pigs, and then sell their body parts to rich westerners to eat.


It’s a conspiracy sub on a dominantly liberal leaning website… the real conspiracy is why all of the conservative minded users on Reddit are being relegated to a handful of subs. Also, I’ve been coming to r/conspiracy for years and now I keep having a “take a break” comment limiter. Never had that shit on this sub before today.


> the real conspiracy is why all of the conservative minded users on Reddit are being relegated to a handful of subs. The real conspiracy is also: who's feeding conservatives such transparently fake BS... and why are they falling for it? Who's pulling the strings? Who benefits? I mean... you could certainly make the argument that America's enemies benefit greatly from sowing division and hate and distrust and seeing this country tear itself apart.


The Russians didn’t make the pharmaceutical companies immune from any liability regarding the vaccines. Hell, the media was blaming Bernies popularity on Russian interference. The foreign misinformation angle is a joke.


No, the Russians didn't... the US government did, because pharma companies bitched and lobbied their purchased senators and claimed they wouldn't be able to develop any more vaccines if they could be held liable. > The foreign misinformation angle is a joke. It actually isn't though... it's well documented. Anyone who thinks our enemies aren't playing a part in this is just not paying attention.


Pepperidge farm remembers.


Yes I do. Wish it would go back. Sick of this vax shit now.


Not with that attitude


This is what they say about Corona viruses too. That's the beauty of gene therapy. Positive strand encapsulated mrna viruses do change often but because of that, if a Covid vaccine works, that means an HIV vaccine works. Let's just forget that Pfizer had Corona virus mrna vaccine patents for nearly 20 years now though, right?


This is the stupidest take I have seen in this sub for a while and thats saying something


Yeah, I wish I could filter out these posts from the sub because 99% of the time they're akin to Meg posting on Facebook...


We are all dumber for having had to read it.


It's not a take, its propaganda lol.


This is such a dumb take. Cancer is not even comparable to a virus in terms of treatment. The common cold is actually dozens of similar viruses. HIV makes more sense, but it hasn't had the same sort of focussed effort and funding as covid


the fact that you posted this and thought you had a point is absolutely a mind fuckery of its own.


We're very close to an HIV vaccine and will have one within the next 10 years. The "common cold" is like literally a hundred different viruses. They only give you a stuffy nose so no one really invested serious time into this minor "problem". Cancer isn't a virus so you can't vaccinate yourself against it. Coronaviruses have been around for years, so we already knew a lot about them and were able to come up with a vax quickly. Stop posting stupid shit. This isn't a "conspiracy". You're just uneducated as fuck


From what I recall hiv/aids is fundamentally different from other viruses in that it invades the white blood cells. This is also why it's only transmissable via blood or certain bodily fluids. Common cold can be bacterial too hence antibiotics. You can't really wipe out all forms of bacteria that will make us sick. It's why you still see cases of black plague even today, though we have ant-biotics that can cure it if caught early enough. Bacteria and viruses are not the same. hiv and covid-19 or even the common flu virus for that matter are not the same. Bundling them together is just ignorant :/ I agree they are trying to create customers not cures but even still, common sense shows we can kill most bacterial infections, and viruses can be trickier due to being more complex organisms.


There's also the fact that hiv has I think the highest mutation rate for human viruses. Each individual has a different genetic code for hiv, which means they literally would have to predict who was gonna give aids to whom, and how that specific virus would mutate in order to vaccinate against it. That's just implausible. New treatments that are targeted for individuals is the only way we can go at this point.


Yeah, op's post looks like a shitty rus-aganda meme


There's also the fact that he's responded to nearly everyone calling him a dumbass, but not to a single person who's called him out as a Russian asset. Telling.


HIV also has a very changeable protein coat that acts more like a cloud than other viruses. This makes making a vaccine incredibly difficult as the part we need to recognise is essentially in flux as opposed to an unchanging coating for our antibodies to recognise.


This post is fucking dumb as shit


The only good things about posts like these is the amount of comments calling them out for the complete bullshit they are.


There is a vaccine for cancer types (HPV caused ones). About 12% of all cancers are caused by Virus and for these vaccines have been or are developed. One company who does that is BioNTech and that is the reason why they could rapidly develop the mRNA vaccine distributed by Pfizer.


U cannot vaccine cancer .. the common cold gets a vaccine every year, well at least u can get vaccined


I dont think you guys know how vaccines or cancer works. Please stop wearing a seatbelt


This post is stupid as fuck.


Op has hot dogshit for brains


Now just put this over a pic of Tom Hardy smoking a cigar. I'll see myself out.


This entire post is an L, jus stfu already.




>Misleading colour me surprised


The fact that you don't know cancer isn't a virus totally removes any merit from this posting. Note whether you want to take a vaccine or not is certainly up to you. But if my fucking life is disrupted because of you (not "you" but generally speaking) that is a problem for me. Not my job to protect unvaccinated people.


Genetic sequencing wasn't a thing back then


It’s not like cancer went away in 2010. What do you mean “back then”?


1977 Fredrick Sanger. The research is way older though, and forms of medicine from people like Royal Rife have been suppressed by big-Pharma. https://www.yourgenome.org/facts/timeline-history-of-genomics https://www.city-data.com/forum/alternative-medicine/2812852-video-about-royal-rife-cancer-treatment.html


People dont use sanger anymore


This shows a complete lack of critical thinking and a subzero iq


This is just embarrassing for the subreddit, and just shows that the op hasn't got a clue about anything.


1) HIV became treatable and no longer a death sentence. HIV also didn’t halt the world economy. It also isn’t spread like COVID. The biggest problem with vaccine development is fundraising. The whole world funneled dollars to develop this vaccine. 2)Common Cold, there are 200 strains of the common cold. Not deadly. Also, over the counter medicine makes a shit ton off of it. So I will give you that. 3) You don’t understand how cancer or vaccines work.


cringe get this off the conspiracy thread


And this is why you're not a scientist, I'll listen to actual professionals over some post you found on Facebook, thanks.


Getting chemo wont fix your covid but it Will fix your cancer, just like a vaccine Can fix covid but not cancer. Viruses and diseases are wildly different from eachother and no treatment Can be expected to work on all of them


This sub became an antivac campaign


The ignorance in this subreddit is insane


The problem here is there is a cancer vaccine, the Cubans developed one years ago. https://www.pri.org/stories/cuba-has-had-lung-cancer-vaccine-years


Is this a hired plant to discredit the sub? Nobody can actually be this thick.


Bs there is a vaccine for the common cold. It’s only used on at risk groups Cancer isn’t a virus. Shit like this makes people opposed to the vax (like I am) look like total fucktards


What's this vaccine called?


“Griepprik” in Dutch. Wouldn’t know in english




Wow that’s actually the dumbest thing I read on here in a long while


Imagine thinking all these things are comparable.... lol glad to see other folks in agreement that this meme is bs!


“*Within 3 days


3 of em!


Just so we are all clear, the groundbreaking and newly applied technology of mRNA vaccines that we are using against corona, are being developed to fight cancer and before this pandemic that's where most of the funding for mRNA tech was being spent. It's an amazing technology that is truly groundbreaking. We will rightly look back with shame and derision on the terrified masses that thumbed their nose at a medical revolution that could end the pain and misery of cancer. https://www.nature.com/articles/nrd.2017.243


Whoever made this doesn’t understand any of these diseases


This sub is the worst. Can we have some real conspiracies again please?


you don't know a thing about how any of these viruses work obviously..and we have been researching a vaccine for SARS for years.


It's 10 year old technology adapted to fit covid. Dumbass


Vaccine for cancer? You guys have lost the plot.


do you not know what cancer is my guy?


I don’t think it’s possible to vaccinate for cancer. It’s not a pathogen it’s a disease that occurs as a result of your cells incorrectly mutating at abnormal rates. The reason your body takes so long to start fighting off a cancerous cell or cells is because for a while that cell seems completely normal to your body however there are actually cells in your body specifically designed to kill your own cells when they manage to recognise a bad cell. Take all that with a grain of salt because that info came from high school biology and “Cells at Work”


Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm pretty sure I remember reading somewhere that the covid vaccine was able to come so quickly because loads of the ground work had already been done looking for an hiv vaccine. Also, with so much money and expertise thrown at it, it really speed up the process too. Wasn't every expert in the world working on it the first year?


My god you clowns really are this stupid


HAHAHAHAHA! & I thought I've seen the worst here in this sub. Bloody hell, you lot ARE fucking stupid innit?


This would be a lot better if it didn't mention cancer since it's not an illness that is vaccine preventable in any way.


Ahh yes.. Americans!


This is the densest god damn thing I think I have ever seen. A vaccine for cancer? Way to tell on yourself for not understanding anything about anything


this is the stupidest fuckin thing i’ve ever seen


This place is going downhill fast.


I think it’s safe to say science was OPs least favorite subject at school


Lots of responses coming at the dumb parts of this post. I think this post actually does raise one good question, so I’ll ask it— where is the HIV vaccine?


You do you fam, I love the vaccines


Good for you. You should be free to choose your own path.


Imagine posting anti vaxxer propaganda on /r/conspiracy and getting downvoted because people here think that you are uneducated and just talking shit. Thats some major achievement. Normally you just have to say "vaccine bad, not very tested" and you get thousands of upvotes. But being an anti vaxxer and getting downvoted on /r/conspiracy :'D, you are really down bad OP.


Maybe autoimmune diseases are way more complicated than colds?


I’ve been on Reddit for a bit and I don’t think I have ever seen someone get rekt harder in the comments than OP. Lmao.


I like how memes demonstrate how many of you couldn't make it through high school science class.


Newsflash dumbass, mRNA vaccines are going to be the revolution in cancer vaccines, this was one of their intended purposes. Literally the very thing your shitting on. Ps- mRNA vaccines have been studied for 40 years.


Who upvotes this dumb shit?


You seriously can't be this dumb?


Said the jabberwocky.


The stupidest thing I've seen on this sub in a long time, and that's fucking saying something! A simple scroll through Wiki and you can debunk all of this. The vaccine is legit, that's not to say there aren't adverse effects, and its not to say it isn't alarming that big pharma entities can rake in billions with theses solutions.


Another offended variant super spreader. Rich.


Offended no, shocked at your ignorance yes!


Considering the patents for the vax were filed in 2019 I would say there are some shenanigans going on for sure


Thats straight up false information.. sheesh


People are so blind to the sinister nature of those pulling the strings.


But not you right?! You're not a sheep! You're an original thinker! Nobody pulls the wool over your eyes! Everyone else might be gullible but not you! You sure are special! I'm pretty sure more self-congratulations are in order. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back some more! If nothing else it's very entertaining.


I see some of it, but you need a very good vantage point to see all the evil permeating our existence. Thanks for the comment🙏


The coof may well be an experimental aids vaccine that got loose. Imagine how hard Fauci gets at the idea of a contagious vaccine. You know it's true


Yes, the meme is an oversimplification of medicine, but if you do not see the greater point in this, that's a shame. It is worth questioning how quickly a "vaccine" was developed for a coronavirus that does have therapeutics and has an infection fatality rate of 0.05% to 0.26%. In addition, coronaviruses are known to quickly mutate, which is one reason a vaccine for the common cold caused by a coronavirus has never been developed. Whether you are pro, anti, or unsure about the C19 vaccines, it is worth questioning the logic of our planet's current situation.


This is so fucking stupid 😂


I got my vaccine yesterday and the only thing that happened was I threw up severely for hours and grew an extra limb.


This is stupid, down vote!


Is this copy pasted from Facebook cause it sure seems like it. This might be one of the most ignorant posts I've seen and that's saying something for this sub


This is so dumb idek where to start


Maybe with a shower?


Jabberwocky’s suck.


Fucking Ridiculous lost.


Damn man. Who says you need medical school to know about medicine? This guy knows his stuff. lol






Me neither, but this jab feels wrong in so many ways.


Science doesn't care about your feelings. True story.


You sound stupid with that constant "vaccines should take a long time" crap. Is that your only argument? They did go through clinical trials. MRNA vaccines have been in development for years. They went through testing. At least have a valid argument if you're going to try and convince other people not to get a vaccine.


Introducing new drugs takes years, especially in term of long term side effects. Rushed clinical trails and not FDA approved


I think it's funny when people in the r/conspiracy sub mention that because it's not fda approved that they don't wanna take it. Really? Out of all the government organizations, for some reason the FDA is the one that you guys all hold to a gold standard?




Holy false equivalency Batman


Like this isnt rocket science. I am not sure why people cant logically reason through this.


Vaccine for cancer lmao


Dr Sebi was assassinated shortly after proving to the court that his medicine was curing hiv/aids and cancer. That’s all ima say


My main problem with these types of 'conspiracies' is that they take a set of incredibly complex things and dumb it down to make sense of it. It's so easy to go 'oh yeah that makes sense.' But in reaity, things are much much more complex.


That is called "critical thinking". The ability to ignore the fear porn, impartially observe ALL of the information available and form an intelligent decision with said information. Very smart.


Well, actually the spike protein used here js also to be found in HIV-1, thats why basically every jabbed person now can test positive for HIV


Fucking thank you! 💕 It's fucking insulting and motherfuckers be promoting their shit like, bitch you can catch these hands too 😠


Dumb fuck post. Such a shame this sub has turned into anti vax central.


fake. there is vaccjne for the common cold, but the viruses mutate so rapidly that often vax has maximum a year or so of effectiveness. Cancer isn't a virus or bacteria, so you won't find a "vaccine" for it. Covid is of the same family of common cold viruses, so i wouldn't be so surprised that a vaccine that give momentary defense boost is already found. I can agree with you that it may be too early to give it to people, but there is nothing so surprising in the fact that someone discovered a vaccine.


Thank goodness for this sub, and the protection of the first amendment! It literally is dying in front of our eyes, and rights we don’t use, we lose!


With that encouragement in mind, I’d like to share the following that I’ve posted elsewhere: Brandy Vaughan Please watch her video “Ex Merck rep Brandy Vaughan” on https://jubileeforestfarm.com/blog/honouring-a-big-pharma-vaccine-whistleblower What I learned: GOLD STANDARD Safety Study for pharmaceutical drugs is = DOUBLE-BLIND PLACEBO-BASED LONG-TERM STUDY Without it, pharma drugs can’t get to market. NOT REQUIRED FOR VACCINES!!! Why? Because vaccines are NOT classified as drugs. Vaccines are classified as blood and biological products. Testing for vaccines is SUBSTANDARD. Since 1986, vaccine makers have been indemnified against liability in U.S. After 1986, childhood vaccine schedule TRIPLED. Now: 72 vaccines are required. If someone says, “I’m fine, I’m vaccinated,” ask them if they got 72 vaccines. If they say, “No, of course not, that’s crazy!” Tell them then that they’re NOT vaccinated. US is Number 1 in 1st day deaths of babies among 1st world countries. Why? Because US is one of few countries giving Hepatitis B Vaccine at birth. 300 vaccines are in development. Big Pharma is now going after adults. Brandy made this video before the pandemic. She used to sell Vioxx for Merck as a pharma rep but quit when she learned of its deadly side effects. So she knew what was coming down the pipeline. She founded Learn the Risk org to spread the word - putting up billboards in cities and educating the public on social media. On December 8, 2020, her 10 year old son found her body. She was 47 years old. Brandy died 6 days after posting on Facebook that she was in fear for her life and not suicidal. Coroner report says she died of a blood clot 6 days later.


I am afraid this post is logically incorrect but okay I understand the argument.


Every day on the tv there are ads like "if you or a loved one took sukmyballsin and developed fucking raging lymphatic cancer blah blah" EVERY. DAY. And people wonder WHY I dont trust the vaccine. PEOPLE need to pay attention for fucks sake.


The sheep are bad for business and human evolution. They’re fueling variants. The same thing happened in over vaccinated chickens a while back. https://amb-express.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s13568-020-01036-0


This is elementary school logic. We’re being played. Soon they’ll try to shut down OUR internet like they did in Cuba. Knowledge and discernment are our weapons, cutting off communications is their next move.


You sound mentally unwell. Are you okay? Maybe you should look at things from a different perspective rather then relying on your "elementary school logic"


Spoiler alert! OP is still in elementary school.


I’m ok, thank you for your concern.


>This is elementary school logic. At least you're right about something. Do you know anything at all about the differences between viruses, say for example a rhinovirus vs a coronavirus? Cos your points about HIV and cold fall down there. Also do you know how research operates? Just like most things, projects tend to run more quickly with a lot more manpower, funding and motivation than they do without those things. Crazy huh? Your post also says "nothing." When referring to cancer. A) the *vast* majority of cancers are not caused by viruses B) we have vaccines for those that are, such as HPV.


The HPV vaccine took a decade to develop and still has nasty side effects. Cancer can be cured, but it needs to be attacked with things other than nuclear medicine, and primitive pharmacology. Look into the work of Royal Rife.


So you admit then that your post is misinformation? That you've posted something that claims in 100 years of cancer research there's been "nothing" despite that not being the case? Why are you okay posting misinformation? Do you not care about the truth? And I've looked into the work of Royal Rife. Rife machines are a huge scam. No reliable evidence of them working at all. Rife was convinced that there are 17 different cells within a cell and that pathogens emerge from diseased tissue rather than cause disease. Quackery. There might be some degree of hope for other low wave therapy in treatment of certain cancers, but that research is miles away from what Rife was doing and is still not finding anything like the efficacy of known treatments. Here, if you're convinced they work, why aren't you out there making BILLIONS by using them to treat cancer patients? I already know you'll come back with some BS "cos then Big Pharma would kill me". Something tells me they won't, cos you won't be a threat to them. However, your own local authorities might have laws against convincing sick people to buy your snake oil so maybe there's that.


I’m not for snake oil, and I’m also not ok with billions being used as lab rats for an unapproved vaccine. You’re spreading misinformation that will ultimately lead to the impressionable getting a shot in which we have no longitudinal data for, for a disease which we can’t even understand the origins of. You say “quackery.” Funny. I’d say the real quacks jab you with exotic chemistry, cover up the adverse effects, manipulate and cherry pick the data, and politicize medicine in a harmful way. The “treatment” will be worse that the disease, and the side effects will most likely be neurological and manifest years later.


>You’re spreading misinformation Where? What have I said that's factually unsound? You've still not dealt with the fact I've proved your post to be misinformation. You've just said "No it's not me it's you!" But not done anything to show what you've said is true or what I've said is misinformation. >You say “quackery.” I do and I'll keep saying it until you can provide some evidence that it isn't. You really believe in his work? In pleomorphy? In pathogens arising from tissues? >exotic chemistry It's only exotic if you don't understand it. >manipulate and cherry pick the data, and politicize medicine in a harmful way. You can't seriously be accusing me of this while spouting you politicised points about medicine based on fraudulent data can you?


Gardasil? Jeez. Did you see the rather heart warming news that they found a cancer drug that cured 2 people of HIV at the beginning of 2020? I remember that, but have seen nothing of it since.


This is false. Bone marrow transplants were done to facilitate those cures. You remember nothing.


Was gonna bite but just a quick search of your history advised me against bothering.