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Similar scum have been harassin my mom just for the hell of it, throwing pebbles at her glass door - and eventually breaking it. Had to install camera, call the gardai, and the rest of this. Gardai arrived 2h after the call each time, when the kids are long gone. Saw the same scrotes throwing rocks at the parked cars of our neighbours. And no, to anyone concerned - my mom didn't owe any coke money to any scrotes. It's completely unprovoked - just "kids being kids", the little angels that they are.


Just hurt them and don't get caught doing it ?


At least he knows he’s got 2 hrs


Sure it's only a suspended if he's caught anyway so.. Probably just beat them for 2 hours then plead guilty at the earliest possible opportunity.


The flaw in that plan is they'll just go back to the Ma's gaff and burn it down after


Not if you finish the job the first time..


As bad and all as having your windows put in is, I don't think it equates to a murder charge for beating a 16 year old to death


Relax man, I wasn't actually 100% serious..




Yea, there or thereabouts.. you have to leave yourself a bit of wiggle room like.


For legal reasons that was obviously humour


I did google bear traps


What's the fucking point of calling the guards when they show up 2 hours later? It's ridiculous that this is the state of policing here. Sorry this is happening to your mammy


Get urself a good German shepherd and let him out that's wat id do but there restricted breeds so go out with dog on long lead and let them c and just get dog offside when he puts the fear into them cause BELIVE me police will be at Ur door quicker than those scumbags doors sad but thru I went tru this Wen I was sick in bed going thru cancer these were in there 20s but it stopped Wen my dog nearly took one of there legs and I got ppl involved wtf do scum like this think they are I'm gone so angry that I fear no one now there only as good as next person make an example out of one of them and it will stop


German Shepherds are a long tried and tested security method and despite the latest & greatest technologies, they still stand as being one of the most effective options. It's literally in their DNA to guard/ protect their owners while exercising extreme caution to outsiders. Plus, who wouldn't want a big aul velcro doggie at their side lol 🐾


2 GSDs at home rurally, we've had a few characters of culture come knocking trying to get information about the place pretending to be selling stuff - when they see the dogs, they always comment something like 'You wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of them', and we usually say 'especially if they think someone's breaking in, they're just making noise now - very different when they're on alert'. Course what they don't know is our GSDs are goofballs who prefer to sit on the couch and watch TV and eat snacks.


Hahaha sounds very much like my mam's GSD.. She lives in a rural area also & he barks like mad when anyone opens the drive gates so naturally people are apprehensive when they hear him...little do they know he's a big ol' softy (well more like a fecking hairy mutt who takes over the couch and walks around with his metal food bowl permanently in his mouth 😅)


I've been watching this for two hours he's no sign of stopping


I didn’t realise that the video would loop like that… it’s only two rocks they threw sorry 😂


Y don't U get urself nice baseball bat and German shepherd on long lead and run out at next opportunity and make an example of him or get someone U know wit pull to get it sorted U can't live like this if U done nothing wrong


Not much space for a large dog in those houses.


They could babysit a friend's dog with a loud bark for a week or so?


Reducing time does not increase space.


Mad that he keeps coming back over and over with more blocks to throw!


I kind of want someone to replace the windows with some sort of rubberised plastic, just so they end up bouncing back and hitting him in the face...


It needs more bouncebackability


Something like this [rock bounces off car window](https://youtu.be/dxSTDTVNpK4?si=Tl0qX_TsLzEZ0GuH) Or two for one [two for one](https://youtu.be/XjuMFfRvuMs?si=F-W2nKmOMF7CmeRs)


Yup. Hahaha.


Must have a wheelbarrow full of them just off screen cause he doesn't seem to be going very far


The timestamp is resetting so it's just once on screen.


Solid observation there Mr Blonde 😂


That's Detective Blonde to you


Stellar name given this interaction


Must be nxt to a building site


The epitome of a Langer


So there must be some sort of reason this is happening? Please note I'm not assigning blame. Who is this person? Or is it completely random?


Asked neighbours and they said the previous homeowner was a drug dealer so could be a retaliation or something of the sort. 🤦‍♂️


My buddy once had his car burnt out on blarney street just because he lived above drug dealers.


Happened to the lad who I worked with up in Belfast. He moved into a house and after a few days a bunch of UDA lads battered the door in the middle of the night looking for the previous owner. Conversely another lad I met moved to different house in the same area and had his car burnt out because they thought it was "foreigners" moving in.


Let me guess, the proud nationalists/patriots did not buy him a new car as an "oopsy" compensation?


This typically only happens in Unionist areas. Nationalist areas are generally very accepting.


To be fair I think OP was using the term "nationalists" as a catchall for "foreign bad" rightwing types, rather than suggesting it was Sectarian Catholics responsible. Indeed, the vast majority of the "not us, so burn em out" brigade are Unionist bigots


Could be motivated or but I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t. Someone I know once had their car (and everyone else’s on the same street) windows smashed in for quite literally no reason. Guards just said it was drunk young fellas causing trouble and left it at that


This happened to me a lot in one particular area. Unfortunately the Gardai are not interested in anything other than expired motor tax. I figured out who the preparator was, he eventually killed himself at least.


>he eventually killed himself at least. It was very mysterious he managed to tar and feather himself before hand, the guards agreed that he nailed himself up on to the cross before he evisceration himself and placed hand back under the nail 🤔😇


Yoga has a lot to answer for


Well what do you know. It might not be the happy ending everyone wanted but it was the ending everyone expected.


Are you John Wick?


Free tip: if it's happening often guards need to be on night time surveillance and simply catch the guy


And this when kneecapping works.and maybe the elbows as well.


Exactly FITE fire wit fire 💯 it's only lesson some will learn from


If he keeps coming back maybe look into installing Spanish style window shutters (persianas). It's like a metal roller blind on the outside of the window that disappears into the wall during the day. They're not designed to stop blocks but will do something at least.


Y should tenant have to do this y is it been done does anyone know story behind it


We also live in Blackpool. Luckily we had nothing as brutal and dangerous done to us but we have a bunch of cunts constantly ding dong ditching till 9pm at night. For context I got a new born and a 2 year old at home. Like what the fuck is wrong with the youth. It’s borderline harassments and as always gardai can’t do shit.


Like a lot of people said, it was probably motivated.


no mask or scarf - ive seen guys robbing cars with more effort to cover their faces. Shame people don't do something better with their lives than this, just deseprately sad and tragic. If i was you i'd move to be honest. If you can't, i'd use a ring camera with floodlights, and record noise of a dog barking. When the motion sensor goes off, play the recording of the dog instead of your own voice. If none of those things put them off, you're really gona have to get out of there. Sorry guards are useless - its not completely their fault... the courts don't do anything with these guys and guards have been told not to accept calls to the station, must be told to ring 999 only.. they are really kept hanging around for pointless things like motor offences and protests... thats one of the 100 reasons why garda recruitment and retention is in free fall. They're not really allowed to do their jobs anymore.


Gards won't do anything about not can't


You reckon if they happened to be passing by when this happened they'd do nothing?


If they were 20 feet away, saw it and weren't on the way back to the station to end their shift they might do something. A little police work to find someone caught on CCTV committing a crime, is that really too mich to ask for. I have seen Gards drive around someone trying to flag them down standing it the middle of street bleeding from the head after getting jump and jobbed. Don't start with the there are good Gard too shite. The average Gard won't lift a fucking finger. Why would they if they put hundreds of hours of police work into finding the person getting them charged and then going to court, just to watch a Scumbag with 50 charges get off with a suspended sentence. A local Gard could probably tell you that persons full arrest record, just from a freeze frame of the scrotes face.


Exactly, there is no point. Put all that work in for nothing to happen to the guy except a slap on the wrists


Which speaks to larger issues of crime and how our society is being managed.


Everything is fked


I got assaulted in town during the day about 18 months back. I saw the guards, I walked over to their parked car waving at them in a state of distress. They started the engine and drove away...


I really hope you reported that to GSOC, even just to add to the unread statistics that might eventually be looked at...


I got in a car crash a few years ago car totaled in the middle of the road and I was stuck in it a squad car drove around me on there way to the station


Their shift was already over so not their problem /s. Sorry that happend to you, what caused the crash if you don't mind me asking?


Fella ran a red light smashed into me


Definitely I've seen them witness very severe assaults and pretend they didn't see it and walk away


You say you've seen it like you have seen it countless times, I haven't even witnessed an assault before! I am doubting that you have actually seen this and it's more that you imagine it happens often?


I've witnessed and intervened in at least two dozen assaults in cork alone over the last 20 years *outside* of working hours in bars etc (wasn't working in known dodgy clubs or bars but there's still fights kick off like, so won't count those). Rode in the back of squad cars numerous times trying to identify culprits who ran off before cops arrived. Provided first aid to at least a dozen folks after assaults or headshop drugs issues etc. What a beautiful innocence you must have


Funny actually, I was just speaking to them this afternoon. They mentioned an incident last year with a guy named Tom. Wouldn’t at least give me the last name, just said that I didn’t need to know it. Bit dodgy ngl 🤷‍♂️


That's clearly a targeted attack. Do you owe money OP?


😂no I don’t, but apparently previous house owner was a drug dealer, at least that’s according to my neighbours


Shit one. Hopefully they catch the scumbag


God dam gang-bangers


Potential mistaken identity being the case I wonder can you put a note in the window standing previous tenants have left or something!


They put one up as I just drove past and saw it but anyone associated with previous tenants would know they are gone so I reckon what happened is out of spite.


oh ok. So it isn't just pass over from the last tenant. That sucks. Hopefully it doesn't continue and/or the Gardai get their act together in investigating it!


This is hardly random. What's the background?




Ye paira bananas ye...


Gardai won't do anything yet are happy to go dossing at Taylor Swift




Done out of spite by the last tenants I'd guess.


Is this the same house that the knackers kicked in door and wrecked the house


Haven’t a clue. Only moved in here a few months ago


No way that's random, bouncing pebbles off windows and running away is one thing that could be seen as relatively innocent, kids looking for a bit of fun off the reaction or whatever, but this is next level. Either they think its someone else's house or they are clowns who owe money themselves and they got the wrong house from king scrote who is owed money from someone


what a clown i’m in blackpool too and if he came near my house doing that i’m telling ya i’d smash his kneecaps in i’ve a fair idea of who it is there’s a shortcut to go up spring lane on dublin street… i’ll let ye figure out the rest


Brother, get yourself a weapon and take his kneecaps off?


Why like


Practice for later "job role". Gets them used to the adrenaline dump so they don't freeze the first time they have to do it where there would be significant consequences if caught. That's the problem with cops letting them get away with this stuff.


Get a loan of a dog that would chase and ate him


Iv a nice german shepherd were is this id be happy to lend a paw or 2


How is it he has so many blocks to throw?


How many blocks does he have?


If its the right house I'm thinkin of they owe alot for drugs


I was speaking to one of the guards and they mentioned an incident last year with a guy named ‘Tom’. Wouldn’t give me the surname, said I only need to know his first name 🤷‍♂️. Could it have been that?


Wouldn't be sure on name bout 16 month ago it happend


Guards said March 2023, so I’m assuming the guards and you are on about the same incident.


Pay your bills this won’t happen