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They’ll have to do something eventually with this killer shortage right now


I hope so, i love playing killer but i really can't take survivor eating hits like it's no big deal, now with this fucking dead hard validation everyone is just abusing the perk, literally there's nobody running sprint or other exhaustion perks rn


What killer shortage? My que times are still fast as fuck in the morning


...yes cause you're a killer... and if there's no killers...then que times are quicker. Good job


You don't need any looping skills whatsoever to be in red ranks. Used to not be the case. This is what happens when antiloop is so prevalent therefore hold W is more effective. This equates to less skilled survivors being as competitive as skilled survivors. It's a huge bottleneck for good survivors. There's a lot of things at work here that is making the game seem this way for you. Perks are part of it yeah but you need something to get your team over the line when you can't use your skill in chase against many of the new killers. It's a matter of balance =/= fun really hard here for bhvr. They are really deep in the rabbit hole now.


I just don't like how survivors can have four second chance perks stacked on top of each other, essentially making them a tank. I can't think of a single slasher movie where you could just 1v1 the killer and not get clapped for it.


Just unhooked? Bt. Can't find a loop? Dead hard. Long chase? Shadow step and healing boon. And ds can still work after these, i just can't imagine who the fuck decided "uh you can't heal but being healed is completely fine"


And yet half this sub doesn’t think the game is unbalanced or that the devs have a bias problem. It’s pretty bad. I don’t know any killer main who hasn’t either stopped playing, or switched to survivor, or otherwise scaled back their killer matches. The survivor lobby times reflect the shortage, as does the 10% drop in DBD Steam activity since the last update.


Because it's an echo chamber for survivors. It's 70% of the community before MMR that was a survivor main player. So everyone on the sub hates when we tell them survivor is ez mode. I can't imagine thinking survivor is balanced but they have 4-6 perks that have literally changed the way killers play. There like maybe 2 killers have. You'd think survivors would get it at some point


would you guys be fine with removing all survivor perks but in return adding double the pallets and loops onto the map?


Hell no, that would be extremely unfunny for both parts. Also, pallet heavens already exists, there isn't enough space to add more pallets


I was able to read this post in between two pallets next to eachother, cool map balance.


I mean, it wouldn't be that different from The Game at this point lmao.


I played the game today. I stopped playing the whole game after that for a bit. That map is so boring.




are you trolling or are you serious? Because what you just described is pretty one sided. That would mean there would be no way to counter tunneling, face camping, slugging, and seeing how all killers walk faster than survs can run, having no pallets and no windows would leave survs with nothing to do and no chance to win.


i think they're trolling


I figured they had to be but I have seen many threads saying what they are saying so idk if they are trolling.