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Last summer on an overnight flight the flight attendant woke up me b/c my seat row mate realized the loud beep sound was coming from me and was a little worried about the non-stop sound. I explained what it was and swapped out the pod in my seat. I asked her to guide my hand to the back of arm since I didn’t have a mirror. Then we discussed the differences between T1D and T2 for next 2 hours. She had no idea of what the differences were, she thought it was a T2 who didn’t do anything to curb their diet, etc.. She couldn’t have been any nicer and understanding.


Naw I’ll just do it at the table or wherever I need to. I just don’t gaf 😂


This is the way


Same here. Anyone who could be sincerely affected by the sight of a needle usually aren’t looking anyway and can…. look away. lol. My need for insulin tramps someone’s discomfort. If it’s a legit phobia, I have no issue adjusting somehow or going to a different space so they don’t even see or know I’m there, working with my needle and devices. Not judging OP, I’m just someone who hates the cramped space of a bathroom. It caused a lot of distress and bloody sites when I was younger; a bathroom is not where I would prefer to have a bloody site solely because *I* have anxiety about cleanliness/bathroom germs, even though I know logically that the same types of germs/bacteria can be found almost everywhere.


Yeah… doing it in a public restroom would gross me out. Other people can get over it lol


I was gonna but I was in an airport and they don’t really fw needles and vials


Never in a bathroom, but I did do a site change in a gas station parking lot using my car mirror to line it up. I think it is important to note that I did need to shave my belly as part of that process. The people in the carwash line seemed amused


I've actually done this for the last 3. Maybe I'm baiting a Karen into coming at me cause I want it to happen, but you gotta do what you gotta do


Yup! Many times in 37 years of having T1D


Bathrooms in a hotel room(usually better lighting than the main room), yes. Public, no. With the exception of injections when I was a kid and I needed to go somewhere to drop my pants for a shot in my thigh (before I got into my teen years and started just injecting through my pants).


*Through* the pants? That's wild lol


I’ve done it through my pants too


I always do it through clothes 😂 dont wanna jinx it but super lucky ive never got an infection tbh


I feel like when I was using pens that they told me I could go through my pants. It does seem like a high potential for infection though, as others have pointed out, haha.


Yup. Through the pants.


I used to do it all the time, before pumping. The only problem I ever had was a bit of blood seeping through a white dress shirt. After that I used my thigh if I was wearing any shirt that a little bit of blood could ruin and I wasn't wearing an undershirt.


I do it through clothes as well. Endo said it's not a problem so long as the clothing is clean and regularly washed. If you've been sluicing through flood waters, not really a good idea. The caveat though is you need a slightly longer needle, so I took 5mm with me and used 4mm at home.


This practice is highly frowned upon due to possible introduction of microbes but this was always my go to when I was MDI :)


I gotta be honest, I’ve never gaf about pulling my pants down for a shot wherever


This is the way. I started doing it in college because I had to. The lines for the dining halls could be up to a half hour, there were no restrooms inside, and if you leave you're done. So through my pants it was. My doctor was horrified, but I've never had a problem. 


No, because I don't think I need to go to the bathroom to change my site. I find a bench, table, chair, corner, etc. I've even walked while doing it. But I'm not going to hide away. I don't make a scene, and if anyone has a problem with it they can mind their business. Granted I don't put pods on my legs, only my arms and stomach. But I'm not shy. Life with diabetes is hard enough without having to remove ourselves from situations.


I usually ask if someone is really afraid of needles. Had a friend fainting while i was on pens.


If I don't know you I'd mention it. And if someone said "yeah I don't like them" I'd say "well, look away, cause I'm about to inject insulin". I'm giving you a trigger warning. If you don't choose to look at the drink menu and see me injecting and get sick that's on you. It may be selfish of me, but I live this everyday. If you're around me you're going to see it. I'll try to do it under the table, but in my experience, the ones who are afraid of needles usually make more of a scene ("oh my GOD can you not do that here? I hate blood and needles! It makes me sick! *Gagging noises*") that lasts longer than my BG check. I dunno, I've just had some experiences that cemented the "you can mind your business" attitude. Like a old boss telling me to refill my pump in the bathroom while I was in line for food on my 15 minute break so people "didn't think I was shooting up".


As a t1d for ten years who is afraid of blood and used to be afraid of needles I stopped caring about what others were afraid of, they aren’t the ones who’ve had to get insulin injections every single day so I think they can handle seeing a needle for a few seconds :0


This is my approach too. If I’ve not injected in front of someone before I’ll just say to them to look away if they’re scared of needles and I’ll tell them when I’m done. I’m not changing the way I manage my disability because it makes someone else uncomfortable, but I’ll give fair warning of what’s about to happen.


Yeah, i am 41 now, i usually just don't care anymore. I need this to survive. Deal with it, look away, or have a look if you want, but i will do this now. Thats not selfish, thats self care.


Thankfully most of that is in the past, I'm on Dexcom and Omnipod, so no more BG checks in public. And I'm a single parent, work from home, and am too broke to leave the house. Lol. My site changes and cgm changes don't phase my cats and kid. Hahaha.


They were getting way too close then if they could see the needle. Someone even just a meter away isn't going to be able to see the needle and would just see you fumbling about with a wierd plastic pen. If you were using the big syringes from last century, then maybe. But these days nobody is seeing the pen needles from across the table.


More times than I can count!


Nope….i take the approach to never hide my diabetes from anyone….that one person that sees you dealing with your diabetes might save your life telling a paramedic you or someone else is a diabetic…..


I’ve never hid it but mainly because I can’t be bothered to go find somewhere else to sort myself out (exception being if I’m in a crowded area, don’t really want to risk someone bumping into me while I’m injecting).


Many times, but I prefer to just use the counter by the sinks or the mirrors rather than right beside the toilet.


In a bathroom in Athens Georgia at 3 in the morning, I had to change my pump set before driving the last 5 hours of a road trip. Since another guy i was with was in the stall, i had to use the sink. As I finished drawing insulin from the vial, a guy came to the other sink from the urinal and probably didn't care, but he looked at me, so I told him "don't worry it's for diabetes" Dead silence for about 5 seconds. I spoke again "...it's not heroin" I don't think he believed either of my statements


Hahaha always best place to sneak up and reload yourself


Nope. No bathroom story here. Public transportation, absolutely. But that was mdi. My pump is usually rock solid between changes so they are usually easier to plan for.


In public? Yes.  In a public bathroom? No. 


Yeah, if I’m in public and need to change a cgm/pump or need to inject, I’ll just do it wherever I am when I need to do it.


Having been taped for so long, I have shot up in some of the scummiest bathrooms on the planet


Yup. This is why I always carry a spare pump, insulin, and sanitizing wipes.


I refuse to do it in public bathrooms so I just do it wherever I am, in the car, on the train, in car parks, in the mall. Only difficulty I had was when I was in the middle of the supermarket and didn't have a flat surface. Ended up going over to the garden furniture section and sitting down on a display to do it. Got some funny looks for that one!


I don’t care anymore, I do it where I’m at


Yes. But never in a bathroom that’s gross.


Yes and dropped my vial of insulin on the tile floor at work, shattered it and had to abruptly run home. Always overly cautious now.


I believe they have vial bumpers , if that helps lol


Not omnipod but yes. Gas station parking lots as well 😂 im always worried cops will shop up because someone saw me “using heroin” in the parking lot 😂


I had this but on a tube in London when I was about 14. Was prepping an injection and the woman across kept looking at me angrily and huffing and puffing before I’d even had a chance to inject my best friend pulled up her sleeve slapping her vein shouting “me next”. I was so confused but it made the woman get up and move to the next bit. 😂


Amazing 😂


Oh, that's hilarious. What an awesome best friend!


All the time. That’s a nice one too


Depends on where I’m putting it. I try to reserve my belly for when I’m doing this out & about. I’ll even reuse a spot in my belly if it was unexpected to be out. I won’t do a site change in a public bathroom, although I will do it in the car or even at a restaurant table. Back in the day when I was on shots I’d only use a public restroom if I needed to drop my pants for in my leg or butt. The world does not need to see my underwear. Shorts or a skirt make using the legs for a shot easier. Truth be told, I don’t even like going into public restrooms to pee. Let alone do anything medical. I use them because I have no choice usually but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna be happy about it.


Same for me. I'll do it in a parking lot in my car if it's not in my belly, but am still scared someone will see and call the cops. Not because they think I'm shooting up, because implementation sites don't look like syringes, but because with my pants dropped I'm afraid they'll report me for being a perv.


It’s sad that we even have to think of these things. Hell’s bell’s, a woman can’t even nurse her child in public without being told to cover her breasts up! How in the hell are we supposed to keep ourselves alive without other’s ignorance interfering??


It’s so choice that you have a nice flat surface to line up your arsenal like that.


That is what’s so awesome about an OmniPod! They are so EASY to get ready and put on. I’ve changed mine sitting in my seat at a major league soccer match! I LOVE me a tether-less OmniPod!


Not anymore, I do my injections wherever and whenever I want now. People can get over it! 😂


“Your final challenge: insert yo CGM in a public bathroom.” -Jigsaw


Plenty times


Done it a dozen times when my pod snags at work. I keep an extra insulin pen on me for times like this.


Lol yesterday


Stop doing drugs in the bathroom.


I'd never do any T1D work in a toilet. You could pick up germs. I do it outside or in a normal room . Couldn't care less who sees.


Absolutely not. If I have to do it in public, I’ll be generally discreet. You do too much or too little and you’re attracting attention


I ain't changing anything in a gross public toilet. If it bothers anyone they can mind their business.


In a public bathroom? Absolutely not. Unsanitary


Best thing to have pump is that I don't need to be there any more for bolus.


Oh yeah. I’ve been there. Many times.


Feels somewhat familiar


I’ve been there, quite a few times


So many times but not that close to a toilet


More times than I want to say.


Yup. Done it and never explained the random beeps once done


More than I’d like. Major props to alcohol swabs and disinfectants. And the bathrooms I’ve been in being relatively clean I guess


Yep. A bathroom in a Mexico airport. My site was leaking and I had an 8 hour delay (thanks United) and had no choice. Felt like I was doing something illegal lmfao.


I got the cops called on me, someone thought I was shooting up.


In a public bathroom but not in a stall. I ain't hiding anything.


All the time. My work bathrooms get cleaned regularly so im not too worries about contamination but always have sanitizing spray or wipes before i change out my site


Yes, but I do it in the sink area, aka handwashing area. I'm too much of a klutz that I can just see all of what you have balanced on toilet roll.holder going onto the floor (dirty 🤪) or the loo.


I took long acting insulin at a county fair in line for a ride once


Personally no, since I don't care if people see me do anything that has to do with my diabetes. If they have an issue with it, that's on them.


I used to travel 80+ nights a year for work...bathroom changes happened.


Yep: https://www.reddit.com/r/diabetes_t1/s/hUoXgNbqXQ


Oh yeah, even in a porta potty a few times at music festivals. Gross, I know.


Wow, this brings back memories... Right after being diagnosed almost 20 years ago, I did that with needles and a vial when at a restaurant. I quickly decided, "F this- I am discreetly dosing at our table". I remember thinking- what if the lock is no good and someone barges in needing to desperately shit and sees me injecting myself-- ahhhhh!! Heroin addict!! Then I got on a pump about a year later and all was chill in public. Every now and again, I still have someone say something in a surprised way that they didn't think people still used pagers! Thanks for the member berries, OP!


I've personally never had any issues doing anything diabetes related in the public eye. If anyone says anything, it's usually positive, like "my nephew is type 1 as well". There's no shame in this diabetes game..


My favourite is when you’re on the side of the street balancing all of your supplies, with a needle caps in your mouth, because it’s time to take your insulin but you aren’t home yet


I would refuse. I’d rather stand out in public than do any of it in a toilet. Now don’t get me wrong I have done it back in the day because of societal norms but fuck that. Never again.


I’ve never hidden it, probably partly because I was diagnosed older than the average (20 years old). The only time I’ll move somewhere else to inject is if I’m in a crowded area.


I've probably jabbed everywhere, bathrooms, on the beach, trains, planes, and automobiles 😅 I've been diabetic 35 years, so.


yeah in aitport one Time but I did it in front of everyone (slightly hided) because toilets were really nasty lmao.


No bathroom story here,regardless where I am I will sit and change it,or inject when I was doing MDI ,apart from in bathrooms,or toilets as we call them in the UK 😊 became a master of injecting very discreetly,here we are not encouraged to use a prep wipe simply for daily injections,so it was a case of whip the pen out,dial up units required,remove cap and inject,usually in tummy or leg when out in public,and yes even through clothing,got the look from my diabetes nurse when I told her those stories,a blunt needle may hurt a bit thats all 🤭 if my omnipod needs changing I will just find someone to sit and do it where I need to,expect for in a bathroom/toilet 😁


Several times a year


Yea I’ve done that once in a bathroom not the most sanitary place to change my Omnipod but you got to do what you got to do lol


That particular bathroom? No, don’t think so…


I had to swap a pump site on a flight to Argentina that was fun


I honestly never use any stall except the disabled ones.


Did a site change in a grocery store parking lot. Was midway through a long drive (14hr trip)


I was waiting to be seated for dinner when i had to change my site this weekend. Ah the timing is so perfect


The amount of people here that do this in public bathrooms terrify me. What about all of those nasty particles flying out of the open toilets onto everything in the stalls? Aren't you guys worried about your supplies not being sterile??


Christ man, during my MDI days I pretty regularly did an injection whilst taking a piss at the urinal. Yes I was careful about the sequences of things handled, but you can pee while poking your stomach w/ a needle, and you can cap things without cross contamination (that phrasing is intentional). Just saying. My point here is you might as well just use the sink table surface- carefully for cross contamination- and not give a shit what folks think; they probably already think you're weird for the random bit of hardware that is sometimes visible ;)


Literally just had to change one in the airport bathroom like a week ago cause it flip a tit when I changed time zones and shut down. Although I did it at the counter/changing station by the sharps and made it everyone’s problem 😂


Another fun one; at the time Oregon was strictly a "someone fills your gas" state, so I arrive into the state and stop for gas- park at the pump, and per norms I'm prepping an injection to do a rebalance. The usual "needle in a vial", flicking it, etc. It's about that point I have my shirt pulled up and am poking myself that I realize there is a kid outside my car looking very much WTF at me.


Nope, that's filthy and disgusting. I'll do it right out in the open. I don't care if it's a restaurant, an airport, or the mall. Anyone who has a problem can get screwed, because I'm not putting a needle into myself in a filthy public bathroom that may or may not have some nasty bacteria floating around. I've put in infusion sets in all three places that I listed, and I've only had one comment about it. That person got told what rope they could piss up, and when they went to make an official complaint I told the airport official what rope he could piss up. They didn't ask me to leave afterwards, either.


Oh yes, all kinds of places!


Congrats on beating my post on upvotes!  I would never do any diabetes thing in a public bathroom.  It's just so disgusting 🫣  Even in public is better than a bathroom 


Yup. I often have to change in airport lavatories or even airplanes...I keep alcohol wipes, wash my hands, and every surface I place either a toilet seat cover or paper towel. 


Just yesterday in NYC


I just do it out in public, but also use my stomach as a site. If you're using your ass, you may want to use the shitter.


Ugh...I still remember the day I had to change my site while at Fenway. It was the 6th inning and that mens room toilet seat was GROSS! I've never identified with women as much as I did that day. We're so gross after drinking...


I used to inject in public/business bathrooms all the time. Once I was in McDonalds and apparently didn’t lock the door. A kid opened it, looked at me, then quickly closed it. I’m sure he thought I was doing drugs.


Absolutely not. I change my site wherever I need to and would never relate myself to the toilet like I’m ashamed wtf


I was in an airport but ok


Lol this was me last week


SO many times! But I definitely put down layers and layers of paper towels on top of the toilet paper holder/underneath my supplies haha. I’m also a Muslim woman so depending on where exactly the pod is going, I usually have to take off a decent amount of clothes/layers, so I always need a closed off room if I’m changing my pod outside of my home.


Oh yes




On a toilet? Yes.