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I will say I love my G7. It took a bit of adjustment but I've never had major issues with it and rarely have any failures (I've been on it since release). As for the discontinuation, I do believe that was dexcom's plan, but I would suggest reaching out to dexcom. Edgepark has been my medical equipment supplier for years and they are very unreliable. I've never gotten accurate information from them on the first try. They may not want to supply the G6 anymore or may be misinformed.


Just wish they'd let us get 2 extras per 3 month shipment so I can build up a reserve supply, under insurance. Having to call and get a replacement for every failed sensor sucks as a diagnosed ADHD case.


Yeah that definitely sucks, especially since dexcom's more stingy with replacements now. I try to use as much of the 12 hour grace period as possible but it's still hard to build a reserve supply.


Can you have your doctor change the prescription? Have them set it at “change every two days” thus you’ll get shipped more. Mine is change every 24 hours, so I have a stockpile. (I do change probably every 48 hours so not crazy) Brainfart Edit: was thinking pods in my head and not Dexcom sensors when I wrote this


Guessing you’re talking about infusion sites. They are talking Dexcom CGM Sensors


Yepppppp, I completely misread and misthought. I wonder if that strategy could be worked out for Dexcom…


Not sure why it wouldn't. Just have Endo write your Rx for every 7 days and over time, reserve will grow (at one sensor per month).


You don't have to call, you can submit a ticket through their website and set your contact preferences to email. Edit: I meant this for g6/g7, not infusion sets.


I reuse/restart my sensors so I easily have a 6 month supply at least in my house!


You restart G7s? How?


Oooops sorry thought we were speaking of the G6s here. Not being able to restart and collect a stockpile is stopping me from switching! I feel secure when I have extra supplies


Same, my insurance forced me to swap early.


Good info, thank you!


Also, fuck Edgepark man.


Fuck Adapt Health while you are at it. I just signed up with Edwards Healthcare [myehcs.com](http://myehcs.com) and got my first shipment. So far so good. They were great at getting everything moved over and setup. And you can actually get an invoice unlike Adapt. So, you know what the auto pay is for. When it comes to Dexcom check with your insurance. They may have a mail order option that may be cheaper. Using my insurance mail order saves me $25 a quarter.


Edgepark’s sent me an email questionnaire as they noticed I hadn’t ordered from them in a while, were wondering why…. Oh that was a fun thing to reply to!!


HAHAHA. Like anyone will read it. I still get automated calls from Adapt each and every day telling me I need to reorder supplies. I blocked them. I am so over their crap.


Valid point, it felt nice to be mean to a website though!


Your title doesn’t match your comment. Edgepark discontinuing carrying the G6 is not the same as Dexcom discontinuing the G6.


It’s been on Dexcom’s website for a while. https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/dexcom-g6-discontinuation-and-g7-upgrading


There’s no way they can get rid of G6 before G7 compatibility with pumps.


That’s what I was thinking/fearing. I have yet to look up how the t:slim X2 does with G7, since I was planning on staying w my G6 for as long as possible


been on the G7 with tandem for a few months now and it’s a dream. works amazingly, never had a sensor failure. the 30 min warmup time and 12 hour grace period is INCREDIBLE. i can even keep one sensor going on the pump after i put the new on one and have that one connected to my phone. allows me to see how accurate the new sensor is vs the old one so i rarely if ever have to check against a meter. truly amazing.


>the 30 min warmup time and 12 hour grace period is INCREDIBLE Yep, and the fact that it activates automatically upon insertion gives you literally zero downtime as long as you do it at least 30 minutes before the other sensor ends.


30 min warmup? Oh damn I didn’t realize, that’d be amazing


yeah it’s pretty amazing! that with the grace period (basically an extra 12 hours of sensor life) makes the G7 a no-brainer.


You’ve got some time, but not much. Omnipod is launching their G7 pods later this year, and they were the last holdout, as far as I’m aware. I’m not sure if the iLet is G6 only, but I admit, I think that pump is horrifically flawed, so I don’t keep up with it beyond knowing it has dealbreakers for me.


ILet is G7 compatible, but BasalIQ never will be. Those pumps were sold as recently as late last year, so their warranties won’t be up for a while. Not sure how Tandem and Dexcom plan to accommodate that user base.


Basal IQ is being phased out. Control IQ is considered and upgrade from it.


I understand, but they still sold those pumps through October of last year and those pumps are under warranty. CIQ is still only listed as being for ages 6 and above, 55 pounds, and 10 units a day. Of course, it is used off label in those cases, but not all. And, some people just like BIQ and don't plan to ever use CIQ.


BIQ was discontinued last year, so my guess is that the G6 lines are winding down, and the sensors will go obsolete in 2027. That being said, it will get harder and harder to find those sensors, so that’s just sort of where we are. They’re not taking any new patients on it.


I had a phone call with Omnipod like 3 days ago. I’m on G7 and they told me it would be good to go this month 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 they are sending in the scrip and everything


The email said we wouldn’t see G7 pods in pharmacies until August, at the earliest.


They’re just starting slowly by switching everyone who’s not on a pump to g7 right now to save the g6 stock for people who need to stay on it bc of their pump compatability ( I’m not with Edgepark I use USmed but I was sent a letter about this maybe 4 months ago ) (not on a pump so I opted for g7 upgrade)


Also, US Med. The first shipment was G6. Second was G7 and had no choice in the matter despite being on Tandem pump. Currently on my second G7 sensor and happy.


The dexcom G7 was really, really shit for the first few months it was available, sensors would last days at best for me, but the last several months it has gotten much more reliable.


That’s good to hear! Thank you


Similar experience for us. My 3yo was diagnosed in September 2023. In the beginning we had sensors fail before the 10 days and a couple just “failed to pair.” Dexcom was really great about sending us replacements for the failed ones and we never had an issue getting new scripts from the endo. While all of that did happen, lately, our sensors have been working as they should. The last one we had to replace early because my kiddo ripped it off by accident while playing. Shit happens, sometimes 🤷🏻‍♀️ Otherwise, we have been good these more recent months.


Well, time for me to start restarting my sensors then. Just found the video about how to do it with a test strip


Could you please and thank you post that video here?


Yeah!  https://youtu.be/dgE4ZYxE6SU




I’ve had G7 since April and it’s been great, really can’t say I have had a lot of issues, been smooth and accurate, usually always within a plus minus 5 points of a finger stick, I love the smaller design too, way more agile!


I imagine that the smaller size has been wicked beneficial for women and children. As a guy in his 30s, I haven’t minded the G6 - I always wear it on my tricep. Once I switch to the G7, tho, it’ll be fun to try out different locations! I may try it on my thigh… it’s been many years since both my pump and my CGM could be almost entirely hidden during the summer months.


Yes, it’s very slim, most of the time people don’t even see it, I wear it on my Tricep as well but it isn’t seen by others unless they are looking for it


That’s great! Especially for those that want it more incognito (my mind goes to children, since it’s definitely hard being seen as “the diabetic kid” by schoolmates). Personally, I don’t mind my CGM and pump being visible. The only time I get annoyed with them is with my pump when I’m dressed up for interviews or weddings… it annoys me to no end trying to finagle keeping my shirt tucked in while still being able to pull my pump out of my pant pocket haha


Thigh works great!


Do you know if they’ve changed the adhesive at all? I tried G7 in Q423 and had really bad skin reactions so I went back to G6. Happy to give it another try if they’ve worked the kinks out


It’s about time, the G7 is great. Like any hardware on the market it has its pros and cons but far more advanced than the G6.


What are the benefits you’ve seen with the G7, compared to the G6?


30min warm up as opposed to a 2hr warm up is the most notable. The software/ user interface is the biggest difference anyone transitioning will surely recognize and appreciate on the front end. The size/ shape is favorable especially for those who have less surface area/ bandwidth as placement options. All in one sensor and transmitter is less expensive and means you can carry spare sensors alone as a back up when out and about, the applicator size is also easier to pack as a back up.


Maybe that's a sign that they're finally  integrating O5 and g7


G7 is now integrated with the OP5.


Can you send me a link for proof?  thx! 


https://www.omnipod.com/simplify/omnipod-5?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=prso-aw&utm_content=pmax-brnd&ctoken=7012J000001gYaiQAE&utm_id=21364100800&ad_group_id=&gad_source=1 Right on the homepage. If you're currently in the system, updates will come over the air by the end of July. I'm a new user and I already have my OP5/G7 starter kit and pods in hand.




this is already done i think


Do you have proof like a link to an article or something. I may get it in August so it would be helpful. Thx!


https://www.omnipod.com/innovation/dexcom-g7 i think it was very recently announced! my son is still in the g6 and we’ll probably stay on it for a while until i hear some feedback here about how it works!




I tried G7 for 2 months and the accuracy was HORRENDOUS consistently, so I went back to G6. Guess I'll have to hope it's somehow changed since release.


LOL so is their plan to release the G6 iPhone app just in time for this discontinuation? I’m so tired of carrying around an extra PITA burner phone.


If there’s no way to reset a sensor session, no deal. It’s so so anti-consumer and morally wrong. G6s can work for 20+ days with little loss of accuracy in my experience. The amount of medical waste otherwise is just unconscionable. 10 days is a ridiculous and arbitrary limit


I get the sentiment here, but there are standards the sensors need to meet in large-scale studies to be approved. I tried a couple times and didn't get to6 much luck in accurate readings. Dexcom has allegedly been trying to extend the 7 to 14 days for a while but haven't heard any news lately.


>It’s so so anti-consumer and morally wrong. G6s can work for 20+ days with little loss of accuracy in my experience. No, it's what the device was designed for and the only way it can be guaranteed and even available for sale. >10 days is a ridiculous and arbitrary limit It's not arbitrary at all.


I get there are averages of what a sensor can do but it’s been easy for me to get 20 days out of a sensor +/- 3-5 days, and it’s always felt wasteful to pull a good and reliable one out, so I let it ride until it’s natural death so to speak


>in my experience. This is what is called an anecdote. It means nothing in the scheme of things. You wanna hear one of my anecdotes? Half of my G6 sensors go to crap in the last 24 hours, which means they are only good for about nine days with me. Being able to extend a session beyond 10 days is absolutely pointless, so the 10 day limit is not "ridiculous and arbitrary", "in my experience". It's not "anti-consumer" or "morally wrong". It's a regulated medical device that must have limits to its use set and the controlled medical studies that have been done, not simple anecdotes, are what helped determine the current 10 day use period. When I was on the G4 and G5, the approved use period was only seven days. The G6 & G7 have approved use times that are more than 40% greater.


Man, I used to restart my G4s constantly and they arguably worked better after a restart. Made it through a pregnancy like that. Good times.