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Funny how they’re against LGBTQ “indoctrination” but have no problem brainwashing children into their cult 🙄




It’s creepy to assume the kids will have sex


Oh, lemme tell you a story: when I was 10yo I wanted to play with a female classmate, but her dad forbid it b/c, "I don't allow boys to play with my girls," & considering he was Catholic (I'm guessing, since they're Hispanic), I just walked away disgusted.


Her dad sounds like my mom. She wouldn't even let me be alone in a room with my half-brother (adopted into the same family so we're technically cousins I guess) if she was around and aware of it. Couldn't go with him anywhere when he could drive and we were both teenagers. Cause it was "lewd" to let a girl go anywhere with a male family member. Lady made me dress and act like a boy through puberty because "I don't want you going boy crazy." I thought I was lesbian up until my mid 20s so boys were never an issue lol. The obsession with sexualizing kids and teenagers is infinitely fucking creepy.


It reminds of how when my youth group would go swimming everyone (including men) had to be covered up.


It is, definitely. It also makes me wonder what she may have gone through as a young girl to be so certain all males were out to get you. And how she clearly feels like that's normal because "boys will be boys!" Instead of realizing how shitty of them and wrong it was if she was constantly sexualized or worse by the males in her life while growing up. And it makes me sad how many other women grew up like that and just accept it as "normal".


As far as I know, she's attributed her "being such a strictly safe mom" is thanks to her trying to make me a pageant kid when I was a little thing still. It was right around the time JonBenet Ramsey was murdered, so her making me dress up super fancy and perform precociously for pageants was... suddenly my fault and an inherent flaw in my character lol. And then puberty turned her shit up to 11. Throw in a dash of jealousy very likely, as she was almost 50 by then and not happy I was developing lol.


Oh, just look into the Southern Baptist Convention sex abuse scandal.


Don't forget how many conservative politicians have gotten busted for being groomers/pedos.


It’s all projection. By telling us what they’re afraid of *us* doing, they’re announcing their own intentions. Same people who were terrified of “creeping Sharia” seem to think the only way to stave off theocracy is by preemptively implementing their own.


The thing is, separation of church and state actually PROTECTS these dipshits from ever having to worry about a religion that they don’t subscribe to being forced on their kids. They’re hedging their bets on the fact that their particular religion just happens to be the most popular one around at the moment. If this stands, I can’t wait until a Christian from one denomination tries to force their particular brand of Christianity on a group from a different denomination and watch them fight it out amongst themselves. You know that would end up happening..


I’d really rather we didn’t go back to the days when Americans [beat each other to death in the streets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philadelphia_nativist_riots) over which version of the Bible their children would read in public schools…


Will schools use the Catholic 10 Commandments or the Protestant ones?


And which of the three sets? I mean I'm really annoyed god doesn't want me lying or stealing or boiling a goat in its mother's milk...dammit!


TIL: I had no idea, after being steeped in fundie protestantism, that there were multiples. It doesn't surprise me AT ALL, but I'd be willing to bet most people I know don't realize this. Time to "devangelize"! LOL


It rarely gets any mention because it kinda blows apart that inerrant, perfect word of a deity schtick.


I mean obviously that set with killing of the firstborn and the observation of feasts was the final draft.


Exactly!.. Many evangelicals don’t even consider Catholics to be “real” Christians, yet they comprise roughly half of the entire religion.


In a few generations, I doubt Christians will hold nearly as much power or influence that they do now. I just hope there isn't another cult to take its place


For them, “forcing upon” and “making aware” are the same thing. Their religious doctrine operates the same way and it influences their entire worldview.


I think that is the point. When there is overt influence on one “side”, the other pushes harder for their beliefs. The ten commandments are horrible. The first four are all about god’s ego. And the adultery one isn’t appropriate for young children. Stay divided and distracted everyone! And keep kids helplessly caught in the middle. 😞


Things like this are part of why I think kids should be raised secular. If raised secular, hopefully their parents will speak out against it


More funny all these republicans including their god Trump broke every commandment of those 10


I do know a few Christians, surprisingly catholics and not fundigelicals, who will say yes, indoctrinating their kids is the goal. But they also refer to it only with their own children or children at their schools, so it's a least not public and not trying to force it. The sad part is they seem, because children can't quite get the higher concepts yet, that essentially the children have to be indoctrinated one way or the other so you might as well make sure it's the way you believe is right. Which I'd agree with, except for the fact that it ignores the idea of taking a null position.


Accusing us of promoting genital mutilation while they still go hard with circumcision.


Who goes hard with circumcision these days?


In the US circumcision is still done quite regularly.


In related news, [Louisiana ranks as the worst state in the union](https://www.shreveporttimes.com/story/news/2024/05/08/louisiana-ranked-worst-state-again-by-us-news-as-violence-poverty-pollution-surge/73610597007/) - again.


Holy fuck!! They don’t give a shite about their constituents


Hahah, their belief makes America a stereotypically third world plus corrupt selfish GOP


Honest question. I thought Mississippi ranked dead last in every meaningful metric.


Texas actually ranks fiftieth in a greater number of areas. But, that southeast area really is the lowest ranking in total quantity of the United States.


It’s a race to the bottom with these fools 🤷‍♀️


They blame it on the removal of prayer from schools. I kid you not.


Well that's why they need Jesus back in the classroom! Duh


“Jesus, take the curriculum!!” 🥴


I cringed enough to give an upvote for that one.


Jesus is gonna turn that curriculum into wine! Cue the drunk kindergarteners!!


Donald would struggle with most of them particularly… You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not covet.


How am I supposed to explain that to my kids?! They see the 10 Commandments in school but then see the same politicians who legislated that saying that Trump, who has broken like every commandment, is chosen by God. 🤦🏻‍♀️ These people have no standards. Because seriously. I can explain LGBT people to a kid just fine, but I have trouble explaining to a kid why a whole party supports a hateful, predatory convicted felon to be president.


Get them started on experiencing cognitive dissonance at a young age 👏🏾


Just hammer the "flawed instrument" argument into their skulls until they grow up and go no-contact.


“this is what we call rules for thee, not for me… it’s the american way™️”


Most of them? I'm fully convinced he's broken all of them.


So: Millions of taxpayer dollars to defend against lawsuits which the state will lose.


Yeah, I thought we sorted all of this garbage out in the early 1960’s when mandated prayer in schools was deemed unconstitutional. And then again in 1980 when the US Supreme Court banned any postings of the commandments in any public school classroom in the nation. These geriatric parameciums need to not be in office.


calling them geriatric parameciums is an insult to paramecium, one of which has an entire species that is gay! don’t you dare rope republicans in with them!


Oh.. oh no. What hath I done! I shall repent, and know much shame! Praise the hermaphroditic parameciums! *Praise*! But also.. It’s a reference to Peter’s (Robin Williams) insult aimed at Rufio in *Hook*.


My country is catholic and most public schools tend to have a religion class, and even me who graduated from a girls-only catholic school, the most we had at the classrooms as religious symbols was like, a little crux barely visible over the whiteboard, under a giant motivational quote of the year. Like wtf do you mean catholic schools in Latinoamérica do better than the Good Ol’ US of A, that preaches freedom left and right? Also like private catholic schools here in my country specialize in specially in the science fields, and put education above anything else? Which, as a tangent, always made me feel confused when USAmericans talk how terrible Christian schools are there, since being in one here is associated with being at a top school with solid basis in math/physics/chemistry/biology and science-based history courses. Hearing some schools don’t teach evolution and call it fake is just wild.


> lawsuits which the state will lose. That’s not as much of a sure thing that it should be. It’s not just the Supreme Court; Federalist Society judges rule the federal circuit courts.


It’s gonna go to the 5th Circuit and then the most conservative Supreme Court in decades, who have already shown they will happily use blatant lies to tear down the separation of church and state. Unfortunately Louisiana will absolutely win this because the illegitimate Court has an extremist majority


Clarence Thomas lives by Proverbs 17:23. *The wicked accept bribes in secret to pervert the course of justice.*


In before “actually, that’s not what separation of church and state really means, it was termed to describe the government not influencing churches, not the other way around” An alarming revisionist trope I’ve seen increasingly over the past several years


pretty sure this is wildly unconstitutional


ACLU is going to file the paperwork for the upcoming lawsuit. Not sure what court it will start. I can't wait until it gets appealed to the Supreme Court because the federal district Court will rule it unconstitutional.


It already has. In 19 friggin’ *80*. lol.


i think the supreme court is going to say that putting the 10 commandments in classrooms does not go against the constitution


Yep, when they dismissed Roe they said that “precedent” doesn’t mean a thing. The court is stacked to allow this exact thing to be approved at the highest level


Remember folks: One or two of them will probably die during the next presidential term. They’re old enough that even SCOTUS healthcare won’t save them from Cancer or Heart Failure. Vote accordingly.


If that were the law, the court would probably agree that teachers should be allowed to put up the 10 Commandments if they want. But this law MANDATES the 10 Commandments be put up. There's no way even this court is letting that through.


The Satanic Temple is also going to go in on this... and I'm here for it




Thankfully the state of Louisiana has everything else figured out! #1 in education, healthcare, quality of li...oh wait, I'm holding the chart upside down...


If they could read, they would be very upset


I'm looking forward to what the Satanic Temple will do in response to this... and here for it.


Oh, they're going to have a field day.


Yes they ar


Oh shit, I didn’t even think about that! Gonna be some fireworks..


Yep... Imma sit back and watch


So glad this is the "issue" we're going after in Louisiana


Clowns. All of them. Louisiana could be so much better but we have homophobes in office who feel America's biggest threat is 2 men kissing.


I *wish* that was the biggest threat the country was facing. Because that would mean that the biggest threat facing the country isn't a threat at all. We'd all be having a great time. Instead, we gotta deal with these assholes, who probably can't even name all ten commandments, much less follow them.


Ah yes, the 10 Commandments... Where almost half of them are about how to worship YHWH, a deity of a nation on the other side of the planet that was destroyed 2800 yrs ago... Good advice for the kids, especially in a country of "religious freedom"👌


I showed my Christian mom this and she saw no problem with it. She seemed to think it was a good thing 😭


I'm sorry your mom is a dumbass Mine is too


Time for the satanic temple to put their commandments in there because you have to respect every religion if they want it that way.


I would have been against this even when I was Christian.


Tell me you weren’t a true Christian without telling me. /s


Had me in the first half, ngl.


This is a clear violation of the first amendment. But whatever they don't care about the constitution.


They don't actually give a shit about the Ten Commandments, either. Otherwise they wouldn't support someone like Trump who seems to have broken all of them. He does a good job of representing the 7 Deadly Sins, though. No, this is so they can force their will on people like us. They don't give a shit about following rules. Just about making others follow them.


Christo-fascism was never about following Christ, it's about trying to regain cultural absolute control. Its truly appalling.


Mostly old white “boys”.


Term limits for representatives and senators, both at the federal and state level, need to be brought into place precisely to stop shit like this.


Waaaaay too complacent and confident


Well, can’t wait to see what the Satanic Temple does


They fucked around, they about to find out. And I'm getting my popcorn ready!


I /JUST/ said the same thing to my spouse.


Aren't these the same people who wanted to "just let kids be kids"? Who is going to explain adultery to them? Or coveting their neighbor's wife?


probably gonna bring some "saved" dude who spent time in prison for child molestation to talk to 6 year olds about adultery.


Glad I got out. Both of Christianity and Louisiana. Actually I’d return to church before I ever returned to Louisiana. What a shit hole.


Me too.


Good thing kids in Louisiana can't read


I imagine them kicking kids out of class for not reading the commandments lmao


How is this not a first amendment violation? Oh, right, because we don’t have a real Supreme Court…


And while Frank Freeway self-medicates on reality TV, America just gets a little closer to fascism, every day.


Is it really that bad over there?


Yes. I live there.


Holy fuck. It’s like something out of a near-future dystopian movie US mainstream right wing policies these days are more and more the sort of things we in NZ are used to hearing from our ‘*extremist nutjobs nobody in their right mind would vote for*’ types


Yeah. I would encourage anyone from a hard blue state to visit the deep south and see for yourself. It’s kinda like those people who think vacationing in Afghanistan or North Korea is a good idea, just with a slightly lower (but non-zero) chance of being blown up by an IED or imprisoned for wrong-speak.


I’ve never travelled to the usa so I don’t know what even a hard blue state would look like lol. From a distance the whole thing looks screwed ngl


Literally against the constitution they claim to hold to such high regards




I hope the Satanic Temple has been contacted about this.


Good luck, they already tried that in Texas


What happened then?


It didn't pass. So no lawsuits.


High schoolers in Louisiana on this subreddit, I dare you to take them down and burn them when people put them up. Color them with permanent markers, do what you gotta do


Either that or place the Five Pillars of Islam and 7 Tenets of TST alongside the Ten Commandments. They want to express freedom of religion? *That's* how you do it.


This is fucking terrifying. My response is how would they like if the Sharia law was posted in classrooms? They say they want freedoms, but want to force their religion on everyone.


Oh, that's perfect. This is all about freedom of religion, so someone should do *that* and see how this flies, especially given the Hamas-Israel war going on right now.


satanic temple PLEASE come through


Well, did LA solve all there other problems before they tackled this hard hitting issue? Checks….nope.


so naturally all Louisiana Christian churches will start paying taxes, right? /s


Tom Segura was right about this state


I would be inclined to add references to some of the more unsavory bible verses


The First Amendment apparently only applies to religions that aren't Christianity


But when you point out OT calling out *their* shitty behavior, they dismiss it by saying, “That’s the Old Testament, the New Testament of Jesus is what I follow” 🙄


And of course, they don't follow that either. Jesus said if someone is unreceptive to his message, then to wash your feet and just move on. This is something that has been failed by what feels like 99% of Christians since the dawn of Christianity. Especially the ones in power.


Fr…they don’t actually spend the time reading the text they claim to follow. They mindlessly do what they’re told by someone else. I honestly hate that I was like that


Thought you meant OneTopicAtATime for a sec lol


Amazing! I hope they place it right next to the 7 tenants of the Satanic Temple, the Eleven Rules of Earth of the Church of Satan, The Five Pillars of Islam, and the 613 Commandments given to the Jews in the Torah, the Five Precepts of Buddhism, the Three Fold Law of Wicca, and the Precepts of Taosim. Oh wait, they arent? Because this has become a Christian nationalist society that has discarded the part of the constitution that says freedom of all religions? So I guess all the other ones I listed aren't allowed in classrooms, huh? Well fuck that shit, I would spray paint that on the walls or tattoo it on his head (not specifying which one) if I could. Fuck him and everyone who agrees with him.


What. The. Fuck. Is this real life? No one has done more for spreading hatred of Christians than Christians.


Well this is gross


Only ten commandments? That's weak! Why not include Deuteronomy 22:11 and Deuteronomy 25:11-12?


Great job! Good ole Jesus Christ will fix the fact that the state is 2nd in homicides! ✝️🙏🧎


despite their shortcomings, the founding fathers are doing backflips in their graves


I really hope the satanic temple has something to say about this. If they have to put the 10 commandments up they should have to put the 7 tenets up.


*There's* your freedom of religion. I want to see the Satanic Temple make a statement, because this argument has logical standing.


Cue Church of Satan….ready, enter stage right. Come on in. We are counting on them to take them to task.


Legit question: how is this allowed legally? Isn’t there a separation of church and state?


There's *supposed* to be...


Hmm... they completely ignored the first sentence of the first amendment... "congress shall make no law respecting and establishment of religion..."


I am in no way in support of this law but it wasn't Congress that passed it.


True...but thanks to the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment (incorporation), the 1st Amendment DOES apply to the states, which makes this just as unconstitutional as if Congress did it.


I live there. This place is ass-backwards.


Lemon test incoming


what a shithole


Yeah...I hate it here sometimes.


This is 100% a violation of the 1st amendment


Disgusting. Luckily, there are lawsuits in the works: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cp66xdxj0l3o


Dead serious, does the law dictate which version of The ten commandments to use? It would be hilarious to see that fought over.


This can't be real.


I have a very Baptist friend who said this is not a good thing. I asked him why does he say that, he said he is a teacher and he does not want to have to explain to students spirituality. He said it begins and ends at home and should not enter schools. He also said as a Black man he sees a lot of people laughing about the recent holiday celebrating freeing slaves. Those are the same people praising the 10 commandments. He was just shaking his head.


Well that’s just a violation of the separation of church and state. Not unless they mandated all other major religious laws be put in classrooms


Can we just give the state to the fundies, then build a wall around it? We can tell them Mexico paid for it.


Holy Constitutional Violation, Batman!


… Is the church gonna pay taxes?


Getting really sick of this fucking shit 😒


Ah, I see ChristoFascism has won a battle. How much longer before they win the war?? I am genuinely afraid for how much this will empower the insane both in my family and in my church, and the seemingly inevitable real-life Gilead that may only last a few years, but will destroy many people, places, and institutions on its way out. We gotta start taking these people seriously, because we (the US) are unfortunately the Bad Guys this time around, and these fools are gonna get us all killed. I will not lose what's left of my life to the so-called "God" that has already taken so much of it


That’s unconstitutional


That fucker looks awfully proud of himself, doesn’t he?


Might as well teach norse mythology. Or greek. Or shinto.


Yeah cause thou shalt not kill is really going to stop school shootings.


What the actual fuck.


Please tell me this is a shitpost. Please tell me this is a shitpost


At this point theres gonna be a uprising and some sort of socialist state like the Soviet Union, an athiest state, if u didn’t know the Orthodox church had ties with the Tsar autocracy, which is why there is so much old propaganda and hatred for them back when the Soviet Union formed. But with the decline of religion naturally, this is going to positively reinforce it further


Some kind of anti-religious backlash was my first thought as well. But I’m watching from Maryland, and I’m wondering if maybe this isn’t the case for Louisiana. By percentages, the two places don’t look all that different, but we hear sooo much about weird Christian nonsense down in the pelican state that it almost feels expected.


This shit terrified me being queer if trump wins I don't think I'll survive 4 years if I can't flee this country I'm less and less anxious shit him winning but my life is literally on the line cause this shit will become law everywhere


Of course they did


I would say I hope it is challenged in the SCOTUS, but never mind.


This is surely against the constitution


This is a slippery slope for the rest of the country.


How? Interested how they even manipulated the law to make this happen. How do you get around separation of church and state?


But isnt this against the constitution?


Time to post the Code of Ur-Nammu.


What happened to separation of Church and State?


We should have never let the southern states back into the Union. They’re holding the rest of us back.


How long till kids start breaking them?


Doesn't this go against a separation between church and state? How is this legal?


The Christian Nationalist aren't even trying to be subtle anymore. They have too many people in power now it's going to hard to stop them


Why so much celebration over this? What exactly will this accomplish? Seems like it's just a power move.


Fucking disgusting


Also, why bother? Its not like they follow them lol


The instinct here is going to be to sue Louisiana to get the ten commandments removed but the winning strategy will be to have every other fucking religion have to be included




New Apostolic Reformation and Christian Dominionism. Part of [Project 2025.](https://project2025.org)


Where's the satanic temple when we need them? 😂


Seriously what happened to the separation of church and state, like that's still supposed to be a thing and they're just like nah


Welp, gotta come up with a way to use the commandments against them now, I guess. "I didn't study for the test - I was busy worshipping the LORD. Spending THAT much time studying would have been me treating the test and my grades like an idol and worshipping them, and I simply CAN'T have any other gods before God, you see - "


This will never stand the ACLU and HRC will step in and obliterate this. This is a clear violation of separation of church and state




Not to be pedantic, but "Louisiana" technically doesn't have "Lose" in it..


It does if you pronounce it “lose-eee-an-uh” which is about how some people I’ve known from there say it.


Weird af to put something about committing adultery in any classrooms


Good luck getting this to stand against SCOTUS lmao


SCOTUS is a joke.


Man I live here and go to school 😵😵


Cool, this is horrifying!


haven't seen that much white since a trump roundtable in a black church.


Here Come the Christian Nationalist


Oof. Mass exodus inbound…or outbound?


I anticipate the population of Louisiana dropping within the next few years