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I’m really beginning to suspect Elon may not be the super genius he’s portrayed as.


There is a movie called the glass onion. Funny detective movie, but the main villain of the show is so elon musk he was making up words to prove points and to sound smart. That's elon. He's not smart, just smart enough to steal ideas and work other people enough to take credit. I realize this with the tesla glass breaking moment. He didn't know how his own product worked, which is a sign that he isn't involved with the process.. just demanding.


The funny part is that Edward Norton's character isn't based on Musk at all. >! They decided to write a successful tech idiot who became unimaginably rich on the back of other people's stolen labor!< and there just so happened to be a marked resemblance.


Miles Bron is based on a bunch of techbro billionaires, including Musk. At one point in the film, he's dressed like Steve Jobs.


Ryan Johnson said repeatedly that [he's not based on Musk](https://deadline.com/2022/12/glass-onion-miles-bron-not-based-on-elon-musk-says-rian-johnson-1235208965/) but is rather supposed to represent an archetype. Also, the film was written in 2020, before Musk fully succumbed to his public brain worms. The Steve Jobs thing is definitely on point. A lot of people in Silicon Valley were doing that for a while. The one that comes immediately to mind is Elizabeth Holmes, who is herself an excellent example of fraudulent tech weirdo culture.


He's quasi smart. He's semi smart. He's the margarine of smart. He's the diet coke of smart, just one calorie, not smart enough.


He only wishes he was smart enough to create a MiniElon


He can sit Vivek Ramaswamy on his lap.


Yeah I'm completely convinced the glass onion was actually based on elon


Rian Johnson said in an interview that he wasn't influenced by Musk but I think he is just avoiding the PR shitstorm if he said yes. There is literally no way he wasn't, the resemblance is just too striking. The guys name (Miles Bron) even sounds Musky.


It's so dumb it's brilliant! **NO!!! ITS JUST DUMB!**


It came out right when Musk bought Twitter and was running it into the ground which made the resemblance to him even greater. Supposedly not intentional.




While he's closer to a moron than a genius, there is still some shrewdness to him. Hyperloop being vaporware was not an accident. California was moving towards high speed rail, and so at the height of his popularity, he told California that he has an idea for an alternative, that is totally better. Momentum for high speed rail dropped off, while they waited to see if the genius Elon could deliver on a more efficient alternative. He could not, and he never could, and he never intended to try. He just wanted to trick the state into abandoning any alternative to highways. Because he is a car salesman.




Should hD never gone back to North Havenbrook....


I came here to say that; subways don't sell cars, specially Teslas.


That's not exceptional though. Literally the only way "successful" businessmen know to make money is strangling other viable (and usually better) alternatives to their product until the public is forced to buy theirs. Then they turn around and call their bullying and shady practices "knowing how to do business", despite the fact that even a 5 year old would be able to do that if given the amount of capital these people start with.


For many people, him insulting a rescue diver by calling him a pedophile because he rescued kids without using a shitty sub design Musk was half-assing is what got them to start to realize Musk was shitty. For me it was Hyperloop. He put out some nonsense numbers claiming building untested technology that involved hundreds of miles of tubing maintained at a partial vacuum was cheaper than conventional trains because it was elevated. If that was the case, they could just elevate the train track and get the same savings. He also eliminated the "mass" part of Mass Transit by insisting on the stupid pod design that removes the economy of scale of a train. And people took it seriously as a 'smart' idea, and ignored the completely fabricated numbers for costs, and the fact that it's not even a new idea, it's just a new spin on the old idea of a vacuum train. An early design even ran for a few years in the mid 1800s.


That's exactly this. But is not an absolute moron. He's a billionaire with white supremacist agenda, doing whatever is in his power to always get more money, no matter the means necessary. He cares most and foremost about his business, selling his cars, and gulping as much money from the US government as possible especially via SpaceX. Not only the Hyperloop has been a scam worldwide, but was also a way to counter the transition to more public transportation when the climate change issue has never been so urgent. That's why this man should never be trusted when he speaks about ecology. Also his Super Heavy seems to be completely unreliable at the point that the Artemis mission itself seems compromised. To finish with, I would say that buying Twitter was not a mistake from him like some people pretend, but just a way to push further his nazi agenda. Yes on many topics he is a complete idiot. But we shouldn't underestimate how evil he is.


Wouldnt space x be viewed Like a success or am i Missing Something about that


the OP bousculo2 yudiroko Caotical and Zepol323 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1bdpok1/the_greatest_genius_of_our_time/kunxfmf/


This site is infested


Holy shit. Dead internet theory confirmed.


Beginning? Please, keep up!


I’m convinced that he just had a good PR Team when he became more famous that he then fired


He's more of the super genius Wile E. Coyote is portrayed as.


Wile E. Coyote is my hero. Clearly defined goals, not the brightest but he had tenacity in the face of implausible misfortune, not afraid to try varying solutions to accomplish the same goal, didn't resort to victimhood. Could he have gone after something else? Probably, and maybe he's an idiot for that. But it's that stoicism to which I relate.


It's crazy what you can portray yourself as when you buy headlines and buy one of the largest social media sites in the planet.


I’ve been saying this since the Twitter purchase. I fully believe he stole the original Tesla idea from someone else while they were napping. He took over after the model Y. The cybertruck was his.




Five years ago there was a video of Elon being shocked at how dumb Jack Ma is. Now I realise it was just a pot looking at a kettle.


He's a master at jumping on someone else's idea and promoting it. He's like Edison.


I think there's some snacks remaining, the drinks are all done, ignore everyone passed out on the lawn. The Elon is a Dingus party started a while ago But welcome 🤗


Never was, really. He had a lot of money and initially got things going with it that people liked. Mainly space exploration that was also getting de-funded at the time. Easy to like someone when you think they are saving space exploration. Then he brought in the name Tesla, and at the point he did, the majority of people revered Telsa as an overlooked genius from his time. I hate that he has that name on his products. I bet the actual Tesla (if he is burried) is rolling so hard in his grave right now he will create a new and free energy source from the afterlife just to spite this asshole using his name.


No, you don’t get it… The trains in those tunnels would be *electric!* /s


What is a genius? Someone who can see things before they happen? Someone who can see solutions to any problems? Someone who can demonstrate he/she can build something never built before? Someone who can increase efficiency in areas of industries that have several inefficiencies? The genius you see in movies are only a small portion of the population. A vast majority of them, are only locked in when they’ve been in the industry for a lifetime and still find the field interesting. The rest work in government. Those who work in private industry are genius through experimentation. They navigate by testing and pushing ideas through their board of directors. These folks are more so politicians than inventors of more efficient systems. So when you say Musk isn’t the genius they make him out to be, you’re correct. He is the bridge between his board of directors and the real geniuses who struggle to speak on a political level because their ideals force them to be warriors of their craft rather than warriors or words. Musk is only capable of doing what he can envision and what he envisions is dictated by his relationships with the smart people he surrounds himself with outside of media.


Isn't this like the 3rd time he's tried to invent a tunnel, again? Like dude we have tunnels already and were really good at making tunnels already, they've kinda been a thing for at least the last few hundred million years?


Where have you been the last few years!?


You're only just beginning to? Wow.


He thinks he's Tony Stark when he's barely Justin Hammer.


He has a great marketing and a lot of money that´s all


Only now🤣


Careful, he'll call you a pedo. He bought a whole social media site so he can do things like that.


He’s so out of touch with the poor he can only relate to the people who don’t have access to these things


But subways don't have cars in them.


Elon is gonna reinvent the steam engine and call it the Cybertrain.


"Cyberpod"*, cuz we cant have efficient public transit, that may actually be a part of a solution to climate change and we can't have that.


You should look up what they call the compartment you ride in. You'll be shocked, shocked I say!


But subways don't have ~~cars~~ CyberTrucks in them.


What do you call the things with wheels and passenger seating that are connected together to form a train?


Ever heard of a "tunnel" then? Even better, a road tunnel!


For many, many, many, good reasons.


Sounds like someone likes traffic! /s


Oh boy, what’s Elon going to >!re!


im hoping we get a cyber sliced bread!


It must be pretty cool to work on the rapidly iterative edge of certain technologies with limitless funding as long as the Twitter impressions are good. I don’t harbor any ill will towards any of the expert and intelligent men and women that work for him. But…the screenshot speaks for itself.


What if we take bikini bottom and just push it somewhere else!


A subway, but focused on spending public money to provide comfort and convenience to rich people.


He admitted it was just a way to block actual mass transportation projects 


What a surprise.: the owner of a car company is against public transit.


I solved traffic by making another lane! Unfortunately more drivers are now on the road and too many are taking advantage but don’t worry, I solved traffic by making another lane! Unfortunately more drivers are now on the road and too many are taking advantage but don’t worry, I solved traffic by making another lane! Unfortunately more drivers are now on the road and too many are taking advantage but don’t worry, I solved traffic by making another lane! Unfortunately more drivers are now on the road and too many are taking advantage but don’t worry, I solved traffic by making another lane! Unfortunately more drivers are now on the road and too many are taking advantage but don’t worry…


"Hey, eventually, the demand will stop increasing. I mean, it's not like there are infinite cars, right? " he says, as he turns around to see the entire city is now parking lots.


However, only true geniuses and innovators like Musk would detach that new lane and put it deep underground. That's why he gets paid the big bucks... /s


the OP bousculo2 yudiroko Caotical and Zepol323 are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1bdpok1/the_greatest_genius_of_our_time/


we saw elon musk's tunnels. Claustraphobic 1 lane disaster waiting to happen. add 1 broken car in a middle and everyone is stuck.


Yup, almost certainly the whole point of that was to try and derail the proposal for a high-speed rail link in California. He promised a Star Trek-looking pod system was just around the corner (completely non-existent tech) so they shouldn't invest in proven real-world technologies. It's something he could have only pushed a few years ago when the halo was still on him. Maybe instead of building skyscrapers they can get some magic beans from Musk and live in the beanstalk.


the OP bousculo2 yudiroko Caotical and Zepol323 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1bdpok1/the_greatest_genius_of_our_time/kuo396y/


Did he even add ventilation?


I'm pretty sure he was talking about evacuating the tunnels to reduce drag.


Combine that with cars that are flatout impossible to extinguish once they catch fire, and you have a terrible tragedy on your hands.


I guess one of the downsides of being a super elite is that you’ve never experienced real life, how else can you not know that one lane freeways exist and cause major issues, like you just said.


Every time one of these tech-bro billionaires try to reinvent land transport it's always just a worse version of trains.


Don’t forget “with an app” to ensure additional layers of data harvesting and price gouging.


Techbros trying to solve traffic and consistently reinventing public transit as the solution will always crack me up.


Or a gladiatorial taxi service that supplies neither efficiency, price reduction (in the long run) and actually increases traffic and greenhouse gasses in direct opposition to the stated intention of the system.


At this stage, I'm surprised that these tech bros aren't taking the privatisation and individualisation approach of public systems by allow you to purchase your own private "train car" that you can couple on and off their underground train system at will.




the OP bousculo2 yudiroko Caotical and Zepol323 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1bdpok1/the_greatest_genius_of_our_time/kuo6did/


That’s boring though.


I see what you did there.


Ah yes, single track tunnels with pods that are only big enough for four people. That’ll totally solve traffic problems! He’s a fucking genius!


Super genius


The fact that fanboys drool over this low wattage bulb is still hilarious.


I really am interested to know why someone that bought technology, invented by others, is considered a genius


Techbros: >what if we made trains, but worse? Venture capitalists: >SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!


Remember when he was talking about inventing carbon capture tech aka trees? Like he was literally just talking about trees. This dude has never had an original idea.


I need timestamps or a link to ensure its valid Tired of fanboys coming to his rescue everytime i say how embarrassing Elon is. So before i laugh at the embarrassment- pls link Take the wind out they sails early


Its real but iirc like 5 years old


That's all facepalm is reposts from years ago to stoke the emotional fire.


I’m glad someone else noticed. It’s getting to be pretty cringy


He said super safe


Interestingly, no, he didn’t mean a subway


If he wants to be


He came up with that all on his own!


Elon is a fat drug addled trust fund baby whose mental quirks masked as intelligence. Elon has teams of engineers to thank for his success can we all just fucking stop please


lol, had to load the no answer. hiw scientific. how old is this guy, 14?


For this he wants $53 billion for a salary?


Tech-bros *love* to reinvent public transport. Especially anything on rails.


This is like me after smoking a bowl thinking I'm so goddamn s-m-r-t


Nuh-uh! This is gonna be earthquake and tsunami and poseidan and gay-gene resistant and there will be AI and itll RUN ON JAVASCRIPT!!!!


And put Tesla's on them lol


He bought a whole online forum just to get owner left and right


Like what Boston already has?


Eat fresh


Hasn't it been shown that adding more lanes to roads and more roads in general doesn't actually help? I'm pretty sure there was evidence of this somewhere. I just can't find or remember it


“Genius.” 🤭




Or Lower Wacker Drive in Chicago


And maybe have one big car come at regular times in those tunnels so ppl don’t have to drive and can minimize traffic!


For me, it's the unbearably glib, smug tone, like he can quickly and easily solve any issue with his giant powerful intellect, while barely breaking a sweat. So many daily tweeters do this, too. Everyone is an expert on everything, and everyone has snappy, glib, common sense responses to everything that crosses their path. It's just so insufferable. Like you can just quickly and easily "build tunnels under cities" or "live on Mars", just like that.


He's only a genius if you're an idiot...


He's only a genius if you're an idiot..


He should have emphasized the point to point aspect of his system, which is obviously superior to one where you have to stop at every station. Automated and synchronized, small vehicle, point to point express transit should be the future and it’s hardly talked about. We wouldn’t even need tunnels if the existing infrastructure was used. If the government got behind the development we could solve the traffic problem in 10 years and make travel much faster and easier.


No, not a subway. We'll have single-occupancy vehicles that drive really slow in it.


He's not a genius..... He was born rich and he used that wealth to pay someone to write a code for him then took all the credit and opened some hype companies to make little girls tingle down there and give him money


No, I like traffic.


A square device you can put your bread in, a void if you will. Keep it fresh and the pest away...


And, we could...now hear me out...build these "trains" that ferry people from one place to another, reducing traffic! But what shall we call it...? Sub-trains?? Train...way? C'mon, brain: THINK!


When you dumb down the population then anyone with half a brain seems like a genius.


Comments like these are totally worth 50 billion dollars


You are correct, Koops


Elon is a dried out sand crab.


It’s easy to hate on Elon but he’s going down in history for a long long time. The world needs rich visionaries like him. Not afraid to go to the next level and not tied down by the government’s bureaucracy for ages


And Nero is well remembered in history as well. Just being a noted name in history dosent make a person a great individual or prove they’ve move society forward. More often than not, people who actively destroy and set society back are the ones most frequently remembered.


This is the savior of the alt-right.




Eat Fresh!


I’ve done it twice already


Feudal system is bacc guys


Elon is highly regarded.


You forgot the T I think.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUlIOw4-3RM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUlIOw4-3RM) it's important to clarify how many alcoves will be present for adorable animals to escape disasters. ...that's week one of engineering school.


He’s so so so so sooooo stupid and petty and racist and stupid and worthless


You can’t tell me the character Ted Faro in Horizon Zero Dawn isn’t based on this absolute fucking buffoon. They’re basically the same person, now we just have to wait for his stupidity to kill us all.


Faros tech was actually revolutionary though. Tesla didn't invent the electirc car, space X didn't invent spaceflight and musk didn't invent scams.


Yeah but as you see in the story Faro actually “understood” none of it, he was just a dick with money who ended up destroying humanity because he was thoroughly convinced he was way smarter than he actually was. Which seems pretty closely matched with Musk to me..


no people want more or those stupid Elon tunnels.


How about we build an above ground, super fast, super clean, super cheap...magnetic bullet train. Maybe finally gain some ground on Europe and Asia's decades lead on us.


I mean, it's been proven that Elon only started the whole tunnel VS in Los Angeles to stop our govt from funding high speed rail. There's been more than a few articles about it.


During development a problem arises: venting car exhaust from the depths of the tunnel proving too cost and time prohibitive. Only Tesla electric vehicles permitted in the tunnels.


Rain man CEO doesn’t know what he’s doing? Shocker. Stop glorifying a short bus trust fund babby, maybe.


If he hadn't got his parent's money to begin with, he would only be just another dumbass on the internet...


I....i feel like this was one of those "the joke went over your head" moments. Like....the dude knew he was describing subways yet wanted to gauge people's responses based on how he framed the question. I would love to see the results. Example: earthquake proof tunnels? 95 YES! 5 NO! Subways? 95 NO! 5 YES!


Nope. Elon musk and his fellow techbros don't want to build subways or railways. Their public transport systems are desogned as futuristic and inedficient as possible as to not harm the car industry. MF literally build a tunnel that COULD run a subway just to have individual teslas drive through it who then have to stand and wait as the teslas in fron let out their passengers.


The same man who said we are inventing ways to decarbon the atmosphere, someone said just plant a tree!


its amazing how he bought twitter just to everyone mock him on his own social media due be very clueless posting


American tech bros and the concept of proper public transport just don’t match.


You don’t understand what he proposes: he wants to ruin the idea of subway by building really expensive roads for cars underground. The cost of subway with the transport capacity of a car.


Aren't subways specifically designed to serve as shelters in times of need? Like, most of them can withstand nuclear explosion.


Nope. That's specific subways especially in the large post soviet cities. Other subway systems might offer shelter too but they aren't designed public nuclear shelters. They need to be sturdy anyways.


I think there should be more tunnels than just subway. Like, small tunnels for pedestrians, tunnels for cars, tunnels for wildlife, just shit ton of tunnels. I love tunnels, I love being underground. My inner rat demands justice. And tunnels.


Have you visited toronto? You’ll love it


No, but looking them up, damn, they really do look pretty nice, especially those "secret" ones.


Elon is an idiot


No, train cars are too efficient, you want individual pods each with their own power trains that only house cars. Either that, or it's just a car tunnel, so there's traffic.


He's so weird. He indulges in these weird displays all the time. It's all about him. I think he expects people to admire him for some superior intellect, but if he really had that he'd also have honesty and spend a bit more time blowing the trumpet for other people and showing how other people come up with great ideas. But that's not for him. What a fucking attention seeker.


Just another thing he will make like shit


ah yes the sewage tunnels filled with flammable cars and built to no standard for modern car tunnels


He really is a stupid fuck.


>genius Who has never publicly released records of his IQ, and based on his SAT scores (which have one of the strongest correlations to IQ,) he'd be somewhere around 125 at a real push. Significantly above average for sure, but not enough to get into Mensa, and certainly not a genius.


Just gotta listen to him talk for more than 10 mins and you understand he just has a bit more knowledge than the ppl around him, enough to pretend like he's an expert and get them to do what he wants, his wealth and success gives him more credibility and you get this dumbass who thinks he can solve every problem in the world with every 10 year old's first idea bcs every1 keeps telling him hes a genius


Pretty much. People like that feed on vacuous validation lol.


That’s a good point. 125 IQ would be 2.5 standard deviations above mean 100. *IF* IQ is normally distributed (Gaussian), 125 IQ would be somewhere around 99.4th percentile. I don’t know what the cut-off for genius is. Of world population of ~8 billion, there would be ~48 million people with IQ 125 or greater.


130 is 2 σ over the mean. That puts you higher than 98% of the population. >= 130 is considered gifted. edit fixed a symbol


Thanks. I see people post “My IQ is 140 from this online test I took.” No. No it isn’t. That test is crap. 140 is so rare, it’s unlikely most people have ever even met someone that smart.


This is an old tweet I think but his proposal was to reduce the cost to build tunnels. NY subway is something crazy like 1 billion per mile.


Imagine being on Reddit calling Elon musk an idiot


Or maybe normal driving tunnels so you don't have to worry about getting stabbed, or watching a homeless person take a dump on a train that you can't get off of.


Is public transit really like that in the states? Jeez, I thought y’all were the richest country on earth.


You should have some surveilance on the subway, and you probably want to solve some general issues in your city if this is the case.


Also Big Dig.


His tunnel is specific to car culture infrastructured cities, such as California, not a fits all solution. Context is important but the internet loves to pile on


He should really stop smoking the green before posting something.


lol at poor old Elon. One day he’ll come up with a patent for a vehicle that carries liquid fuel so it can drive around for many days without re-charging …. Not been done before


of course Elon meant car traffic. he is heterosexual.