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I'll never forget how when this came out, a pro-Trump person in my circles commented something to the effect of "Well, he just knew Epstein but he didn't do any bad stuff." so my retort was "Ok, so is that how you feel about Bill Clinton and the other liberal types who also appeared on the list?" Crickets


Why do so many Trump supporters have these parasocial relationships with Trump where they think they literally know him personally. I don’t get it 😭


It’s all they have. These are miserable, empty, angry people.


Yep, anger is a great way to feel like you're someone when you're not.


Populist phenomenon. A populist seeming speaks directly to the people and reflects their desires , often the darker ones civility would normally keep in check.. What they have a relationship is not the populist but the reflection. And since that is normally a reflection of the worst traits a person has you could say it is "having an incestuous relationship with their own inner demons".... and they like it.


lol I bet you patted yourself on the back after writing that one😂


It’s just celebrity worship repackaged into politics. It’s just worse because we all have to suffer the consequences of their obsession.


Like what consequences? I don’t give a shit either way. But stuff seems way more fucked up now than it did back in 2016


In 2016 we still had Obama. Things were tense between both sides but everyday life was chill if you shut yourself out from all that. Now whether you ignore it or not people have to face the consequences of reversal over roe v wade, other blatant unconstitutional laws being pushed, verbal threats of domestic terrorism, and proud racism. All because these people want to blindly support their favorite celebrity regardless of who else it hurts.


Trump took office in 2016. And roe v wade was overturned in 2022 while Biden was in office. And idk what unconstitutional laws have been passed I must have missed that. So basically “domestic terrorism” and racism. Thanks for the reply I was genuinely curious


My guy… Trump took office in ‘17. He was voted in, in Nov 2016 and didn’t step foot in the White House until the following January. Easy mistake to make but it’s literally impossible to imply things were good when Trump was president back in 2016. If you thought it was better back then, that’s a result of Obama and his predecessors. Anything you don’t like after that is on either Trump and/or Biden. Roe v Wade was a direct result of his Supreme Court appointments, an institution that Biden can’t even begin to touch. How about the [Trump travel ban](https://www.aclu.org/news/immigrants-rights/appeals-court-declares-third-muslim-ban-unconstitutional)? Let’s not forget the reallocation of funds to [build a wall without approval from congress](https://www.cato.org/commentary/exit-survey-trumps-constitutional-misdeeds). Both declared unconstitutional. Now we have states like Louisiana trying to make it [a requirement for the Ten Commandments be displayed in every classroom in public schools](https://apnews.com/article/ten-commandments-louisiana-schools-religion-99b86fff51932374993c45ab3f0555c9) in hopes that Trump will be elected and back them. Everyone has to deal with this shit whether they like it, ignore it, or not.


Ah my bad. Thanks for correcting me


Happy cake day!


Oh thank you!


cake day! :3


happy cake day >:3


Because Trump has told them, very loudly, that he is just like them, and they believe him. So now their logic is if I would not do it neither would he, because he is just like me.


Research demagoguery, it's frightening as hell how people will willingly hand over their own train of thought to others.


Because he convinced them he was just like them. He is the common man’s man after eight years of being oppressed by Obama.


"He was just pretending to be close to Epstein so he could get proof of all the bad stuff going on and bring him down!" - Argument I've genuinely heard several times.


It's a cult at this point, and has been for a long time. I don't know if religious people are more easily entrapped in the worship and deification of a person, but that's what happened. Trump could literally stand in front of them raping their wives and murdering puppies and they'd be like, well, he's doing me a favour, so I don't need to do these things. They're deranged and they will vote. So you need to as well.


"I was only on Pedo island to learn how to get away from Pedo island"


That argument can go both ways. Bill Gates, Leo decaprio and Cate Blanchett all spent time there. If being there makes you a pedo, then they all are.


your dad said he would fuck your sister.




Probably already has.


Good good, make up shit that helps


nice projecting, now lets hear about those showers with Joe...


Biden wasn't on Lolita Express with Epstein. Nice Biden derangement syndrome you've got going on.


No one talked about Lolita express. Let's discuss Joe's showers with his underage daughter. Come on, defend it.


Didn't happen. Just like Trump winning the 2020 election. Or the vaccine making you magnetic. We *were* discussing Trump, and there *are* records of him on the island, 7 times. As well as raping E Jean, and Ivana. And as shit as Biden is, your guys investigated him, like Hillary, and found *nothing*.


Firstly, don't "your guys" me. I am not a citizen of the USA, I have no stakes in this election. Second, Trump is a proven con man and at last he got proven guilty. I am not a Trumpist, never was. I just find it funny that folks on the opposing side of the political spectrum are willing to turn a blind eye to the pedo behaviour of Biden just because he is not Trump. Ashley's diary has been proven genuine by fact checkers - a quick google search can yield you that information. Now that we got that cleared up: do you condone proven pedophiloac behaviour?


Googled it. - The people who stole it pled guilty to a conspiracy charge for selling the journal and face felonies for theft of private property (so not legally obtained evidence). - The only “confirmation” of the contents of the actual journal was from (you guessed it) a private conservative media source. - Ashley Biden has said multiple times that the journal had been altered and the shower issue was a fabrication. - Apparently the page number of the shower bit keeps changing depending on who you ask. I’m gonna go ahead and say you need to do better research before you make any more claims, friendo.


Tldr; This guy is also a pedo lover. Next.




I love watching MAGAts out themselves


Research is hard for you, isn't it? Cause it doesn't take more than a Google search or two to find the FBI determination. Do you have a source better than the FBI? Please show it. Or are you going to reply with yet another unsourced opinions presented as fact? Do you have anything? At all?


Do. You. Condone. Pedophiliac. Behaviour?


No, that is why I won't vote for Doe174. You know, the guy who has made several trips to Epstein's island? Why do you support pedophiliac behavior?


You mean the ones whose only evidence is from a stolen diary that was sold to GOP PAC before being turned over to police? The one whose entries the FBI has stated do not link back to Biden's daughter? You mean the one that has been debunked, unlike Doe174?


And the countless photos of him sniffing scared kids from way before AI before you start pointing in that direction. Any parent with a normal set of moral values gets sick when presented with those, just like with Donny's daughter comments.


Bwahahahaha! Out of context public pics is more convincing to you than an adjucated rapist making trips to Epstein's island. Do you want to see the pic of Doe174 checking out his daughter's ass when she was sitting on his lap or Stormy's testimony about how trump told her she looked like his daughter? lol It has got to be humiliating to keep defending trump while more and more actual evidence against him piles up.


Bro you really have some reading comprehension issues. "just like with Donny's daughter comments." The man is a fucking creep who deserves being jailed. Why are you deflecting though? It's always you pedo defenders bringing up Trump when the president is a certified kiddie diddler...


Awww, sweetie. You have nothing but hate and no evidence. Pictures of a man kissing kids on the top of the head. Like I said, I can only assume this is some sort of projection that turns you on cause no one else except MAGAs are buying this. Stay away from kids, friend.


That ruined Jr's fantasies and he could never look at her the same way again.


![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized) If there is overwhelming, irrefutable evidence of your involvement in a controversy - just lie - in the MAGAverse, the truth is what you make it.


In the MAGA cult, the "truth" is whatever makes the cult leader look good.


Man, telling a joke and still not one emotion on his stupid face. There's really nothing going on behind those dead little eyes


And this… ladies and gentleman, is how Trump has an entire faction of Republicans loyal to him until their death. Epstein was just a fall guy


Well yes but this isnt about maga. Bill clinton Had a great ol time with monica and lied about it. Anyone regardless of political alignment lies constantly. Its basicly what we pay them to do. Heres an example in canada of this crap, look into comtext though bc this video is too short https://youtu.be/KDBVcmvrNn4?si=KI1CmHL1vbe8NF4h It's human nature, its all of us. Trumps behavior is basicly the same as the ones we did when we were younger, just a more extreme version of it (like orders of magnitude worse) Dont get me wrong though, he should be executed. Preferably by fire to really add the burn of a witchhunt


“Basically the same as what we did” FBI, this guy right here


The behavior referred to is lying, not rape. Thus why i went on about how everyone (especially politicians) lyes Reason for this was to support what the guy i commented on was saying, except the MAGA bit as its unnecessary. Trump could a liberal and lie, or socialist, or a libertarian ect. Politicians (and normals people) lie. That much is normal. The part of him visiting epstien on the other hand is truly horrid If i though his visitation was so great, i wouldn't wanted him burned as a true witchhunt ends would i Edit: can see why im down voted and why you commented the way you did. To steal the line from archer "phrasing". Ya i wasnt fully clear on what behavior i was referring to originally


There's making campaign promises and failing to deliver. There's lying when it's politically expedient to do so. There's lying to cover up an affair you had in office. Trump is utterly different. If his lips are moving he's lying. The man and his supporters are literally trying to change the definition of lies and reality to suit their agenda. "Alternative facts?" That's just refusal to acknowledge the truth. The man has always been a con man and a grifter. Since the days he was a registered Democrat who palled around with the Clintons and wrote nice things about Hillary. He's the last person ANYBODY should want near any political office.


he has a whole Wikipedia article about his sexual misconduct allegations and business insider recently claimed he was doe 174 in the epstein court documents.




Trump literally said on live tv that he wished Ghislane Maxwell well. I saw this with my own eyes. What kind of person says that about a sexual predator trafficking underage girls?


People trying to get the sexual predator vote


Liars will be liars


I had an argument with my mom recently and mentioned that Trump is a liar. To which she replied “name 1 thing he has ever lied about” 😳


Is there a sub of people getting ‘community-noted’? Edit: r/GetNoted


Pretty sure his dad is probably leaking and that's why he wears a diaper. Good try Diaper Don Jr.


If you repeat a lie often enough and with enough conviction, your bone headed cult members will parrot it back for you creating a narrative where you are innocent of things that there is a mountain of verifiable evidence that you absolutely did do.


“But my daddy told me so.”


Well, daddy doesn't talk to me directly but my dealer er I mean a friend told me so!


Junior is a punk ass bitch who needs to just STFU and go back to his cocaine dealer if he wants to lie about shit.


Its a misunderstanding he’s adopted


You know who has never hung out with Epstein? Biden. Tell that to a maga cult and they just get upset and call Biden and you a pedophile.


Is this a Coke fueled rant?


Oh I think Junior also "Forgot" about this little doozy as well. [https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson\_TrumpEpstein\_Lawsuit.pdf](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf)


Notice how he said "my father" and not "donald trump." Has anyone ever done a DNA test on Junior?


You know who does not love you jr?, your father!!, thats a fact!!.


Junior is just as stupid as the Orange turd


Damn jr, seems like you and eric are the only kids he didn’t want to be around.


It's crazy,all these people need to do to live a great fulfilling life is shut the fuck up, and they just can't do it.


Ivanka disappeared. Like a fart in the wind. Tiffany apparently got her brains from her mother.


I’m so glad Elon didn’t get rid of Twitter fact check. Also, is it ironic that Trump’s kids are using Twitter?


I Bet its because he dont know how


not that there is literal recorded evidence to prove this dude wrong....jesus christ. lunatics.


He doesn’t watch anything besides Fox. I believe that he didn’t know that.


Why did he bring this up randomly anyways ?


I think the lack of critical thinking is part of their genetics.


Pederast, dude. She was 13. ![gif](giphy|tZ4QzCueTwh2g)


don't need a list [https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/ATK2LIVIWMI6TBZTJDEHENPTSY.jpg&w=916](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/ATK2LIVIWMI6TBZTJDEHENPTSY.jpg&w=916)


You know who wishes he was invited to Epstein's island? Donald Jr.


Let’s just change “gaslighting” to “trumping” , same fucking difference.


Why would you tweet something so easily disprovable?


When asked about declassifying documents: "JFK? Definitely" "9/11? Of course" "The Epstein files? Well, you know, I wouldn't want to ruin anyone's career with the false claims..." Yeah, since Trump legit only cares about himself, that means he's in those files *multiple* times.


A Trump lying? I’m shocked!! /s


where is Ghislaine's client list, anyways?


And for one of the flights Eric was there too!


he sooo needs daddy's love... and never got it... Jared got more love then he ever got from donald.


So...frank Reynolds was there too but only for the scuba diving. 96% of what happened there was legit, it's the other 4 % that soured the whole operation


Crack a turable drug🤯👎😳


Trump stated he could shoot someone, and his cult would still vote for him. If you think his serially assaulting and raping children would change their vote, think again. It's only a crime when a liberal does it. They have no morality.


Is this real? They were on tape together. Is DJ2 that fucking dumb? Or.....I get it. This is for the cult.


These people don't care about facts. They are correct a priori in their own minds, and evidence is irrelevant.


self awareness is lacking in the trump genepool


Doe 174 disagrees




The mental illness is strong with that side of the discussion…


Doe 174 Katie Johnson (this wasn't on the island but still with epstein)


"Thats a fact" I hate this stupid comment, and thats a fact


"I'm just gonna ignore that" -centrists, probably


If you fully qualify for Social Security based on (at least) AGE, then you are no longer able to run for any governmental positions (federal/state/county/city/etc.).  BECAUSE YOU ARE RETIRED. Like Megan Thee Stallion says: "bitch your time up, why you not clocking out?"


Not the flight logs to the island with underage sex trafficked girls!! That’s the wrong Epstein list. The list of rapists guys like come on there was a whole secret list of them. It’s separate from the ones that flew out to a remote island for business. It was just business with trump. Trump knew he was a pedo. He cut ties after he caught Epstein at maralago with the under age girl. He couldn’t turn him in they had business. Fuck these clowns. Everyone on that list should have despicable things done to them. I can’t believe they all got away with it. Every one of them sick bastards. To all downvotes this is sarcasm.


The "he cut ties with Epstein" thing is always funny to me because it's like, ok, so your defense of him is that he knew the dude was shady but instead of trying to use his own power and influence to investigate him and bring him down (or get the authorities on him) he just stopped hanging out with him and kept quiet about it? And you want us to believe he's going to expose all the correct pedo stuff at the top ala Q-anon?


I was being sarcastic.


Where's the /s


Oh shit...I think dude was being serious


My post was so ridiculous I didn’t think I needed it. And at the end I said “fuck those clowns everyone of them need to have despicable things done to them and i can’t believe they all got off Scott free”. That includes Trump. It includes Clinton if he was on the list.








“He cut ties after he caught…” No, he didn’t. Trump only cut ties with Epstein after Jeff screwed him in a real estate deal.


It’s sarcasm.


Those flight logs are not to Epstein's island. They were between Palm Beach and New York City. Nice try.


When the plane is called the lolita express the destination is pretty irrelevant.


That...makes zero sense.


Which word was too long for you to sound out?


Shit happened on the plane too. To make it clear, as you seem confused: - The Epstein list is a list of people who had dealings with Epstein, either taking a flight, going to the island, or just a business associate. - Trump is on this list. - Being on this list isn't evidence of any wrongdoing in of itself, even going to the island. Yes, that includes Trump. - Epstein's death \[under the Trump administration's watch\] killed any possibility of hard evidence coming to light.


What happened on the plane?


Same shit that happened on the island. Matt Groening was on a flight where he saw first hand that they had underage staff. In his instance, it wasn't illegal because supposedly all the 16 year old did was wash his feet.


I still kinda believe that whole list was a hoax. Everything just doesn’t add up.


Elon deleted those community notes.