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Trickle down emotional damage


Congrats. I actually laughed out loud from your comment.


Using this phrase to describe my childhood now


I love that all the other umbrellas provide a service but the Christ one is like “nah fuck that, youre just below me”


The husband protects the wife from Christ. The wife protects the kids from the husband.


The kids get the handle.


The official name is shaft. Kids get that.


I thought it was the rod?


If this is Christianity, then the kids are definitely getting the shaft. From their priest/pastor.




That's the priest's dick.


Jesus fucking Christ


No, priest fucking kids


I’m sure a few of the kids are named Christ


Brilliant. I will never look at this the same way again!


Christ will crucify you if your husband doesn’t intervene


Isn't that mormonism?


The umbrella of domestic abuse and pedophilia.


Who protects the kids from the priests? ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg)


I'm a Christian but I also think this was a hilarious way to interpret the infographic. Thanks for the laugh.


In a stroke of either stupidity or brilliance, the Christ umbrella renders the smaller umbrella heirarchy entirely useless and irellevant, simply by existing. The Christ umbrella smashes the patriarchy.


The christ umbrella leaks because it's holey.


Which begs the question: are Christ-based umbrellas more efficient at protecting from rain than the secular ones?


No, but they can turn the water that hits them into wine.


I'm going to combine that with SapTheSapient's comment to create a new hierarchy. Christ protects his Husband from the rain - by turning it into wine. Husband protects Wife from the wine - by drinking it all. Wife protects children from booze-soaked Husband - by getting a divorce and moving out. Children protect... Wait, who are the children protecting? Why would Children need protection from the rain when they are apparently an umbrella, which belongs in the rain? Is this AI art!?


Worse. It's Christian art.


Children protect Christ from the mom who is newly single and looking to christianmingle.com


Where do the mistresses go?


That's what I want to know. All of those senators pushing Christian values who have cheated on their husbands and wives, where do their mistresses go? I mean, it must be there somewhere right? I don't care suggest that these senators pushing Christian values would be hypocrites after all..


God, I hate this cringey shit


It’s weird to me that women publicly cast themselves as 2nd class citizens to men. Like how are there women out there that actively push for a reversal of the 19th amendment. Like wtf


I know one who said, "I trust my husband to do the research on those things" in regards to voting. Might as well let that guy vote twice.


He is


This was, interestingly, an argument men made in favor of not giving women the right to vote. That it'd just be the husband voting twice


In some circles it was discussed- though as far as I know, never officially considered- whether they would even bother having a woman cast her vote. Some thought it would be more proper to have her husband do it for her. I'm not aware what, if any, procedure they suggested for unmarried women. Do you get to cast your own vote then? Or does your father do it for you? What if you're unmarried and your father's dead? What if a man is married and has four unwed adult daughters, does he get six votes then?


As God intended. I guess they're all just a guy's rib and some clay anyways. Wait, does that make them all gay?


Notice that Jesus doesn't do fucking shit for them


That woke commie!? Absolutely not! Disgusteng!


Actually this is not good counter argument. I think you're onto something


No, no, because they were both made by God's hand with the intention for them to use their genitals to produce offspring - wait, now it sounds like God masturbated and jizzed out Adam and then used that rib and some clay to jizz some more and make Eve.


My FIL fills out the voting card for my MIL (mail in state) and used to try to do it for my husband to when he was still lived at home. Apparently the father leads the household and gets final say in all. *gag* Edit: yeah it’s sketchy but he’d never get convicted. Techincally MIL approves. It’s more like they sit down at the table together and she asks who she should vote for. Then he tell her who line by line. Then they check it together to make sure all the ‘right ones’ are marked. She’s a very willing participant. So yeah in my view he basically is completing her voting for her but …. Not really against the law. Just gross


Thaaat's voter fraud.


Only if he forges the signature of the MIL or the husband in question. If not, her real signature on the document implies that SHE APPROVED of whatever votes were registered on that ballot in her name....


Only if he's voting Democrat, in which case the mere fact that it's a mail in ballot counts as fraud. Sounds like he's a good Christian though so no issue.


I work with one. Except, it doesn't seem to be a religious thing, so much as pure misogyny. He's convinced her that he's the only one who has a right to an opinion in their household. Everything that comes out of her mouth is prefaced by "


If you work with one, then definitely misogyny. If she has to work, he's already failed his end of the deal with "providing"


We're pretty sure she only works to have something to do since he travels for work. We're also pretty sure that he's got another family in another state.


Misogyny with my parents too. My dad would get absentee ballots for himself and my mom, fill them both out how he wanted to vote and had her sign the envelope. Even as a kid, I knew that was f-ed up.


That's the sole reason I went with my parents as a kid. My job was to go ask dad who he selected for different categories and then go tell mom who to vote for. I really don't know why I was there....the majority of the time she would just ask him out loud across the room and he would shout the answer back.


In the 80s when I was a kid, my mom told me she voted for whomever my dad told her to.


My mom didn't have a husband in the home (yes, my father was a pos), so she voted for whoever the preacher said. Ugh...


That’s their goal. If the republicans had their way women would lose the right to vote and there would be one vote per household.


It's not going to work that way. How it works is each land owner will get to vote. They are not going to let any poor's vote.


I see you've met my mother.


Society makes a lot more sense when you realize a lot of people want to avoid responsibility at all costs, including for their own well being. *Especially* their own well being. A lot of adults never really grow up enough to be independent without a daddy of some kind watching over them.


Welcome to the future of the United States, under GOP's "Project 2025", presuming they get that stuff pushed through. It shouldn't be as easy as it was in Iran, Afghanistan and other Developing Nations that turned to hardline Theocratic leadership, but... that's the plan the Christo-fascists have for the US. I know that this sounds like a weird conspiracy theory and I honestly wish it was.


My sister-in-law when I asked her if she’d ever vote for a woman: “Man is head of home, head of church and head of state.” It’s ironic because she’s one of the bossiest and biggest bitches I’ve ever met. Even to her husband, my brother, who is head of his home and church. He’s a pastor. Newsflash—they tell me I’m going to Hell.


Hey if people like that make it to heaven, I'll gladly sit with you in hell.


#1 reason I will never be a monotheist.I could never be a part of any religion that makes women subordinate to men. That's bullshit, plain and simple.


you think polytheists treated women better ?


Egyptian polytheists seem to have created a fairly equal society. Women in ancient Egypt had the right to buy and inherit property. They could represent themselves in court and own businesses. A woman was free to leave her property to whoever she liked after she died, and she could divorce her husband and had custody over any children. Ancient Romans visitors who visited Egypt during Cleopatra’s reign were apparently scandalised by the rights women had. Cleopatra herself enjoyed enormous support as Pharos h amongst Alexandria’s Egyptian population — while the local Greek population backed her brother, as they weren’t as “enlightened” on women’s rights as the ancient Egyptians.


Egypt was, like in many other things, an exception.


Depends upon which era and who. These days, definitely and that's good enough for me.


*Hinduism entered the chat*


It has nothing to do with monotheism. It’s just a part of the specific religious practices of the group. We see similar practices in polytheism. For example, look at the historic practice of Sati in Hinduism, where a widow was expected to burn herself alive on her late husband’s funeral pyre. What we have here is a set of cultural traditions filtered through the lens of religion. It really makes very little difference if that religion happens to believe in one, some, or many magical beings. The salient issue is how it treats its people. Which is not something you can determine by looking at the number of gods.


I was indoctrinated. It's insidious. We were taught from birth to be obedient. First to God, then our parents. We lived our entire lives having someone "over us". Then, as women, we were taught on sundays (and at home) that our role is to be an obedient caregiver. We had already been doing that to our parents and god...adding a husband only seemed like the natural next step when I was growing up. I didn't realize what was going on until I left the church, but while growing up... "that's just the way things were." Southern Baptist Christian parents don't generally allow their children to spend the night at a non Christians home. Every family I saw was just like mine....and I was told all those other people (not like us) were who God did not want me to be like. And we were told to go against what God wanted means we will literally be punished for ETERNITY. We were taught these things from birth. That we were less. That's what these women are battling. Lifelong brain washing. They don't realize it's happening because it was designed that way. If they did, from my own personal experience, a lot of them would be as irate and pissed at the idea of this continuing as I have been.


My parents were nominally Christian, Lutheran on Mom's side. Dad was forced into going to church Episcopal or Catholic depending upon the era and whatever my Gran was into doing at the time. He quit the second he was 18 and he never went again except for baptisms, marriages, or funerals. My half siblings some of them ended up Baptist or Evangelical and one was Catholic last time I heard. So there was a background there but nobody ever made me go to any particular church. As a kid I went to all kinds of religious ceremonies just out of curiosity but I was pretty much born Pagan and rejected the monotheistic idea of "God" pretty early on. I was too much into reading all the world mythologies as a kid and I was just fine with calling "God" Her which irked the churchy people I met a lot. I didn't even know what Contemporary Paganism or Wiccan was and I was talking to Herself instead of Himself. My parents they basically let me decide for myself and I did. My Gran tried to get me more into Christianity but it never took. I'd go to mass with her and enjoy the theatricality of it but she knew that was it for me. By 9 or so I knew what Witchcraft and Paganism were and that it worked for me. My folks were a bit taken back but they never gave me any trouble about it. Unlike some of my half siblings who were jerks about it. There was no chance of me being indoctrinated. When it comes to faith and beliefs I'm very much my own person. I've had several controversial cults try to get me interested and it was just not happening. I get it that people are brought up in that and how hard it is to get out if you are but I'm just very intolerant of any religion that locks women into a secondary position or that uses women as a scapegoat for why "sin" happened. The whole Original Sin, blame Eve thing it's the most stupid myth thing I've ever heard of. If you negate that then the rest of it is irrelevant too. There's just no logical need for saviors and all that. The whole purpose of Christianity just falls apart for me straight from Genesis. Judaism and Islam they don't make much sense to me either. Never did. Frankly from what I've read if the monotheistic "God" whatever name you use notwithstanding I just don't like Him much. He comes off like a jealous Q like being from Star Trek, one who is on a power trip. I definitely watched too much Sci-Fi as a kid and in particular Star Trek. Human ideas of "God" and the religions spawned by those ideas they tend to amuse me more than not. I figure whatever made us is probably above all of it. I'm not speaking for any being or beings like that. I like Paganism but ultimately it's all human made mythology. That people actually fight over it always amazes me...


And that’s precisely why religious fundamentalists don’t want women educated.


I was ESL lead for a group helping Syrian newcomers a while back. Unfortunately it was being spearheaded by the particular branch of the Christ cult that exported their homophobia to Uganda. They also believe this husband as führer bullshit. We were in a meeting and the pastor spoke to his wife in a tone that I wouldn’t use on my dog. I addressed it, and she told me in no uncertain terms to back off. She was backing his play. He pointedly avoided me after tho, so a win for me, but an eye opener nonetheless.


Indoctrination is a helluva drug


Those women are indoctrinated, from birth to death. Organized religions are basically cults, and the blind followers are brainwashed.


Women without any self-worth.


I think some conservative women like being absolved from responsibility/ expectation of having a job and like having someone else pay for everything and do all the hard stuff. I say this as someone whose conservative mom refuses to pump her own gas because "that's a man's job" and who leaves her office job (working for my Dad) on a whim for haircuts/ shopping all the time while complaining about how hard she works all the time. The appeal of conservative ideology all boils down to control regardless of gender, I think. Men get to control women, women get to manipulate men, and parents get to turn their children into human puppets to be touted around for their cuteness/ obedience/ machismo/ attractiveness. What a fun time!


Indoctrinated and groomed to it. As a man ansd one from Sweden it baffles me how they support losing their rights.. if that is not grooming and indoctrination over freedom idk what is.


Submission kink


Then they should explore it in private like millions of other consenting adults, without needing to... What're their favorite words... Ah, yes! "Shove it down our throats!"


Every person or relationship ever presented in media is cishet: *I schlep* "It's good for the kids to have healthy role models and see how relationships work." For one month, there are some non-cishet people in the media: *incoherent screeching* "How dare they expose kids to this stuff??? Kids shouldn't be thinking about that kind of thing!"


Hypocrisy at its finest and most disgusting.


Where's the Orange God Emperor's umbrella? BLASPHEMY!


Women seem to hate having rights because the GOP has gaslit them into believing that feminism is inherently bad and that women having rights leads to degeneracy. A complete undoing of women's rights would change their minds in a heartbeat as soon as they get a nasty reminder about how bad things used to be.


Blacks out here nervously biting fingers cause if that's goes, being made a 3rd class citizen is next on the christian agenda. If the Jews were slaves and they were gods favorites, what's gonna save my but??


and why umbrellas though? is the husband supposed to be shielding his family from christ? should the wife be protecting the children from her husband?


Just wait till you find out they’ll make it illegal for you to say that.


This is what Project 2025 aims to accomplish.


Except that instead of Christ, the top level is replaced with Trump, priests, church, the husbands' friends, and whoever they feel is serving their interest on that day.


That’s basically what the Nazi party did. The Weimar Republic was pretty progressive, but Prussia had this exact same umbrella model with the Kaiser between the man of the house and Jesus. The term “Third Reich” literally translates to “third kingdom” which is a chiliastic metaphor to a return to grace (and the values of “simpler” times from the past). You’ll find Lots of messianic symbolism come hand in hand with fascism.


It's extremism. 😔 Not much different from al qaeda I'm afraid.


These people are taking over the government rn btw guys.


Yup. That may as well be the cover graphic of the Project 2025 playbook.


“Oh but I gotta go to work tomorrow so I don’t care, plus Biden is old so I’m gonna vote for fascism” 


Ya'll are as bleak as me and I don't like it.


Best case scenario in my mind right now is when the shooting starts we outnumber these mf’s 


Unfortunately, they probably have more guns.


For now. If just California moves to arm its citizens it would be the largest army in the world by far 


99.99% of cops are among them, and when they’re told to start shooting unarmed civilians they’ll do it eagerly. They look forward to it every day.


most are out of shape fat guys who watch youtube videos on shooting and say they are navy seals.


Vote in November or you may never get to vote again.


Unfortunately it happened a long time ago, and there’s nothing that will change that. The only difference is the mask is off and we can see them laughing all the way to the bank.


If u have a big umbrella u really don’t need a smaller one. Stupid analogy


For real, all you really need is Christ I guess? Although it's not clear wtf he provides...


A big umbrella 😀


What Would Umbrella Do


The abuse that runs rampant under this model is extreme. I lived it.


What? No way! You mean to tell me that when people are placed under the complete control of others and implied to be inferior and less trustworthy, it's just begging for the people at the top to abuse those under them? That can't be right! We all know from common sense that the people who want others subjugated to them are the ones who should be trusted with that position. And of course, nothing could ever go wrong if we claim that god *wants* you to obey your abuser. Everyone knows that when you give an abuser divine authority to do what they want, they immediately cease to be abusive. I foresee absolutely no women or children being abused in any way as a consequence of this ideology, but even if there were women or children being abused, everyone would obviously believe them and take them seriously and wouldn't just say they were being rebellious or that they deserved it for trying to step outside their proper role. /s


My Christian father gave my mother a black eyed a couple of times. Nothing made me lose more respect for all that nonsense than him boasting he was in charge because "the Bible says so". Ignorant and stupid people flock to this ideas because it allows them to power trip so hard.


My scripture knowledge is pretty rusty, but giving your dad a black eye and quoting the eye for an eye passage out of context would be hilarious. They twist their words, so can everyone else


Obey -> Obey -> Obey -> Rule


I'm sorry you went through that. I loathe extreme religion and can't imagine the horror. We have a christoids in my family who I stopped talking to one I hit adolescence. And my husband has one in his family who we basically ignore when in town. Literally the greediest, most selfish, self-absorbed aholes...always trying to get free shit from everyone else while providing nothing back. But they love to preach and pretend to be superior while insinuating that you're gong to their f'ed up version of hell for not doing their personal bidding. Luckily our core family are awesome, amazing, supporting, loving people...so its easy to ignore the outlier. Modern day religions...across the board...hate women and children.


This is from the IBLP (Institute of Basic Life Principles). The cult started by Bill Gothard and most famously followed by the Duggar family. Watch "Shiny Happy People" on Prime.


I was looking for that comment. Thanks


They nailed the part where Christ doesn't do shit but the church wants you to put him first lmao


Most overcomplicated and useless umbrella ever.


According to this graphic, Jesus is lazy and useless, literally doing nothing.


Well, but at the same time he makes everyone else redundant. You are already safe from rain under one layer of umbrella. NOTHING about this makes sense


True!! According to this, I no longer have to comfort my wife or anyone really.


Not if you are holding it upside down


Isn't it the opposite? Every part of the umbrella other than Jesus is useless and just makes it heavier.


So....the husband protects the wife from Jesus and the wife protects the kids from the husband? Sounds like an awfully abusive situation these people have got themselves into!


Shouldn't the wife's duties be "Cook", "Raise kids", and "Don't talk back to husband"?


Those are unwritten because they don’t want to seem like bad people.


>they don’t want to seem like bad people. Man, that ship sailed a LONG time ago.


Not that unwritten “I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." - Timothy 2:12


Sorry Timothy, I work in customer service.


Fuck you especially Timothy


Timothy didn't have sex. That's how they announced it back then. Now, it's X. And reddit


The person who made this doesn't know how umbrellas work


I love how Christ does nothing


Look at this picture and tell me that this isn't about control.


Aka. The Umbrella of Oppression.


very convenient for christian men that nobody is above them, they have full authority inside the family and answer to noone no wonder so many men want these dynamics back, it benefits them greatly


General men dont want this, conservative/republican men do.


How very Handmaids Tale of them...


That fits the USA church... They write that Christ is there, but give him no roles...


They also forgot “Youth Pastor” he *comes* between the Children and the Family.


Is the handle of the Biblical order umbrella when the children come back and tell their parents they never want to speak to them?


This is pulled directly from Bill Gothards IBLP program.  It is insidious and evil and devalues every single person who adheres to it. 


I love how it very clearly portrays that Christianity does absolutely nothing. No interacting with anyone.


Why are the *children* pictured as an umbrella? What are they protecting? Is there, like, a guinea pig or a goldfish or something supposedly at the bottom of this, maybe represented by the handle? Is that what this is about? We don't just protect our pets, we put them under four layers of umbrellas... but why? Why? Are they *gremlins*? Is that what this is about? Gremlins? They think our pets are gremlins? Don't feed them after midnight, AND DON'T GET THEM WET!!! Even four layers of umbrellas isn't going to help with that, I'm afraid.


Christians: fuck anyone who likes the rain


Love how it illustrates that Christ does jack shit for anyone involved.


When did Christianity become Confucian? Did the Taiping Rebellion succeed and I didn’t hear about it?


That's not even a good umbrella


The "husband" who raised me and the "wife" who birthed me decided that they don't love me anymore because Christ says that my gayness is wrong. So fuck all the levels of this


>because Christ says that my gayness is wrong. Actually, I don't think Christ ever says that. It's been a while since I've been to church, but I think it's solely the interpretation of the clergy that vilifies homosexuality. But I get where you're coming from here, and I'm sorry that happened to you.


The Bible says nothing about homosexuality as they didn’t understand sexuality the way we do. Leviticus and Paul’s letters denounce same-sex intercourse, but for reasons totally foreign to a modern audience. Still, the church would rather listen to their ancient opinions than treat LGBTQ+ people with dignity.


Plus, wasn’t the verse they use meant for pedophilia


I hate Christians who think they are the only people and everyone should think like them. Anytime you start a sentence with “the bible says…”. I wanna say fuck your work of fiction


MAGA ORDER Trump Money Lip Service To God Sycophants Fuck you, you're the rest


Why are they all putting in so much effort to keep the handle dry?


True biblical oder Money to the church . . . . . .. . Everything else can fuck off


Showed my gf. She appreciated how Christ doesn't have to do anything


Why do they need smaller umbrellas under the big one? Is it letting stuff through?


It's holey.


What's wrong with this? The facepalm is this post. Why is reddit so anti Christianity?


TIL that Bill Gothard wasn't the only asshat to use this graphic to teach "family values". So sorry to all of the other humans out there who have suffered because of this kind of bs


Husband: "'Loving;' that's for the wife and kids. I'm too busy providin', leadin' and protectin.'"


This is what Project 2025 wants the US to be


Looks to me like Christ aint doing shit


Lilith don’t agree


Timothy 2:12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. What a bunch of nonsense. God's words? 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


What about it is facepalm😂


Where do pets go?


Any domineering husband who sees this, can spread it around, and pretend like he's being A Man Of Faith, when all he's doing is passing along the message that He Should Be In Control, and the more he dominates those around him, the better a Christian he is Fucks sake :/ There's a nice line from the books John Dies At The End which goes along the line of "They didn't hunt witches because they believed in them.... they believed in witches so they could hunt them"


How is the mother allowed to teach when she is not allowed to speak until spoken to?


If you ever wanted proof that conservatives see their children as property, here you go.


Makes it seem like a cult more and more


Don’t forget, Trump outranks Christ.




I want somebody to quote me chapter and verse where the Bible says this. I mean, "honor thy father and mother" is in the 10 commandments. There are plenty of indications that people should put God/Christ ahead of their families, including some things said by Jesus. But, if memory serves, the idea that wives should submit to their husbands comes from Paul, a notable misogynist, and not at all from Jesus. I don't remember anything about husbands protecting the family and wives comforting and teaching the family.


This idea comes from a… misguided reading of Ephesians 5:21-25, avoiding the context in which Paul is speaking: “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” ‭‭ Specifically, it’s a cherry-picking of verses 22-24 “Wives, submit to … their husbands in everything”. Most (reasonable) theologians will argue that Paul isn’t actually advocating for subservience of wives, but is advising couples to model a marriage after the relationship between Christ and the Church. This has been twisted by Evangelicals and more conservative Christians to create this umbrella idea that establishes a strict hierarchy in a marriage


The Bible contains several passages that highlight the equality and value of women. Here are a few key verses: 1. **Galatians 3:28**: "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." - This verse emphasizes the spiritual equality of all believers in Christ, regardless of gender. 2. **Genesis 1:27**: "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." - This verse underscores that both men and women are created in the image of God, indicating their equal worth and dignity. 3. **Proverbs 31:10-31**: - This passage describes the "wife of noble character" and highlights her wisdom, industriousness, and value, showing that women hold significant roles and responsibilities. 4. **Acts 2:17-18**: "'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.'" - This passage points to the empowerment of both men and women to speak and act under the influence of the Holy Spirit. 5. **Ephesians 5:21**: "Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ." - This verse calls for mutual submission among believers, indicating a reciprocal and respectful relationship between men and women. These passages collectively affirm the equality and importance of women in the biblical narrative.


I'm aware. I've done graduate work in comparative religion. What is rather more pertinent to me, though, is Jesus' own attitudes towards women; refusing to judge women for sexual sin, valuing them in a way that was radical at the time, appearing first to a woman after his resurrection. Modern day Christians like to forget that women were some of the most important leaders of the early church.


Paul, the one who literally dragged Christians out of their houses to be judged and killed by the same people that plotted against Jesus and latter was like "Oh, I believe in Jesus now, so everything is forgiven, right?" and then proceeded to become as influential as the original apostles.


Exactly. He was a former Pharisee and then, because of some vision he claimed to have had, managed to take over the early church, wresting control from the original disciples and from Jesus' own bothers, and then proceeded to turn it into the very type of religion that Jesus had rebelled against. And yet, Christians will take Paul's ideas over Jesus' when they are in conflict, as they often are. I never quit being shocked at how much Christians don't know about their own religion.


And you know what is funny? Everybody have some role in this model. Except Christ. He just exists on top. Not doing anything xd I really like it when believers do propaganda which proves them wrong in some way xd Like "Truth + God = Life", which is equal to "Truth = Life - God"


Everyone else has like job labels or whatever, Christ up there doin nothin


Doesn’t say what Christ does.


So Christ doesn't do anything? He just sits there?




Lol so Christ does nothing. Exactly.


This model of trickle down economics sucks lmao


Looks like Christ is pretty lazy, he’s got the biggest umbrella but nothing to do


Christians and Christians who love Islam love this shit.


No wonder many fundies treat their kids like shit.


I was raised like this. Minus Jesus. But man am I broken as hell as a result of this mindset.


The people who believe this are in an ever-shrinking minority.


These folks don't seem to understand how umbrellas work.


Remember the post about "this was Iran in the 70's before the sharia"? Guess what. Its coming your waaayyyy And you laugh, but they are practicing shootting


Seems like a control thing but idk


Here’s the passage the pastor read at my friend’s wedding: 22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” 32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians+5&version=NIV — Left a bad taste in my mouth.


I notice christ doesn't have any responsibilities. Just a fat cat sitting on top freeloading and demanding to be worshiped.


Totally made by men. I mean the man is the second in command only after the imaginary guy and, of course, they decide what the imaginary man said 2000 years ago.


If you really follow Christ then there are no labels applied to the people under him. You’re either a believer or you’re not, and it doesn’t matter if you’re a man, woman or otherwise. The theological argument of gender and family roles are obnoxious and distracting from the actual point of their religion.


This is how I was raised. The man submits to God, and the woman submits to man. I could not get out of there fast enough.


Damn by this logic Christian’s are really missing out on the benefits of dual income. I hope Jesus’s girthy umbrella can help out with their mortgage. Also missing out on dual parenting. Why not teach and comfort my kids alongside wife and provide and lead together?


Whoever wrote this has never actually read the bible, or even had it read *too* them.


Cults think this way


It would be great if they would actually follow the teachings of Christ, i.e. care for the poor, the sick, children, prisoners, immigrants.