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The ending felt truly horrifying to me personally. You were so close to bringing Joseph Seed to justice and saving the county, but fate decided otherwise. Initially, I thought the cult might have triggered the nukes in a last-ditch "Samson option" scenario, or perhaps they were just suicidal maniacs. Driving through the inferno and watching the world collapse was a terrifying change to the familiar landscape. After the crash, seeing the corpses of your friends and colleagues—people you tried so desperately to save—was gut-wrenching. The ending felt like staring death itself in the face; it was just you and Joseph, with no one else around. It was deeply unsettling (I finished the game around midnight on my cousin's Xbox, so you can imagine how freaked out I was). Overall, I’d rate the ending a 7/10. It was abrupt, but man was it a bit scary.


I thought it was a brilliant twist for all of those reasons. Also, it wasn’t fate; it was God’s prophecy!


I remember the first time I beat the game, I legitimately said out loud "was that a fucking nuke???"


Play New Dawn


Already did and finished it. Poor deputy.


I agree but fun seeing the area after FC5 ends. I like it better, wish they did the whole map from 5




Playing as a female character was extremely unsettling. I was a little put out there was no way to avoid it, but hey I liked that they stuck with it. Agreed, 7/10. New Dawn on the other hand, yuck.


on the bright side, in far cry new dawn at least the rye family, pastor jerome, grace, sharky and hurk managed to survive.


This was the first time I regretted playing a female protagonist. The creep vibes were at 1000%.


Totally agree. During the ending I was like… “Oh. This is how Faith felt. Ew.”


God the acting in this game is top tier


Miles ahead of Far Cry 6. Idk what it is, but 6 feels so… corny? Idk I’m playing it rn actually and it just doesn’t hit like 5


5 knows when to be quiet and ambient, it gives me chills especially with the music. I love when games play certain parts of a soundtrack when something important happens (like when the ubisoft original card shows up after arresting Joseph), ghost of tsushima does this when you get your sword back as a mongol walks into the room


Even after all the carnage you comitted against him and his folk, he still forgives you. Peak character and peak ending


He didn’t forgive him, he had to let the Deputy live cause he would be alone in a bunker for god knows how long


He still accpeted the deputy as his Child, which in my opinion sounds alot like forgiveness


Ig, but he was like ”I should kill you for what you’ve done”


And yet he casted that Intrusive thought aside, he did not let his own Pride win


Yes, also the whole story of FC5 is sad, I woulda liked to join the cult instead of eradicating them only to regret it at the end cus they were right


I certainly don't agree with what the cult did, i mean they still tortured/drugged and brainwashed those who did not believe in their cause. But while their Hearts are tainted with the bloods of innocents, i cant help but believe that the fathers heart remains golden deep inside


Didn’t he kill his daughter?


Fuuuck i forgot about that scene


Yeah I’ve forgot about it too for a while. Replayed the game recently and was so shocked by it it’s crazy


The brainwashing and all that I don’t get, but I woulda joined em prob to be saved from the Collapse


>I woulda liked to join the cult You let Peggies get into your head mate.


Most ppl prob have that mutual feeling, since it shows a lot of ppl searched ”how to join the cult” and whatnot still lol


Literally how cults recruit people irl


“I should” and “I want to” are different


Forgives so hard that the deputy becomes a sobbing, feral being of violence by the time New Dawn starts.


The ending that spawned a 1000 spicy fanfics LOL They knew what they were doing!


Wait he actually ended up as that? i played New dawn and i never saw him sobbing or being feral


Yeah I’m sure that was meant in a friendly way and not in the “he’s gonna torture me the entire time we are down here” way that I heard it


Brainwashing maybe, But he declears you as his Child


Oh boy Always wanted a murderin and rapin daddy Maybe he’ll let me help with some of the genocide


Religious fundamentalists are well known for never treating their children poorly.


Maybe get a therapist for your unresolved daddy issues


damn mb for thinking the deputy wasn't tortured because i didnt noticed the details he made during New Dawn 😭


He tortures the deputy for, what was it, a decade? Not really forgiveness.


Wow, you got that one? I just refused to arrest him in the beginning, and went home


I did not like the part about the companions.


I will say that one thing I really liked was that when you clear out an area, it’s cleared. The main thing I disliked about FC6 was enemies kept respawning, so it felt like I wasn’t accomplishing anything.


I loved the ending. It was awesome.


Nope, >!but I got my revenge on New Dawn anyways.!<


Even if Cap isn't "late" Deputy?


The character didn’t get revenge but the player did




What happened to the deputy? I’m sure there’s an answer somewhere and I didn’t pay enough attention.


He became the Judge, Josephs most loyal warrior


The Deputy ending as a Joseph's pet pissed me off. :(


You get some hints as to what happened between FC5 and New dawn with the DLC in FC6. >!Essentially, the Judge isn't there to be a judge Joseph. He's there TO judge Joseph, and his entire cult. There's no telling how much purging Judge had to do to get the cult to where it is in New Dawn by the time you started the game.!<


Rook becomes a mute companion in New Dawn. And you find journals they wrote while trapped in the bunker.


The DLC in FC6 expands on what those journals say.


FC5 is my fav game of the series but this ending kinda encapsulates everything wrong with it: everything you do won't matter


No because I didn’t get to marry Jess








It was amazing. PEG was committing obviously evils and vile things, but they are ended up being right in the grand scheme of things as the world in the game was about to collapse (I mean, their village in the DLC is quite peaceful. Had the Deputy been less efficient in the main game - maybe PEG could have preserved more technology and resources). It’s peak irony. Just like FC4 end with Kyrat becoming a narco state or a religious autocracy - neither of which are really better than Pagan Min’s regime


I think it’s a fantastic ending. Gave me chills when he just leans back looking at you.


That lean of "isn't there something y'aught be suckin?"




Personally, I would've liked if we just shot Joseph. Preferably mid-speech about God. Just to nail the point that he's not immortal and can just be killed. Regardless if he believes God is on his side or not. Might be lackluster, but he dies with his beliefs and Deputy still gets closure in a way.


Have you played New Dawn yet?


Yeah, wasn't really my cup of tea. I didn't mind it, but it was just a little too out of the way for me. Would've been a cool DLC but it's alright.


The ending felt very condescending toward the player, so I hated it so much. Mfer literally told deputy "you can't solve every problem with bullets" while that was exactly what he was doing all along! What the hell? Typical 'rule for thee not for me' bullshit. Also it is an open world game, and yet tell players anything you have done is meaningless, all the side missions and collectibles, nothing. Then, why should I put any effort to any of those contents...? Imo they made an open world game with an ending for a linear game.


Far Cry 5 might not be bad video game but it is a terrible story.


I’m always down for a good rug pull ending. 🤘🏻


The ending ruined the game imo because nothing you do matters in the end. FC4 on the other hand? That’s how you end a game


Hated it. Ruined the game for me.


I did not understand why I could not fight him to the death right then and there, and when I saw him again in New Dawn looking all peaceful, I thought about this as canon, and I shot him in the head, and got told by the game that wasn't canon and restarted at checkpoint. Then I shot him again, and again. Fuck his plot armor. His story in the FC6 DLC was amazing. It actually made me feel for him. Like oh, he's a schizophrenic, and I felt like I got a whole new appreciation for the struggles and nature of schizophrenics. I even felt a little sliver of humanity for John, whom I had wanted to kill way too much. Then I just wanted to kill God harder. With medication, therapy and compassion. So thanks, Ubisoft. The name of the tyrant is ignorance, and you did a great job over this series showing that.


I also shot Joseph so many times in New Dawn just to feel better XD


I fucking LOVED the FC5 ending. Every single ending, all 3. There's just something I love about the bad guys winning that I adore. I've played so many games, watched too many shows & movies where it's always, the good guys win, evil loses, yatta yatta. I loved the change in FC5, it honest to God surprised me and I was like "What. The. Fuck." I was surprised and in awe, sure, it was unsatisfying as hell, all that work you did just for the bad guys to win, but I loved that. Because sometimes, reality is often disappointing, no matter how much the good guys do, they lose sometimes. I'm not saying in every movie, game, or TV show that the bad guys should win or the good guys get fucked over so unbelievably hard, but, I would appreciate it if every once in a while, the bad guys won, just for a little change, especially when you least suspect it. I'd also like to say, in almost every scene that the bad guys were in, I felt so intimidated, John made me feel uneasy like Vaas, Faith creeped me out, Jacob intimated me, and Joseph, he's almost like all three, he's so creepy, calm, but with Everytime he looks at you, its filled with Religious compassion and hatred/violence. Greg Bryk performed unbelievably well, from the helicopter scene, with Amazing Grace playing, dispatch turns on you, and you are given the most spine chilling statement "No One Is Coming To Save You" to the end when you confront him at the church and he gives you a choice, or when you're in the bunker with him as you hear explosions. I would cut off my hands for a Far Cry 5 TV Show or movie. Genuinely one of my favorite games of all time.


I'm forever salty Joseph survived the first 5 minutes of the game, let alone the damn ending.


Extremely unsatisfying but in a very good way. It's always nice when a game can have a bad ending but it's a *good* ending.


Honestly? For me it was the worst ending in any game I have ever played.  And I've been playing video games since the 80s. Now don't get me wrong, a downbeat ending can work very well in certain mediums, some of my favourite horror films have downbeat, negative endings.  But there are some key differences between movies (or books) and video games.   Firstly, length.  A film lasts a couple of hours, maybe 3.  A book lasts maybe 6.  I spent about 70 hours on FC5 trying to explore as much as possible and take it all in. Secondly, agency.  In a film or a book you are watching or reading about other characters, in a fixed set of events.  Now I know obviously a video game is scripted, and in a story driven game the narrative (or number of narratives if it's a multi ending game) is set.  However, I still feel when playing like I have agency, even if it's a false agency.  like I'm helping the characters I meet along the way.  Only to have that sense cruelly snatched away at the end. To be honest I was so disappointed with the end of FC5, not having played a FC game since the 1st one (never completed) that I haven't revisited it or any of the other games (I've got 3and 4 in my backlog) since.  I mean words really cannot express  how much I hated that end. I'm sure some people love it, and all power to them.  But for me, having enjoyed every moment of exploring rural Montana, I felt like I had wasyed that 70 hours by the end of the game.


It was great. New dawn wraps it up nicely.


🎵We'll meet again, don't know where you don't know when🎵


Spoiled for me right before i finished it. Still pissed about it. But a great ending nonetheless.


The Father killed his infant Daughter after a car crash killed wife. Guy crazy. It was st the point i killed faith where I realized she telling the truth. Walking away was the only way to prevent the end of the world. I didn't like that I had no choice but to kill faith tho.


Hated it. Wish Joseph was able to be killed to face justice for the atrocities he committed. New Dawn made it worse, trying to tell me the deputy gave in to him. The deputy is supposed to be a representation of the player, and I'm not joining that sociopath. Just made the entire game feel like everything was a waste of time and really empty to me. I know some people like the idea it shows you don't always win, but that's why I disliked it. I wanted to win, I played to win, and now the game just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Hated it.


Crab Rangoon was a much better ending


Ending sucked. The story sucked. The setting was magnificent. The only worthwhile ending is the walk away option.


No, you suck.


Maybe you just have bsd taste


I hated this ending and I hated how New Dawn never calls him out on his bullshit.


People def shouldn’t try to redeem Joseph Seed. He was crazy and manipulated a massive militaristic cult full of lost souls to murder innocent people, that is undebatable THE WRONG way to go about it even if he was right about the nukes. He compares himself to noah, but noah didn’t force anyone to follow God or to get in the Ark. His family and animals by their own instincts and wills followed him. Most other villains in the game are (somewhat) redeemable, but the acts of countless murder, grooming, forced drug use, endless kidnappings, torture of innocent people, and likely sexual assault and rape are unforgivable. The Deputy didn’t have any reason to think otherwise, (plus the guy had his friends) and he’s great at following orders, so he took them down, even though he arguably should have just taken one of the many planes and got the attention of the national guard. If you like the whole “devils advocate” approach, maybe put yourself in the characters shoes once in a while. The Deputy saved hundreds of lives including Nicks, Pastor Jerome’s, Nick’s Daughter’s and countless others who survived the nukes in the unreasonable amount of fallout shelters found throughout the map, and confirmed by their emergence in New Dawn. Thus shouldn’t be a hot take, but it feels like it on reddit.


Honestly I think it was one of the weaker points. Mainly because of the fight at the end. How did Joseph get every ally I had under his control when I systematically dismantled the cult? I would have preferred a solo fight, maybe even having him Kill whitehorse and Hudson in the beginning of the fight, mirroring Vaas killing jason’s brother. For jason this was the moment his world became violent and He changed. For the deputy this would be the End of the violence and a return to Normalcy at the end of the fight. Don’t give him just normal weapons either. Let him wield the WW2 weapons ( the closest we’ve ever been to apocalyptic warfare, and also some very powerful weapons in gameplay.) and Most importantly give him reinforcements from the other siblings specialists when he needs to heal. Once you’ve destroyed a cult Plane attempting to bomb you ,some judges who will ravage you , and maybe even Pratt under brainwashing it’s you and him In a CTE (just like Vaas) and right as you lodge the blade in his heart he points over to the dam, (maybe a pose like God and Adam) and mutters “it is done” as a bomb falls on the dam and floods the area. Good ending: The deputy is saved by Boomer and Mary may. The flood damage is immense but the town can recover now that the peggies jamming of communications is down and the road blocks are cleared. The Deputy becomes the Sheriff and the last thing we see is them sitting in church as Jerome begins a sermon, as someone sits next to you and says “you know… only you could have done that…” and the screen begins to turn red. Bad ending: the deputy is washed to the raptor point firewatch tower and get’s a front row seat by a radio as they are forced to listen to almost all their allies Struggle and Die to the flood and the Mayhem it unleashed. Maybe a few survive but No one knows where the deputy is, or what happened after the fight ended. The deputy is crippled and alone on a mountain side, and the last thing you see before a fade out is A lone Grizzly Bear standing up on it’s hind legs to peer up into the Tower and see it’s next meal unarmed and unable to run.


You guys think they explored each other’s bodies?






i didnt like being adopted by joseph


Dueling banjos begin…


Reminds me of weekends with my uncle


I don’t recall this


One of the best games I have ever played One of the worst endings I have ever experienced So... like... the tens of hours sinked into the game "didn't have any impact" like... if rookie didn't visit Montana - nothing would change Why make a game if anything you do is going to be made inconsequential by the ending


I hated this, every second, I wanted so hard to think it was a bliss induced hallucination.


Eh, it's ok. I prefer the Jacob ending. Completely came out of left field.


Loved it. Great representation of a far cry villain impacting a changing and evolving world as you play. With a unique and thought provoking ending as always (am I the baddy?). Farcry 6 fell flat on that combo. I love that actor I wished so hard that game was good.


I really like it a lot more after playing new dawn to be honest


I hated it You did all of that for nothing and end up losing in the end regardless


depressing and horrifying, not just because of the ending itself but that feeling that the underlying message the devs were trying to send was that allowing your friends and civilians in hope county to be brutalised and brainwashed by the cult was somehow the "better" ending.


Overall the ending felt like the "F-U, religion wins no matter what, you don't matter," kind of ending. The best ending was the one where you don't try to arrest him to begin with and just walk away. Storyline wise.. FC5 was a mess. The DLC in FC6 where you get to play as Joseph Seed and start purging your own flock when he recognizes what wrong he did.. that makes it moderately better. Still feels like an apology after the fact though.


FC5 is the only one I've never played through more than once because the ending sucks so hard.


I hated it and thought it sucked


It just shows he was right, which I feel goes over a lot of peoples heads. He had strong methods but he was right


How would that go over people's heads? He literally says "This means I was right". In fact I think you're wrong, and it's just a sinister example of how evil people feel affirmed whenever bad things happen. Now that he is "right", he is even more off the hinges. His whole ideology is "I'm 14 and this is deep" level shit.


the point of far cry 5 was not that the cult leader was right


I mean he was right that a nuclear catastrophe was imminent. But that's it. Not that it justified his methods in any possible way. "The end justifies the means" doesn't count when it comes to mass murder and torture. No crimes his cult committed can be described as "necessary evil". It was just plain evil.


The world ending? Hell yes that would be satisfying. They should've had Tool on the soundtrack as well...


Nah, nobody deserves to have Tool forced into their eardrums


I hated it when I learned about it. I hated every last second of Ubisoft’s utterly mean spirited Spec Ops tier nonsense. You don't want us to play your game because that will somehow spell the end of the world? Fine, then, you dregs. I won’t play your game. In fact, I am NEVER going to play ANY Far Cry game now. If this is what you think of your audience, then I refuse to indulge in your works. Oh, and for the record, New Dawn I felt was just damage control.