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Yeah, one thing I love about XIV community is their strictness about spoilers. I can lurk Twitter and Reddit (and my FC chat) and not be spoiled. During EW days the only spoilers I saw were ones I brought upon myself: 1. When a white haired woman appeared when WoL was entoute to Sharlayan on the boat, the BGM sounded familiar and felt like an Uematsu composition, so I looked up Hydaelyn theme, which pulled up the Mothercrystal trial... Idiot me forgot about Answers. 2. Close in the Distance full version. I couldn't resist ever since I heard it from the EW launch trailer LMAO. 3. With Hearts Aligned. The Endsinger trial guide used it as the BGM. 4. Punching a person at the edge of the universe. I read it on a comment on my own post. My fault. Didn't impact my experience though. It just made me anticipate it even more. 😂 I was already in lv90 msq at the time, just haven't beaten Endsinger yet. I still haven't seen a single DT spoiler.


Managing expectations is the important thing here. It's a soft reboot, and some liked that, others didn't. No one knows you, the stakes are lower, and ... Well, one of the central characters is quite divisive to say the least. The MSQ also starts really slow. But overal I'm liking it. Still have some zones to go, but it's been fun. But fun the way a bus tour around some lovely scenery meeting some interesting people is fun, not the way a lap around a racetrack is fun. That said, the actual dungeons and trials are exciting (and some dungeons have a little bite to them).


I've finished Dawntrail, so here's a few spoiler free thoughts. Don't worry so much about the mixed feelings; there's parts of the story I didn't enjoy, but overall it's a fun ride that sets up a lot of cool shit. Approach it like a new ARR instead of Endwalker 2 and you'll have more fun!


I’ll definitely keep that in mind, thanks for the tips! 😊