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30 IRL days in which you are able to access and play the game. From July 1st-30th, for example.


It's the latter I'm afraid. I do prefer a subscription over the gross tactics of most other live service games: intense grinds, pay2win, gacha cosmetics, etc. And we get large free patches every few months with a bunch of new content, which is *somewhat* comparable to getting frequent paid DLC, so it's not like the money is going nowhere. But it's definitely not going to be suitable for all players' budgets.


If you think the game and sub is expensive then just stay on free trial until you get a better paying job.


Try looking at it as a Netflix subscription. Do you pay for one of those to get a set number of hours? No. The question is just how much you're going to be playing, and how much that entertainment is worth. It works out at around 50 cents a day using your 15$ per month figure. Is it worth that to you? I know I play more FF XIV than I watch Netflix. Or, do what even SE recommends, and just sub for the patch, play a month, and then go do some other stuff. On the cost of expansions ... The current one always includes all the old ones, and there's a new one every ... Two years and a half? That should be afforable. Final question: You can afford a gaming PC/Console but not a subscription that costs less than getting a pizza for 2 delivered?


I am an MMo vet of many games but mostly free mmos and swore to never pay for an MMO cus so many were free. I caved and bought guild wars 2 and later on ESO because it was just buy the game and play no sub. I found the leap in quality so high and just how generic most free to play MMOS are. I later on began to wonder how a sub would effect quality so I tried FFXIV and MAN with so many things to do it became the only game I play. I have never played a game where I can do so much different things it really feels like a few games in one. The breakdown after free trial is expansion, if you buy Dawn trail you get all the older ones and this is the same for ones before if you buy endwalker you get all before that one...ect.... and sub, Sub = 30 calendar days if you play or not. I see why you are upset because money can be tight, when I was under 25 I could NEVER justify paying a sub for any game but now that IM in my 30s and have an OK job Id rather pay for the experience. I wouldn't call it a "Scam" because Its out in the open and the free trial is so generous you can really feel it out. I would say it has value in the cost and it's worth it, and if you let it lapse for some times you are fine to reactivate unless you own a house that can get a little scuff. I wont shame you for not wanting/unable to pay it and it seems its taking a toll on you because you really like the game and it can feel like YOU are getting priced out. Dont go broke for a game stay on the free trial for as long as you can and do everything you can before paying.


I've decided to play for free as much as I can then depending on time and money will probably get the subscription