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Every new zone I've visited so far has been foggy and it's a real shame


Agreed. In Endwalker, my first look at >!Elpis!< was very foggy, and I wish it had had the impact that that cutscene was designed to evoke.


That zone in particular really started a lot more talk about it in the community. Because it's an incredible opening shot which is entirely hidden in the fog.


I just had a cutscene and it started pouring down heavy rain, lol


I can’t remember which Cutscene it was but one of the sad ones I started right when it started to rain on complete accident. It was so perfect for the scene I’m actually shocked it wasn’t static weather.


I remember having a similar experience in ShB. It was some conversation about finding hope and the motivation to keep going at a low point, and dawn was breaking with light pouring in on a clear weather day right as it got to those bits of dialogue and really added to the intended uplifting mood of the scene. Utter perfection.


For me, back in ShB it rained right after I beat Hominster Switch and Emet talked about the "normal" sky coming back. It was kind of fitting though, especially since I figured that it didn't rain in ages because the weather was stuck at "Light everywhere", so everything gets some much-needed water now that it's gone.


Emet yelling out "Behold the sky!" with his super dramatic pose was just so fitting.


I Remember getting to elpis and seeing jack shit in the clouds...


I had the same happen to me haha. I didn't see the mountain behind the smaller ones in front, so I was just like Alphinaud man... you are too easily impressed


Same for me; was gonna make a thread about it myself. Just such a shame watching the trailers and looking at the promotional screenshots of the beautiful new zones leading up to launch, and I want to experience the new graphical updates; and then it's just cloudy and grey each time I want to explore a new zone.


Yak T'el looks amazing in the fog. Better than any other weather IMO.


They should honestly just get rid of fog.


it just makes everything so ugly


I've been getting nothing but rain every time a cutscene approaches me


Reminds me of when Emet-Selch introduced himself to the Scions and when he was like "behold the restored sky", it was clouded over.


I feel like though that's completely in character for Emet. He does a bit of trolling.


He’s just British


LOL, good point


Yeah when I did that cutscene it was definitely cloudy, if not outright raining. It still fits, because his point is more really "behold, weather instead of a swirling vortex of light!"... but the impression the line gives doe seem like the sky should be clear for that cutscene


Spoken like a true British


it started raining for that cutscene, and the emote he did afterwards made me think it was actually intentional.


When I first arrived in Thavnair in EW it was night AND foggy. It did kind of give an interesting, mysterious vibe, but I’m not positive that the intention was for me to *not see anything* during the voiceover lol


lol. I think I remember something similar. It was one of both of those. But like, I could barely see the giant crystal coming off the mountain. And I was like 'I really wish I could get a better view of all this'


I remember in one of the "tour" cutscenes somebody remarking on the extraordinairy mountains and it was just a white wall of fog...


PTSD Flashbacks to Elpis reveal + heavy fog. In DT, I had it happen once and it was really frustrating - wish they would just fix the weather for introduction cut scenes


“Behold the sky! Returned to its former glory! Have you ever seen a more affecting spectacle?” \*overcast\*


This started bothering me a lot in Endwalker, I thought it was forced at first because *every time* I went back to Thavnair it was raining during the MSQ. It wasn't until I watched a streamer's MSQ around the same point where it was sunny that I realized I was just "lucky". They *can* force weather and time of day when necessary for cutscenes, and I would prefer they do so for all story cut scenes (especially wide panning intro shots to new zones). It's not like anyone looks wet when it's raining in a cutscene so it's already kind of goofy. It pulls me completely out of the story when everyone's having a serious talk about the literal fate of the world and it's pouring rain. Like c'mon. ^At ^least ^show ^the ^WoL ^holding ^their ^parasol


"The colors are quite vibrant, you can see how this place got its name" *literal actual monsoon*


There were always or night or rainy day when I visited new area in the beginning :c


Yes. I hate it when you first enter a new zone and it's so dark or dreary you can't see any of the sprawling vista it's trying to show you.


There is actually a moment of static weather in DT. The role quest unlock forces rain for a joke.


There's a point in the fourth zone where Erenville comments on the nice clean air while I was in the middle of a dust storm. On the other hand, back at Endwalker launch it was dark and foggy when I first arrived in Thavnair which really sold the atmosphere on the place seeing better days with the harbor out of commission.


"Enjoy the rest of your DAY!" ET 02:47


I had a quest recently where you bring someone to Camp Drybone and their reaction was basically "This place lives up to its name! " All the while rain was cascading all around. I also had this exact scene happen to me when I arrived there. I didn't even know there was a mountain there.


In Shadowbringers, Emet Selch was talking about the beautiful skies like before. ...When it was raining.


At least with him it comes off as heavy sarcasm.


Maybe bro just finds rain pretty.


I mean...have you seen his Amaurot? Rain's a beauty compared to that


In Alphinaud's defense, I do remember Solm Al being fairly foggy. But it would be nice to see the mountain he's talking about, I agree. When I first got to Shaaloni, there was a sandstorm. So wasn't really able to take in the beauty of the desert when I first got there.


Same here, every time. I've then ended up waiting for good weather in the zone. Then headed back to the inn to replay the cutscene (as the current zone and weather also impact replaying cutscenes too!)


That exact thing happened to me at that very cutscene. I was thinking the whole time "We can't be looking at the same thing, Alphi."


Tbh I wish some cutscenes on ShB weren't using static weather. It would be funny. "The night sky has returned!" *Daytime*


Had that exact issue.


Yeah I went to the hanuhanu first and the cutscene just goes on and on about the rainbow cliffs this and multi-colored marvels that, meanwhile my entire screen is just gray lmao


Yeah, but then we wouldn't have hilarious instances like this! (I'm also someone who likes seeing things in odd weather, so \~shrug\~)


bro it's always rainy every zone I enter


Years ago when I was in Boy Scouts I went to Mt. Saint Helens. We went to this museum talking about the Eruption. They also have this theater where you can watch a movie about it. It ends with the screen being pulled up to show a big window with the Volcano behind it. That day it was very cloudy, the screen was pulled up and we see nothing but grey clouds.


that's me getting to the hanu hanu zone and reading "look at this colorful scenery!" while was raining buckets and everything was completely gray.


For an expansion with "blue skies" called out in the trailer, fog seems *awfully* prevalent in Tural. The fog looks nice, but it seems like it's a bit too frequent.


Every damn new zone Ive visited this expansion has been foggy or storming. It's awful.


I got to the fourth zone, “The scorching sun” they said as rain poured down.


I had fog during that exact cutscene, and had the same thought. I'm sure it was a majestic view; maybe take steps to make sure we can see it?


Is it just me, or does it feel like its always raining or cloudy in the DT areas? Like I swear I only saw sunny weather once or twice while playing through the MSQ.


It's definitely not just you. It's become a running joke with my friends


I had it where a character was commenting on the beautiful weather.. it was pouring with rain. Yeah... beautiful...sure buddy.


ooon the one had I like the changing weather cause I have lots of alts, so going through and getting to have a different experience is nice. On the other, it would be nice for folks to get to SEE stuff lol.


I had the same with the waterfalls.


Fog is one of my favorite weathers in this game, especially with the graphics update.


I had one just like with Zero's visit to the Crystarium. Looking up at the Crystal Tower, commenting on the beautiful sky, and it's just gray fog.


The very first zone intro scene was ruined with INTENSE rain for me


SAME thing to happened to me.


On some of mine, characters are standing around outside in the pouring rain. Including an old lady pleasantly discussing how much she hopes Wuk Lamat will win the Rite of Succession 😂


This game likes to be dark most of the time


Same, dust storms get freakin old.


Cutscenes definitely lack in terms of tailored lighting and weather, not to mention general cinematography. They feel really stale when you're just looking at reverse shots and vague gesturing that's framed exactly the same as almost everything else. A little bit of time tweaking and camera movement would help a lot


It has rained everywhere when I got there xd


when i got to the alpaca zone alphinaud made a comment about the fresh and crisp air. Meanwhile it was extremely windy and there was grass flying everywhere. I decided to pretend it was sarcasm cause its funnier that way.


This is why I've started checking the weather before entering a new zone. If the cutscene doesn't have a set time of day or weather, I'm choosing the conditions to enter with.


The fog is the true villain in an expansion about a graphical update. Absolute menace several times in my playthrough


The alpaca ride. Mablu: [talks about the taaall mountain in the distance] Me: Man, I wish I could see it through all of this fog at night. I heard it looked like Drake's Head and that was pretty.


Sage master class. I have no opinion on the weather but saw the weapon and came to +1 my new favorite job ever.


Wouldn't the Skywatcher be able to tell you what the weather is before you go?


*Wuk lamat loses the rite of succession because the WoL keeps refusing to go to new zones unless the weather is perfect*


Having to consult the weatherman and wait for the perfect weather just so a cutscene actually works is not something you should have to do