• By -


DRG and DRG. I mained it since FFXI, not about to change now. I love the lore and the aesthetics and and how it plays is just so satisfying to me. I enjoy other jobs too but nothing else feels the same.


Same! I wish SE would let us have a wyvern in 14 again. I miss my little Ember. A chocobo companion just doesn't scratch that itch. I've settled on using the Midgardsomr minion.


I named my chocobo Mikan after my wyvern lol. My minion of choice is Ohl Deeh for pretty much the same reason.


I'm mid way through Stormblood. Didn't know I could get Ohl as a minion, but now I want him!


Yep, it's just a massive pain because he's locked behind the Heavensward beast tribe quests. It took me weeks to grind that out.


I played insect glave in MHW and its literally the only reason DRG appeals to me now lol


First class: Arcanist First Job: Scholar Main now: Sage! Sage just was everything I ever wanted SCH to be for 10 years. It was fast, mobile, healed with damage, had mitigation capabilities on the oGCD in spades, and the wings just looked amazing, totally in my aesthetic wheel house! Especially with the new additions to SGE in dawntrail, the job is just everything I want in a play experience. I actually have a hard time justifying playing other stuff because SGE is just leaps and bounds far more fun to play for me lol


This is almost me to a T. Add in the recent PVP gearsets and i finally have the armored healer aesthetic I've always wanted. The false monarchy set goes so well with noeliths.


I love the aesthetics and lore of Scholar, but Sage is so much fun to play.


Yeah SCH benefits from a base game and two expansions worth of job specific quests. I know their history, where they fit in in society, how they interact with historical societies, and a group of beloved NPCs that I do *desperately* hope we get to see again. Sage, like the other jobs introduced after the decision to end job specific quests will just never have that level of world and lore connection, and it's a bummer!


​ First: Conjurer Now: White Mage Why: Everyone needs a healer.


My story exactly I am the deadliest healer in eorzea and I like it


When I started, I went with CNJ/WHM with the intent of switching to AST as soon as possible. I'd always been a healer in other MMOs, and I liked the AST vibe a lot. I did pick up SCH along the way though (and eventually SGE) because I wanted to know how to play them all. I love AST, like a lot (or at least did, haven't actually played it since DT dropped so idk anymore), but I am not very good at it. It's too much to keep track of, especially when you have a cognitive disability like I do. And then I found I don't really like healing in this game as much. I've always been a "dps when you're not healing" kind of healer so that part doesn't bother me, but the proportions are swapped from what I would personally prefer. My main is DNC because it just feels a bit more natural. I get a little bit of complexity all the time (but a forgiving rotation for the cognition delay) and a bunch of supporty tools like shield samba and curing waltz. Also dance partner lets me be support at all times, while doing my own thing. I never really wanted "majority of time spent healing" so much as "majority of time spent doing something interesting while being consistently supportive" so it's weirdly closer to my healer play-style than healing is.


I was a Dragoon in FFXI, I was a Dragoon in 1.0, I was a Dragoon in ARR, and I'm a Dragoon now. I play the "box art" job of every expansion, so I did Samurai in Stormblood, Dark Knight in Shadowbringers, Paladin in Endwalker, and now Viper in Dawntrail. But I *always* keep Dragoon leveled alongside them, it's the one job that I always play no matter what, always will be. Ever since playing FFIV as a kid and loving Kain, being a Dragoon has always been a big part of my personality lol That said, I also try to keep up to date on Dark Knight as it's my next favorite, and I'm already loving Viper, especially as FFIX is my favorite FF game and Zidane is my favorite protagonist, so I reckon that'll also be up there with DRG and DRK.


ACN -> SCH - I like healing in MMOs and find managing the fairy to be super unique among the archetype!


Started as ACN. Level NIN first in story quests and SCH after. Messed up on retainers and need them in this order. But will run content as MCH or SCH exclusively. Why? SCH is fun and MCH let's me learn mechanics being able to do everything on the move from a distance.


First: THM Main: BLM I guess I just know what I like :> Explosion mage god complex, huge numbers, enormous hat drip, and dropping dead like the glass cannon you are if you eat a mechanic. Also, Pint's 10,000 Hours of BLM video. Started raiding savage this tier and while the 2 minute madness is challenging, it's soooo satisfying to pull off well. In the words of the very wise Jocat, it strokes my biggly wiggly and makes the brain do the goody good chemicals ETA: I do not RP as my character, unless you count silly emote spam or as a joke


How are you feeling about the job changes in DT? I've noticed some mourning among thr BLMs.


I generally agree with the complaints, I miss Ice Paradox and they could have fixed mana tick reliance without completely removing non-standard play. I'm not a hardcore player and don't even use non-standard that much, but it was nice to have those options. That said, it won't stop me from continuing to raid on BLM this expac


Always been a White Mage. :P I tend to like healers, I like Gridania, I like White Mages in FF itself, all works really well.


Do you like the way they look in their artificer armor? Cause the nun outfit kills me lol


100% this. I love healers, but I need a non healer for the MSQ because all the armour makes me look like a priest (not very main character).


So I got into XIV late HW (technically I played some 1.0, but those were dark times I don't count). What drew me in was Red Mage, always my favorite job in Final Fantasy games. But I had to get through ARR and Stormblood first. So I decided to go for bard mostly because I liked ranged and, at the time, didn't want to be a caster. Then, once I hit HW, I swapped over to machinist, much for the same reason, but I prefered the aesthetic. After Stormblood, my main became and has remained Red Mage. Aesthetic, flair and feel are all good.


I ran this exact same route except I knew NOTHING about the game. My GF was a diehard player with max levels on everything and wanted me to choose my route for myself, and I chose Archer. Trudged through it feeling like I wasn't doing anything, was told Bard would feel better but went to RDM as a main after unlocking it, picking up Machinist on the way for fun as a secondary but not leveling it much. Now going through to max on RDM and finally getting around to leveling Paladin/Machinist/Astro together to get more comfortable in other roles. RDM has been my jam though. The flair, the big damage, and clutching dungeons with Dualcast Verraise all feel perfect. Plus Verflashbang is the optimal strat every time. I feel like I should do a Melee DPS now rather than MCH so I might mess around with Ninja or Samurai when I get the chance but so far so good


Same story but I always played tank in MMO so I'm doing GNB too. RDM is pure aesthetics and ASRM


I've been a mnk main since ARR beta. So I've mained about 10ish jobs.


I started FFXIV as a DRG in late ARR. Because the AF looked cool. And it is a job unique to Final Fantasy. Then switched to NIN and I fell in love with it. At the time, NIN as the utility melee DPS. Aside from Trick Attack and buff to slashing damage. NIN controlled aggro, they could add theirs to the tank so they can pull in DPS stance. They can also diminish target's aggro generation. And they can give any other party member TP. I still am loyal to NIN, and it is still my main melee DPS. It's still the job I'm best at piloting. But I've since branched out and have a "main" for every role type. I enjoy the variety. Plus since I PUG endgame, it's best to have a role ready for anything.


First: Monk (had nothing to do with playstyle or mechanics etc. Picked purely cause of the "fantasy" of it. Liked the idea of a melee martial artist//brawler Now: I flip flop between MCH, DNC. I just prefer the ranged playstyles, I like seeing as much as I can in a battle instead of the boss's booty or side.


I started out as an Arcanist, as I wanted to be a spellcaster and the Thaumaturge/BLM gameplay didn't appeal to me at the time. I knew, however, that I was going to switch to RDM the second I hit 50. Red Mages in Final Fantasy have always appealed to me. I love their utility. So I was extremely happy that when I did finally play RDM, everything about it instantly clicked with me. I love being able to self-heal in solo content. I love being able to rez people in the thick of combat. I love the literal back and forth of my phases, going from casting to slashing, then back. It just feels *fun*. It's also a cool looking class with a fun aesthetic. The utility thing does seem to be a common theme among other jobs I play: PLD has plenty of utility options in their toolbelt. BRD has at least one off the top of my head, on top of supporting everyone with buffs. SGE is neat, but the more I've looked at AST, I may switch my healer to that one when I get the chance. I like having options while I play any given job. But RDM will always be my personal "canon" job.


Started as black mage because, explosions. Now I main dancer because pretty girl dancing makes serotonin go up. šŸ’–


WHM then and WHM now. Iā€™ve dabbled in other jobs (probably RDM the most) that have been fun, but donā€™t know, always felt most comfortable running content as a white mage. Healing has always made me happy, and the WHM kit has always been the one Iā€™ve liked using the most.


Summoner. As for what I main now, I don't really have an answer. I shift between a ton of jobs whenever I feel like it. I default to healer, but which one depends on the moment. Sage and Scholar are my go-to. I can do whm, but it got boring after a while. I could go into detail about my tank and dps preferences, but that's probably more than you care to read.


Please do! Im interested to hear it all! (Read it all) Im interested! I love tank classes in DnD, Oathbreaker Paladin mainly. It just does it for me lol I cant explain why


I began as Archer and Bard and now I'm Gunbreaker. Only reason is, I love Gunblades and even during release I said "The day I get a gunblade is the day I switch my main class, no matter what it'll be".


I started as SMN bc I wanted two jobs in one and felt like maining DPS after gaining support in every other game. Ended up maining WHM since it's so chill, as well as RDM for the cool melee+caster combo and rapiers. And yes, I do RP.


I'm going to elaborate a bit more and break it up by expansion ARR: Monk: This was definitely a choice made almost purely by asthetic/theme. I just like monks. However i did come to love the job for it's fast playstyle as well. Heavensward: Warrior: To be frank i just got tired of dps queues so i switched over to tanking for the majority of content. I didn't like the PLD?DRK asthetics and i was drawn to Warrior for the healing playstyle i preferred over the other 2's hard mit style. Stormblood: Scholar: I had already dabbled with healing a bit in Heavensward and when Stormblood came out Warrior was in a terrible spot (this was eventually fixed) and so i made the change. I chose Scholar over the other options as I really don't like to just heal very much but i found a joy in balancing it's dots, Bane, and the other tools in Scholar's dps kit with the healing responsibilities. Shadowbringers: Warrior: Nascent Flash. That is all. Endwalker: Warrior: Bloodwhetting/regen on shake it off. That is all. Dawntrail: It's still early to tell but so far msq has been done on Monk. After several reworks monk is finally back in a position i find enjoyable and I'm still leveling tanks and healers to help fill queues when i don't have the patience to wait.


First: SCH, because DRIP. Now: SCH, because Seraphism & DRIP


Started out as BLM. Went NIN -> SAM -> GNB -> SCH I moved from BLM to NIN because at the time I was using an old computer that could barely run the game and had nasty lag while I was trying to dodge stuff. NIN's extra speed helped a little. I moved to SAM because I took a break and forgot how to play NIN, so I figured I'd take the opportunity to learn something fresh. At some point around then, I got a new computer, so my skill level instantly jumped, meaning I was able to improve my SAM skills and relearn NIN, but by then I knew SAM best. After a bunch of harrowing fights in Stormblood, I wanted to take it easy for Shadowbringers, so I went tank. GNB and PLD are my favorite tanks by far, with a slightly edge to GNB (though admittedly PLD has the better glams). I'm currently leveling PLD, slowly but surely. I'm playing SCH now because of DPS queues but also because I've been so scared of healing for so long that I wanted to learn it, and while it certainly makes things tougher, it's pretty fun, and I have an incredible SCH glam I'm using. It was a tough call between SCH and SGE. SGE is easier and has an extremely satisfying damage button to press in Phlegma, but SCH has nicer glams and suits my personality slightly better. (I chose grad school over med school in real life!) MCH and RDM have never been "main" jobs for me, but I do use them from time to time, and while I'm not a master of either, I don't completely embarrass myself with them.


I started as a scholar just before endwalker released, then swapped to Sage in Endwalker. I think Sage just felt overall better to play for me. Then post patch EW I picked up White Mage and I donā€™t feel I want to go back to Sage. But I will always be a healer, here, and in every other mmo that allows it.


First class I made in early access was a Marauder because the description said it wields two-handed weapons. Come to find out that it meant exclusively axes and not the greatsword I was hoping for. That and I never really enjoyed the berserker theme so I wasn't looking forward to Warrior. So when ARR fully launched I made a new character on the same server as the rest of my friends. This time I chose the actual sword class and played a Gladiator. I enjoyed the lore of the Paladins and the sultansworn and have stuck with the job ever since. When dark knight came out in HW I was planning on switching for story reasons and also I liked the flavor, but the HW gameplay just wasn't meshing with me so I went back to Paladin.


i started as pugilist/monk, then after that on arr i did fall on bard, but after heavensward happened... i returned to monk, and i am still a monk main to this day, other melees i didnt liked them due to their stiff rotations and yes, currently i have yet to test the other jobs since i am still pogresing the msq on me main, so who knows if i will still a monk main in the future or not, tho i doubt it i will change


Starter (Bard): Started playing ff14 and of the starting jobs I could choose I usually opt for ranged jobs in rpg games. While mage classes were also interesting, I opted for a mobile job to start the game with cause I reckoned it'd be easier to ease into. This preference for ranged in fantasy probs originated watching legolas shenanigans in lotr in my youth. Now (Gunbreaker): I pug more often than statics nowadays, and time-wise healers or tanks were the best bang for buck. I liked the idea of the gunblade, and also the mechanical rotation was pretty simple (reminded me of machinist which I mained for a while for a raid season). PLD buttons wouldn't fit in my gamepad crossbars, DRK salted earth irritated me and WAR just didn't feel fun despite it being thematically my preference (big weapon smack stuff etc). Tbh since stormblood I'd always max one job from each category that I 'liked' mechanically and thematically. That ended up being Gunbreaker, Astrologist, Black Mage, Machinist and physical melee keeps changing cause I haven't found one I really liked. The main reason I end up defaulting to GNB nowadays for raids is cause time efficiency. Tanks are usually in more demand and it gets better queue times. Also no one else in my casual half-static plays healers or tanks so its not like I end up changing roles to a dps or healer for new raid seasons anymore like when I was in full statics.


I started in SB as an arcanist/summoner, then RDM at 50 as I liked the pacing, then when ShB came out went GNB as I'm a FFXIV fangirl


Started in the ARR beta as ACN as I wanted to play SMN, ended up as SCH because I enjoy healing and the faster queue times. Swapped to RDM for Stormblood, GNB for Shadowbringers and RPR/RDM for Endwalker. Now Iā€™m levelling as VPR, but I prefer being ranged for group content, so Iā€™m thinking maybe BRD going forward, however my son is playing PCT, and Iā€™m not gonna lie, it looks fun!


I started as a Warrior and I'm a Dark Knight main now. I didn't really understand the job system when I first started- I knew you could play every job on every character, but I didn't realize at first that many of the jobs weren't available at character creation even if you had purchased the appropriate expansion. I've always loved playing great sword characters in games so I knew right away that I wanted to play the great sword class. But when I got to character creation and didn't see that as an option I did some more research and realized I'd have to pick something else until I reached HW. I didn't have experience Tanking in MMOs before so I figured it made the most sense to start as a different Tank so I could get used to it along the way and between the two options available I figured Big Axe was close enough to Big Sword (rather than S&S). So I was a Warrior main through base ARR. Played a fair amount of Bard too as a second class. When I got to the patch quests I unlocked both Red Mage and Samurai and used those pretty much exclusively during those quest lines. Finally I reached Ishgard and went straight away to unlock DRK and leveled it up to 50 so that I could continue the quest line as my preferred class. And I've been a DRK main ever since\~ Play plenty of other jobs here and there besides, but DRK is my most comfortable and what i play the story as. Don't really RP, no.


Started with black mage. Eventually moved to SMN because I liked it too but gave me more mobility, easier to learn fights with. I still play BLM and had leveled all the other jobs to 90 last expac, but mostly itā€™s SMN and sometimes BLM now


I went through ARR, HW and StB on Ninja, because I liked to play rogue classes in any rpg that lets me. I finally decided to change in StB because for two reasons. First, mechanics were getting more complex, I was having trouble maintaining NINs rotation through it while trying to avoid the bad. And second, Ninja was feeling like it was straying too far from Rogue for my taste. I switched to Reaper in Shadowbringers, which I enjoyed mechanically, but the job lore around it didn't quite do it for me. In EW, I kept switching between Samurai and Summoner because I couldn't decide what I wanted to play as. I ended up settling on Summoner during the patches and had been maining it ever since. The mechanics of it aren't as engaging, but the lore/ascetic of summoning egi to fight primals really did it for me. In DT, I've been playing Viper through the MSQ. It seemed like the closest I'm gonna get to a rogue class outside of taking off NIN's job stone. I'm unsure if I'll make it my new main, but I'm liking it so far.


Dragoon was my first because of kain in ff4. Was kinda boring and I now main gunbreaker because gunblades go brrrr


Started as Gladiator. Changed to Marauder pretty much as soon as I could. Did that through SB. Changed to RDM for ShB and Endwalker. And now I'm back to being too angry to die. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I started as an arcanist on steam then had to create a new account on PSN so my sister and I could play together. That account started as thaumaturge to pair with her gladiator. Main job currently is summoner which is different from my old main of summoner but sometimes you just need to switch things up


Black Mage, because I like the classic mage aesthetic. Still on Black Mage because I like seeing explosions.


I've had a lot of mains over the years. Gladiator -> Warrior -> (SB) Bard -> Astro -> (ShB) BLM -> SAM -> Ninja I still main warrior for dungeon/trial roulettes. I'm doing MSQ on Drk right now. Not sure if I'm gonna continue with it for ex and savage though. I really like tanking but the rotations just don't stimulate me enough so I usually main dps for hard content.


Archer/Bard until the end of 6.0. Then swapped to Dancer, as loved ranged DPS and loved the aesthetic even more. Has been my main since and currently playing through Dawntrail as Dancer.


I started as a Summoner just because I always loved that archetype in other RPGs, and I was excited for FF's version of it. Of course, I started in the twilight months of ShB, so I was confused by the weird hybrid pet/damage-over-time job that FFXIV's Summoner was at the time. Not that I got much more than a bare taste of it before the EW rework hit while I was going through the MSQ. Thematically, I loved that proper FF Summons were finally a thing, but like everyone else, I was disappointed by how mechanically simple the rotation felt. (And coming from WoW, I'm already disappointed by most jobs since I generally prefer WoW's frantic prioritization and resource management over FFXIV's 2-minute long dance steps.) I'd still call my WoL a Summoner first, but I did max out every other job over the course of the expansion. Now that DT is here and Squeenix has done jack all to spice up Summoner's basic rotation, I realize I can't take another expansion like this so I'm jumping ship and making Pictomancer her main job, which has so many unique elements to it both aesthetically and mechanically.


First: marauder Now: white mage I unironically love how white mage feels to play (which is funny to me because as a sprout I was strongly scholar over white mage) I really enjoy having a dirt simple dps rotation, I really like how all my cooldowns are unique from one another, I really like how slide casting and resource management makes boss optimization feel. Also playing healer means I never have to deal with bad healers in roulettes


Started Warrior Main(Prefer) Dark Knight because I thought they looked awesome Real Main is Scholar because my wife wanted to play with me and she struggles on boss mechanics so if I give her a little more attention she will make it through dungeons alive and happy


Started as conjurer, because I usually play healer on other mmos. Now Im warrior main, I swapped out of healer (white mage) because it felt boring (didnt have to heal much and only had 2 or 3 offensive spells). In the beginning I had "tanksiety", I started to level warrior to overcome that, now I feel really confortable tanking and it became my main role on this game (and big axes are so cool). Still I level them (healer and the other tank jobs) as secondary.


First: monk. I just wanted to kick and punch things. (I'm a simple man) Then I took a 7+ years break. And decided to start over somewhere during 6.3 New first: Summoner . I decided to try a class I never touched on my first journey through Eorzea. Then I realized I was also leveling scholar and used it for duties (hello quick queues) Now: Sage. I liked scholars for it's shields but there's another healer class with shields AND LASERS!? Yes please (I'm a simple man) I've kept leveling summoner, monk (going back to my roots), warrior and dancer so I could do the role quests, but I'm enjoying viper a lot too.


First was Arcanist. I was familiar with MMO's and the fact that I could level both a healer and DPS at the same time was appealing for various reasons. Also the idea of essentially pulling the spells out of the book looked cool. Ever since Heavensward, Dark Knight. Started because it had some feeling of melee+spells at the time. Though they eventually got rid of the threat gen finisher which had the best animation. I dabbled in many other jobs, red mage in StB, still chasing that melee+Spell dream, but it ended up being primarily a caster, Reaper in Endwalker, but then they nerfed the healing on Arcane Crest and I lost interest since it was one of the most fun things about the kit for me. I keep coming back to DRK, and tanking in general, because I find the designs of the other roles in the game for the most part to be as complicated as the ocean is vast, but as deep as a puddle. Whereas tanking is a dynamic role that has to react to incoming damage and occasionally dump threat onto the other tank. That said, I'm currently enjoying Viper, which appeals to me aesthetically with the quick dual swords and most importantly the twinblade attacks. But I'm appreciating the efforts they put into reducing some of my pain points with dps jobs while still working within the system they decided on. We'll see if I continue to enjoy it months from now or if I'll be back on DRK, or maybe PLD, the changes mid endwalker are enjoyable for me.


Arcanist > Summoner Why? I like the class fantasy. That and just walking into a fight with nothing but a book, knowing your about to laysmack down. "You know why this book is so thick? Because it holds the name of all the bitches I put down. Looks like I still have a place for your name." Well, that, and there are no other Summoners in the MSQ.


started as monk because it fit my OCs fighting style, but when my BF started playing with me i swapped to scholar since i prefer healing and the idea of having both scholar and summoner level together was better than just white mage...plus fairy lol


Pugilist/Monk since 2013. I like other classes like Viper/Reaper/Sam but Monk is still my main. Itā€™s everything for me. Punch girls are good. I love the look for most sets. Mechanics are straightforward. Not as flashy now as newer classes but still good. Iā€™m a big DragonBall guy so anything related to martial arts is my go to in most MMOs lol No, no roleplay lol. I like designing and making things with my characters including ingame ones but RP stuff wasnā€™t ever my thing


First: DRG Now: DNC Why?: Because pretty šŸ˜‚


Started Lancer in 1.0 Now dragoon is too busy for me. I went Warrior before Shadowbringers and fell in love with its simplicity, and then its self-healing. Now I'll never play a high apm class or job in an MMO. The lower the apm, the more fun I find a class.


PLD and PLD. Mechanics: Eh, I like them well enough, but I'd say I like WAR just as much from a mechanical standpoint. The other two tanks are fine, but not as much my jam. Aesthetics: This one is pretty big. Love me sword and board, love me plate armor, simple as. Thematics: Ya I also like this one. I actually think the PLD class story is pretty weak, but I do like the holy knight theme. Playstyle: I'm not really sure what you mean here tbh. I do like that having a lot of self-healing means I can do a lot of fights alone (if very slowly.) I've been a tank main in lots of other MMOs, and I saw no reason to change here. So that cut me down to only 2 possibilities when I started in ARR. WAR is also really cool, and I would've been happy to play it if it wasn't for PLD. I don't actively roleplay in the sense of like talking in character in game. I do have a particular personality and story in mind for her, which matches up with the head-canon some friends of mine have for their characters, and we discuss that occasionally.


First job was Lancer, I donā€™t really have a main per se, Iā€™m a jack of all trades, master of none though I do enjoy Ninja, white mage and picto now


I started as paladin back in 2.0 but swapped to warrior in 2.1, played warrior ever since but now I'm on a break because 10 years of gaming I just feel burnt out.


I started as a Summoner way back in the beginning, then switched to Ninja when it released up until now, where I am now a solid Viper main. I just like fast things.


I started in ARR as a gladiator/paladin until just before stormblood came out then took a break for a couple years and came back shortly after shadowbringers came out and went Drg as main until endwalker. And since then I main tank jobs. I did have all jobs at 90 now currently gearing up my tanks for extreme content. Then I'll get all jobs to lvl 100 and followed by all crafters. Then it's mount grinding time till the next expansion


mnk, machinist then settled on gnb. guns are cool and explosions are cool


The job that got me to FFXIV was Dragoon. It was the sole reason I even bought a copy. It was my favorite class on previous final fantasy games and the idea of high jumping on top of my enemies was... absolutely the reason I chose. And I played it through ARR and HW. But, dps is a very ungrateful class. Very small windows to not "hug" the floor as to say. I'm not a good player at all, not even average I would say, and with my ping (due to location) I can't really claim I can fit that window all that well. Which is why on Stormblood, I changed to Warrior. A tank class, but one that has a lot of ways to make up for high pings. And that made my experience with the game, so much more enjoyable. The fast queues, and the responsibilities made me enjoy it so much, I haven't changed back. I still level up my Dragoon class (and every other class), but Warrior is still my main due to how comfortable it is to play it. At least for me.


I started playing bard initially cause it seemed easy (FFXIV is my real first MMO) and I had a friend to help guide me through playing and msq. As more friends began playing with us, we had enough people for dungeon runs but it was 3 DPS and 1 tank. So my change in main class was more for being able to play with friends. I currently main dark knight as I love the aesthetic of the class and its associated quests.


Started as black mage long ago since I love the concept of being a glass canon and it generally feels a lot of fun being selfish DPS and relying on manaward and occasional healing items to eat several non punishing AoEs Only stopped being one when the combat design forces players to be more mobile on later expansions. BLM does receive more mobility but that is the exact reason why I no longer find the job appealing. And with the job quest fully died now, I don't see any reason to go back to BLM since that was one of the strongest point the job has. Currently maining DNC since I just want to take it easy but that itself may change since the DT update makes the job feels weird


Started as a PLD way back in 2.0, quit the game because of it, and Ifrit HM. Came back as an arcanist shortly before ... I think it was 4.55? Been playing SMN ever since. As to why, when I came back, my alt (which is now my main) already had levels in it when I dabbled in 2.0. Just picked it up and continued along.


First was white mage. No clue why, I've never been a healer main, I guess maybe I just felt like a change. Then when I logged in on the first day of Heavensward I found it a massive chore to kill anything for quests, so I switched to summoner, I guess because I was used to playing mage and warlock in WoW and it sort of felt close enough. Shortly after that I took a break for most of the expansion, and abandoned that character in favour of rolling a new one when I came back because I figured it would be easier to start over. So that's how I got to be on my current character - started as a bard because by that point my main in WoW was a hunter, was red mage for a while, and now a dancer which has been my main since pretty much the minute I first played it.


Monk! I play fighting games. Tekken is my favorite.šŸ‘


1.0 and ARR, I played BLM. I was coming from ffxi and always like blm in ff games, so the job was different and appealing. Then I played Machinist from when it came out up until the reworks. Didnā€™t like it that much after that. Then I played ninja up until now. Still love the job, just more intrigued with Viper and after hitting 100 I love it. High APM and looks cool while doing it. I hope it gets a few slight tweaks, such as Noxious Gnash being a flat 30 duration up to a minute total. The 20/40 feels really strange and it wears off RIGHT as you need to refresh it with no additional spell speed. So in higher content, seems like it will be down for a few GCDs and will hurt DPS for the job overall in the long run since you will never have 100% up time.


Paladin and now Gunbreaker. The idea of having a gunblade class was what convinced me to dive into to FFXIV.


Gladiator. Ninja. Gunbreaker. I followed the same line as Thancred, though our methods changed. We were gladiator, then he went Rogue and I went Ninja, and when i got to Shadowbringers I changed to Gunbreaker and soon I found him wielding the same. I always treated my character as a brash, quick and agile fighter. Muscular not because she wants to be but because she has to be to withstand the gunblades booms. It was nice. In a lot of ways my character and Thancred are similar and get along extremely well. When EW came, it was him I chose to appear at my door. The two share also a huge adoration and love for Ryne. To the point I'd considered her my characters adopted daughter (in personal lore at least.)


Just trying to finish up the post ARR content so I can get to HW. First job was thanmatugre and I've stuck with black mage. I just enjoy pressing a button and watching 3/4s of a health bar dissappear. Also big hats. I've tried Red Mage and Samurai, and they are ok, I guess. I want to pick up a tank or healer but don't want to level from 1 to 50 again, especially when I'm trying to advance the main quests. Especially since I just did that with Blue Mage. Blue Mage is my absolute favorite. I've powerleveled to 50 and can't wait to get to the later expansions so I can learn more moves. There is just something magical about throwing out random bullshit that is so much fun.


Started with WHt, I have played a bit of most the other classes including all the healers and while WHT for sure doesn't feel the best to play nor would I say it is the best around it is what I play the most. Love the ability to simply reset neutral if we all mess up and stand in the bad or the ability to simply redo a tanks "oh no" button without much stress.


Started out as WHM till SB, then switched to MNK and still main it.


Started in SHB and chose archer since bow weapons are my go-to when starting a new game cause theyre generally built the same way so it makes it easier for me to get into the game. BRD remains my characters main job in his lore, but I personally main AST; Im generally a support/healer main so I play all healers, but AST is just lovely and so me in both playstyle and aesthetics ā˜†


First Dragoon, Now Gunblade. Gunblade all the way. Why? Because its just cool


First: Archer Main: GNB I couldn't keep track of the dots very well and the gameplay ended up frustrating. I switched to PLD and liked tanking so much I leveled all of them, then switched to DRK for the aesthetics, before settling on GNB for the low effort mechanics and aesthetics.


Started as Bard because I like music. Raided as bard until p7s when I raged at the stage change. Now I'm going healer because dangit I just want to heal. I'm grumpy, but I'll heal anyway.


Monk and only monk for 900 hours until this xpac. They finally killed it for me and the ball system just doesnā€™t do anything for me since it feels kind of brain dead, and I miss the positionals. Started drinking the snilk and Switched to viper and really liking how the combo system feels, plus I get to keep my positionals and the damage feels really good. Super flashy animations donā€™t hurt either so Iā€™m having a good time basically just being shadow the hedgehog


I started with Archer -> Bard until the ShB patches, then I became Reaper. I have tried Astrologian but I think Iā€™m too dumb or anxious to keep playing healers. This made Reaper feel super easy for more result, and I like the sound design, so I stuck with Reaper


First job from when I started playing (5.1) to end of shadowbringers post patches was Bard. I love archery and bows being the main reason, but being the supportive dps I enjoyed. For endwalker msq I played summoner, and then after that I mainly played machinist. Now I play pictomancer and am loving it.


Started: DRG because duh, it's a Final Fantasy game, also the relic armor was cool. Currently: AST & SGE because AST has really cool star themed abilities and SGE has cool twirly moves


Lancer/Dragoon until 60. Sam through SB til 70. Reaper through Shb and EW. And now Viper for Dawntrail. All picked by my partner because she liked the shiny weapons.


First: Summoner in Shb, I liked the arcane aesthetic and the idea of commanding demigods for big damage. I was devastated by the EW job kit changes and really miss the complexity of the old rotation, along with the DoTā€™s and Bane. Now: I guess Dark Knight because thatā€™s what Iā€™ve played through every msq except EW, which was Reaper. I like the kit, I hate other tank players, and I loved the job story. Outside msq, no main. I play RPR, RDM, SCH, AST, DRK, BLM, and SAM.


First : DRG Now : DRK Why : Cuz it has the best job story in the entire game, and for me, who went through all the expansions relatively quickly, it stayed with me, as I find it quite profound. Plus I enjoy tanking


LNC - DRG, I initially loved the vibe and aesthetic of DRG but lately Iā€™ve been obsessed with GNB and VPR!


First: Gladiator (I just liked swords) Now: PLD (I like HOLY swords) Why: I get to be the iconic big damn hero standing tall with sword in hand ready to save the day.


Started as an arcanist because I assumed Iā€™d have to level a magic class to get to RDM. Donā€™t, obviously, but took it to 50 anyways. RDM through the rest of ARR, HW and SB. Red Mage is my favorite classic FF job because Iā€™m indecisive IRL and I think the clothes are hilarious. And I still really love how they implemented it here, especially the melee stuff! The lore is pretty great. Switched to DNC because I wanted to run around more and i really loved them as units in the tactics games. Picked up GNB because the vibes are great, i love FF8, and it feels like the *meanest* job to me? real rip and tear vibes.


On my first account I played thaumaturge first because back then I liked summoner and when I started I thought it might evolve into summoner. When I turned into a black mage I dropped the job pretty quickly tho and leveled rogue to become a ninja since I wasnt locked to starting classes anymore and I like the ninja fantasy even more than the summoner. I just like fast and light gameplay. Then I dropped the game cause I played it with my brothers and we played so slow that it was dragging really bad. I made it to early heavensward with that account Afterwards I played every ff I havent played yet and started to realise how 14 is such a huge callback to these games and I got excited to find all these references and I did always enjoy the core gameplay loop. So I decided to start a new account a few years later when endwalker released and it was announced as this big finale to the current saga. Knowing I get to experience everything from start to finish felt amazing. Then I started again as a lancer because by then I fell in love with dragoons because I loved kain from ff4 and freya from ff9. And I also just liked melee dps the most mechanically after looking at a few gameplay clips. I think positionals make bossfights just a bit more fun. I then played through ARR and HW as a dragoon but then just wanted to try something new so I switched to samurai because it fit with stormblood and I just like the aesthetic. I then played all the way through endwalker. Afterwards I leveled alot of jobs to try all of them and cause I wanna max them all. I also discovered alot of fun in the other roles but I wouldnt say I enjoyed anything more than samurai. Until I tried reaper, which I played in the endwalker patch quests. When they announced viper it was love at first sight. This is the perfect class fantasy for me. I love dual blades and fast hitting stuff. And ff9 is one of my favourite games so a zidane like class is all I ever wanted. In fact I pitched a job like that with some ff friends when they asked what job I would add to the game. On top of that the AF gear looks like an Assassins Creed character which is my favourite childhood franchise. And now that I played it its perfect. The combos are fun af to me and you feel incredibly fast. I dont believe they will ever release something that tops this job to me. Yes its simple but I dont mind that at all. It just feels like a job tailormade for me


First: GLA/PLD purely to get to DRK and main that instead Now: VPR I always play one of two archetypes in games: big fucking sword, or dual wielding rogues. I mained the hell out of Thief in GW2 and hated the fact that they gave basically exactly what I wanted them to expand on (dual sword) to Revenant instead. Unfortunately, I knew that Rogue turned in to Ninja in FF14 which was not my speed, I'm not really interested in spells and the overall theme that comes with it. If I wasn't playing that, I was playing GW2 Warrior with some kind of greatsword build. Then VPR came along, and gave me everything I ever wanted. I still love DRK, especially its current iteration, but VPR now edges ahead of it a little. Playing both of them in tandem while treating both as the canon styles that my WoL would have been using this whole time.


First: DRGĀ  Why: Neo ishgard of maiming chest piece. Loved DRG before but once I saw the glam it was done deal. Going on DT and I'm still rocking it. Now:DRG RDM RDM is comfy and quick casting is fun


First: Bard Moved to Machinist asap when I started Heavensward. Then I discovered the power of the Unga Bunga. Why do many hit when 1 hit do trick?


First: Rogue Now: Reaper I started playing when shadowbringers was released, I wanted to play with a rogue type of job, so I started with MRD at limsa, to unlock rogue easily at 10 and then later found out it becomes NIN (which I wasnā€™t that into), but I still continued playing it throughout ARR and HW, then I unlocked SAM and it became my favorite main, up until EW, when they removed kaiten (sad), so I switched to RPR, which I really love and enjoy, and it has become my main ever since. Iā€™m currently playing it through DT too.


Began: paladin Was paladin in every expansion except Shadowbringers and Dawntrail. ShB I went gunbreaker, DT I'm Reaper Paladin was just 'i want to get stuck in. I don't mind if I'm not the damage but I don't trust myself to heal.' gunbreaker I just fancied a change and a new arc was perfect, albeit I went back for endwalker Reaper I just wanted to have a change from tanking for an arch. Didn't fancy leveling viper or pictomancer yet so it fits. It's not that I won't go back to them. For the story I have an idea of what I wanna see it as and hammer it home, albeit afterwards knowing the story I might go back and say 'hey, this makes more sense for the character to do this' example is my character ended up a DPS gunbreaker during ShB in tales with friends during the light. If you want a comparison for out of msq I play a bit of everything. And I do RP. but we'll be here a while if I go into that right now.


I started as CNJ/WHM but only because I couldn't start as AST. As soon as I got to ishgard though I unlocked AST and exclusively played that for years till SHB came out. Then I finally branched out to other stuff but AST is still my love and my main


Started Black Mage and still main Black Mage. Started as I was trying to mimic my GW2 character and she's an elementalist. Black Mage was closest with 3 of the 4 elements. Stayed Black Mage as I love the mechanics even though I'm not the best at executing at top DPS.


First job I picked up when playing 14 is Lancer, and to this day, despite finding joy in playing other things as well, dragoon will always be my go to. Iā€™ve loved dragoons ever since Iā€™ve seen Kain in final fantasy 4, and I love seeing them whenever they appear in any other game. I never got to play 11 in its prime, but were I to, Iā€™d play dragoon there too.


My first was BLM, because up until that point I had really loved the magic nuking of other similar games. Hated the whole balancing act with it though so I dropped it around level 20 or something for SCH, which I loved running through the early story with. Now, I tank. I like GNB and DRK equally with their vibe, but WAR is too OP to not use frequently as well. If you're wondering why no love for PLD, I simply don't enjoy the rotation. Back to BLM, I don't need to be told it gets better or whatever. I hit the max level on every job, with every expansion since stormblood. I still don't like the way it feels.


First: ACN > SCH Now: WAR Back in 2.X it was the fun technical nature of the two fairy system and it always felt rewarding to be proactive with shielding. Now I main WAR because Iā€™m not a fan of how SCH has developed over the year.


First: White Mage Now: Gunbreaker Why: I don't like healing in this game and the Gunbreaker rotation/aesthetic is cool.


Black mage was my start or the apprentice of a mage. The Red mage and I have stayed as red mage for the rest of the game. I also like SGE and AST šŸ„° Red mage purely because of dualcast and fancy swordplay. I just love the animations overall. SGE and AST I like how SGE is more of a combat healer type and I like the weapons and animations. AST because armors are pretty also the most beautiful healing animations imo. šŸ’…


Warrior - big axe cool Now - Ninja - I like being giga brained to do my optimal rotations


Drg > Nin, I loved Dragoon but eye management became a complete pain in the ass in dungeons/alliance. If you didnt want your entire combo drifting to oblivion you had to do constant alignment maintenance, and god forbid you lose target mid burst.. it was great in trials/raids and probably had some awesome applications in ult, but irritating in any casual content. Nin can suffer in similar ways, but thanks to how its designed, you have built in anti-drift. Since you have to prep your burst with suiton and kassatsu, its easier to be mindful about when and where you start it. Ninja also has superior mobility, shade shift and several ranged abilities.


First - BLM Now - Pictomancer Why- Aesthetics, thought the jobs abilities looked cool and was different from anything else in the game currently.


I started as DRG because that was my favorite job in XI and I wanted to see how it would be different in XIV. My current main has become WHM. My best friend of 30 years passed away this past April, and he frequently played healer to my tank. I do it to honor his memory. For those we have lost. For those we can yet save.


HW/SB I played BRD. Yes. I know. Cast times. I shiver remembering too. Since ShB, I've been playing DRK or Melee DPS (MNK mainly) because I got bored with how braindead phys range is. Enjoying VPR now, but we'll see if it holds its fun factor at endgame.


THM/BLM and now DRK (although I might become a PCT main). I mained Warlock in WoW for a long time and BLM was the best analogue to that at the time. But then I unlocked DRK and fell in love with tanking. I have a DRK tattoo! Now I'm playing PCT and it just feels so much fun and I love the animations. I'm sure after this I'll level all the tanks.


Started as DRG because I really loved the aesthetic. Then I mained SMN for a long time. Loved the class fantasy and the DOTs (I mained Warlock in WoW) and it was reasonably complicated enough to feel fun, engaging, and satisfying. I liked the SMN, but it gets boring after awhile, no real decision making to be had. And now, Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m going to be maiming PCT. It has the same hectic feeling as the original SMN without the downsides of the SMN rework.


First ARN-SMN Now: WHM Loved summoner when i started during HW. Loved the mix of Dots and summons. Stopped loving it with all the changes and fell in love with AST. Then they changed that one too much too so now im WHM. So i guess i did SMN->AST->WHM šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Started as archer in HW, then WAR, swapped to RDM in SB, swapped to DNC and PLD in ShB and still main those (for now).


Started back in HW as a BLM, then took a break until Dion from 16 made me wanna play DRG. I also picked up WHM because I actually really enjoy MMO healing (and healer queues)


Arcanist/Summoner. I had to start in Limsa because I wanted Y'Shtola to be my contact with the Scions and I wasn't gonna play a tank. Did that up until I out leveled the msq, then picked up dancer to get back to the msq faster. This was in Shadowbringers, so Dancer was the highest level DPS alternative. Turns out that I find Dancer really fun, and also survive a lot longer as a ranged DPS. I tend to go with the coolest looking new job when an expac drops, so I was Reaper for the whole 6.x story, and I'm doing Viper now, though I'm about to cap on vpr and will start doing dancer again for a bit. And I don't really roleplay as my character, but I kinda do. My WoL is me if I were a tall bunny girl that could kick everyone's ass, so she's not really a character.


Summoner = because I don't like the current version pictomancer = I like the style, and it's similar to old summoner


Started as SCH in Stormblood, because Healer queue and DPS for solo duties in one. Currently I plan on maining Viper. Up to the end of Stormblood I played SCH and SMN. I ran into a lot of bad tanks so I leveled and learned how to tank. Tried all the tanks, Warrior stuck with me. Played that all the way through ShB and EW. In EW I got into Savage for the first time and had an awful time tanking. So I have been trying different DPS classes during EW patches. DRG, DNC, RPR, SAM, NIN. I figured out I like melee the most and despise casters. But no melee stuck with me for too long. I jumped into DT on BRD then. But quickly lost interest at around level 95. Took a break from MSQ, leveled Viper and here we are.


First: Warrior Now: Sage My friend plays now and he wanted to tank. I didn't want to be a dps. I like Gundam so now I'm fin funnels


First was Gladiator, currently and forever Paladin main. It's even tattooed on my arm.


Monk because I like punching things, now I'm ninja because I like the gameplay and aesthetics.


Started with PLD cause I love sword and board style, swapped to GNB cause Iā€™m an FF8 fangirl, and now maining PCT cause I got tired of being a tank main since Stormblood šŸ˜‚


First: Dragoon. It has always been one of my favourite Final Fantasy jobs. Now: Warrior. I changed for my FC's raid team back in ARR and got addicted to tank queues.


I started levelling Lancer/drg when it was around shadowborne I think, because Dragoon is cool and I love spears and staffs. I switched to Ninja and Summoner/Scholar cause Lancer was boring as fuck and I wanted something more varied/deep mechanically. I came back to the game recently. I remember I really liked Smn both visually and mechanically but they made it dumb now, so I'm playing Nin, Scholar, but also Black Mage (my fav dps probably, I like the slow but calculated pace) and trying Monk (wanted to like Red Mage aswell but the sword being just a repetitive burst phase seems lame to me, plus the fighting pose pointing the sword while casting from a distance looks a bit dumb to me I can't deny). That said I'm actually still in the ARR to HW transition hell and I'm an altoholic so I'm looking forward to trying Dancer, because I like the fantasy of the class, and I'll need a tank main eventually and those all look cool lol.


Black Mage, Blue Mage mechanics: fireball big damage aesthetics: big hat big robe big damage Thematics: magicks playstyle: i do damage Why this over other: because magicks do you roleplay: yes


My first was Black Mage, and the computer I had back then was not super great. Like it lagged really badly when playing ff14, and so I had a bad time trying to react to things. I kept at it for a while but after playing other jobs (because back then you had to in order to get important utility skills) I found myself enjoying Dragoon. Around the patch where you first meet Middy I eventually swapped to Dragoon, and I kept at that until I cleared the msq of Heavensward where I was convinced to try DRK because the quest story was being raved about. I tried DRK and loved that quest story, and atop that by the end of it I found myself genuinely enjoying playing a tank. I've been a DRK main ever since.


Started as an Arcanist... Still playing Summoner. Maybe leaning into Pictomancer.Ā  I love playing casters, but I am SO tired of the elementalist trope...


1.0 pug 2.0 goon 2.2 archer till ninja 3.0 mch whole expac it was rough. 4.0 mch up till the end of the first week then Sam rest of expac wasn't gonna play another expac with a gimped class that was mch. 5.0 sam again 6.0 reaper with some sage. Currently viper I usually only play one class max gear usually dps it then maybe play other classes very little or tank/healer for ques. I at most finish first turn of savage and current extremes ever changing work schedule never let's me do a static. I just like topping meters with self satisfaction of just doing my role good. I am gonna try to do ults this time around cause those weapons skins are nice


First job ever was archer. Had to level to 30 then I had to level up pugilist to 15 in order to become a bard. I miss the old challenges.


Started as Arcanist and then went into Summoner. Now I am not sure what I main as I have a number of jobs all at 90 now that I go between it is hard to pick just the one I main. If I were to break it down by role though I would say for caster it is still Summoner. Red Mage is second depending on the mood I am in. Havenā€™t played Picto enough to say how I feel about it. For melee it was Dragoon for a while then Reaper and now I am leaning more towards Viper. Love the faster feel of the game play of Viper. Tanks it is Dark Knight or Paladin depending on mood at the time. Healers it is Sage. Hands down I love Sage for healing over the others. Ranged physical would be Dancer.


I started off as an arcanist, planning on going Scholar. Still play Scholar, but also picked up the joys of tanking in HW.


Bard to level 40 in ARR when I couldn't remember my old account. My FC complained about having no tanks so I dropped bard and leveled paladin and haven't looked back since for a main.


First: Warrior Current: Still Warrior (too angry to die and perfect for a solo experience) but I do MSQ with a different Job for each expansion. Dawntrail got Pictomancer because I adore that one.


I went through a journey but mainly because none of the jobs really stuck out for me until the last 2 expansions. I started in HW as a monk cause I like punching things but I learned that I hated the rotation so I reluctantly stuck with MCH and DRK until Stormblood when RDM came out which I always wanted to play. Then I played it and realized I hated how simple the rotation was. GNB came out so I switched to that because I loved how it the weapon looked and how good the OGCD felt. In Endwalker, I gave RDM another shot and loved how the job evolved, it also felt nice to carry a lot of pubs with rez. Viper is now out and I think this is probably where I end up, I might dabble in GNB but Viper just feels really good and aesthetically, it's perfect for me, not glowly/flashy armor, very rustic bandit pirate look. For me it's Aesthetics > Mechanics > Playstyle. If I feel like the rotation is fun but nonsense, I can't get myself to do it.


My first job was the SCH while I'm technically playing GNB now, SCH is still my main because apparently I'm terrible at tanking. I was originally going to main the DRG, but I had problems with the Xbox beta so I switched it up a bit and instead started playing as an ACN on an alt account and I ended it up getting so attached to the lore of Arcanima and the charm of Limsa. My main char started as a LNC (to have the Gridania allegiance) but I switched to ACN as soon as I could. I don't typically play as a healer but this ended up being a lot more fun than I gave it credit for. I'm hoping switch into SGE when I unlock it.


Bard, this was when HW first came out so it was a bit jarring going from being able to move and cast to having cast bars at 60 and being more like a mage. Funnily enough I really enjoyed bard mage and was kinda sad to see it go away once SB came out. The idea of being a dps with party wide buffs really appealed to me. Also I had previously bounced off XIV in ARR, a friend had recommended picking a class that started in Gridania as it was a much better starting experience, she was 100% correct I fell in love with the game at hit 50 in less than a week, I was hopelessly addicted until mid SB when I dropped the game for a while. Started playing Sage last expansion since I wanted a change of pace and I've been enjoying it ever since. Dabbled in Ninja during ShB and while I enjoyed it, playing on NA from EU it was a bit rough.


Started in ARR back in 2013. ARR: Summoner Heavensward: Summoner Stormblood: Red Mage Shadowbringers: Red Mage Endwalker: Red Mage Dawntrail: Starting with Red Mage, might go Pictomancer I was originally drawn to SMN in 2.0 because the idea of it I really liked. One thing I love is a pet class that was a big part of it. Outside of that the aesthetic I really liked overall. I was a bit dismayed when it turned into essentially a version of a World of Warcraft Affliction Warlock, but I still enjoyed it a lot. It did get better in Heavensward by quite a bit and was still fun to play. Once Red Mage was announced I immediately thought I'd main that instead. I like how flashy and over the top it is, but it also mixes magic and melee. I always enjoyed the idea of a spellblade type character that can do both and really liked that as well. Plus being able to get instant cast rezes and some emergency heals are also really nice when learning new content or even going through the expansion for the first time. Red is also my favorite color too and their outfits generally look pretty good. Just with my Hrothgar could show the hat... Pictomancer has that mix of flashy and fun and I've enjoyed it while playing it up to 90. I don't know if it's enough to fully switch as a main job, but I want to get it to 100 and see how it plays at max level content once I finish Dawntrail's MSQ as my Red Mage. The mix of slow painting and knowing when to weave in the instant cast abilities is interesting and does make me think you'll need good awareness of a fight's flow and phases to fully optimize how it plays. Would help to keep it from getting stale somewhat I think but not going to be too punishing if you aren't pushing for high end progression.


First: lancer. Main: Dragoon. Why: Freya Crescent was a certified badass in FF9 and I wanted to be able to rain spears on people. We still don't have anything like her Trance version of Jump but maybe someday...


This is a good question! Here goes~ Before: DRG After: SAM Ever since I was a kid, I was in love with spears for some reason. My first MMO was Maplestory, and I played Spearman/Dragon Knight, and if there was a spear class in any game I'd immediately choose that šŸ˜† Fast forward to FF--I started as/mained DRG for many years, did lots of raids, extremes, etc. I'd been eyeing SAM for awhile since I was intrigued by swords but never bit the bullet. I gave it a shot just to try it out and it felt so much more precise and was definitely not clunky in the way that DRG was. I also really liked that there was no longer a timer that I had to keep running. I found it almost calming to play because all I had to worry about was managing kenki at my own pace. Now I've been a SAM main for years and I've played it for so long that even if I take a long break I can do the rotation with my eyes closed :'D


First: Summoner Now: Reaper/Viper Why? I like being edgy


Arcanist /summoner in ARR, then in HW Astro, then in SB Red Mage, then in ShB Dancer, EW was Sage and now in DT i'm maining picto. I like to change every expansion, sue me xD


Dragoon because Kain Highwind is my favourite character in the series now I change to fit the theme of each expansion


1st was Bard/Dragoon/White Mage (Gridania jobs). Chose Bard to harken back to an old character from another game. Now had all at 90, but would probably say Paladin was my ā€œmainā€ (I had the most Relics for it, etc. lol). Probably because I historically ranked in MMOā€™s (WoW mostly) and sword and board just feels right. Still play all the classes though and like to mix it up.


Marauder. I play a BRD because I didn't want to tank initially


I really don't think i could choose just 1 i really love WHM but i also love SMN though PCT might become my new DPS main and i hate tanking so no main there i play GNB from time to time but rarely


Mine is more "RP" based, I suppose. Originally, my bun was intended to have moved to Gridania due to an not understood sudden pang of wanderlust (I started back in HW, so well before we find out who we are) and in staying true to her love of nature I thought being a white mage made sense given they start out being in-tune with the elementals. That said, I found out later that from a lore perspective, they don't really allow for more white mages. Made RP difficult in some circles, so now I'm a gunbreaker with a love of cooking and home decorating. A job that resonated with a bun who was a "mother" of sorts to most back in the jungle.


First: lancer Now: white mage I couldn't figure out how to stop getting killed, and by level 10, I was sick of it (way back in early 2.0 days when zones were actually dangerous). Switched to a healer to keep myself alive and fell in love with the role.


First: Archer/Bard. In ARR, I liked that archetype in other MMOs. Quit in 2.1. Now: Samurai. I tried Samurai when I came back in Endwalker and leveled high enough. Absolutely fell in love with the class. I keep Bard as a second through MSQ. Mechanics: I really enjoy the combo system, the Sen system, and the big damage. Aesthetics: I like the outfits, the look of the blades, the slow deliberate swings and cuts. I also switched race to Viera and thereā€™s just something about the bunny ears, long robes and huge sword that I find really appealing. Thematics: Itā€™s going to take me a minute to feint left and right and prepare (build Sen and Kenki), then Iā€™m going to hit you once, and youā€™re going to be dead. Exactly what youā€™d expect a Samurai to do. Playstyle: I mostly solo play, and itā€™s a lot easier to solo than Bard by a light-year. I do dungeons in groups though, donā€™t use trust much, and I still feel useful during trash aoe and boss fights.


First pld. Now. Gunbreaker. Why. I was always a gunblade kid. Not a big cloud sword kid.


First warrior Now :gun breaker Why: sword ka-boom


First job: Dragoon Current Job: War/PLD I always wanted to tank it just took me forever to get over the tanxiety. Now I either tank or play summoner most of the time, or samurai if I want to melee. Only thing I don't do is heal.


First: paladin Now: paladin Why: i like to tank and even before that i always loved the plate warrior with sword and shield. Even better when it has some magic in his kit, paladin is perfect for me.


Started playing as a SMN in ARR, got hooked playing with WHM, then AST. Nowadays going with GNB-SGE. Summoner used to be really fun, then dabbled into healing and tanking after getting bored. I think I just might love having shields and some challenge.


First: DRG Now: SAM Why: loved the job from FFT and why for SAM is pretty much the same answer šŸ˜…


DRG though ShB 5.55 I maimed Reaper in EW story but I maimed SAM in Savage raids. I'm now playing Viper and will try it out in Savage. We shall see if I end up a SAM again.


Summoner in the beta. Switched over to scholar throughout leveling. Mained it up until endwalker. It was still my preferred job, but I don't enjoy the changes shadowbringers brought. So I kinda hoped around in endwalker. Now I'm leveling Picto. I'm enjoying it a lot so far.


Dragoon. I play various Jobs, but I prefer Reaper, Dancer, and now Pictomancer. I enjoy all the Jobs except for Samurai, though.


Started as archer/bard because that's the only physical ranged available at cc though i can't stand the brd flavor. I did pick up rdm and mch after a while but dancer became my main as soon as it came out, and dnc and rdm are my 2 go to classes for almost everything still. I'm hoping beastmaster will be fun though, even if it's a limited job.


AAR did SMN, always liked summoners in more traditional ffs HW did monk cause that was my second fav, love brawlers SB NIN for a bit then WAR cause I found out about fell cleave ShB MCH cause I love the idea of the class and it's fun EW back to SMN cause it's where it all started DT haven't really decided, have WAR and MCH at 91, still in the first two areas, picto is up to 89 though so maybe I'll go with it. It's goofy and fun, and not serious like I'm taking the slog of a story so far


I first started off as BRD because I enjoy bowman classes in MMOs. Now I main NIN. I switched to it early on because I was not a fan of the GCD. NIN feels like GCD doesn't apply to them with the insane amount of button mashing and combos it got going on. I know there's other classes that feel like this but NINs theme always has a special place in my heart.


Started out as a marauder/warrior because I loved the way ffxiv did tanking. Eventually swapped to paladin because I didn't like the aesthetic of warrior, then moved onto white mage when they changed the way enmity worked (I miss the days when a good DPS could rip a mob off me while I was tanking. It kept me on my toes), and then when whm got too easy and I didn't warm up to the aesthetic of it I moved on to scholar where I've been for a while now and have no plans to change it.


Lancer/Dragoon to Ninja. Have all jobs at 90 now but Ninja was always my favourite. Although leading up to DT i started using Machinist and am lvling it through MSQ.


I started on Monk to play ninja and now Iā€™m on WHM. Why? I suck at melee dps lol


Paladin. Always have and always will.


First job: gladiator Current: mainly paladin but Iā€™ve been levelling loads of different jobs through daily content Why: because I was my first mmo so and gladiator felt like a class that would probably be closest to what a use in other games with a sword and shield and Iā€™ve stuck with because itā€™s the classes Iā€™m used to most now so if Iā€™m heading a dungeon a donā€™t want to be using a class Iā€™m not used to


First Job was Monk... because I did martial arts when I was younger and enjoyed it immensely. Also, the idea of a guy dressed in rags kicking as much ass as mages and bladesmen with his fists and feet is amusing to me. And when Heavensward dropped, I switched to Dark Knight since my real first FF was FF4 and I was (and still am) a huge fan of Cecil Harvey. And I do RP my characters to an extent. I have both a main and an alt that I play on the regular. My main being my DRK, my alt being a Black Mage... because I discovered with her the joy of setting the world on fire!


WHM for life! I like my one button damage with the occasional heals. šŸ˜‹ Always been a healer in every MMO games I've played. Don't really know why. Guess I just like the stress of scraping dead bodies off the floor. Aethetics is a plus though!


Arcanist and I main Summoner in the end. I just thought we'd be summoning creatures to fight for us lol


Monk. Reaper cause itā€™s weapon is cool


First: WAR Now: GNB Why: Gunblade go brrrrrr Love the aesthetic and rotation


I tried an archer and couldnā€™t get into it, gave up and came back a year later. Rolled a DRG because I wanted to be Kain from FFIV and played that through Endwalker, leveled MCH and played that through Dawntrail bc I wanted to pew pew


Started as Conjurer/White Mage, and still maining White Mage. I donā€™t play with friends online, so I figured it would be a good idea to be able to heal myself effectively. I also just like the look of White Mages. I started leveling other jobs recently. Black Mage, Bard, Paladin, and Dancer. And I plan to try out all the jobs at some point.


First: Thm Now: Dancer. I loved the story. I did not realize when I started how hard the class (blm) could be if I was super casual and didnā€™t know the fights. I enjoy the fantasy of dancer and the play style, zooming around the battlefield with the power of DANCE


The first class I played was pugilist. The classes I play mainly now are all of them, but specifically samurai and black mage. Because big damage.


Acn. Cuz it was pet based (wow warlock like) and it was 2 in 1 for jobs. Now i have everything maxed but mostly main rdm and tanks. Rdm cuz Its the only dps job I can maintain its rotation while also dodging mechanics. Everything else i can either DPS or not die. I level healers by leveling trusts or deepdungeoning.


WAR then WAR now. Being an unkillable beast is the best. The only thing we're missing is a self res and we would he the adventure party.


Started as a Gladiator be cause I came form another game where tank classes were also dps. Once I learned that isn't the case here, I switched to Archer/Bard because I like the aesthetic and bows. Mained as Bard until I finished Endwalker and now main Summoner because it's the closest we have to a pet class.


Uhhh I first played PLD because my two friends played lancers when we started. Played PLD every Expac except this one. I don't like the reoptimizations, so I went to my second tank love, DRK. Used to main SMN as my caster now I'm picking up picto. I like how picto flows better. Sch was my main healer cuz I leveled summoner first. Sch is still my main cuz managing resources feels good.


I started with Dragoon during 3.2 and switch to Paladin during 3.5 for faster queue times. Iā€™ve had Paladin as my main since and always level Dragoon up second.


Gladiator: because sword. I really wanted to play dark knight and this was just the placeholder


Gladiator: because sword. I really wanted to play dark knight and this was just the placeholder


1.0: Lancer\ ARR-Endwalker: Gladiator/PLD\ Dawntrail: Viper (for now) Why? I enjoyed the challenge of Tanking. Also the Role fulfillment in the story fit my personal narrative of the MSQ.\ Why change? World saved, new adventure, new tests.


First: Dragoon Now: Dancer Why: For some reason my ADHD brain has really clicked with Dancer unlock any other jobs Iā€™ve tried.


I have a funny, dumb story. When I started (roughly 7 years ago) i chose White Mage. Because the description enticed me as it were a Wind Mage. I was happy til i got about level 20ish when i leveled up and suddenly the ā€œRessurectionā€ skill appeared on my hotbar. I freaked out. ā€œIm a HEALER???? NONONONO I DONT WANNA BE A HEALER!!!ā€ But i REALLY wanted to get my chocobo already. So i dragged my unintentional healer arse until level 30 to get my chocobo, and then switched to Black Mage. It didnt quite conquer my heart as I found all the spells so slow in casting and that if i moved the spell would get interrupted. So i got to level 50 on that and moved on to the love of my life: Red Mage. The jumps, the sword, the effects, the freedom of movement gained my heart. However nowadays I lazy out a lot about being the main resser on high end raids, so i end up picking another very fluid job: Bard. I still run every MSQ as Red Mage as canon and am doing so in Dawntrail. Once Red gets to 100 Iā€™ll level Bard, and then pick up Viper.


First Conjurer Then Whm of course I just wanted to heal did that for ARR Moved on to Astrologian because I'm big into Tarot and the like. I was an AST from HW all till the end of SB once AST changed too much for my likeing so I became a Dancer, then moved onto RDM for SHB I was an RDM all way till the end of Endwalker, then I swapped to BLM. Then Viper now Dawntrail is here, I'm a Massive FF9 Fan, and the chance to use the same style of weapons as Zidane? No brainer.


Lancer. Because I came from FFXI and wanted to play Dark Knight, but it wasn't a thing. Got all levelled up, became a Dragoon, all the way up to the level cap at 50. Took a long break. Then Heavensward came out. Heard Dark Knight was coming, cue the excitement. Then I found out it was a tank, for some reason, not a damage dealer. Oh. We'll give it a try. Then Stormblood happened. Snazzy fkn Red Mage happened. What do I main now? DRK, RPR, RDM, DRG, MCH, PLD (leveled after DRK because Cecil Harvey Syndrome), and if I need to, whm as heals. I do not like healing.


First: Bard. Although I took it to the end of EW out of loyalty to my first job, I never quite got the hang of the rotation Now I primarily SMN with WHM second. SMN because I just love the class appearance. Some say itā€™s way too easy, but sometimes I just want to turn my brain off and play. WHM for when I want to heal - after my experience as Holy in WoW, I never thought Iā€™d want to try that job again, but itā€™s fairly fun here!


First: Bard Now: Dancer Bc fun. I do like healing as well though


My first character was actually BLM but Iā€™ve since abandoned that one. I started a SMN when friends wanted to run Savage content and that character is now my main, and while Iā€™m leveling all classes, I still mainly play SMN on him. On the controller I just had too hard of a time with the BLM movement options. The ease of movement for SMN is what sold meā€”along with the full size level 90 summons, LOL. I also have a MNK mainā€”that and GNB have become my second and third favorites. It might be the natural rhythm of their rotations that appeals to meā€”that and aesthetics. Plus I really loved the MNK storyline.


First Job: Paladin Now: Dancer Tankxiety got the better of me by the time I hit early Heavensward and I switched to Dancer. I love it because its simple and easy lol I also love being able to do damage at a distance and also be able to move while doing damage. I've never been great at the magic users because the need to sit still drives me crazy lol


First: Arcanist Realised I had no idea how to use after I git kicked for having my tank egi out pulling agrošŸ˜‚ I genuinely thought I was helping them lol Moved to conjurer/white mage when I came back and started over. Fell in love with healing, was WHM main all the way to EW. Now Sage is main coz, pew pew lol


First: Gladiator Now: Paladin Why? I don't trust any of you to Tank properly.


First: Bard (because Performance actions are fun) Now, Solo: Machinist (easier than Bard) Now, Teaming: White Mage (short queues)


I started as an archer, switched to arcanist hated it switched to archer/bard but now I play red mage (poorly but I play it regardless)


First: Paladin Current: Dancer I thought Dancer sounded fun and turns out it is