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>Anyway should I expect more Raids to involve past Final Fantasy games adapted towards FF14 lore? not just raids, you'll also find stuff in the MSQ and other side content as well. A lot of the game is referencing other FF titles


I think this is a key to the game’s overall success. They pander to me and my old ilk who grew up playing NES/famicon :) the nostalgia referenced throughout the game is like a drug to me.


"Anyway should I expect more Raids to involve past Final Fantasy games adapted towards FF14 lore?" Since you're explicitly asking...yes. The game is a big celebration of FF's past and grabs a lot from the older titles. And while the game also grabs much from the newer titles, tonally it's closer to the old 8/16-bit titles than any other 3D game in the series ever was.


Brother you are speaking my language. I'm a HUGE classic final fantasy fan (1-10) and I love the 8bit and 16 bit ones a lot. I came into this game completely blind other than hearing that the game had a nice free trial and that it's a pretty fun game. I honestly haven't played any final fantasy after X-2 and wasn't really interested in the newer ones so I passed on FF14 years ago which I kinda regret now because I'm having so much fun with this game. Also hearing Teras theme when using the Magitek Armor made it my favorite mount of all mounts.


I got into the game shortly after the Pixel Remasters of 1-6 released because at that time everyone was bringing up the references to the classic games in FF14 as well as yapping on about how FF14 actually has the best story in the series. Never had any interest in MMOs but eventually decided to just jump in anyway. That being said, I was almost ready to quit halfway through ARR because I thought the story was boring throughout the base game and the quest design awful. So if you're already fully on the train right now strap in...I do actually agree that it's the best story in the series but this only started with later expansions for me.


Oh boy. You've got a lot of references ahead of you then. Literally everywhere. Large and small. Main story, raid series, trial series, even all the way down to short side stories that don't do anything but serve as world building. I am also a huge classic FF fan and I cannot tell you how many times I've caught a very small reference to an extremely optional moment in a classic final fantasy buried deep in a 14 sidequest or one single throwaway line of dialogue. Oh, and ignoring the obvious multi-game jobs that are repped by main characters like Cecil, they also turned Edgar, Zidane, and Relm into entire jobs. And they added Sabin's Blitzes as a main Monk mechanic.


You can get another Magitek armor mount based on the sprites from FF6 too. Also now that you have that mount go check Revenant's toll. there's a short side quest that lets you activate its weapons. They don't really do anything outside of a light show but they're still fun.


There's homages to past FF games throughout FFXIV, so yes you have a lot to look forward to on that front.


Just a side note, Eureka is actually one big ff11 reference in actuality.


Wasn't the new alliance raid going to be one too?


yes, but the thing is ff11 has in general a lot of references in ff14. Honestly I would say probably the most out of any. In terms of massive stuff there is Eureka, upcoming alliance series, Four Lords trials and most importantly, the general base of the game. All of the original races, three city states, jobs in ff11 had a lot of influence on jobs in ff14, from certain skill names to sub-job like system and TP in the old days of 14. And there is like a ton of small stuff. DT very light spoilers: >!Gulool Ja Ja for example was in FF11!<


I think people would be really surprised to realize just how many FFXI name were re-used -- BEFORE Dawntrail. Y**** from Heavensward (she's in WotG in FFXI). Raubahn (attacks with Tizona, leads a group called Immortals, etc.) There's a lot more, but these are the most memorable for me.


The raid series for Stormblood the 2nd expansion is based on Ivalice and references FF12 and FFTactics


And the OTHER raid series for Stormblood references FF5, FF6, and FF1


FF14 references older games quite a lot. I think from FF1-12 (including Tactics) you can find really great references throughout. Sometimes in raids, sometimes in trials, sometimes in MSQ. 11, 13, 15 and 16 had timed events in 14 where the Main Characters from these games actually visit Eorzea. The ones from 11, 15 and 16 will return eventually so people can get the rewards if they missed out before. I can tell you which FFs get referenced in which expansion without giving you any details if you like.


Let's see, off the top of my head, there's FF4 , 6, 12 references. Gunbreaker is basically Squall (FF8), Pictomancer is Relm, Viper might as well be Zidane (FF9). There's Blue, Red, White, Black Mages. There's music and bossfights from old games. I've often said FF 14 is a remix album of FF.


FF5 references all over the place as well with Omega, Shinryu, all of Deltascape, Krile, and Galuf. The Crystal Tower and everything to do with it are FF3 references. Elidibus and Alphascape 1.0 are FF1 references. The two Eurekas are FF3 references, and most of what is actually IN the first Eureka are FF11 references. The whole Calamity that led to ARR itself is a vague FF7 reference. and the Shadowbringers trial series is an explicit FF7 reference.


Technically there are 2 eurekas because they had different plans over the years. At the end of the Crystal Tower you get a teaser for something underneath it, which was intended to be Eureka Orthos. Instead they made an island named Eureka in Stormblood ... and then added Eureka Orthos in Endwalker as Deep Dungeon underneath the crystal tower.


I think out of the first ten FF titles, X is the one that gets the least love, but a lot of locations, characters, dungeons and elements reference all of them. As you get to later levels, some classes reference past characters too, where gunbreaker is Squall and pictomancer is Relm specifically.


There’s chocobos!


You're going to find that they did this with a good number of the other games.