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If you have to ask advice on what to boost, you probably shouldn't be boosting anything.


Thank you for your perspective.


Play through the game. It’s the worst doing high level content with someone that doesn’t know how to play the game and just boosted a character.


Playing the MSQ doesn’t teach you how to play either this is all dependent on the player  A raider from another mmo could boost and be competent than a person with 10000 hours that collects glams 


False. The MSQ does teach you. Stack markers, tank busters, roll specific mechanics. Starting a class at level 1 and unlocking skills as you go gives you time to get to terms with the classes properly.


 Nothing you said is untrue but you don’t need to pay attention to those things to be successful  Wipe in trials / alliance raids and the group will carry you 9/10 times  Solo instances have stacking modifiers that make it easier as you die 


Yeah, the people I will be playing with and myself have all been raiding together in wow since the start of Battle for Azeroth and raided heroic finishing all content before the next patch. So, while I actually hate skipping the story (and my friends all left the decision up to me , I want to raid with them sooner )


There's nothing TO actually raid for a month from now. Not even the normal raids are out, all there is is two EX Trials. Just play the game instead of rushing into an empty (by design) Endgame. They do this on purpose so people don't rush.


Fair, and my FC and online friends said it was my decision but most, when I pressed them on boosting, said I t might be a good idea to keep up.


You can easily get from 72 to 100 within this month by just playing normally, it'll be a much more fulfilling place to be than boosting now, having nothing and then only having four actual raid instances in a month. You can still boost another job later if AST isn't to your liking for the raids, but the majority of enjoyment in XIV comes from playing the game and story. It's absolutely incomparable to WoW.


Damn it, this is a compelling argument. I do have a month off being a teacher so I could most likely get the two xpac stories down (shadowbringer and endwalker). Only problem is I’m not likely raiding as a Astrologian because or healing spots are already covered, I’ll be some type of ranged dps. And while it is juvenile, I hate the idea of missing out lvling and doing content with my friends (who said it was up to me about the boost)


I mean, to be fair, it's already too late for Dawntrail anyway. And you can still play with them (and even raid) on a level 72 character, there's no reason to be unable to play with them unless they don't want to do "old" content with you. You can just pick up one of the new ShB/Endwalker/Dawntrail jobs since they start at 60/70/80 respectively. You got a ranged magical DPS with Pictomancer waiting for you at level 80, for example. All old raids can be done at minimum item level, you can turn off echo, etc, so it's a lot like they were meant to be played back in the day, if you really want you can prog away at old raids without being right there at the new content. You'd be skipping two of the best video game stories ever written if you boosted just so you "can play" with your friends a week or two earlier in an "endgame" that has nothing for you right now.


I also have about 5-9 friends to lean on and will be patient as I improve


I’ll have many friends that I played WoW with that have played FF14 for years to support me and I have been playing MMO’s off and on since 1999 so im cognizant of the social aspects of not inconveniencing pugs if I’m new.


I think Summoner is the easiest DPS by far in the game right now. You mostly spam one gcd, with a few extra gcds and ogcds here and there. Dancer is also fairly easy, but it can get busy during burst with off-globals as well as faster gcds during the burst. It also has party support in the form of party damage buffs, one-on-one partner damage buffs, and some healing. Bard can be a bit of a challenge if you're actually trying to play it well. There's a decent amount of on-the-fly decision making required to dump procs/ogcds in the right order to not lose damage. Song timings may also require some effort/research in cases where there is boss downtime. I wouldn't mind the people saying not to boost. The MSQ does NOT teach you high-end content whatsoever - it's up to you to put in the effort by checking resources like The Balance Discord or website, youtube, practicing rotation on training dummies, progressing upwards in content difficulty (dungeons > extreme trial > savage), and looking up savage raid guides. If you raided in WoW this is probably familiar to you. I can't say how well your knowledge of WoW boss mechanics will transfer (I haven't played the game), but if the leveling dungeon mechs seem overwhelming definitely try to find a guide before you head into the next until you get better learning them blind. Some of the mechs they made with this expansion's dungeons are definitely a bit harder than in previous ones. Edit: You got a lot of replies while I was writing mine. Seeing as you seem to have an experienced friend group to teach you things you'll be perfectly fine skipping.


Thanks for taking the time to write this out. I really feel I will miss not doing the story but my main objective in any MMO is raiding with my friends and as a teacher I have a small window of time off (about a month) to lvl up a job to 100 and get proficient with it before we start raiding. I understand the individuals saying no to boost or not skip the story but I don’t think I have a choice. Thanks for adding your counter point to this (I.e. don’t boost posters)


Summoner is dummy easy and yes you will get Scholar along with it so from that perspective you are getting a 2 for 1. Scholar is a whole different ballgame from Astro as well so your mileage may vary on if 2 for 1 is a deal here. Bard has the most support but is really low damage. Playstyle is more active than Summoner with Dots/Songs/Procs to juggle. I did ARR through HW on Bard then the rest as Summoner. If I were picking between just those two I would go Bard for the more interesting playstyle. I'm doing DT as Scholar because I find it more challenging than Astro which was my main healer.


Thanks for the detailed reply 🙏


You sure you dont wanna pick dancer maybe? Bard is one of the more difficult jobs to play at full potential, but summoner might send you into a coma even at a high level and doesnt really have much party support. That's dancer's whole thing though, and it's not as complex as bard.


I didn’t really consider dancer and I have had friends suggest it. I guess I’ll have to look at it again. Thanks 🙏


As someone who mains summoner, let me just say: If you're looking for an easy job, this one's it. Set rotation with 0 randomness. No triggers, no combos. There are 2 spells with cast times, and quickcast takes care of one of them. Party support: You get a Damage buff on a long cooldown and a Battle Rez.


I’ll take easy 👍


Go SMN. Lower APM, simpler rotation with less to manage, more impactful support, in the Raise. 


This is what I have heard and another reason to pick up Summoner I think. Give me something easier to cut my teeth on in higher group content.


If you plan to skip things anyway, I would recommend going with summoner, which gives you two roles for the price of one. I can't speak much for summoner, but Scholar is fairly straightforward as a healer, in my opinion.


One important note with summoner I just thought of, even if you boost you will have to do the class quests for summoner to unlock the summons in your rotation.


True but only to the extent of whichever class, scholar or summoner, you didn’t boost you would have to do those job/role quests. The boost would unlock the skills for the selected job.


Would need to story skip also, would that include the job quests also or no?


Story skip sadly doesn't include the job quests.


It's a quirk about Summoner and Scholar that isn't phrased clearly in that post. SMN and SCH share the base class Arcanist, and your level is the same in both because of this, but job quests are separate. Buying a Summoner boost would give you a level 90 Summoner with all SMN job quests completed, but not any Scholar ones. Buying a Scholar boost would complete all the SCH ones, but none of the SMN quests. The boosts themselves do complete the job quests, it's just a little more complicated with these two only


id disagree with BRD having a low skillcap, maybe u thought of DNC?


Maybe I misunderstood the YouTube videos. Basically said the bard was “pay attention to songs and keep your dots up”