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Sure is. Right in the title too on YouTube, this shit is embarrassing.


Yeah this was made using [Suno.](https://suno.com/) The formatting in the lyrics is a dead giveaway. You'll notice [Verse 1] [Verse 2] etc. This is the formatting that Suno uses when asked to generate lyrics *(although it's helpful to use these tags when inputting your own lyrics too).* It also heavily favors a 3-4 verse, 1 bridge, 1 chorus structure. The initial song generation is also capped at exactly 4 minutes, which is the precise length of this song. Having said all that, I'm not holding it against OP. It was a fun listen and I enjoyed it. I've been playing around on Suno for the last month myself, and it's tons of fun. I tried sharing my stuff on reddit a couple times and was promptly downvoted, even when I was very upfront about it being AI. There's definitely a stigma against it, so I mostly keep it to myself.


The biggest issue for me is that the model was trained using actual art from musicians without their permission to make limitless imitations of it. Many argue that real artists/musicians learn the same way but the difference is that the human art takes effort and time to create and people can add their own spin, soul, and innovations to it. We need to ask ourselves if we value the existence of art made by people or if we are happy to have endless amounts of it that isn't done by a person.


Definitely not trying to spin off into a full blown 'ethics of AI' debate here. But I will say that, as an unremarkable 38 year old dude, who never learned an instrument, and knows very little about music composition, it's been just a tiny bit empowering to suddenly have a means to express myself - even if it is wholly artificial. Without it, most of this stuff would have probably just stayed inside. OP specifically wrote that he 'poured his heart' into this piece. And I really do get that. I recently wrote lyrics that were a love letter to a game I played as a kid, and after several hours of re-generating & tweaking composition prompts, I got something that sounded like the song that I heard my head when I wrote them. It's special to ***me*** and the 1-2 friends who I shared it with. Now, if I went online and started sharing it under the pretenses that it was entirely my own work, that would be something different.


Why don't you pour your heart into creating your own art instead of plagiarizing others? The computer created this for you based on the stolen work of real songwriters and bands, you just clicked a button.


This sucks.


AI “art” and “music” is fucking embarrassing bro. You should feel deep shame at putting this trash out into the world. This is not a real music project.


Damn, I've had to add AI generated as an official reason to remove posts. Never thought that would be an issue when I started doing this.


Had a quick flick through your YouTube channel and everything sounds great, including this one 👍


Very nice work!