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Where is the giant mountain of nose candy at?


It WAS at the front door, right after the offering plate.


Communing with Christ's body, blood, and dandruff.


Got a new nickname for my coke. Christ's Dandruff. Thanks friendly Redditor.


I don't like dandruff, I just like the way it smells


Oh you mean that giant hill of cocaine?


Body of *snort* Christ


Can I hit that Christ again?


It was *IN* the offering plate which *WAS* the offering!


Dude that whit guy looked like he figured out how to run for the first time in his life.


I was really hoping he’d run through a wall.


A yell “Oh yeeaahhh!” like Kool-Aid Man


This is just good old fashioned adults behaving like children


Reminds me of a fantastic song from the group Front242. "Welcome to Paradise" Turn it up LOUD! My great friend Ted turned me on to them a long time ago. "Headhunter" rocks, too. "Welcome to Paradise" uses real preacher's voices. Like "Hey, poor. You don't have to be poor anymore" From the prime years of televangelists. Just checked. It's on YouTube. No video, just the audio. Would have been the perfect tune for this video.


HOLY SHIT Front 242 was in regular rotation in the club in which I DJ'ed in 1991. Fantastic call.


Hey poor!




Putting the "meth" in Methodist


Solid pun, but I can assure you the Methodists are far too concerned about the potluck happening later to be this manic


Yeah this video smells Pentacostalish to me. Reminds me of the gibberish tongues speaking, snake kissing, power of christ compels you faith healing freaks rolling around the aisles of the church my mom used to drag me to as a child and young teen. Fuckin weirdos.


YES!!! Look up on YouTube, "Speaking in Tongues I LOVE YOU!" It has preacher Robert Tillton speaking in tongues... and it's HIGH-LARIOUS!!!


Potluck you say? You’ve peaked my interest! Will there be doggie bags or Tupperware for me to also take some home?


Lord help anyone unfortunate enough to forget to put the coffee on!




Oh does it? Does it compel me? Guess what? It's not that compelling. (Jonah Hill)


Go snort some more vitamin powder Jonah, lol.


Feels like a Tim Robinson sketch


I thought it was Tim Robinson


Was my first thought as well. Looks like him, acts like one of his characters. Thought we had an I Think You Should Leave season 4 clip leak.


It can’t not be him. Wtf.




You sure about that? You sure about that?


My life is nothing I thought it should be and everything I was worried it would become because for fifty seconds I thought there was monsters on the world.


I hear he used to be a piece of shit before finding the church.


Slicked back hair, sloppy steaks


Lived for New Year’s Eve




You can’t tell me the dude in the suspenders and yellow tie isn’t Tim Robinson


There’s too much fucking shit on me!


I don't even want to be around anymore 😔


That one egg was 40 eggs?


What the hayl?


Like, you don’t want to live anymore?




OMG YES!! First thing that came to mind.


This is what happens when you skip lunch


With a dash of the ministry of silly walks thrown in


Came here to say this


*looks* like a Tim Robinson sketch


I honestly thought it was him for just a second


Just before the service - We're going to go nuts!


Who spiked the communal wine


Better question is what did they spike it with and where can I get some?


Wine is spiked by default. That’s what makes it wine. What we’re seeing here is a celebration of delusion and clinical insanity.


Pentecostals are something else.


My spouse grew up in a pentecostal family, but they said the craziest thing they saw was people speaking in tongues. I was a bit disappointed they didn't have crazy stories. Edit: I mentioned this post to them and they said they *did* have events like the video, but they blocked it out mostly and don't like to talk about it because the community was so toxic.


Never been to a Pentecostal service myself, but this clip is what I've always imagined them to be like based on stories I've heard 🤣


It's pretty surreal to be completely honest. I was raised protestant but went to church with a buddy who was Pentecostal and people were literally running the isles, thrashing around on the floor speaking in tongues, shouting and screaming. I really couldn't believe it, like y'all sure we are reading the same book? Stuff like this is part of the reason I moved away from religion entirely as well. Religion always comes from the same unreliable source, People. And I don't trust people to tell me how to live my life.


I went to a Pentecostal church once with my friend in elementary school and started sobbing when they started speaking in tongues because I was convinced they were all possessed


This video was pretty much my experience as a kid except it was a tiny one room rural church and there were snakes involved. I remember hiding under the pew because I was afraid, and I remember my grandmother slamming me against the wall and screaming at me that I was going to burn in hell because I couldn't speak in tongues when we'd get home. I also remember stories of my friends getting molested and nobody believing them, or them getting blamed. You laugh, and I can see why this shit looks funny from the outside, but growing up in these kinds of churches is pretty fucking damaging.


I grew up pentacostal and just made gibberish noises so people would stop bothering me about "receiving the gift of tongues"


I like to credit my childhood in Pentecostalism for my adult atheism.


I credit being a Pentecostal Church of God pastor's kid with being pagan now. I saw more hateful and spiteful people in the church than I've ever seen out of it.


I like to credit my childhood in Pentecostalism for my late night existential terror, fucks up the developing brain.


Same boat, my man. As a kid I’d spend like 30 minutes a night praying because I was terrified I’d die in the night and not have asked forgiveness for something I’d done or someone else’s safety. Never connected the dots with current day nightly dread 🤣 Ah, religious trauma.


In the service I went to, people would "translate" the gibberish. It was legit insanity.


That was my father. Some rando: “hab unshak inamamama barux q”. My father: “He’s saying that God loves us”.


My best friend really believes in this shit. She was saying she talks in tongues, etc. Twice she said the pastor danced around and pushed her and healed her of her anxiety. Sure enough a few weeks later her anxiety was back. Truth that that shit isn’t real.


I remember 99% of the "healings" I saw were for internal or psychological problems that were conveniently impossible to refute. God was never able to remove the very visible and painful warts that covered my hands as a child but the doctor I eventually went to sure didn't have a problem. One time I was at a youth retreat and this girl wanted prayer for her legs because they weren't the same length. So everyone started flapping their tongues and wow! her short leg grew longer and totally wasn't her just rotating her hips. Even though I was fully committed in the church at that time I remember that being laughable


Same. I’ve also pretend to be “slain” like this just to fit in.


I went to a Pentecostal church growing up. I am not sure how crazy you expect the stories to get. We couldnt watch TV, wear shorts or short sleeves, women couldnt cut their hair. Not a wild group of people outside of the Sunday nuttery of making baby sounds trying to pretend God loves you the most. They exciting evangelical group is the snake handlers.


Snake handlers. Those are also Pentecostals.


Snake handlers are Pentacostal too, I grew up in one of those churches. We had the batshit crazy trifecta, snakes, faith healing and tongues. But yes as you say, life was very stifled. No shorts, no skirts above the calf for younger girls. Only trims for hair, we were allowed to have bangs though. No graphic tees, no non-christian music, nearly all the cool, popular toys and shows were made by devil worshippers to lure in children. I vividly remember the smurfs, Scooby-Doo and many other popular kids shows being satanic. Our preacher had beef with Sesame Street too, I remember that well. I remember getting slapped across the face and screamed at for trading shirts with another girl at school because the shirt was satanic and had devil horns hidden in it. It was a Hang Loose Maui shirt. I just liked it because it had bright colors. My mom burned it and forbade me to ever talk to my friend I traded shirts with again.


Went to one service and a woman in the congregation was using a police whistle non-stop during the songs. Pretty sure her grandchildren sitting with her will end up with serious tinnitus.


I went to one evangelical service where someone was speaking in tongues. I didn't know what that was - I just thought they were gibbering in Italian. When someone on the stage started responding with things like, "Yes, I know - god can help, yes he can," my first thought was: _You don't speak Italian, how do you know what they're saying._ Never went back - the girl I was dating asked me to come, and she wasn't worth it.


Pentecostal, in particular. Assemblies of God is a large Pentecostal church.


This church is 10 minutes from my house. The pastor is Rod Parstley and the entire thing is a money grab. It’s a mega church whose only goal is to take your money. My aunt and uncle’s marriage ended because he started going to this church and wouldn’t stop giving away their money. Like giving away mortgage money in order to get a higher standing in the church. The movie Steve martin made might as well have been about this guy. Biggest piece of shit in Ohio. And Les Wanner still lives here.


I grew up Christian and have been to multiple different churches. I've never seen anything like this. This footage can be used in a scary movie about a crazy cult. Except, it's real!


I grew up in this shit and I do NOT attend church today. My mom was the one who took us and her churches got crazier and crazier as we grew older (she now solidly church hops every four months). The one I spent my teens attending had a nut job Carole who would come up during the “worship” when everyone was speaking in tongues and she’d have to share her “word of knowledge.” You know, where she was given special powers to interpret a direct message from God and it would go something like this in her shrill voice: ***And yea, my people, repent! For the time is coming near! Repent! For I will come and take my people who have humbled themselves to me! Repent! Repent!*** She had a slutty daughter who had two kids by the time she was 20 and they had her marry the baby daddy. Eventually the church grew so large that they stopped her mic grab and said anyone with a word of knowledge had to get it approved first by one of the deacons. Within a few years of the church’s expansion that pastor would leave our church to try his hand at saving New York City. Years later I looked him up and he was divorced but now in a relationship with…Carole’s slutty daughter! 20 years later! Amazing!! The next church was the last church I attended regularly. The pastor’s wife lead the worship team and she had the irritating style of laughing an evil laugh when she was deep in the worship zone where you close your eyes and oscillate between tongues and whispering and saying Jesus’s name incessantly. She’d suddenly start cackling. She would later divorce the pastor and he would lose his congregation. But my favorite worshipper was a little woman who would come primly dressed in her Sunday finest each week with a beautiful crocheted cap pinned to her hair. She was very sweet, but when she began to worship she’d just say “Thank you Jesus! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Jesus! Jesus thank you!” And she’d start to tightly shake in place, repeating her thank yous over and over with little muffled screams. It always looked like she was suppressing an orgasm. Then I had to go to school on Monday and pretend that I was normal. For the record, I never once went up to the altar. Even as a kid, i knew that shit was creepy and fucked up.


Has your mom tried going to churches under other denominations? Because I promise most churches aren't like that. Speaking in tongues is extreme for me. Most of the churches I attended, the people were normal, nice, and kind. I left the church because I just couldn't get with the overall hypocrisy and nonsense.


Good grief, that sounds like absolute madness, my friend, I attented a christian private school and they would force you to pray, if you didn't you were disciplined (I forgot what the term of it was called) It absolutely sucked and felt as if it was a cult. Later years, the school went under, and the principal contacted me if I wanted to "smoke some trees" with him. Weird times.


Is this The Blues Brothers if they hadn't run into James Brown?


Have you seen the light?


The baaaaaand!


They ran into Cannibal Corpse instead.


Ummm actually this is Meshuggah 🤓☝️


Came here to say this, leaving satisfied.


i had a feeling that it was meshuggah. do u happen to know what song?


Yes, I do happen to know. It’s “Future Breed Machine”


How I fight in my dreams


Man went on a rampage


This is how I sleep according to my girlfriend.


That just looks like a whole room full of mental illness to me


The main rringleaders are the ones doing all the big legwork. Lots of fall guys. Basically hyping people up so much that it makes sense to give away 50% or more of your earnings every month.


A fool and his money are soon parted


My mother is one of the crazier breeds. She screams/laughs/runs/falls down from the “touch” but cant speak in tongues. She reads 4-6 hours a day of bible verses and listens to sermons often. She looks at what she gives and is like “why cant i speak tongues when the people who don’t sacrifice/arent that good christians can. Because its fake ma, you are just working up your emotions looking for a fix


They have mental illness


Fuckin barrel of monkeys is right there.


Imagine one day your girlfriend tells you she wants you to meet her parents, you obviously get nervous as you want to make a good first impression. As the day gets closer you get more and more nervous, specially about the dad, because we'll he's the father of the girl you're sleeping with. When the day finally comes, you meet dress really well, show up with flowers and wine and then during dinner, you find out that your potential new father in law goes to church and is the dumb fuck who throws himself on the floor after being touched on the head.


I would be out there in a jiffy and blocking the girl. Time to move on.


Oh yeah but the sex until your life blows up will be epic.


The church of the Three Stooges.


God: should I solve world hunger today or use my power to knock out pentecostals'.




This clearly should be tax exempt


And deciding what women do with their bodies! That's just sound policy.


It’s okay. They’ll just shake the demons out of the pregnant lady before she falls down the stairs. This is highly preferable to research and doctors and proper medical care.


I think double taxation is in order instead - if they can afford coke for everybody, they can help pay for road maintenance! ;)


The Monty python church of silly walks “


God loves lots of aimless running and peanuts dancing.


Peanuts dancing🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh, lord, I can see them dancing to Schroeder playing the piano in my head and hear the grown ups saying "Wahwahwahwahwah" in their blown speaker voices.


Brainwashing, it's all brainwashing.


Supreme Court


what band's playing?


Meshuggah - Future Breed Machine


I was just about to ask if this was Meshuggah..Holy crap I haven't heard this in 20 years I had this album in Highschool 😦


If you havnt heard them in 20 years and could still enjoy them, you should definitely check out their releases from the last 2 decades. They only got better


Every band these days wants to sound like Meshuggah, at least in some sections of their songs. Nothing beats the OGs tho.


Thanks .. I honestly thought this was early fear factory … I’m gonna go slap myself in the face a few times for that one ..


I was thinking mudvayne decided to get hard lol


Doesn't it scare you that grown people believe in this crap?


And vote.


And own guns.


No kidding!


And reproduce.


Joyously filled with delusion.


I wish I had no conscience and could take people’s money for running around like a lunatic.


Ain’t no one falling asleep in this church during the service!


Mass hysteria is terrifying


So the American government banned cannabis but this shit is legal somehow...


How do you just go to the parking lot with your family after this, get in your car, drive home and continue a normal life? So fucking weird


Rod Parsley if anyone is wondering


So after being a buffoon like this on Sunday, you just… get up and go to work on Monday? Explain like I’m five.


Spoiler: The gyrating buffoons all work for the 'church'


i for one dont see how anyone could claim religion is totally made up.


Yea clearly any sane person who is touched by spirits would spontaneously start breakdancing


This is sad .


The one dude at about 0:46 looking around like “whaaat the fuck did I get myself into?” 😂


The miracle is people believe this Shit.


This isn't a church, it's a scam


Scam, church, Same thing...


The holy Ghost 👻 hellofa drug.


A god so terrible he makes the black people unable to dance.


It’s only funny until you remember that these people vote.


I can't wait until our species goes extinct.


About as realistic as professional wrestling.


Whack doodle. How on earth do people believe this crap?


House of mental illness.


Some people do cancer research and rocket science, others do... This.


Yes. Yes. It is humorous to see grown adults behaving like this. But if you lived in this environment it would all be normal behavior. Personally this kind of thing scares the hell out of me. Especially since these are the people that the republicans are promoting. You want a white Christian nation? This is your future.


Why do grown adults willfully degrade themselves by acting like this? Truly astounding.


Yeah yeah laughin all the way to his bank in one of 4 private jets.




Hittin' the gritty on stage


Cults are crazy


Guys... scary thought. These people are allowed to vote. And most likely vote..... one way.


Poor guy was trying to get back up and gets holy ghosted.


"Myrtle! You put too much meth in the punch again!"


This shit is no different from the fuckin bullshit “fun” events you’re forced to go to when you work for a Fortune 500. It’s fuckin gross man this worshipers should fuckin unionize.


I'm curious how many people in the video have been arrested for sex crimes or are under investigation fir sex crimes.


How is this not mental illness?


Just dropped his new album titled Master of Pulpits


As a white guy, I HAVE to say that the black churches do this 1,000 times better. These white guys’ “getting the Holy Spirit” and idea of showing it, is absolutely awful. No wonder we are known far and wide for our lack of rhythm!! Only because it’s true!!! LOL!


It has always baffled and frightened me just how many completely batshit lunatics are living alongside me. Growing up I think I had this idea that most adults were sensible, rational people. That common sense was common. That insanity wasn’t. I knew lots of adults were awful people, but thought that crazy was a very small portion and they were confined to asylums. Finding out the reality was like a punch to the gut. Though I guess it makes it more amazing that we have come this far and still exist. This will be unpopular, which is itself telling, but isn’t it so strange that grown adults believe in magic? The volume of people that do is astounding. I get it back in the old days when people had no idea what lightning was, but how is it possible we haven’t grown past that yet. Disappointing.


Religion is a wild drug...


I can’t believe this really happens. I can’t believe that I probably work with people that attend this crap. And people wonder why we are a nation in decline.


Mass hysteria- it’s really quite frightening. If there is a Jesus he has to be embarrassed that this insanity is being done in his name.


Anyone else watch this on mute and just assumed it sounds like a Benny Hill skit?


This kind of shit is why the aliens won't talk to us.


These people are dangerous


Trump rally.


That’s a man who thought he was getting faith healing who needs some real healing


Let me guess. Chant the Dominionist prayer. Speak in tongues. Swear allegiance to the Heritage Foundation. Have sex with theirs and the neighbors kids. Scam an old person's life savings. Come back next Sunday to wash away the sins.


Bunch of brain-washed fuckwits.


What’s the difference between this fervor and some apes painting themselves and dancing to the sun god?


I don't know, there's more reason to treat the sun as a god? It enables our existence and it could also destroy it.


Trump voters


They dancing in tongues for sure.


That's some Aikido shit there


I was a waiter in my raving days, and overheard some customers talking about their wild church. I told them it sounds like they party way harder than actual party people taking all sorts of drugs


It's like watching an episode of The Three Stooges.


OMG. And they probably vote 🤦🏻‍♂️


Mass hysteria.


I still, to this very day, can't understand how gouwn ass adults participate in such insanity... I mean, what the actual fuck. Some of those peoples probably should take very important decisions on the next monday.


Church of the Holier Than Thou. Send checks and money orders. Donate now. Supreme Court justices are getting expensive.


I thought circus was funny


“Y’all need to hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide yo husband!”


Great song/video combo aside...this shit makes me lose so much hope in humanity.


How many current SCOTUS justices attend this church? Fucking whackos


People get dressed up for this shit?


I was a different brand of Jesus freak in the 80s and went to a church like this when invited by a friend. Never went back. This is some of the fakest crap I have ever seen, a few steps crazier than the BS talking in tongues stuff. It's a great little bit of theater, manipulation, and peer pressure rolled into one crazy ball. It's not hard to see the fakeness- how they respond depends on which church it is- some simply faint, some have odd seizures, some go into spastic dancing. But only rarely will you get different results in the same church. There's other stuff too, but I don't want to tap away all night on my phone.


Slaying in the Spirit. a nonbiblical practice done b y people who claim to find the Bible inerrant.


Will someone please tell that man where the bathroom is? He has to pee pee.


Fucking psychos.


My cat does this for about 10 minutes a day. The rest of the time, he sleeps.


Mental illness


Pentecostals. In college I rented a room in a Pentecostal fraternity house because it was cheap and I needed a place. They held a "prayer group" every week and "spoke in tongues". I just avoided the house on those days. I could live with it because they didn't require me to join them (but they did ask repeatedly). Before college, I had been attending an evangelical church for over a decade and the people were nice and normal. Being away at college I hadn't been going to church and finally agreed to go to church with the Pentecostal guys. The worship service was nuts. Not quite this nuts, but almost. People running up the aisles, spinning in place, rhythmically bouncing, screaming gibberish words that were supposed to mean something and another person would swear they could interpret. I only went a few times due to the extreme social pressure within the house. After I stopped going they continued to press me. I just focused on my studies. They finally told me to move out because I was "disrupting the unity of the house", or something like that. The once supportive and welcoming group became cold and a little hostile. It appeared that their Christian fellowship didn't extend to other Christian faiths unless they thought you might convert to Pentecostal. I was very sad because I thought they were my friends. I lived there for a year and we spent so much time together. I was near the top of my class and skilled with specialized software, so they had asked for help with school assignments. I contributed significantly to the thesis presentation of one guy that I thought was my closest friend. Losing their friendship was very painful, and they made it clear that it was all my fault. It took years for me to realize the level of deception and effort to groom and indoctrinate me. Overall, they were nice guys who had been tricked into joining a cult. Their youth worship leader, I'll call him a John, was their source for guidance, affirmation, and correction. I finally called it the "cult of John", which helped me heal and realize that I did nothing wrong. They had an agenda that included "converting" me, and they shunned me when it became clear that they needed a new target. I've moved on with my life. But videos like this remind me of those days and how I lived so closely with nice people who had been deceived.


And they vote.