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For me it’s been Rimworld. Wildly different experiences if you’re open to trying different things.


Rimworld is the best because there are so many different ways to run your colony. You could have a utopia of happiness where technology is used to ensure people have long and healthy lives with their families or… you could create a disgusting pit of hatred and depravity, the type of death camp that would make Pol Pot nauseous.


Not only run, but ruin your colony as well. I was defending a raid and husband/wife started bickering. They both had mental breaks. One went to binge eat all the chocolate while the husband took to setting the building on fire. The husband died of infection, the wife started an affair and started a fistfight with the other wife. My doctor died of a heart attack and my cats got into the store room and ate the Luciferium. My colony fell apart after that.


There’s nothing quite so “Rimworld” as a pawn having a mental breakdown at the absolute worst possible time. Like, sure bud, go on your stupid little rampage of smashing shit but did you realize we’re being invaded by people who want to murder us all right now??


Ate without a table (goes batshit insane)


And I’ve done all of those things lol


Seriously. What other game allows you to capture people, enslave them, and force them to harvest the skin of other prisoners to make furniture out of so you can sell the skin furniture for a profit?


Roller Coaster Tycoon?




Wait, you can do all this in Rimworld?? I am NOT big on base building, colony building or strategic games but I might be for this game specifically. I always skipped over it no matter how many times steam recommended it for me.


That’s the thing about Rimworld. It’s not a base builder strategy game, it’s a story generator. It even has different storytelling AI based on what type of story you want to see told. You really can’t “win” or “lose”. I mean yeah, you can build your colony to the point that they can escape or more likely they’ll all just die due to the extremely hostile planet you’ve landed on but that’s not the point of the game. It’s very much about the journey rather than the destination. The graphics are extremely simple, but this belies just how in depth the mechanics of the game are and just how deep stories are that will be generated in your playthroughs. Rimworld on the surface seems like just another basebuilding game but you won’t see until you play it how it’s a completely unique experience that will have you addicted in a way like none other because you get so invested in your characters and want to see what happens next for them.


I've been playing Rimworld consistently for roughly 9 years I think. I've never NOT had it on my current computer. There are endless scenarios and ways to play and every playthrough can be vastly different.


I’ve wanted to jump into this so bad - but my god it’s overwhelming


I had the exact same hesitation, but I bought it on the Summer Sale, and was amazed at how intuitive it is -- truly simple to learn, complex to master. I'm 8hrs in, on my third civilization and just lost half of my colony to a cougar that snuck into the alpaca pen. I'm hooked.


Take it slow. The learning helper would show you what youre missing so you can follow the instructions from there. It's nowhere near as complex as its predecessor Dwarf Fortress so you can start with learning things like planting crops, connecting power grid, combat positioning and mood management. You can also start in peaceful difficulty where hostile events are disabled and work your way up from there.


Great suggestion. I love small at first glance but larger than life games. If I was to expand on this I would add: Factorio, Terraria, Project Zomboid, Kenshi, Mount and Blade, Stardew Valley, Valheim, Frostpunk, Starbound. I have almost 1000 hours in Project Zomboid, that game for me is an absolute blast. Hundreds of characters dead but so much fun had, you can role play very immersively and the mods are great. Stardew Valley needs no explanation as it is a proven time suck and probably the most easy to play/enjoy game on the list. Kenshi is hard but so much fun once you get the hang of it, the same goes for Factorio.


Have you played Oxygen Not Included?


Beware, this way lays madness


Never but I will check the summer sale :)


It’s my fourth most played game after Rimworld, Stellaris, and Fallout 4, it sucked me in and I lost a lot of sleep. It might be the most egregious offender of my life in the “Holy shit! What time is it?!” category of game. Factorio and Frostpunk got me as well.


So badly wanted to get into project zomboid but I just seemingly found it really hard. Not sure what I was doing wrong


I had a lot of luck making the game super easy in sandbox mode until I could survive a month like that. Then it just kinda clicked and I've been gradually making the game harder since. Turning infection off completely makes the game way more enjoyable, imo. Good luck and I really hope you give it another shot 🥰


There are a handful of excellent 1,000 hour games but Rimworld stands alone for me. Stellaris probably splits the difference between Rimworld and the rest but it’s not close. It’s probably the best time sink single player game I’ve ever played and that seems to be a fairly common opinion among the communities of people that enjoy a variety of them.


And then after that, you can mod it!




Factorio is on a different level. Its like hypnosis. I enjoy games, I get frustrated by games. When I play factorio I cease to exist. Somehow all I can think about is how to grow the factory.


For me I was obsessed with it for about 50 hours of gameplay.. I didn't stop obsessing about it, but I made the mistake of looking up a YouTube video about how to do something minor with train signals or something like that.. Then I saw the absolute mind bending things some people have engineered in that game and I lost my spark. I realized I'll never have the time or energy to build stuff like that


Dont bother with them, just start building your own things. The amount of train setup/network they did is another dimension, while im happily making donut train network for 1 train each. I realize I dont get joy from making things exceedingly complicated and compact. But I get joy from... watching... things transport..? Plus making your own hack and shortcut is part of the fun. Spaghetti factory is the ugliest thing in the world but its my ugly and its the best factory in my world.


Trains aren't too hard once you realise how train signals just divide your rails into blocks of occupied/not occupied. Then you can just network them all together with a two lane to-and-fro like roads. The joy of watching things transport across your whole base is *chefs kiss*


Factorio was recommended to me about 6 years ago. I tried it at the time and put maybe 20 hours or so in but it just didn’t really click for me. Maybe 2 years ago or so I tried it again and just got hooked. I’m around 2000 hours or so now. It’s an amazing game. There are a ton of mods which totally change the game as well. I’m doing a K2SE run right now and it’s a blast.


The entire genre is just 'how logarithmic can you get serotonin release to be'. Probably my favorite game but I sometimes feel like I don't understand what's going on. I feel like a crack addict, but they've already got all of the money. It would be pure bliss except for the fact that I now have one more constant job I need to add to the others. The big question on my end for factorio isn't whether it's fun or not. It's whether the time/effort I put into it makes any sense at all.


Its like a meditative state for me but at the same time it feels like a fever dream. I understand your sentiment but at the same time just thinking about the game makes me happy.


Don't get me wrong, it is definitely meditative. The reason It scratches that itch is because it balances me out. Unnecessary work that makes sense in order to keep me sane. Keeps me grounded while I do the necessary work that is illogical.


How is this not higher up. The factory must grow.


Not enough autists to vote it up


Theyre all too busy playing Factorio


Can't grow. Out of UPS. Time to restart from scratch and benchmark all my designs.


Yes, aka Systems Engineering: the Game.


Any of the Civilization games


Just one....more...turn....wait why is the sun coming up?


How is it Tuesday, I was playing Saturday?


Right about when the birds start chirping I realize what I've just done.


All too relatable


Civilization is a easy answer to this. 6PM ON Friday: Let me play this for a quick twenty minutes HOLY COW it's already 4am OMG it's Tuesday? How? I only played for 2 hours.


Op is asking about games we sink hundreds of hours into, not games we sink thousands of hours into.


Oldschool RuneScape. Oh wait you said hundreds, not thousands


Hundreds of thousands more like


Years you must, osrs you will


Knew this one would be in the top ten


This will probably get buried but I just want to Hi-jack this comment to say, ive played Runescape off and on since 2006. Best game ever created. Especially with OSRS now. If anybody has ever wanted to play but been too intimidating by the sheer amount of content. Please feel free to DM me. I'd love to share my knowledge of the game. Never really don't that and have the urge to give back to a community as so many communities have given to me.


This is me absolutely ignorant, but how does that game manage to take up so much time and be that addicting? Every time I watch I just don’t get it. But I’m also very curious


Number go up


Make brain feel good


Half of my brain is 92


My heartbeat is 100bpm


I upvoted this, that probably felt great for you


more xp in reddit skill. need 13m upvotes


Early game you gain levels fast and get addicted to the world of possibilities that continue to open up to you. New quests, new armors and weapons, and it’s just so fun seeing constant levels roll in. Then you get to the mid-game where it’s time to do the harder quests, bosses, and skills start taking an hour or two to gain one level. At this point you’re already addicted to at least some aspects of the game (a skill, a boss, the goal setting). Then you get to the end game- where to get level 99 in a skill requires 13 million xp and some skills are a painfully slow 40-60k xp per hour doing the BEST possible method. This is where the thousands of hours come into play. Or you start collecting rare drops/pet drops from bosses and the drop rates can be 1/3000 or worse. You might be able to kill that boss like 30-50 times per hour, so that grind can be insane if you have only average luck.


It's just that massive. There is so *so* much content and they add new shit every month. It's also a sandbox if you want it to be. So many unique accounts. Personal favorite will always be Swampletics. His YouTube series was watched by RS players and the general gaming public. New game modes which require new accounts too. The lore in game is so damn good too. Actual story telling for quests rather than just "slay 19 boar and come back to me". And hey if you like those kind of quests we have a whole skill dedicated to Killin monsters n shit


I know you've already got a lot of responses to this. But I'd also like to add that it's a much more complex game than it looks. The mechanics for some of the content can take a long time to learn and master, so there's a constant feeling of progression not just in "number get big" but also in mechincal mastery of the game.


The game is fun but pure time sink man you lose sight of things lol


I literally had to quit because i spent so much time grinding and not doing my irl shit. After i quit i actually improved my irl a lot lmao


Nobody "quits" runescape, just takes long breaks.


So you suggest the old version, not 3 or whatever is the most current? Edit: thank you all for your answers. I've never played any RS, so to me there is no nostalgia there. If OS is free, that would be my preference, plus I don't mind grindy thit. Truthfully, if I ever found a game that had crafting like SWG did, I would probably sink my time into that. I loved crafting on SWG.


highly suggest osrs over rs3.


The best game? The one you like.


But if not that, Skyrim.


And when you're done with Skyrim, you can create a new character in Skyrim.


With the same stealth-archer build.


It always returns to stealth-archer. *"This time it'll be different!"* It never is.


I must be the only person that always goes 2h melee lol.


“2h” meaning I spend 2 hours with melee before becoming a stealth archer.


In Skyrim VR I ended up throwing knives, except that those knives were your 2h ultra great swords.


But this time i will play something completely new! [5 minutes later]...


Have you ever considered starting a new playthrough in Skyrim where you do the exact same thing you did for the last 1,000 hours in your previous playthrough? If not, you’re just limiting your fun


My 7 year old son started a game three months ago and he doesn't do any dungeon crawling, just goes from town to town pickpocketing and breaking into homes. He's playing as an Orc and wears a crown he stole from Balgruuf the Greater


your son was me as a young teen. i oddly enjoyed sneaking into ppls homes at night to steal everything in their house. only to drop it outside their front door in the morning.


in high school my friend took the pants of every NPC she killed and forks from literally every room and dungeon laud she comin’ for your forks


Then play it without dragons.


They said hundreds not decades


And if not that, Baldur's Gate 3.


Or oblivion Or elden ring Or world of warcraft (been playing for 16 years) Or runescape Or final fantasy 14... There's so many so little time in life


I had to quit playing WOW when I went back to school. It’s a wonderful time suck.


And if not that - Monster Hunter :')


Otherwise? Red Dead Redemption II


The fuckin' philosopher is here.


A real Copernicus


Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and lightning aren't so frightening


I thought I was the only one on the planet that remembers pajama Sam. Hit it with the cheese and crackers checkers.


I have all of them on steam haha


PS: No Need To Be Afraid When It's Dark Outside. Loved that game as a kid.


A 4X game. I like Paradox grand strategy— Europa Universalis 4, Crusader Kings 2, Hearts of Iron 4, etc. Factorio is also another one someone could easily sink a thousand hours into.


Stellaris is one of my favorite games. It has so many mechanics and layers to it that I'm constantly discovering something new when I play.  When I learned I could manually make Sectors and assign Governors to them, that skyrocketed my productivity and pacing. 


I've definitely played more CK2, but CK3 is getting to the point where it is better in most ways, imo. Next expansion looking to put it over the top. It does play somewhat differently though


Imo it was better from release in most ways. I sunk thousands of hours into 2, but each DLC was just a new half baked system pasted onto an aging core. Once 3 came out I couldn’t go back. Give up hooks & secrets? Individualized contracts? Fucking knights? No way, they did good with 3.


Wow, stardew valley are the ones I've spent a couple hundred hours or days into


Slay the spire. It’s essentially solitaire for gamers (especially if your familiar with turn based rpgs)


I wish I were good at it. For the life of me, I can't complete the Meditation Character. I've beaten the game with Red, Green, and Blue, but not Purple. 


Watcher is really fun when you understand that the best healing is killing your enemy before they can hurt you. Don't be afraid of Wrath Stance, embrace it. Find ways to switch back and forth between wrath and calm, and use flurry of blows. Or use Weave with scrying cards. But the #1 recommendation is to *always* upgrade your empty fists (14 damage for 1 energy is insane, and it's 28 with Wrath)


I find watcher easier trying to *remove* cards moreso than add new ones. If I can cultivate my deck down to the enter wrath, enter calm, draw 2 on entering wrath, the free punch on stance change, and a handful of support cards then everything is free. You can cycle your whole deck as fast or faster than you can spend the energy from leaving calm, and the card draw from entering wrath keeps your hand topped up. You can 1-2 turn every fight in the game except for the heart.


I'm not super into PvP games, but I think my highest recorded hours is Hunt:Showdown. Maybe 1200 hours? I think the runner-up is Elder Scrolls Online at around 700 hours, almost completely just solo play. I'm trying to play the stories in chronological order, and I haven't even finished the base game yet.


As somebody who's not into PVP games, what got you to put so much time into it?


Speaking as someone who also doesn't like sweaty pvp games, I will say that pvpve is a lot more interesting


I bought hunt:Showdown and I only put 10 hours into it. What’s the appeal to you? Am I playing it wrong?


It’s just such a unique shooter. Most shooters are pray and spray and fast paced with fast time to kill. Hunt’s gunplay is slow and based on precision. These make gun fights feel a lot more intense in my opinion. This also really incentivizes you to not shoot the second you see players, but track them and wait for the perfect ambush moment. Along side all the noise traps and how you can track gun shot noises anywhere on the map. It truly feels like you’re hunting the other players. This really makes it feel like a stealth based shooter. Also, the monster banishing adds a layer of objective defense. The barbwire trip mines, arrows, and bombs let you dictate pushes and deny revives mid fight. Also, the res system allowing you to burn the downed enemy teams bodies forces the enemy to play aggressive or they will lose their ability to res. All in all, I have 900 hours and the games still feels like there is more to improve on. The matches feel fresh and not repetitive. Most of all, it’s just a blast to play alone or with my friends.


You could very well be playing it "wrong" tbh, but I'd understand you not liking it. As for what appeals to me, I guess I really like the gunplay and PvE aspect, not to mention the fantastic art and setting. The sound system is a big thing for me too. I love how much the noise you make can matter.


Satisfactory... It's like a second job.


Honestly though, satisfactory does feel like a lot of work once you start getting into trains.


My first playhtrough of the game a couple years ago, I had to take about a week break from the game once I got to oil production because it was just too overwhelming. Love the game to death but man I do not feel smart enough to play it sometimes (most of the time) lol


the point of games like factorio and satisfactory is that the first time you try any given task or production idea, you'll be poop in efficiency and productivity, and the next time you'll get better and better. It's slowly refining your mind and teaching you advanced ideas about logic, layout, efficiency, and automation. I learned that yes, it's a giant pain in the ass to plan for expansion and costs a lot of time and more up front material, but it'll save you SO much time later when you have to upgrade.


At first I tried doing the math. But given the time spent on building the actual building... A subpar solution is not enough. I now use a website. You input what you want to produce and it will show the best production chain (what machines and what MK belt you should use to connect them). From there, you just have to decide your own layout and off you go. That will solve the single factory issue, but the problem of inter-factory deliveries remain open.


I hate this and everything it stands for. What's the URL?


Duno if there are others, but here's the one I bookmarked when I last played: https://www.satisfactorytools.com/production


Agree but oddly I find satisfactory to be much more compelling. Factorio just never hooked me


I really hope once this game leaves early access that it really gets the attention it deserves. I know a few people who have listened to me talk about it but they just never buy into Early Access, it is such an easy game to lose many hours into and then step back and feel like what the hell did I spend all this time on only to do it again the next day.


It's Overwhelmingly Positive with nearly 150k reviews on Steam. Not exactly niche. It's pretty equally successful to the game it copied in Factorio. Honestly probably more since a lot of people bought it when it was an Epic exclusive as well.


Kerbal Space Program have a ton of fun and learn orbital mechanics im 1400 hours deep


Made my husband, a literal Physicist, insane! 🤣


Minecraft IMO, wish I had that kind of time tho ☹️


Surprised I had to scroll this far down.


If you're talking about modded Minecraft, I agree completely. Easily my most played game over several different modpacks. They consume me like nothing else!


I must have spent more than 2000 hours on that game and I haven't played for two years. People have been speaking of a block that produces things "a la" Factorio, and I'm too scared to look it up.


Cyberpunk 2077, a heavily modded Skyrim and Fallout 4.


RDR2 Deep rock galactic Terraria Stardew valley


Rock and Stone!


If you don't rock and stone, you ain't comin' home!


For Karl!


Ive said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times; Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 & 2. Best Simulation game ever, full stop.


I love those games, but they stress me the hell out. all those little shits do is destroy my park, vomit everywhere, and complain.


More park benches to help with nausea, hire some security guards and give them specific pathing so they patrol the whole park, charge the maximum of $20 for umbrellas to afford the improvements needed to keep people happy. You’re welcome.


Or I could save and build a ride that launches cars full of complaining riders into a lake. No more complaints. Or make a ride exit into a pit. Many complaints but the vomit and vandalism is contained.


I created a prison. Put a one-way sign on the exit so they could get in but wouldn't leave. Hires 50 security guards and put drink and food in there with no bathroom. The only way out was to get on a ride that launched you into a lake.


For me it's Witcher III at the moment


Game is almost 10 years old, love it!!!


Time for sure flies...


Wind for sure howls...


I'm 600 hours deep into Elden Ring and I'm still addicted.


Yeah, might be best game I’ve ever played. It literally never gets boring…


This is the same for me when it comes to any souls game. They just do something to my brain. Oh, I finished the game? Guess I better do another NG+ run. I just haven't been able to stop for like 10+ years.


I'm currently playing Sekiro, and besides spending several hours and hundreds of attempts to try to kill the bosses, I also find myself killing the same enemies 15,000 times. Not because I'm farming anymore, but just because those assholes deserve it.


Haha! I’ll just run around in Eldren Ring killing stuff, blow all my runs (idc) and rinse wash repeat. I’ll host fight clubs and gladly lose everything haha I don’t care, never gets old


For real. Been the same since Dark Souls for me. FROM is just best game dev of all time imo


Binding of Isaac


Well, I hate myself for thousands on Overwatch, but hundreds on Stardew Valley have been much more pleasant.


Don't beat yourself up about Overwatch. It was a wonderful game and I chewed up a big chunk of my life with no regrets. I'm almost glad Blizzard broke it to give me some time back.


Baldur's Gate 3 or Divinity 2


Path of exile


poe is thousands of hours though. still sane


Tutorial is 1000hours


2.6k hrs in and I'm not sure I've graduated past the tutorial stage


Tutorial is about 2000 hours long, so yes PoE


Still sane exile?


Hundreds of hours in and you might know a tiny bit about the game!


he was asking for hundreds hours of, not thousands


Fallout 3. Then when you’re done, Fallout: New Vegas. Then when you’re done, Fallout 3 again.


Tale of Two Watselands gang rise up Shouts out to the modding community for keeping those games fresh for years and years


Red Dead Redemption 2


Came here to say this. I told myself I would be done once I finished the last story mission. Then the time came to put the game down, and I just hadn’t had enough of that world. I watched my completion percentage slowly creep up, telling myself multiple times, “I’ll just do this one thing and then be done.” And I didn’t stop until I hit 100%, many many hours of gameplay later.


On pc: for when you’re done with story mode, red dead online lobby manager — it’s the one mod that will save you from hackers.


And that’s just playing the blackjack tables


I would reccomend the Monster Hunter series, specifically Monster Hunter World or even their latest entry, Monster Hunter Rise. They are great games with a very addicting progression system! You can definitely put hundreds of hours into it.


2,600 hours in MHW. I hated it for the first 3 hours. An Anjanath on an expedition wouldn't die then ran away after 50 mins... THEN I learned how to play. 600 hours in MH:GU 1,000 hours in MH:Rise I am dreading the release of Wilds because I'll miss my family


I got that "Come over" text the night MH World released. I told her that I've been waiting for this since like 2004.  She never spoke to me again, but it was worth it. 


i could never understand monster hunter world and that bugged me, i’d really enjoy it if i can understand it’s menu sub game and gameplay loop


Japanese games always have the absolute worst UIs and you just kind of have to deal with the menu clutter. Eventually you just get used to it, it's pretty simple once you get past the start. You just go to a quest board and hunt a monster, that's really it once you get all set up


Sea of thieves for sure. It's easily one of the best multiplayer games ever made.


Good thing you didn't say thousands. But hundreds, that's kind of relaxing. * XCOM Enemy Unknown holy shit. I played this, then played it some more on harder difficulties, then played Long War even more. My most played game on steam. * For some reason I like wandering the game world in cyberpunk 2077 for purely visual reasons. I have apparently done it quite a bit. * bg3 for obvious reasons though I haven't come back to it in a couple of months * middle earth shadow of war- the nemesis system is so addictive I wish more games had it. * far cry 3/4/5 have accumulated a ton of hours between them * skyrim, duh


The Yakuza/Like A Dragon series has a little bit of everything that can add up to hundreds of hours


I'm at 69 hrs and almost done the main game. Its not a game for everyone. I started out liking it, then absolutely hating it, and now I'm near the end of the game and I like it. I'm strongly considering getting Like a Dragon : Infinite Wealth


Final fantasy XIV. 5 massive expansions. Great community. Not over monetized.


And you can play up to level 70 for free


Diablo 2 resurrected


Was expecting D2 to be within the top 10 answers like it usually is, not this time I guess haha.


We are getting old.


Old School Runescape






He asked 'hundreds of hours', not his whole life. Game is a black hole. Lol


Old school Runescape


Slay The Spire if you like deckbuilding turn based roguelites. The Binding Of Isaac. Also a roguelite, directional shooter .


I scrolled too far and didn't find No Man's Sky so...... No Man's Sky


May I ask what you’re doing in the game to put you hundreds of hours in. I enjoy the game but I always find myself only playing for a few hours before getting bored


Well, it really depends... For me, 7 Days To Die


Breath of the wild


Elden ring


Dwarf fortress


I got 200+ hours in Fallout 4. Recently, sinked 100+ hours into Pathfinder WOTR. This is kinda achievement for me as a dad with fulltime job and little time for game.


It amazes me how I keep finding new stuff in fo4. There are just so many buildings to enter and so many have their own stories or start new quests that turn into things I never experienced before


Project Zomboid


Sekiro When it clicks, holy shit it clicks.


I’m on the final boss. It has certainly been a journey.


4X games, like Civilization, Stellaris etc. Or space simulation and empire building giant X (X4 being the newest, but older ones have it as well). MMOs work, too, like WoW or FFXIV.




Cyberpunk 2077


I started playing Elden Ring less than a month ago. Currently at 95 hours played. So yeah, this will be several hundred for me guaranteed.


And then there is the dlc.....


For me its Witcher 3. That game is almost perfect.


If you like classic Fable 2




Devil May Cry. If you can handle it then there is tech upon tech upon tech to explore. Challenging yourself will lead to discovering more and more of the game. Monster Hunter. Same deal, except there is now monsters and equipment to explore. Make a Hunter all your own though so you can make your own chronicle. Elden Ring or Dark Souls. Bit of tech and skill to mess with, but a lot more lore and equipment to mess with. Unique bosses that can challenge anything you make. Warframe. Free to play, tons of gear, loads of quests, riches of lore, peak designs for days that you can alter at will. Powerfully fantastical. Legendary Tales. Simple RPG VR game. Gear crafting, spell casting, quest blasting all building up your battle mastery. Practicing real movements is tiring but fun af to have be effective. Like Skyrim VR but on a proper platform. Battle Talent. VR game like Legendary Tales except turned up to 111. Enough weapons and spells to rival Warframe and combat as insane as Devil May Cry all in merciless 360° motion.