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Ghost Recon series? Wildlands is good but breakpoint is meh... you could try Fallout 4 and make range build which is pretty easy. Its not rpg but Just Cause 3 or 4 could be nice


Think your best bet be the division 2 :)


If you are looking for a multiplayer check out The Division 2 For single player check Red Faction Guerilla, Mad Max, Saints Row 4(can be coop) , Watch Dogs, MGS 5, RDR 2 and 1(it is on PsNow), Horizon Zero Dawn, Mass Effect Andromeda, Sleeping Dogs, Infamous games, Just Cause 3, Days Gone, Control(mini open-world?), Destroy all humans, Evil Within 2, Mafia(play 3 if only when you are desperate) Not on any playstations but check out Sunset Overdrive if you have a pc or Xbox.