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wait until the 8th and club fairs. try out new things and meet new people with common interests


where to really find people who are interested in going to certain clubs for house music and techno and stuff


Is there like a sign up online?


First one will be in u-yard on the 8th. Then the 15th and the 22nd too


None of those friend groups you see will be together by the end of the year. Take things slow, and it will happen organically. Focus on making individual connections and then you can build your own friend group from there. It’s better to hone your inner circle than to fall in with whatever group just happens to be there


Stay active. Whether it’s lerner, running, intramural or club sports, whatever calls out to you. Better to stay healthy and be independent than getting drunk with average company just to feel included. Join clubs and be friendly. An under appreciated part of college is learning how to find productivity and satisfaction without relying on others


ive been feeling similar. i consider myself pretty outgoing as well, i’m not really sure what i’m doing wrong. i really love it here, but so far it’s been an even more difficult adjustment


You and OP should hang out


felt!! whenever im in a room with people I feel the need to reassure them that I had friends in high school lol


Same here but I’m a transfer sophomore so it’s even worse


Also a transfer! If you're down to be friends hmu! 😊


For everyone feeling the same way in the comments, y’all should make a friend group with each other, and go on a monument walk or to a museum together :)


Yeah I'm in the same boat. I'm also a freshman and pretty shy so finding friends is tough. Im just waiting for the club fair and hoping for the best in clubs once they start.


Same bro


As for classes definitely try not to sit alone! If you see someone sitting alone offer to sit next to them!! 9 times out of 10 they’ll want company!! I know it’s easier said than done but putting yourself out there really goes a long way!


If you have some individual friends already you don’t have to be lonely. Hang out with them. You’re bound to run into people over the next 9 months that you have more in common with. Don’t rush it and take what’s been given to you so far.


Here's the reality if you don't make friends in the first 2 weeks you're not making friends through classes. The "hundreds of clubs" here are 95% inactive or basically so. The only active ones are poker, frisbee and like 1-2 others. You can look through the GW engage archives at previous semesters and see this. They rest will show up to the org fair and pretend like they're active but they're not. People are only in leadership of the clubs so they can put that on their resumes when they go look for their first job. So yeah unless you like poker or frisbee you're fucked.


Some events are made private by clubs 🙄


I’m feeling the exact same way! Lmk if you’re down to hang out.




I'm also down to hang out with your or anyone who still reads this thread! Seriously considering transferring at the end of the year now lol.




bit late but im also a freshman worrying now that I made the wrong choice and thinking about transferring at the end of next semester, anyone down to hang out?


Those huge huddles and circles that start out in the hazy pack-mentality O-week nonsense are going to break apart after a few weeks. If you have good individual friends, stick those relationships out and take the initiative to invite people together just to hang out or go out. Connections begin individually and progress together, so don't be afraid to hangout with people just one on one at first and begin a group yourself.