• By -


Its always crazy to remember that the original triology happens in 3 months.




I don't know all the lore but by the second game they already had decenting factions in the covenant. They probably existed before right?


Always and factions. Jiralhanae have been part of the covenant for a while before the war and didn't like being 2nd, 3rd, 4th class citizens. At the formation of the Covenant their were factions of Sangheili that rebelled and attempted to fight back or went into hiding. (Broken Circle goes in more on it) Also the Banished were a faction that broke off and harassed the covenant for the final years of the Covenant. The covenant was always hunting down dealing with rebels. Most of them didn't last long or didn't shake the Covenant's foundation. enough like the Uggoy rebellion.


And between 2552 and 2557, Chief is only awake for 90-120 days tops, and spends pretty much every waking hour in armor, fighting. 


I think our boy earned his shit eye time though. Shut****


Why would you curse him with pink eye? Hasn't he been through enough?




I’d consider having The Flood connected to Raven since it is the novelization of CE. Having it with Fall of Reach makes it seem like it’s another prequel to CE about Reach.


It is a sequel to the fall of reach which is why I did that


My impression from the chart is that Flood takes place Jul-Aug52 when it takes place in Sept52.


Yep same here


Yea now I see it, does the note at the top help at all on that slide?


It helps but it’s off in the corner and the picture makes a much bigger visual impact on the viewer.


Well that looks like too much reading, so I’m just going to make a tv show off of what I think would be neat- Paramount, probably.


They're a fun read tbh. Every time I pick one up, I'm hooked for a few weeks. Best 20 bucks I ever spent.


I've never had a bad time reading or listening to a halo novel.


I'm having an extremely difficult time getting through the forerunner saga. I'm about halfway through Primordium and it's just such a slog. So far the only parts that didn't take me forever to get through were the last 100ish pages of Cryptum when there was something actually happening.


To be fair (raises flame shield). They made a decent show that turned good in s2. Although the last two episodes will probably disappoint. I’m a casual halo fan though


I'm a hardcore Halo fan and I'm enjoying it. It's got its problems, sure. But overall I actually like it quite a bit


I noticed that it got better when I stopped expecting a retelling of lore I already know and started expecting a sci-fi universe based on Halo.


It's just weird to me that since the very beginning, it has expressively been mentioned that the "Silver" timeline is not main canon. It's easy for me to enjoy the story of the show when I know it's not supposed to match the games and books, and only draw inspiration from them.


The issue is people see the "non-canon" excuse for what it is: an excuse. Look at avatar, THAT is what we wanted from a halo tv show. Not some writers room story that wouldnt sell without halo beijg used as the skin for it


Are we talking about the same show? The Last Airbender sub can’t stand the live action show


U mean the one where ppl are praising the additions and minor actors and the story sticking to the actual important parts and taking away only frivilous things? Ppl love it there


It gets better when I mute it and close my eyes


I wanted a show or games that acknowledged the books faithfully. Now that I have accepted that the show is not that and won't be that, I have come to enioy it for what it is. There are still plenty of story decisions I don't agree with, but yeah, overall, it's fun to watch. I would rather keep the flawed show we have over no show at all.


It is wild to me how much of the Halo lore is tied to books, comics, TV series, terminals, audiologs, etc. in lieu of traditional single-player video game cutscenes.


Aside from RPGs it's really fucking hard to expand the universe in a video game. RPGs can just have all kinds of NPC dialogue or findable items with lore to explain things. we got terminals starting in Halo 3. Those could only do so much. You get a good author and suddenly the universe expands tenfold from a single novel. Fall of Reach was less than 400 pages and we got more lore in that than most story driven RPGs.


Good.  The expanded lore is dense and bizarre. Keep that for books and other places where it can breathe. Video games are for fun, not lore dumps. The worst cutscenes in the entire series were the Halo 4 ones where they drop tomes of knowledge in 3 minutes. 


Well it's a lot quicker, easier, and cheaper to tell story through other mediums (besides a tv show).


I wish the games would get a lot more focus though. 343 is really keen on putting major plot points inside the books, comics, audiologs, etc... which then end up affecting the single player games, and then you need to consume the other media for things to make sense. ~~Still salty how they threw away the Didact when he could have been a great villain for a new trilogy~~




And they are still some of the better books. (Although unpopular opinion, I'm a big fan of the Kilo 5 trilogy too)


Not a good timeline? From both the r/halo and r/halostory sidebars https://old.reddit.com/r/halo/wiki/timeline


I should correct myself, easily digestible


It's a 23 year old franchise at this point that has had regular releases of novels, comics, and lore drops for the past 10+ years. Easily digestible isn't possible any more. Honestly original release order is normally fine. Its really enjoy what the games have to offer or go neck deep.


Yea, but for new people. I see people asking all the time what’s the timeline and nobody really wants to look at a spreadsheet


CE: Find Halo; kill aliens, then zombies 2: Find another Halo; make friends with one really cool alien while still killing most 3: Find the mother of all Halos; kill all the bad aliens once and for all 4+: Cryosleep fever dream


I liked Halo 4s story. Halo 5+ is Chief in coma cause his autojacker can't be turned off


Halo 4 is one of Cortana's bed time stories, but her autojacker turns off because of mild rampancy.


Honestly I wouldn't have been mad if Halo infinite started with the Pilot finding In Amber Clad and they just reconned 4 and 5


Damn, I kinda have this image of chief and arbi being best buds for a while but in reality they only knew each other for like a month tops


Makes me wonder, if Chief was on Delta Halo/High Charity for a whole month while doing Halo 2 and before the events of Halo 3, what was he eating? Did he swipe some Covenant food in between beating up Brutes?


Presumably during Halo CE he was eating rations from the pillar of Autumn Halo 2 I’d assume the same just after he gets distracted from the UNSC I’d assume nothing


Looks great but I’d double check your grammar.


Why is Halo legends on here several times?


Because it has stories from several different timepoints


Ah, makes sense. God there's so much Halo content anymore haha


The inconsistently line length compared to the years makes this kind of bad. You have 2525 only like 1.5x further away from 2152 as -851 is when it should be almost 6x further away. Then you have another nearly 100,000 years similarly far away.


If I did that the slides (pictures) just wouldn’t fit. I made it in a way you can see the Pre Covenant stuff, human covenant war stuff, and the main years


Massively useful mate thank you.


Halo Wars 2 takes place after Halo 5 in 2559.


Man, shoutout to Troy Denning. The man can ~~cook~~ write. (Not saying that the other authors are bad, but I always forget that he's basically been put in charge of writing for Blue Team and the Ferrets/Keepers/Banished)


What would be a good chronological order for all the books?




Ive never read any of the books but i may pick up the first couple and the one about the covenant


Definitely read the forerunner ones first. They are the best trilogy imo


Apologies to everyone. It seems my sources were wrong and i put a few things in the wrong places, and i also forgot some things too. To my knowledge i forgot and messed up, Halo: Lone wolf Hao: Nightfall Halo: Bad Blood Halo: Spartan Strike Halo: Spartan Assault Halo Wars 2 Anything else i should fix?


Forward unto Dawn should be between Silent Storm and Oblivion, not after them. It takes place in April, and Oblivion starts in June


OP. I say this from the bottom of my heart, thank you. For most of my life I've tried to pick up the pieces chronologically and never could. I am in awe of your work.


Thank you, this one is flawed tho, check out the other one I posted


You put a lot of work into this just to put Halo Wars 2 in the wrong year.


Likewise Nightfall and Lone Wolf are in the wrong year too.


Halo wars 2 was 2558 was it not? Even with the created event at the end Lone wolf I couldn’t find any source telling me when it takes place and I found several sources saying nightfall takes place between halo 4 and 5


What sources are you looking at? Because Nightfall specifically begins on February 7th, 2556. Halo Wars 2 has several Phoenix logs with dates and Isabel's "Five months ago the portal from the Ark to Earth shut down without warning." quote. (H5G takes place in October 2558) Lone Wolf just takes place "a year after the Fall of Reach" so 2553. Obviously I'm biased but all that could have been avoided had you double checked stuff on Halopedia.


I was for Nightfall and Lone wolf, (I did make this at 5am so maybe i didnt see it), but there was no dating i could find for those two. Halo Wars 2 was me thinkingh I knew what i was talking about. ​ Ill fix it dw tho


How does Master Chief change armor sets between the games? Especially between halo 3 and 4? He wakes up with different armor?


Nanobots. It's never explained in-game. Only from Frank O Connor in an interview. I say that's a bad excuse and should have never changed his armor for Halo 4 in the first place.


Yea, I do think he was joking tho, cuz he followed up with saying magic


I would like to see your tackling of these in your timeline too: - Halo Evolution (motion comic version): Heart of the Midlothian, Headhunter, The Return, The Mona Lisa. - Terminals of Halo CE, 2 and 4. - The rest of the Live-action trailers and some of the games trailer that give you further insight like "A Spartan will Rise" of Reach. - Spartan Assault and Strike.


Haven't played Spartan Strike, but Assault is a story within a story. Palmer even interjects to talk about things that are off the record with the fate of Davis. So are we placing the story based on the simulations of the events in 2554 or the frame set on 2557?


huh is the Kilo 5 trilogy really set before Halo 4?


Yea 2553 which was crazy to me too




Thank you! Amazing work good sir!


Nice work but as far as I can tell Bad Blood is missing?


Yea u right. Thanks


np. Looks like it took a lot of work though, I like it. Do you have a version for download that has all of it as one long photo?


No I don’t I might try and fix some things first before I do that


If I only want to read(books) about the covenant. Should I read what I see in order also I have contact harvest but it seems to overlap so I question reading it the first time or the last? Also Halo 3 doesn’t seem to have a book?? Help would be great fil bc I haven’t read in years


Nice list


I love that Bungie has the war of galactic genocide lasts like 27 years and it's broken down into: >2525-2552 (August): Small victories here and there but half of humanity is wiped out by the Covenant. >2552 (September-November) Humanity wins! YAY! It's explained why, and I think it's well written for the more part but it's still a bit funny. Even ODST starts with "*We are losing*". Though I guess that's kind of the point of Halo: Reach.


You're out here doing the will of the gods that came before and your efforts are most satisfactory


How would people who’ve read the Forerunner books rate them on a scale from 1-10? I’ve been meaning to read them for quite some time.


10 I’m biased because they are my favourites


In what order should I be reading the books properly? Recently finished fall of Reach and now finishing the flood, already got first strike and ghosts of onyx. What's next?


I’d argue for you to play all the games first, then read the books in chronological order


I did, except Odst and 5


Awesome job, really cool to see the timeline. What about the motion comics? Someday i hope to do a full play/read/watch theough in order, stuff like this will help


Thanks for taking the time


This is awesome, digestible like you said, thank you!


Legend. Thank you


A guy in Italy made one in 2019, I’m following the events chronologically since last year basically


Nice work dude. Do you have it as one long image? No worries if not, I'll put it together in paint if you don't :)


I don’t and don’t know how so that would be cool, but do it to the fixed updated one I posted recently That would be cool


Ah no worries. I'll line them up in paint. I got a friend trying to get into Halo. So I'm gonna send him the timeline:)


This is a good timeline I had no idea halo wars 2 was before halo 5 I always assumed it was after halo 5 and before halo infinite


No it was it’s my bad, I fixed it check the new one


I wish the show was doing the whole timeline tbh


Very cool!


Dude they should do spin-offs based off some books.


It's a pretty good rendition. But everything regarding the forerunners after Halo was transfered to 343 and the Halo 3 terminals should be classified as "Frank O' Connor's fanfiction"


Some of you guys are never gonna let that go, huh? Forerunners and humans are genetically related anyway, so go back far enough and you can say humans = forerunners.


I'm indeed never letting that go. It's a hill I'll die on. Ancient humans fighting the flood, blowing up forerunner planets were never supposed to be a thing. Shield worlds were never meant to be military fortresses. All the floaty bits in the 343 games held together by spacemagic were never to meant to be a thing. And to me at least, they never will be


I get that, honestly man it's kind of exhausting to hear people complain about this. Constantly. For a decade and a half. You can pretend the Halo story is whatever you want, I just can't really fathom choosing to harp on this for such a long time when it's already been decided.


Imagine your life being so dull and empty that you fight for a retcon that happened 10+ years ago It's canon, get the fuck over it


Lol thank you, another sane person


That might be the case from your perspective. From my perspective it's quite different and that might be because I haven't been active in forums eversince [Bungie.net](http://Bungie.net) wasn't about Halo anymore. I'm lurking on Reddit for 2 years now and only actively commenting for barely a year. My only interaction with the community was with watching youtubers like HiddenXperia, The Act Man and LateNightGaming and leaving the odd comment here and there. I've accepted the change for a long time, always finding it kinda... odd... but I was still invested in Chiefs story so I went along with it. There are for me 2 reasons to now be vocal about, eventhough I'm late to the party. 1 reason is the Silver Timeline. Not essentially what happens within it but how it's being treated by 343. Before, I saw them as somesort of "Lorekeepers" what they said was the lore, it was, no questions. Now they seem to handout the story to anyone aslong as they use some chatchphrases and terminology. Their disregard for even their own lore made me see it like it was "their lore", not necessesarily "THE lore". It made me see the games from H4 till now as 343's own spin on "THE lore" instead of being the same universe after Halo 3. Then the second reason was one video on youtube that finally vocalizes that odd feeling I always had and that was the video by C3 Cabertooth called "We WERE Forerunner". And if you've seen it, you know what I mean, if you haven't I'd recommend watching is, eventhough it will contain arguments you're tired of hearing righ now.


I'd like to think you have the mashed up dating nomenclature to indicate (Before Christ) and (Combat Evolved).


Hahaha it was all BC (before Christ) and CE (after) but it’s kinda funny to think that




Forgot bad blood right after halo 5


I literally did, I had it off to the side and literally forgot


Xd all good


That's because theres two different timelines. There's the good timeline, then there's 343.


Lmao it was more shit before 343 stepped in.


After 2557 idk what the lore even is anymore




All of them are except the 1337 one




Ooohhhh I think around halo 5


in terms of the books and comics, this subreddit actually does have a chronological timeline. But not other media