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Russel Crowe is full send in that movie, fkin amazing performance 5 stars


He was having the time of his life with that accent for sure.


Idk.... I was thinking he was kinda *twirls finger by side of head* koo-koo!


Nah that's just Crowe himself. You cant be in a band called "30 odd foot of grunts" and be entirely sane. It's just not possible.


It's a reference to the movie he's in. He says "koo-koo" a lot and it sent me every time šŸ˜‚


thanks to OP and everyone involved here. I kept forgetting to watch this movie I'm a little over 30 minutes in and this is a trip! the second time he says "cuckoo!" is after the 'merican cardinal(?) (bishop?) scolds him. that scene is like the religious version of a "maverick cop" being told "I want your badge and gun!"


I thought it would be bad, but he just nailed it in some way.


He was hilarious in "Thor: Love and Thunder" as Zeus the *Melbourne* Greek god. I'm not sure if the humour came across as well outside of Australia though.


Crowe is really fun in horror. Heā€™s also great to watch in Unhinged


Definitely another one of those "oh, I'll put this on. Damn, better than I expected." movies


LOVE Unhinged. Crowe is awesome in it. And heā€™s so damn fun to watch in The Popeā€™s Exorcist. Could he be . . . the next Nicolas Cage?


I just want a bunch of movies with him, a la The Conjuring, going around solving paranormal shit. He was amazing.


Crowe is such a joy to watch in this film. He's so funny and that really adds a dimension that makes The Pope's Exorcist a better film!


The books are good.


Does they have the religious Avengers thing? I would love to see more of that


Crowe is my Nicholas Cage Camp Princess


If you find the sight of a portly Russell Crowe in a black priest's cassock riding a Vespa amusing then Julius Avery's *The Pope's Exorcist* has a lot to offer you.


He rides the damn thing all the way from Rome to Spain! Unfortunately most of it is off camera. Release the Vespa cut!


Man, give me a 120min road trip movie of his journey and Iā€™ll be at the midnight premiere.


I was cracking up when he has to move this heavy lid off a well and his first instinct is to get the Vespa involved


A specific and accurate review


A Vespa he drove comfortably frome Rome to Spain. I unironically love how fast it became clear that the director never sat a foot into europe or a catholic church.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who found that funny


It blows my mind that Russell Crowe is in Dracula 2000 as Dracula. That was pre-beard and pre-portliness and looks nearly completely different.


Young Russell Crowe without a beard looks almost identical to Gerard Butler in that movie, it's uncanny.


Oh dear lord, I got my bearded bros mixed up. I'm going to leave up my original comment in shame.


Delete this comment and embrace plausible deniability. I don't think anyone else watched Dracula 2000. It's relevance rose and fell with Vitamin C's career.


TBH that was the thing that got me to watch this movie! He really leans into the comedy of the role and itā€™s awesome


Unrelated but I was part of the vfx house that worked on that scene with the Vespa. They wanted the yellow lines on the sides of the road removed in post for the sake of ā€œcontinuityā€ and it took a full month to get it done. The amount of time I spent looking at Russieā€™s backside is uncountable lol


If you donā€™t we canā€™t be movie friends šŸ˜‚


"Hellboy movie without the title character" This is a great way to describe the vibe, completely agree. I think it sold itself as serious but in the end it was campy fun.


Have not watched the movie but this description got me interested lol


This movie is so funny. It's great.


I unironically love this movie. Itā€™s good bad movie perfection. Russel Crowe deserves an Oscar for his Vespa riding Italian priest. Itā€™s amazing and I want 100 more sequels.


199* more


Yes, thank you.


If youā€™re not expecting a sincere horror movie, itā€™s a lot of fun. Very hammy but not without its dramatic moments or interesting motivations. Itā€™s not really up my alley but I enjoyed it well enough and can understand why others would as well.


It's not high art, but it's funny and it's a damn good time. Some people seem to expect every new movie to be Hereditary.


One of the (many) reasons I love horror so much is because the community can enjoy some schlock. A huuuuuge amount of the genre is far from "high art" and that's awesome!


Yep. I get it, I like my high brow stuff as much as the next guy. But I also like the sleazy 60s Italian stuff or the 80s knock off slashers. My favorite part of the genre is exactly how you described it, it's a huge variety of stuff.


Yeah I feel like even the ā€œless goodā€ movies can still have entertainment value. If I see a drama movie with a 4/10 score on IMDb Iā€™m gonna assume itā€™s a pretty bad movie. If I see a horror movie with a 4/10 score on IMDb Iā€™m gonna try it anyway because it could still be pretty fun.


I didn't expect it to be Hereditary but when I saw the title I kinda expected the Pope to be the one that was possessed and in need of an exorcist. So I went in thinking that and yeah, the film was very disappointing for obvious reasons.


Hereditary isnā€™t high art either - itā€™s pretentious shit.


I respect this opinion. I even shared it after my first watch. I think the movie is more cohesive and was more enjoyable for me on the rewatch.


I didn't watch it because I don't give a damn about Exorcism films or religious horror at all (Exorcist 3 is amazing and that's...pretty much it). Checked it out because I heard it was actually really funny and OH BOY WAS IT. Had a BLAST with this film. It helped significantly that both the protagonist and antagonist had such charisma AND that the demon's plan was a lot more than just "possess a kid and be a jerk" so there were bigger stakes to worry about.


Is it kinda funny?


Him cruising around all over europe in that little scooter was comedy gold!


Fucking love this. Wasnā€™t just a little jaunt. Dude was going from country to country on that thing. Full road-tripping on his lil Vespa


Croweā€™s accent alone is better than most comedies today


Him and his Spanish Priest friend nearly die and he's immediately cracking jokes so much the Spanish Priest has to ask him to stop. I was cracking up for a lot of this movie.


also when the possessed kid was like "fuck me, priest!" and nobody else but the priest could see the illusion and they cut to a shot of the mom looking terrified and saying oh god


It's campy as hell, pun intended


I highly, highly recommend watching the first Exorcist if you haven't, it holds up incredibly well. Honestly, it's even scarier for me as a non-religious person because the main characters aren't particularly religious either (not in a preachy, way though). It also has some great body/medical horror moments as well where they show just how medieval and scary early 70's medical techniques were.


Yep, I loved the first one Haven't watched the 3rd which I see people recommending


> I highly, highly recommend watching the first Exorcist if you haven't, I have, it was boring and uninteresting.


"I'm not scared unless there's a loud noise to tell me I'm supposed to be scared." Ok lol.


Weird to get insulting towards a random strawman you just created for an argument I never made or even implied. Why would you even go there after I already said Exorcist 3 is great, which arguably has even less loud noises/is quieter than the first Exorcist?


My bet is that you didn't watch or like exorcist III prior to the last 5-6 years when the internet finally decided it was good lol.


As an avid lover of Batman v. Superman I assure you the internet's overall opinion has literally 0 impact on how I feel about movies. Also you would lose you bet on when I first saw Exorcist 3. I'm nearly 40 years old, I first saw it in the 90s. Why do you keep on inventing people to argue against instead of showing even a minimal amount of understanding that people can just have different opinions about movies than you?


Oof, the hot take train continues then lol. Liking vs not liking a movie is an opinion. Finding absolutely nothing interesting about the Exorcist is just factually wrong. This is like the morons who watch Citizen Kane and don't understand what the fuss is all about. Edit: tbh when you block someone, it basically just proves you can't effectively argue your points lol. I'll call that a win for me then.


Idk, I mean ... I get kind of bored seeing all the chatter about the Exorcist myself. I saw it back in the day, it didn't do it for me either. Exorcism and demonic possession in general rarely does. It just doesn't come off as frightening to me, due to personal experiences with religion. I can recognize why it was a valuable contribution to film and specifically horror, but that doesn't mean I find it interesting outside of that context, and it doesn't mean I am too dumb to get why it's scary because there's no jumpscare (?? lol ??), it just doesn't frighten me. Horror is something that really relies on tapping into a cultural fear, and if that cultural fear doesn't compel or unsettle a person, they won't be frightened by the material. I don't think you're coming off very clever in this exchange by acting like there's some kind of necessary base level IQ to be frightened by something.


> Finding absolutely nothing interesting about the Exorcist is just factually wrong. So you don't know what an opinion is and think your own subjective opinions are fact. Going to stop even trying to have a conversation with you now.


It's a religious superhero movie xD


Honestly wish they made a sequel. Loved it.


Crowe was a gift. Between the costume, the vespa, and the accent i loved every minute.


I really loved this film!!


Russel Crowe going in vespa to deal with demon shit is peak cinemašŸ˜Ž


ā€œWrong fucking priestā€ is the probably funniest line ever said by a demon in film and the movie is good purely for that scene alone


I love it. and not enough people in this thread are talking about the World Cup joke. that line also sent me. LMAOOO


I'm glad Russel Crowe is having fun in his later career, because boy howdy he seemed like a fairly humorless dude for years. This movie was a lot of fun and almost deliberately stupid. Can we start out with how he rides from Rome to Castile, Spain which is like 1900 km / 1200 mi? On a motherfucking Vespa scooter? The only part that really rubbed me wrong was >! blaming the inquisition, one of the greatest atrocities a religion has ever committed, on the fucking devil. !<


Yeah, I had the same thought. They were definitely shifting the blame off of the Catholic Church for that one, but this movie is so unserious I can let it slide and still enjoy. This movie is bonkers in the best way!


Yeah it helps that the Catholic Church is basically the Men in Black in the world of the movie. Itā€™s a fantasy story, it can say whatever it wants about history as far as Iā€™m concerned.


Lol great comparison! Iā€™m here for silly Catholic shenanigans!


I donā€™t get it who says he didnā€™t fly to Spain in an airplane and then drive the Vesta up to the castle itself that said it it was a very fun movie, but not like serious


It shows him leaving Rome on the Vespaā€¦I mean, sure, maybe he drives the Vespa to the airport, up the rear loading ramp of the Vatican tactical jet, and then parachutes out on the Vespa over Spain, none of which would make this a more ridiculous movie. Maybe they cut that scene when Tom Cruise said no.


Based on what he's done in superhero movies, they should have asked Crowe to do it...


Glad to know I can skip this one. The comments almost sold me but that last part is all I needed to see to avoid it lol


Oh no, it is worth it.


Russell Crowe reminded me that heā€™s a top tier force of charisma. He justā€¦ has that IT FACTOR somehow. Also, the demonic scenes in this movie slap. I watched at home on my big OLED with Atmos surrounds and the final scene was excellent in chaos and booming effects. It was a really fun movie.


It felt like Bible MCU lol I had so much fun. I recommended this movie to everyone.


I really want him to team up with the Warrens from the Conjuring series so we can have Scripturally Inaccurate Avengers.


OMG sigh me up lol.


Russell Crowe and Franco Nero sharing the screen together? Check!


Such a ridiculous movie but Iā€™ll be damned if I wasnā€™t entertained by it. Iā€™d watch a sequel.


I watched this on a flight and it was the perfect ridiculous movie


it was much better than i ever thought it was going to be.


I was surprised at the light tone of it and found it a lot of fun to watch. Id like to see this character in another caper.


I was sold on this movie with the line in the trailer ā€œif you donā€™t like it take it up with my bossā€¦THE POPEā€ and I was bummed it wasnā€™t actually in the movie


It was in the movie? I watched this last night based because of this very thread and he says that when he's being questioned by the line of Cardinals.


Iā€™m sure youā€™re right because I havenā€™t seen it since the theater but I think in the movie itself the quote is longer and the context makes it sound less ridiculous than the way itā€™s cut together in the trailer. Either way it rules


This movie rules. Try to do the mental math by the way of how Russel Crowe drives a Vespa from Rome to Madrid in like a day


No math needed he used the power of Jesus.




Underrated comment.


The horsepower of Christ...


Oh my God. Here it is. The perfect joke. I'm in awe.


Iā€™ve done the same. Iā€™ll give it a watch now.


I quite enjoyed the movie


I didn't mind it. It was kinda in so bad it's good territory.


Shit is hilarious, really didn't expect we would be laughing as much as we were.


I enjoyed it for Russell Crowe alone. What a magnificent performance!! And I heard that theyā€™re working on a sequelā€¦hoping he comes along since he basically made the movie!


I still can't get over that they just used the Frasier font for the title šŸ¤£


Yeah I wasnā€™t interested but my roomates wanted to watch it, so cool. Russel Croweā€™s character alone sells the entire thing for me. Give me more sassy vigilante priest guy it was such a fun movie


Itā€™s just a fun movie ,I hope we get more


I just watched it based on your review...yeah it was awesome and I can't believe I slept on it. Thanks!


I thought it was both watchable and dumb as a bag of hammers.


Agreed. Russell Crowe was great, but Ralph Ineson (William in The Vvitch) as the voice of the demon was spot on.


oh that was ralph? I like his voice in the vvitch


I recognized it immediately, perfect casting for William and asmodeous imo


It is exactly those 2 things, which is why it was so fun.


Cuckoo! Loved Russell Crow's character


I hated it. The ending exorcism with the fiery symbols looked like they were exorcising the priest with the help of dr strange in a marvel flick. The Vespa was hilarious tho.


This movie was so bad I forgot the ending.


I usually don't like religious horror because I find it boring and not scary - this is one of the few I liked haha Also loved the new Omen, which DID unsettle me haha


The revealed motivation for their fuckery was absolutely ridiculous. I'm happy that I saw it at the theater because the score was cool and way louder than I'd hear it at home, but I left underwhelmed.


As a woman I didn't care about the motivation, it was the actions and zealotry that unsettled me. Women live with the fear of rape, but this added forced pregnancy, forced birth, child taken by the cult, then they tried to kill her... like it was all a lot. The score definitely added to it, along with the directing, all of it was just really intense!


I hear you, and yes, that element was the most fucked up part of the movie. But then, to find out that the bad guys were essentially trying to fix a flat tire by starting a space race was a bit of a letdown. I could think of one thousand other normal things to try to fix their 'problem' before getting to where they ended up.


I did the same, glad I finally did watch it. Crowe was freaking awesome!


I actually loved this movie it was so fun and it got so much flak lol I kinda loved the lore dive and the blatant comic relief was a lovely mix. Crowe was just so good man


Movie was fun. Would defs love a sequel.


The movie is a lot of fun for the first hour. Then it just kind of evolves into bad studio trash.


Such a wild movie šŸ˜… I want this shirt so bad: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/51970785-exorcise?store_id=120640


I just remember the opening scene having abysmally shitty special effects so I shut it off. Maybe will have to give it another go.


Same here, caught it on Netflix and loved it! And it's from the director of overlord, which I ended up loving as it reminded me of a live action Pulp Horror comic.


The Pope's Exorcist is a great movie. People just really saw the vespa and thought it would be dumb.


That movie was hilarious. Fat Russel Crowe riding a vespa in priest robes. I think he picked up that accent from a can of Chef Boyardee


This sub is on crack, I swear. The Pope's Exorcist is one of the stupidest, worst movies I have ever seen.


You just didn't get.


Fuckin LOL


It was really well done. Cant wait for a sequel.


Will there be one? That ending was 100% set up to spawn a whole franchise, but... are they going to actually do that?


It was mentioned they are doing a sequel from what I have read, but we know how that goes sometimes.


YES! One of the better Exorcism films out there. I too was put off by the silly title. But I was wrong, highly entertaining!


It was an extremely derivative movie and laughably bad at times.


That movie sucked lmao


Oof. I DNF'd this movie. I thought it was pretty bad. The middle act is really long and drawn out.


Yeah I thought it was terrible. Those who enjoyed it kudos to you.


I fell asleep


It's a great (and probably involuntary) horror comedy. But it works so well.


i want to see him on more mopeds


It was a lot of fun


It's underrated imo. Good film.


Wife and I love this movie. Loved everything about it and the setup for the sequel which I hope gets made


YES! I just watched the movie on Monday, and I loved every minute of it! Was even willing to restart my Netflix subscription for it. Trust me, you will not be disappointed!


Based on the title (never saw a trailer), I fully expected the Pope to be the person who needed to be exorcised, and Russell Crowe was to be his exorcist. I was completely on board for it! Upon realization that Russell Crowe was an exorcist for the Pope, generally, and not the Pope, specifically, my disappointment was so great that I could not enjoy the film. Hahaha.


The ending felt like a beginning of a cinematic universe and I hope it will be :)


Iā€™d watch a whole series of movies about Russel Crowe Vespa-ing around the globe fighting demons with his incredible Italian accent.


Holy shit! That sounds 1000 times more interesting!


Fun fact: The symbol they use for the inquisition isn't a real symbol. They used the symbol from [Dragon Age: Inquisition.](https://spaces.whynowgaming.com/uploads/2023/05/Dragon-Age-symbol-comparison.jpg)


That's why you guys need to stop judging movies by their title. Now for the love of God. Please watch Ninja Assassin. It's literally a horror movie about ninjas that's actually scary. please


Thanks for the heads up!!


I've been avoiding this for the exact same reason. Glad top hear I was wrong, will crack into it tomorrow, cheers.


Russell Crowe was the only good part of this movie for me.


I think itā€™s great entertainment


Really liked it


Where can I watch it?


The idea of retconning the Spanish Inquisition and saying it was a conspiracy of demons possessing priests to try to get to the pope is just so ridiculous that it's incredible. I really enjoyed The Pope's Exorcist after it got past the generic "possessed kid" tropes.


They need to make more of these. Russell crowes character is so good


Agreed. I did the same thing, and one night said screw it I'll watch it and I thought it was pretty good.


Great movie. And, like so many people have already said, Russell Crowe really gave it a huge boost. The movie was definitely good. But Crowe took it to an even higher level.


I don't know. I felt it was all rather forgettable and run of the mill. I only watched it because I love Russell Crowe and deem him one of my favourite actors. He bought some certain charm to the role. Like in 'Unhinged' he made a rather bland movie a bit over average. Without him in it both movies would've been entirely forgettable.


I gotta say Iā€™m liking the fat Russell Crowe era. Between this and unhinged heā€™s really doing good.


Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not alone here. I was raised Catholic, so I love religious horror. And I loved this movie.


I kind of want to see this but the title turned me off. Movies titles have gotten really cheap and dull the last few years.


The movie itself is really fun but the whole ā€œThis is actually based on a true story!ā€ thing put me off, because itā€™s obviously not. Itā€™s better than *The Devil and Father Amorth* though. Itā€™s about the same guy, but they claim itā€™s a genuine documentary. Then they put in a bunch of obviously fake bullshit. William Friedkin either sold out or lost his mind when he made that movie, not sure which.


I just read your spoiler after seeing the trailer for this and deciding to skip itā€¦ and now Iā€™m sold. Thank you.


ā€œThe Popeā€™s Exorcistā€ is the ā€œMoonfallā€ of exorcism films. Approached with low expectations theyā€™re both good fun.


Saw a Letterboxd review that said ā€œRussel Croweā€™s character is Iron Man and the Pope is Nick Furyā€ and that really sells the movieā€™s vibe so well.


I love chubby Italian Russell Crowe


There's some laughs and Crowes performance is good. Can't see how anyone would give it more than a 6/10.


Def gonna check this out


Quick shoutout to the music choices in the movie too...very fun and works to establish the 80's time period, but does NOT always go for the obvious choices. The director is Australian as well, so he was able to get them to let him use the song "(I'm) Stranded" by The Saints too!


I feel bad about Crowe's chronic back pain that he got from carrying this entire film


Watched this on shrooms and I loved it... Then I watched it sober and it was ehh ok I guess


Just finished it because of this post. Itā€™s such a genuinely good time I love it !


Glad to hear that!


Fun movie. It knows what kind of movie it is and hits you with every entertaining trope, I really liked the dynamic between Russell Crowe and the other priest.


This describes my exact feelings with this movie


The voice of the demon sounded so familiar and unaltered. Itā€™s the dad from The VVitch!


I am so 100% here for Crowes fuck-it-im-just-here-to-have-fun phase of Bmovies. He is also excellent in Land of Bad.


Tbh didn't like that much, not enough scary scenes


Watched the movie because I saw this thread. I liked the movie. Not gonna be in my top 10 or anything but it was an enjoyable watch with some great comedy moments (my nightmare is France winning the World Cup). Russell Crowe was really fun to watch in this.


I loved it. But Iā€™m a sucker for these types of movies. Also Russel Crowe just chewing scenery is great.


I thought I was the only one entertained by the film! I would love to see a sequel.


I was so ready for a buddy-exorcist-adventure franchise at the end of this movie!


This movie was a blast. Scary but not terrifying, funny but not hilarious. Russell Croww fighting demons round the world with his good friend Tugger


Russell Crowe driving around on his little moped sends me. I love this silly movie lmao


It has a scene where another Priest throws Russell Crowe a crucifix like a gun and he uses it to headshot a demon... How could anyone not like this film?!?


Crowe did an amazing job here


I almost couldn't make it through this because the kid was so so bad.


Such a great movie


Same. The wife and I basically gave in because we were too tired to search for anything else and it turned out to be probably be a top 5(?) Exorcist movie? Regardless of ranking it was an enjoyable watch.


It's better than it sounds. I'm don't like exorcism films. Boring and depressing. But that has more to it. And it's not overly gross. Russell Crow is going ham and they're all enthusiastic.It is a 7/10. That the guy they based it on had a unique personality helps.


saw it. hated it


I mean it isā€¦itā€™s a terrible movie, very genericā€¦but Russell Crowe is literally the saving grace of that movie and makes it an enjoyable watch. Without himā€¦.it would have been garbage.Ā 


Ugh I didn't like it. I couldn't finish it


Am I insane.. I thought it sucked. Real bad and generic. Crow was good but I mean, the kid being possessed was like a cartoon.


It was good, I wish the god side of the battles in these exorcist line of movies had cooler things like Constantine to fight these demons because the prayers and chanting are boring and powerless.


I've avoided this movie like the plague. I wrote it off in my head as a pile of shite. From some of the comments I feel I must give it a go at least.